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Empowered Black Girl: Joyful Affirmations & Words of Resilience
Empowered Black Girl: Joyful Affirmations & Words of Resilience
Empowered Black Girl: Joyful Affirmations & Words of Resilience
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Empowered Black Girl: Joyful Affirmations & Words of Resilience

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Youth Empowerment for Black Teen Girls from Famous Black Women

“It’s time for us Black girls and Black women to be empowered, and I’m glad we have Fievre to show us the way.”―Monique Jones, author of The Book of Awesome Black Americans

#1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Nonfiction on Prejudice

Even strong, fearless, and badass Black teen girls and Black women need empowering words of affirmation.

Now more than ever, we must give our minds and bodies the TLC they deserve because Black women empowerment begins with the youth empowerment of Black teen girls. Author of Badass Black Girl, M.J Fievre brings you inspirational words of wisdom through famous Black women who have changed the world, including Audre Lorde, Lupita Nyong'o and Angela Davis.

Take a deep breath. We don’t always have to be strong. It’s essential for Black women and Black teen girls to understand that taking a break to focus on our mental health is bravery. We, too, need reminders and empowering words of affirmation that we are incredible and enough.

Empowered Black Girl teaches you to:

  • Master using daily words of affirmation
  • Experience a life filled with love, Black joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction
  • Take control of your destiny and direct your future
  • Strengthen your self-esteem and youth empowerment

If you enjoyed empowering books like Badass Black Girl, Badass Affirmations, Well-Read Black Girl, or Brave: A Teen Girl’s Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety, then you’ll love Empowered Black Girl: Joyful Affirmations and Words of Resilience.

Release dateJan 19, 2021

M.J. Fievre

Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, M.J. Fievre moved to the United States in 2002.  She currently writes from Miami. M.J.’s publishing career began as a teenager in Haiti.  At nineteen years-old, she signed her first book contract with Hachette-Deschamps, in Haiti, for the publication of a Young Adult book titled La Statuette Maléfique. Since then, M.J. has authored nine books in French that are widely read in Europe and the French Antilles. In 2013, One Moore Book released M.J.’s first children’s book, I Am Riding, written in three languages: English, French, and Haitian Creole. In 2015, Beating Windward Press published M.J.’s memoir, A Sky the Color of Chaos, about her childhood in Haiti during the brutal regime of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Her latest book, Happy, Okay?: Poems about Anxiety, Depression, Hope, and Survival is scheduled for publication in December of 2019 by Books & Books Press, an imprint of Mango Publishing. Another book, Badass Black Girl is scheduled for publication in 2020.  A long-time educator and frequent keynote speaker (Tufts University, Massachusetts; Howard University, Washington, D.C.; the University of Miami, Florida; and Michael College, Vermont; and a panelist at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference, AWP), M.J. is available for book club meetings, podcast presentations, interviews and other author events. You can learn more about her and her work at her website:

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    Empowered Black Girl - M.J. Fievre


    Praise for The Badass

    Black Girl Series

    In an era when Black girls are bombarded with negative stereotypes on traditional and social media platforms, Badass Black Girl offers welcome advice to Black girls to embrace their individuality and to develop positive mental and body images. Writing in clear understandable prose, Fievre provides numerous examples of women such as a Toni Morrison, Michelle Obama, and Madam C. J. Walker, who exemplify Black excellence, and equips Black girls through a series of exercises and affirmations with the tools to become ‘Badass’ women who know their worth.

    —Geoffrey Philp, author of Garvey’s Ghost

    Protecting our young Black women and femme-identifying youth is so important—M.J. Fievre lays this out with grace, care, and the most powerful love in the phenomenal Badass Black Girl. So often, our society tells us that we’re so strong, so resilient, so able to fix everyone else’s world—this book reveals the truth: Black women/femme-identifying people are just as tender, just as in need of affirmation and praise, just as worthy of an embrace from self and from those around us. [Badass Black Girl] is a celebration, an affirmation, a history text, a little bit of memoir, and an exuberant prayer for the prosperity of Black women.

    —Ashley M. Jones, author of Magic City Gospel

    M.J. Fievre gives every girl her own set of black pearls of wisdom.

    —Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel, author of Beauty Walks in Nature

    Badass Black Girl is the big hug you need, […] a glorious love letter to the Black women who have shaped and loved us, to our griots and groundbreakers. […] Fievre celebrates Black girls in all of their power, vulnerability, and beauty and offers instructions for self-love, taking responsibility, creating art, and expressing gratitude. I wish I had [Badass Black Girl] when I was younger, and I’m happy I have it now.

    —Jennifer Maritza McCauley, author of SCAR ON/SCAR OFF

    You’ll come away from Badass Black Girl feeling as if you’ve known the author your entire life, and it’s a rare feat for any writer. M.J. Fievre is the best friend, the confidante everyone yearns for.

    —Michael Reid, Mike, the Poet, author of Dear Woman and The Boyfriend Book

    Finding the courage to live as you are is not easy, so Badass Black Girl is […] designed to help young girls to nurture their creativity, self-motivation, and positive self-awareness. This is a journal that celebrates girl power and honors the strength and spirit of black girls.

    —Mary Cowper, Midwest Book Review

    The world is often unkind to Black girls and Black women. Issues Black women have historically faced—oppression, racism, sexism, economic strife—are sometimes compounded in unimaginable ways. […] The words from influential Black female role models, combined with Fievre’s own wisdom regarding self-love and self-esteem, will give readers the feeling of being heard and understood. Fievre’s tips for affirmations and other positive strategies are the tools her readers will able to utilize in their lives. It’s time for us Black girls and Black women to be empowered, and I’m glad we have Fievre to show us the way.

