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Your Creator Matrix: How to Use Optimal Wellness and Quantum Healing to Master Your Story and Create Your Reality
Your Creator Matrix: How to Use Optimal Wellness and Quantum Healing to Master Your Story and Create Your Reality
Your Creator Matrix: How to Use Optimal Wellness and Quantum Healing to Master Your Story and Create Your Reality
Ebook540 pages6 hours

Your Creator Matrix: How to Use Optimal Wellness and Quantum Healing to Master Your Story and Create Your Reality

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As human beings, we are beginning to wake up to our inner multidimensional power and our ability to consciously cocreate our lives. However, with this power comes the responsibility to master the creation process so that we can be who we were designed to be while here on Earth.

Your Creator Matrix is the interconnected framework that links your mind, body, and spirit on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) with the Unified Field. When we master our stories—the deeply-held narratives and beliefs that influence all of our choices and creations—and learn how to digest our life experiences in new ways, we gain the power to choose new future timelines and manifest the wellness, abundance, and love we truly desire.

In this thought-provoking book, researcher and integrative health coach Cathleen Beerkens shows us how quantum physics and the new sciences of epigenetics, glycobiology, and nutrigenetics can support us to create optimal cellular health, digest and assimilate our old storylines, nourish ourselves at all levels for optimal wellness, and begin to operate fully as the Creator in our lives for the good of all.
Release dateApr 29, 2024
Your Creator Matrix: How to Use Optimal Wellness and Quantum Healing to Master Your Story and Create Your Reality

Cathleen Beerkens

Cathleen Beerkens is the founder of A Wellness Revolution and a pioneer in the space of holistic healing. She teaches students and clients how to work with the new sciences to heal their bodies, expand their consciousness, and create the lives they truly desire.Learn more about Cathleen at

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    Your Creator Matrix - Cathleen Beerkens


    Never before have we seen a perspective on manifestation like this. Through science and story, Cathleen shows us how we can create, refine, and design our reality by optimizing our well-being at the cellular level. This book will forever change the way you see yourself as an integrated being and Creator.

    — Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times best-selling author of

    Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

    "You can feel the wealth of experience bouncing off the pages. This is a real story from Cathleen Beerkens of a life lived to bring us the foremost wisdom in health. With flavors of manifestation, epigenetics, and of course the importance of energy, this book will lead you to where we all wish to go A new earth and the future of medicine."

    — Paul Congdon, Publisher and Owner, Positive Live Magazine

    This book is a tremendous treatise on becoming your best self. Cathleen masterfully introduces and expertly explains the emerging new sciences, most importantly the less well-known field of nutrition glycoscience, and how sugar structures build our cellular foundation that allow our body to communicate the metabolic functions necessary to create physical, emotional, and ultimately spiritual wholeness in our eternal journey to acquire more truth and light. This book will occupy a special place in my library.

    — Larry Law, scientist and author of There’s an Elephant in the Room: Exposing Hidden Truths in the Science of Health

    "Cathleen Beerkens’ The Creator Matrix is a visionary guide, seamlessly merging profound insights with practical wisdom. Discover the art of crafting and enhancing your reality within its pages while prioritizing your well-being. Cathleen’s experience creates a roadmap for a fulfilling life where the power to shape your existence and nurture your well-being is firmly in your hands. An enlightening journey into the heart of personal empowerment. Just as Cathleen writes, ‘Via your Creator Matrix, every part of who you are has a role to play in your evolution.’"

    — Maryam Morrison, The Eden Magazine

    Copyright ©2023 by Cathleen Beerkens. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. To request permissions, contact [email protected].

    Disclaimer: This is a work of nonfiction. Nonetheless, some of the names and identifying character traits of people featured in the stories herein have been changed in order to protect their identities. Any resulting resemblance to persons either living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    The publisher and the Authors make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this book or its contents, and assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein. Although the authors are medical experts, the content of this book is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease, including mental health conditions. You understand that this book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare provider. The use of this book implies your acceptance of this disclaimer.

    At the time of publication, the URLs displayed in this book refer to existing websites owned by Cathleen Beerkens/The Wellness Revolution and/or authors’ affiliates. WorldChangers Media is not responsible for, nor should be deemed to endorse or recommend, these websites; nor is it responsible for any website content other than its own, or any content available on the internet not created by WorldChangers Media.

