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Wanted By The Biker: A Bad Boy Biker Romance
Wanted By The Biker: A Bad Boy Biker Romance
Wanted By The Biker: A Bad Boy Biker Romance
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Wanted By The Biker: A Bad Boy Biker Romance

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I had always been attracted to bad boys. So it was no surprise that when Lee Keating walked through my door–tattoos adorning his beautiful body–that I couldn't resist him. He looked like the type of man who could handle himself in a brawl, so he would have no problem handling me in the bedroom or otherwise, right?

I was a kitchen table kind of girl myself, but he could have me anywhere. That's how badly I wanted him. Could you blame me? Lee had a body like a god, which my hands and mouth were dying to explore.

There was just one complication. He had enemies: Enemies that took 'dangerous 'to a new level. Enemies that belonged to a biker gang Lee claimed to no longer be a part of. And for that reason, he didn't want any emotional ties, any emotional connections. Normally, that wouldn't bother me. I was a "love them and leave them" kind of girl, but something about Lee made me want to stay.

Danger and Lee Keating? Definitely a turn-on. I wanted... No... I needed more.

Author's Note: This ebook contains mature language and themes, intended for adults only. 


Release dateMay 26, 2023

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    Book preview

    Wanted By The Biker - Summer Cooper


    He looked like trouble the moment he walked through the doors of my small antiques shop. He had tattoos that covered both arms and a look on his face that said he had seen the world and was bored of it. Something about his body language just screamed gritty, dangerous, and unfortunately, I found it undeniably sexy.

    And then he smiled at me and for that one moment I felt that I was gifted with a beautiful rare view. If I had thought he was trouble before, it was clear that he was going to be my downfall now. I couldn’t resist a beautiful smile. As he came closer to my desk, I admired the way he walked. His strides were confident and easy, as if he had all the time in the world. He gave off this sense of untouchability as if he were beyond reproach, above the law. His demeanor was almost royal, deity like and I felt that if I had been around to meet Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar in the flesh, this is what it would have felt like. He radiated strength, importance and sheer masculinity. He carried himself as if he owned the world and he knew it. And I didn’t even know this man’s name, but if he were in the business of conquering small nations or small women, I was interested in being his next conquest.

    Hi, I’m looking for the owner of the apartment for rent on West Hills. The sign said to come to this address for more information. His voice was deep and his accent sounded foreign, European somehow. Maybe British or Irish? Strange. I wouldn’t have thought he was anything but American and it was unusual to get foreigners in our small town since it was so far off the beaten path. I let my eyes travel over him before answering. I blatantly looked him up and down, letting my eyes roam over his muscular thighs encased in loose fitting jeans. He wore a plain black t-shirt and it was snug, leaving me free to gawk at his strong biceps, wide shoulders and perfectly flat stomach which I was sure would showcase perfect abs if I were able to actually get him out of his shirt.

    Behave yourself, Angelica.

    What’s your name? I’m Angelica Fields, by the way, I said to the attractive stranger. I was immediately curious. He didn’t seem like the type who would want to be cooped up in a little two-bedroom garage apartment.

    Nice to meet you Angelica, I’m Lee. Lee Keating.

    Well, Mr. Keating, you’re in luck because I’m your girl.

    His lips tilted up to form a smile that reached his light brown eyes which seemed to darken as he looked at me, My girl, huh?

    I could be a lot of things and maybe if you played your cards right...who knows? I gave a carefree shrug and leaned over just a little bit towards him and smiled. I loved to flirt. His gaze traveled down my body and he briefly let his eyes linger on my exposed cleavage that I had deliberately put on display by leaning closer to him.

    He licked his lips and slowly brought his eyes back to mine, Is that right?

    I just as unhurriedly righted myself and placed a hand on my hip, Well, I’m the owner, but I’m also available for other things, depending on my mood.

    He laughed, And what type of mood are you in now? This time he leaned on the desk, bringing his body closer to me. And I could smell his cologne or was it aftershave? I didn’t know. He had a beard so I doubt that he shaved, but his beard was well manicured, making him look like a rock star instead of a hobo. But anyway, he smelled heavenly, like a man should. The motion of him leaning forward towards me, made his hair fall across his shoulders and I realized that his hair was long and wavy. I envied it. My hair was fine and blonde and I kept it cut into a bob, given that it didn’t have much body for anything else. My fingers itched to touch his hair, but I controlled the urge at the last moment and went to answer him when a voice came from the other side of him.

    Seriously, Lee? You’re in here flirting, while I’m stuck in the hot car dying. Seriously? The whiny voice came from a teenager, not more than fourteen years old. She was the splitting image of Lee but just short and female. She had the light brown eyes and the wavy jet black hair and from the look of her face, she also had the same sense of confidence. And she gave me an appraising look and then dismissively looked away.

    Didn’t I tell you to stay in the car? Lee questioned, a sigh in his voice.

    So you want me to go back to the car and die? Because I’m pretty sure I might have suffered a heatstroke if I hadn’t gotten out. Gosh, she was sassy.

    I’ve been in here what? All of sixty seconds. Have some patience, Avani. I’m pretty sure you weren’t knocking on death’s door.

    You don’t know that.

    I know that you’re already driving me crazy and it’s still morning. You need to chill kid. Go look at something. I’m doing business here.

    She made a rude sound with her mouth, but then disappeared to go study a shelf full of figurines. I eyed her, hoping she wouldn’t break anything.

    Cute kid, I said, attempting to keep my voice light.

    You don’t lie well. He remarked again smiling.

    You’re right, I conceded and laughed. Is she your daughter?

    God no! The kid said loudly and then quickly turned away when Lee

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