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Single Seed
Single Seed
Single Seed
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Single Seed

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About this ebook

Jemma Dreyer is a 22-year-old law student from Cape Town, South Africa, who never thought it possible to write a book. Her passions include all things Jesus, justice, and theology. Her dream is to be an advocate for those who cannot help themselves. Through this, she hopes to generate a bigger and greater love for Jesus in the world. In this book, she aims to inspire women as they navigate their single seasons, and guide them toward wholeness and healing. 

This book is an act of obedience. Dreyer therefore does not claim to have experience in writing or literature. The book serves as a journal, allowing its readers to optimise their time as single women by leaving the past behind, grieving loss, finding forgiveness, and recognising the blessings available in this solo season. To find themselves enriched by joy, lessons, happiness and above all by God. Manifesting whole women through Christ, who are ready to take on the world in every domain under every earthly and heavenly sky. 

Release dateApr 9, 2024
Single Seed

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    Book preview

    Single Seed - Jemma Valerie Harley Dreyer


    Copyright © 2024 Jemma Dreyer

    First edition 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published by Jemma Dreyer using Reach Publishers’ services,

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631

    Edited by Ian Milne for Reach Publishers

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers


    E-mail: [email protected]

    Text Description automatically generated

    Jemma Dreyer

    [email protected]

    Note – If I have included any extracts for the use of which I should have obtained permission but have failed so to do, I would ask the Author or Publisher concerned to accept my sincere apologies – J.V.H.D


    Song of Songs 2:7 (NIV)

    Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse love until it so desires.

    More often than not, a single season can bring emotions that may consume your youth. It disrupts the value of clarity. It would be difficult to fall deep or even dig deep and not have a way or plan out. I believe that a single season is the fruitful aspect one needs in life. Among other important characteristics, this season builds character and allows you to identify who you are. A seed is planted in the womb of a woman to carry a child. It is in this image that we experience God through us, creation. When you understand your natural order, it is easier to recognise the way in which God created life to be. The purpose of this book is to unpack traumas in your life, to deal with hidden and unjust comparisons, to figure out what you want out of life and for you to utilise this season in its greatest capacity. God is infinite and mysterious; however, God does not shun or withhold truth, discipline and success.

    It is important to remember that seasons don’t last forever, they are varied, and getting too comfortable may result in speedy transformation and change. Refining is a slow time consuming process and having rapid change can mutilate the final product. In this single season don’t become faint. We all grow up in what we see as normal. As we mature mentally and spiritually, we begin to recognise times and wounds that we would not want to take into our own family. It is important not to go into relationships and marriage with baggage, and it is also fundamental to fully understand THE CONCEPT OF LOVE through God’s lens. Asking questions like Am I really in love? Am I Beautiful? Can I become who and what God has promised? Is it healthy/Godly to have this amount of overwhelming depression and anxiety? It is vital to have these questions answered by God.

    The single season is not just a waiting season; it’s one of planting, uprooting, cultivating and nurturing.

    I pray God breathes into your heart and mind as you journey through a door that God has laid out for you. Divine opportunity and intervention calls for correction, guidance and renewed love.

    Intentional Singleness

    Song of Songs 2:7

    Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse love until it so desires.

    Intentional singleness is a concept or idea known to many Christians, but not truly understood. Intentional singleness is a season birthed out of the will of God, allowing many to find identity, purpose, passion, compassion, drive and so much more; the singleness season is vast in its ways and so effective if done with intentionality and full pursuit of Jesus Christ.

    To be intentional is to be deliberate. Don’t just allow your single season to pass without knowledge of what God wanted to teach you or what experiences you needed to learn from over this time. Often the trials and experiences in our single season foreshadow what’s to come. How we handle our singleness and how we take care of ourselves, is what we will one day impart to our spouse and children.

    An intentional season of singleness is one of utmost importance and wisdom. The knowledge of God is crucial to a seeking heart and wondering mind, it transforms one mindset to another, and it shifts the way we not only see things, but also how we do things.

    Regardless of where you find yourself in this season, as much as we pursue God, He opens up and allows us to see more of who He is and His character. A deep-rooted relationship with God is a solid foundation, and when coming out of the singles season it becomes the centre and solid foundation for a marriage to stand on.

    In your intentionality, allow yourself to be teachable and loved by God, hold steadfast to the faith that carries all from start to finish. Have an adaptable nature that allows the Holy Spirit to be so tangible, to create an atmosphere and aroma so pure that any distraction or weapon formed will bow at the purity and immovable hope in Christ Jesus. Trust that this season brings seeds and fruit like no other and be made new in a season Paul calls a GIFT (1 Cor 7:7-8).

    Allow Him to Sweep You Off Your Feet Before Anyone Else Does

    Psalm 139

    O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.

    You know when I sit and when I rise you perceive my thoughts from afar.

    You discern my going out and my lying down.

    You are familiar with all my ways.

    Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely, O Lord,

    You hem me in behind and before, you have laid your hand upon me.

    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

    Where can I go from your spirit?

    Where can I flee from your presence?

    If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

    If I say, Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me, even the darkness will not be dark to you, the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

    For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

    I praise you because l am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

    My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.

    When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

    Your eyes saw my unformed body.

    All the days ordained for me

    Were written in your book

    Before one of them came to be.

    How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!


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