    Hardcover: 978-1-955811-63-7

    E-book: 978-1-955811-64-4

    LCCN: 2024900900

    First hardcover edition: March 2024

    Cover and interior artwork: Deborah Caiola /

    Author photos: Robin Caiola /

    Layout and typesetting: Bryna Haynes

    Published by WorldChangers Media

    PO Box 83, Foster, RI 02825


    This book is dedicated to Source and Humanity.

    I honor the resilient human spirit that has courageously navigated its way through the ages, playing out many stories of duality. With unwavering hearts, we all now step into the uncharted realm of a New Earth, co-creating our shared future destiny.

    May these pages resonate with the echoes of your journey, inspiring courage, growth, and a collective pursuit of a brighter, harmonious, more loving future. May you be inspired to embrace your true power as divine co-Creators, evolving into the best versions of yourselves.


    Through my family lineage, I inherited a penchant for rebellion and change.

    My father’s Irish and Italian ancestors left the old country in search of a new world with greater freedoms and more opportunities. My mother’s family was also European and were among the early settlers in America. This taste for change and adventure carried through to my parents and manifested as a desire to rebel against the status quo. Many of our family dinner conversations centered around making the world a more just and peaceful place.

    We are all influenced by our genetics, as well as certain defining moments in our lives. Although I was shaped and molded by many positive experiences, those that had the greatest impact on my storylines were the ones that triggered my innermost fears. They sparked a journey of discovery that inspired me to search for answers about life’s deeper meaning. This lifelong pursuit guided me to greater consciousness and mastery of health and wellness. I strongly believed that I could not do what I was meant to do here on Earth if I was not optimally well and healed. I understood, over time, that I could overcome anything because I am the Creator of my reality.

    My childhood was bumpy, and I can pinpoint several experiences that propelled me toward my journey of transformation.

    When I was in second grade, there was a boy in my class who had leukemia. Looking back, I see that it wasn’t a coincidence that we became friends. We were drawn to each other and spent many happy hours together, despite his pain. I witnessed his suffering with intense compassion, so much so that I couldn’t focus on my schoolwork. Then, he died. I had known that he was sick, but his death came as a total shock to me, and it triggered deep fears of illness, suffering and death. I immediately felt connected to thoughts that I could not trust my body and that the idea of death made living life paralyzing. I already had a deep understanding that these emotions and fears resonated with many of the stories told by the Jewish members of my family. Watching my friend die at such a young age, combined with these family influences, shaped my attitudes and perceptions throughout the rest of my life.

    Just a few years later, when I was in fifth grade, I had a teacher whom I really loved. Her caring nature spoke to me in ways that no other teacher had ever done. One day, she told the class that she wouldn’t be in school tomorrow, but that we shouldn’t be afraid. Those words still ring in my ears. She went home and committed suicide that evening. It was too much to comprehend. This story triggered my fears again.

    During my adolescence, as I was swimming in the ocean with my siblings, a rip tide came in. Suddenly I found myself struggling. The waves were slamming over me, and I couldn’t catch my breath. I was never a great swimmer, and panic took over. I called out for help. Luckily, my brother, Paul, who is an excellent swimmer, rescued me. I had by then inhaled much water and it took me a while to breathe normally again. This near-death experience was a direct confrontation with my fear of death and made it very clear and conscious. I will be forever grateful to Paul for reaching me in time!

    These experiences reinforced the fears and stories I already carried around suffering and death. Something deep inside me—my survival instinct—got triggered again. For years, I kept my teacher’s picture and continued to connect with her sadness. While people told me she was better off where she had gone, I didn’t believe it.

    Later, when my parents got divorced, I equated that loss in many ways to the deaths I’d experienced as a young child. Every movie and television show seemed to be about tragedy, illness, and death. Once, I was watching a movie about a child suffering from appendicitis, and I had such extreme empathy that I could feel actual pain in my own lower abdomen. It seemed my whole being was attuned to others’ pain and suffering.

    My third big defining moment was not about me, or any one individual, but rather about groups of people—in particular, the Black and Hispanic communities, and their struggles during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and 1970s.

    My mother and father worked tirelessly with organizations that helped fight for civil and equal rights for all people. My mother became a political activist. While our friends went off to tennis practice or music lessons, we went to protest rallies. When our family moved to Saginaw, Michigan, we chose a house in a mixed inner-city district, with the intention of demonstrating that black and white people could live together side by side. Our neighborhood was peaceful, and we were surrounded by families of many backgrounds. I learned the greatest respect and admiration for Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and his gospel of non-violent resistance. From our family’s perspective, at least, his dream seemed possible.