    —Monique Jones, author of The Book of Awesome Black Americans

    Coral Gables

    Copyright © 2020 by M.J. Fievre.

    Published by Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc.

    Cover Design: Elina Diaz

    Cover Photo/illustration: Cincinart/

    Layout & Design: Elina Diaz

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    Empowered Black Girl: Joyful Affirmations & Words of Resilience

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: Has been requested

    ISBN: (print) 978-1-64250-560-3, (ebook) 978-1-64250-561-0

    BISAC category code: YAN006020, YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Biography & Autobiography / Cultural, Ethnic & Regional

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Confidence—Dare to Be Powerful

    Chapter Two: What’s LOVE Got to Do with It?

    Chapter Three: Beauty—You Are Vibrant with Strength

    Chapter Four: Work—You’re the Architect of Your Badass Life

    Chapter Five: Family—The One We’re Given, the One We Choose

    Chapter Six: Resilience in the Face of Challenge

    It’s Just the Beginning

    30 Days of Purpose

    About the Author


    Everybody’s talking at me. Most people are stuck listening to competing voices as they go about their daily routine. The nature of public life makes it hard to escape. The news of the world is constantly blaring on television, and everyone has an opinion about something, whether it is the barista who says she needs Botox or the man on the corner who claims the end of the world is coming. Life, with all its noise, can be overwhelming, especially when you consider that you have competing voices within yourself to contend with.

    Many of us are like the old cartoon where a lost soul is stuck between a battle of consciences: an angel on one shoulder, whispering how beautiful and remarkable you are, urging you to be good, feel good, behave yourself, and a little devil with a pitchfork on the other shoulder, whispering, You’re no good. This inner critic tells you not to bother, and its voice can become so ingrained in us we forget we don’t have to listen to it, and we fall into behaviors we know aren’t good for our self-esteem, our health, and our sense of well-being.

    If you have been listening to the inner critic for too long, it’s time to start letting your wiser voice have the floor. Affirmations are a great way to silence that inner nag and bring positivity into your life. You can think of them as the voice of your angelic conscience. But in order to hear your wise conscience, you have to become more conscious of what you’re listening to. Your wise conscience never says, You’re not good enough. Your wise conscience knows full well she is speaking truth when she says, Look at you! Now you’re a badass, for sure.

    You hear it all the time: you have to accept yourself as you are. Love your identity. Love your heritage. Be proud!

    But how? Do you simply wake up one morning and magically think, I’m the best thing since sliced bread?

    Do you simply say, Hey, I love myself?

    Actually, yes.

    Well, yes—and no. It starts with the affirmation—I love myself—and, little by little, you actually do learn to love every facet of yourself, you learn to really believe in yourself. You become this girl you imagine: ambitious, strong, thirsty for more.

    Positive affirmations empower you. They are short, simple (I am happy), and yet very powerful, and you can use them as a mantra to get what you want—confidence, for instance. They allow you to believe in yourself, to develop high self-esteem, and to turn your thoughts into action.

    Affirmations can bring big changes in your life by making things happen for you, but to be effective, an affirmation must be repeated several times, and over several days. The repetitions turn the affirmation into a state of mind—into a conviction. And you know what they say: change your thoughts, change your life.

    You can repeat your affirmation in the morning, during your daily routine in the bathroom—while combing your hair or applying your makeup. You can whisper it as you fall asleep, or while you’re running in the neighborhood. At first, it might feel a little awkward to talk to yourself in this manner, but part of how affirmations work is that you are convincing yourself of the truth of the statement. You’ll notice as you repeat the affirmation that your tone of voice might change from one that is almost questioning the affirmation to one that is declaring an obvious truth boldly.

    Think of how you talk to yourself now. What words do you use to talk about yourself?

    Too often, we self-sabotage.

    I’m not enough…

    I do not deserve…

    I’m afraid of…

    I am worth less than…

    I cannot because…

    I’m not ready yet…

    I have no chance…

    It is difficult to…

    I will never make it…

    I don’t have the strength to…

    I’m not going to get there.

    I suck.

    Self-sabotage is just a waste of time. It leads to pain and suffering. Each negative interaction with yourself pokes the pitchfork a little deeper under your skin, until you begin to believe the horrible things you say to yourself. Things you wouldn’t say to your best friend. It’s time to silence the inner critic.

    You are magic. You always have been.

    Now You Can Begin

    Affirmation Stations

    Throughout the book, I’ve placed little stopping points for you called Affirmation Stations. The purpose of having multiple affirmations is so that you can choose one that is calling to you at your present stage of the journey or that just feels right to you.

    But you can read multiple affirmations if you are in dire need of a pick me up. Write some of them on little slips of paper and keep them in your pocket for when you need a reminder. Tape them to your refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Write them in your calendar. The more often you remind yourself that you’ve begun listening to reason, the more you will benefit from having them near. You can open the book randomly and find them, or you can read the book (I highly recommend this) from beginning to end.

    Badass to the Bone

    Throughout the book you’ll also find quotes from badass Black women. All of these women faced the same kind of hardships most of us face, but they made a conscious choice to overcome their obstacles and be bright beacons of hope for others. Use these quotes whenever you need to hear the voice of wise women. In addition to reading them, you can embroider them and frame them, hang them in conspicuous places, or tweet them; whatever you feel will pay homage to the words and bring you closer to the message they convey.

    After reading this book, you will have a whole plethora of affirmations to try out. If this

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