    Then, in the summer of 1967, our lives changed forever. The Saginaw Riots tore apart our community. Police surrounded a house near ours and began shooting at people (regardless of color) in the street outside our home. I remember hearing gunshots, and my mother hissing, Get the other kids and hide under the bed! I gathered my five siblings and we all huddled together, praying no stray bullets would come through the bedroom windows.

    After it was over, many people from our integrated neighborhood marched on City Hall and blocked traffic with a sit-in. Neighbors were beaten up by police, and more than fifty people were arrested downtown. In the aftermath, we were forced to move for our own safety.

    The fear of death and pain were already deeply embedded in me, but this time a new layer was indelibly marked on my soul: the will and determination of people willing to fight for their freedom.

    Within a year of the Saginaw Riots, Dr. King had been assassinated, but his dream lives on. In our modern world, we see new layers of the old stories about racism and separateness being peeled back and beginning to heal. Today’s discontent is the foundation and the groundswell for a revolution of another kind. People still feel that they are not free or safe, and the time has come for fundamental change.

    I realized, even as a teenager, that moving away from our neighborhood did not solve any problems. However, rather than distance myself from trouble, I wanted to confront it head-on. A world filled with fear and insecurity did not feel like a home I wanted to live in. Thanks to my mother, I got that chance.

    Despite our experiences in Saginaw, my mother’s passion for change was not diminished. After leaving that city, we moved to Washington, D.C., where I went to high school. There, my mom became the East Coast organizer for the social revolutionary César Chávez. Born into a Mexican American farmworker family, Chávez witnessed firsthand how few rights and protections farm workers had in the Southwestern United States. In many ways, they were treated no better than slaves.

    Chávez became a champion for human rights. He represented farmworkers who had historically been prevented from unionizing. Chávez followed the non-violent tradition of King and Gandhi before him, connecting people all across the country with the call to free his people. Agricultural workers were living in shacks with little food and no medical care; and they had no way to voice their grievances. Through marches, strikes, and boycotts Chávez forced employers to pay a living wage, give other benefits, and eventually agree to a bill of rights for workers. With others, he created the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA).

    I remember the grape boycott of the late 1960s. Our family went without grapes and lettuce for about five years. In the end, participation and perseverance won out. As Chávez famously said in his 1984 speech in San Francisco, Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. We have seen the future, and the future is ours.¹

    César Chávez with my mother, Mary Stephanie Blondis, circa 1968

    Alongside Chávez stood Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the National Farm Workers Association, and lead organizer of the grape strikes and subsequent settlement talks. The famous phrase Si, se puede (yes, we can) originated with her. She was a strong woman who inspired countless other women to stand up for their rights. She also inspired me. I stood on the picket lines every weekend alongside the protesters working with Chávez, Huerta, and my mother, holding signs and raising my voice for change. Despite the huge job of raising six children, my mother still prioritized the struggle.

    Through all of this, I wondered if I, too, could begin to make a difference in the world. If someone like Dolores Huerta—a woman from humble origins who, despite her incredible achievements, spent much of her life being treated like a second-class citizen by those in power—could lead a movement that gave millions of people the courage to create change for the better, then maybe I could too. I began to look around for what I could do to make a difference in the world.

    Our home in Washington, D.C. was right next to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Walter Reed is famous for being the hospital of choice for American presidents and congresspeople. It is massive, and constantly undergoing construction and refurbishments. After one major addition to the Medical Center, the neighboring families were invited to the opening as compensation for the prolonged inconvenience. My father wanted to go, and I felt a deep longing in my heart to go with him. He was always there for me and my siblings as a guiding force in finding our right career paths. From the moment we walked through the door of that hospital, I was struck as if by lightning. Strangely, it was as though my soul had found a way to give attention to my ongoing fears of illness, suffering, and death in a manner that could create positive results. I felt a tremendous pull in my heart to do this work, not only to heal others but to heal myself.

    I had stumbled across my calling. Someday, I would work in a hospital.

    Because of my genetic background and life experience, I was prepared to see this calling for what it was. I was excited to know my passion—an ideal that my father had been chasing from job to job and city to city for my whole young life.

    Moreover, I felt that I had found my purpose for being born into this family at this time. Perhaps this was my reason for being here on Earth, and I had come here to this planet to help people heal.

    It felt true. And so, I began.

    From that moment on, I had an insatiable hunger to learn everything I could about human health. At that time, the best pathway for me was to become a registered nurse. It did occur to me to follow in my grandfather’s and uncle’s footsteps and become a doctor. However, there were two issues with this. First, I was the eldest of six children, and my parents still needed to put my five siblings through private education. I was not willing to take that much from them. Second, I felt a strong desire to help people through education, as I had already been practicing my whole life with my five siblings in the basements of our various homes. Looking back, being a nurse was far more difficult for me than being a doctor, mainly because I had to learn to truly listen to people and deal with their suffering up close and personal. Many of the psychics that I have visited along my path told me that I had been a doctor in several of my previous past lives and it was necessary for me in this lifetime to be in a nursing position. The twelve-year process in this role was definitely humbling, and I have tremendous respect for all nurses everywhere.

    From my mother and grandparents, I knew that women’s education was a source of prosperity and success for families and for societies. My great-great-grandmother was a suffragette. Isn’t it interesting to realize that women did not get the right to vote until around the 1920s in many Western nations? In many ways, the work of women’s emancipation still carries on today. I feel inspired by my great-great-grandmother and other courageous women who were willing to stand up for equal rights.

    My great-great-grandmother, Alice Halpin Milard (far left), and her fellow suffragettes, circa 1900

    By taking this path to help others heal and emancipate themselves from suffering, I felt like I was following in the footsteps of my predecessors, both male and female. I began my university experience studying psychology and biology, and ultimately chose human health and health education. I applied to nursing school at Georgetown University, where I came face-to-face with the reality of what was happening in our modern hospitals. After graduation, I worked in a surgical unit that specialized in ENT. I thought I would be taking care of people who had tonsillectomies; however, the reality was far grimmer. Most of the cases on this unit were radical neck surgeries due to cancer. It was the most shocking experience of my life. People were losing their ability to speak, eat, and breathe, and the surgeries were often completely disfiguring. I learned here about the power of the human spirit.

    I started offering to give presentations for the nurses on pertinent educational topics, and eventually transferred to the high-risk labor and delivery unit, where I remained for many years. I taught childbirth education, worked with midwives, and began my appreciation for a more holistic view on health. Twelve years into my career, I moved to the Netherlands with my husband, raised three children, and eventually discovered my own healing abilities. My mother-in-law played a vital role in connecting me to my path of healing and became my biggest supporter.

    After many experiences, some of which I will share in this book, I started to understand what connections are necessary to truly become healthy and well. I found many of the answers I was searching for through studying and researching the new sciences, and continued to ask questions and connect the dots of the complex underlying web of our changing reality.

    In the Netherlands, I began to help people heal through the power of nutrition, emotional healing, energy healing, and spiritual integration. I specialized in reflexology, Polarity Healing, reconnective healing, and health and wellness coaching, among other modalities. The Netherlands was at the forefront of integrative medicine at that time. I began to spread the knowledge that I learned throughout the Netherlands and the United States about the complexities of health and wellness.

    After many years, I was spiritually inspired to write a course. The first year of teaching this course left me humbled and grateful for the many hard lessons I needed to learn. I was a bit reluctant to continue, but that changed when I had a spiritual experience—at Disney World, of all places. I was with my family in the theme park when, suddenly, I heard a voice. (If this hadn’t happened to me, I’d roll my eyes at this point in the story, too.) The voice said, I am Michael.

    I ignored the voice for the rest of the day. However, back at our lodgings, I realized that I was hearing the Archangel Michael. Upon this realization, I was humbled and began a conversation with him in the apartment. Michael asked me to look up Thomas and Michael. I immediately did so and discovered that he was referring to Thomas Aquinas. I already knew that Thomas Aquinas was responsible for much of the dogma of the Catholic Church, but I didn’t realize that he was also known as the Angelic Doctor. I realized that I had been communicating with Thomas Aquinas throughout the two years of writing my course, as I had been waking up frequently at night receiving metaphysical information about the connections between body, mind, and spirit.

    At this point, I said to Michael, I am afraid to continue with this course, as much of the information may not yet be accepted by the mainstream consensus.

    Suddenly, I felt his presence come over me—and from that moment on, I no longer feared the rejection of the masses. 

    The biggest liberation we can experience as human beings is to free ourselves from our fears—in my case, the fears of sickness, limitation, and death. I was given the courage to put myself aside, take up the challenge, and totally commit to doing my part to help humankind awaken, heal, and transform.

    An activist is defined as someone who actively campaigns for change. The world is in need of a huge shift like never before. It is not as simple as just letting go of our fears, but rather, about embracing the biggest change humanity has ever seen, a quantum leap in consciousness. Our Creator Matrix—the mind, body, and spirit complex that we will spend the entirety of this book exploring—is the vehicle for this change.

    My ancestral lineage of creating social change ignites my motivation to bring this knowledge to humanity. This commitment guides me to create a revolution in the world of wellness. It is my mission to invite people to experience themselves as a Creator in their lives on all levels, and become their own individual forces for human evolution. 

    That’s what this book is about.

    How to Use This Book

    If you have found your way to this book, it’s likely that you are either seeking to overcome personal health challenges or to optimize your health and well-being for longevity, energy, and personal empowerment. This book will teach you to do all that and more.

    Our health is directly tied to our personal power as a Creator of our lives. While many books offer information about how to use our minds and spiritual connections to manifest what we desire, my own journey has shown me that we cannot ignore the physical. Our bodies carry not only our organs and tissues, but also our stories, our beliefs, and our consciousness. Deep within our bodies lie mysteries about who we are and where we have come from. Our DNA itself holds information that goes far beyond what we know today. I am committed to keep searching for knowledge and am constantly amazed by the new information that shows up for me each day.

    Ultimately, our body is connected to all aspects of ourselves, including the non-physical. It’s all connected. In this book, you’ll learn how body, mind, and spirit work together to create not only our current reality, but also our future possibilities. We’ll explore the role of our personal stories, beliefs, and consciousness in our physical and mental health, as well as the power of the new sciences of epigenetics, nutrigenetics, glycoscience, frequency, neuroscience, quantum physics, neuroplasticity, bio-individuality, and more.

    My primary goal is a lofty one: to contribute to the liberation of humanity by demystifying the process of freeing body, mind, and spirit from captivity. In this way, I am carrying on the work of my foremothers. By the time you turn the final page, it is my intention that you understand the power of your Creator Matrix—the web of information and energy that connects your body, mind, and spirit—and understand the significance of structure and how it affects function. Having this knowledge can help you find healing, set the foundation for quantum living, and ultimately become the best version of yourself—the version of yourself you were always meant to become.

    I chose to call this book Your Creator Matrix. When I looked up the meaning of matrix, I came across this definition, which spoke to me because it clarifies my intention for writing this book. According to, a matrix is defined as an environment or structure in which something originates or develops.

    The word matrix has become very popular since the release of the eponymous movie, and many people have used it to define the outdated, negative system we have all been living within. Although this may be true, I ask you to look at this word in a new way. Wherever we originate from and however we are currently operating, understanding the connections between our own body, mind, and spirit, and how those connections influence the energy and reality around us, will help us awaken to our full human potential. By understanding ourselves more deeply, especially the mystical role we can play by using more of our innate abilities, we become more of who we really are and deepen our connection to the Creator within.

    On the following pages various people, ideas, and concepts will be explored. Many scientists, philosophers, and thought leaders (both contemporary and historical) will be introduced and discussed as they speak of this great change. Not one of them claims to have absolute truth or all the answers, but in their unique ways, these leaders are attempting to make sense of the new direction humanity seems to be taking.

    Anything new requires change, and it is certainly apparent that with dramatic change there is chaos. As a child builds a sandcastle and then watches it crumble as the day passes, we have built systems and ways of thinking that are not intended to survive the next wave of change. The child on the beach has two choices of how to bring the castle back to life: smash it and begin anew, or try to fix what is broken. This metaphor mirrors humanity’s challenges and how we will face all the change. As the old ways of thinking and being fall apart, we need to redefine who we are exactly and who we wish to become. The illusion that we are powerless victims of our entire human experience is crumbling. We are not the sand, nor the sandcastle. We are the Creators of the castle.

    Vast numbers of people are awakening at this time. They are looking for new possibilities and ways of living. We are in the process of awakening to the idea that we are a Creator. We have the power to heal, manifest, and expand our consciousness like never before. By picking up this book, you have joined the fight for our evolution.

    Welcome, Creator, to your bio-individual liberation.

    Chávez, César. Address to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, Nov. 9, 1984. Accessed Jan 2024.

    Chapter One

    How are you consciously creating your story?

    Understanding a question is half an answer.

    - Socrates

    Chapter One

    You Are a Creator

    When I first moved to the Netherlands, my husband’s land of origin, I was quite homesick. I suppose it is normal to miss family, friends, and familiar surroundings, but I had never been so far from my family before. Even for college, I stayed near home to be close to my family.

    My first few months in the Netherlands were challenging. I only knew a few people, and everything was foreign: the food, the environment, the culture, and, of course, the language. Learning Dutch was a daunting prospect. It was hard for me to imagine feeling at home here.

    After settling in, the discomfort was still strong enough that I felt called to visit a spiritual healer, who gave me a book titled Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan.

    This is just one method of healing, he told me. One day, you will find your own way. And you will write your own book about it.

    Still struggling to feel more at home in the Netherlands, I met a holistic Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Levin, who had a tremendous impact on my life. She told me, Your storyline is all up to you. She further explained that it was my choice how to proceed with my life from this point forward, and that how I chose to narrate my own story would greatly influence the timeline of events in my reality. Moreover, my focus and feelings about my story could lead to two possible scenarios. I could tell my story in a negative way: that I was forced to move to the Netherlands because that’s where my husband is from; that being so far from friends and family made me lonely and depressed; that the people here were unkind; that the language was impossible; and that I had a horrible life. Or I could tell my story in a positive way: that I chose to come to the Netherlands to have exciting new experiences, and that, despite the inconveniences, this change could open doors to expanded awareness and opportunities I had never imagined. 

     Reflecting on the two options she shared, I realized that, in the first story, my dialogue was coming from a state of powerlessness. If I continued in this way of thinking, I would indeed become the victim in this story. However, when I considered the possibility of expanded awareness and exciting new opportunities, I could feel my heart come alive. Somehow, this version of the story not only made me feel happier but also helped me to reclaim my power.

    It would take several years and multiple experiences with myself, my family, and my kids for me to fully understand this concept. But those early experiences helped me to learn that I was the Creator of my life and the director of my story. I learned that my thoughts and feelings were powerful, and that, when I chose a more positive way of thinking, I was exercising my power to create a more positive and exciting life—and certainly a more expanded life filled with greater possibilities. 

    As a result of my changing perspective, I made a definitive choice not to fall into the victimhood trap. I even took it a step further and spent time each morning thinking about and feeling how grateful I was for the opportunity to be here, in this place, with my husband and his family, immersed in his culture, and how I wouldn’t waste a moment of it. It was liberating to learn that I had the power to make transformational choices that would affect the outcome of my future. 

    From this realization of being powerful came the understanding of responsibility. I knew that, if I was to take up the challenge of creating a wonderful life for myself and my family, I needed to take care of myself, too. I wasn’t at all good at self-care, although I was great at looking after others. This imbalance was no longer serving me. I had to become what I helped others to become for so many years: healed.

    There were, in fact, extensive gifts for me in our move to the Netherlands. Coming back from a burnout (which I’ll share about later in this book), my first step was finding rest. My two older kids also needed lots of attention, and their needs—which included external professional help—were depleting my reserves. I had been searching for answers to their needs and dilemmas before our move, and in the Netherlands, I found them. As it turned out, we had moved to a country that valued integrative health and whose health system included many helpful and proven non-medical therapies. As a nurse working in the mainstream system in the United States, these more holistic ideas were difficult to find at that time. As I rested, I learned, and we all healed.

    At that time, I met a practitioner, Titia Licht, who would later become a spiritual guide and teacher to me. Working with her, I healed the traumas that were connected to my inner child. Without healing all aspects of ourselves, we are unable to step into our own true power and become a Creator in our own life. What I didn’t know then, but learned through my healing, is that deep within each of us we have a child version of ourselves. This child version is the part of us that comes to Earth with complete vulnerability. This part of us is often scarred by traumas and feelings of separation/abandonment. These traumas are often the root causes that create blockages in our Creator Matrix. Although I briefly explore trauma in this book, I encourage any of you to work one-on-one with a professional to heal these deeper wounded aspects of ourselves. Some call this shadow work, which I discuss a bit

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