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The Alpha King Runaway Bride: The Bond of Mates
The Alpha King Runaway Bride: The Bond of Mates
The Alpha King Runaway Bride: The Bond of Mates
Ebook283 pages4 hours

The Alpha King Runaway Bride: The Bond of Mates

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I saw this tradition in Klean and I thought it was cute," Xavier answered, still on one knee.
"What tradition?" Mia asked in a curious tone, her brow raised. "Well, the to-be groom asks the bride to marry him by getting on one knee and saying will you marry me? So, Mia Ainsworth, will you marry me?" he asked her.
She seemed interested to know how this ends. Yesterday he had gotten on his knee to give her the gold and green ribbons and she wanted to see how this would go. "Okay, and then what?" "Then the to-be bride says yes," he guided her. "So I say yes?" "Yes," he nodded. "That's my line," she protested with a pout.
"Then say it." "Yes," she said, and he took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger. He rose to his feet and pulled her against himself before claiming her lips. They pulled away, and he placed his head against hers, his eyes fluttering. "The kiss is a part of the tradition?" "Yes," he said, beaming at her.
His happiness was getting her excited, "Okay, now what?" "We get married.

Release dateApr 12, 2024
The Alpha King Runaway Bride: The Bond of Mates

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    Book preview

    The Alpha King Runaway Bride - Glory Tina

    Chapter 2: The peace

    Mia stood at the entrance of the palace with her heart racing at the return of her mate, Alpha King Xavier Ainsworth. She had heard the carriage for not very long and then caught the faint scent of the alpha king in the palace estate, and she immediately abandoned her studies at the in-built office and raced out to see him.

    It's been three moons since he left with Edward for the kingdom of Klean, and it felt almost like three decades. He had put her in charge of his affairs, and so she acted in his place for three moons.

    Robb Ainsworth and Alpha Koz Lupe had been by her side, just as the alpha King instructed. They aided her and were close counsel, and with their help, she ruled effectively, just as Xavier would.

    How does one survive three months of ruling without their mates by their side? She barely did. Yes, outside her chamber, she carried out the task and responsibilities placed before her, but on the inside, she was crumbling and barely holding on.

    She knew why he had to leave. Xavier felt the need to strengthen the peace they had kept for the last four summers with their neighbouring kingdom.

    In the last four summers, the king of Klean, Kit Patrice, had visited Wahala twice, and Xavier had never gone to pay a visit. He had always sent Edward or the elders. And so, after so long of everyone else but him going, he took the step. He believed the war drew closer with every passing day, even though no sign of it had been seen in the last four summers. Still, she believed his words about the war and the need to keep friends closer. She had gone to the kingdom of Jade a few months ago. The Queen, Luna Gail, had requested her presence at her birthday feast, and Xavier told her to go. But that only took a month.

    This wasn't a month; this was three, and she would have been a wreck if Edward hadn't found a way to bring them closer magically. He called it a wander-walk, and it lasted a few hours every week. He also did the same to keep him and his mate, Princess Kailani, closer in their absence. All they needed was a body of water, and he would cast a spell so that, although many miles apart, they would see and speak to each other.

    The better Edward's magic got, the easier life became. Unfortunately, wander-walking only happen around water in a particular place, and so after the king and Edward left the kingdom of Klean, they could no longer communicate.

    It was difficult to not see Xavier for one month or touch him for three, but it was a sacrifice for royalty, and she counted it as worth it.

    She went to bed most nights, craving him and looking forward to his return. It was the one thing that kept her going. Knowing that soon her mate and lover would be back in her arms made her smile and prepare herself.

    Xavier sent words ahead two weeks ago, informing her of where they were in the kingdom, which was Kame. She immediately did her calculations and found out that he would be here today, so she did the countdown to this moment.

    The king's guard moved to the door of the carriage and opened it up, and in the next few seconds, Xavier stepped out in a black robe that swept down to the floor. His hair was in a neat bun, and his beard looked unkempt. But then again, he was travelling, and it wasn't the time to be looking his best.

    His looks didn't bother Mia; she was glad he was home.

    The elders were also present to receive and welcome the king and his brother since, just like her, they also knew the day of his return. They approached the king, who stood his ground as his chariot rode away after dropping both him and the crowned prince.

    King Xavier, you're welcome back! Alpha Chado said, and the alphas with him bowed their heads in obeisance.

    King Xavier acknowledged them, and they lifted their heads. Thank you for welcoming us, he answered.

    You're welcome, Alpha King, he answered, but the king's eyes travelled from them, wandering as if looking for something or someone.

    His eyes finally came to land on Mia, and a spark of excitement showed itself in his eyes. A smile came onto his face at that very moment, and though his council spoke to him, he paid no mind as he walked past them and towards Mia.

    He climbed up the stairs, and every step he took made her heart skip a beat. She didn't know if she would ever have the heart to let him leave without wanting to come with him again.

    He took the last three steps that led to her at this point. Her heart was racing, and he could hear it.

    She didn't care.

    Hay, he smiled at her.

    Hay! she responded, her smile coming on.

    How are you, my queen?

    I'm alright, my king; I'm just missing you. She revealed, How was your mission to the kingdom of Klean? she asked, wanting or knowing the turnout of the reason she was left alone for weeks.

    Chapter 3: The peace 2

    He smiled and dropped to his knees, which made her a little surprised and curious about what he intended to do.

    He reached into the inside of his robe, pulled out a green and golden short rope, and held it out to her.

    She stared at him, not knowing if she was going to take it. So she kept her hands to herself.

    No, you take it, he whispered to her.

    Oh, she said, taking it from his hand and staring at it in confusion.

    You also need to ask me to rise and explain what the ribbons are, he whispered to her again, and it took a lot of strength to not crack up and laugh aloud.

    Okay! You may rise, my king, she said, and he rose to his feet with the silly smile on his face that she had missed for so long. What are these ribbons for?

    It's nice of you to ask, my queen. These ribbons are a sign from the King of Klean that he will always stand beside us. The green signifies his agreement, and the gold, his readiness.

    Oh wow, you've done so well, my king. She reached out and stroked his face, and he pulled her closer so her body pressed against him like she belonged to him. She did. She didn't complain about it.

    How have you been?

    Miserable without you.

    As it should be. He grinned and took her lips between his.

    She pulled away, And you?

    You do not have to ask, my love, as you can see. I am a mess.

    She smiled and said, I like the sound of that. and closed the space between them.

    The people were already used to them and their show of affection, especially when they had missed each other for so long. They showed it everywhere, ignoring what anyone had to say about it. Most of the time they took their love show to the chambers, but sometimes the feeling would take over and they would give into it and let it ride them out.

    Can you wait until you get inside? I do not want Kailani to ask why our love life isn't like yours. Edward hissed, and they pulled away from the kiss.

    Mia hid her face on Xavier's chest as her cheeks burned in embarrassment.

    Kailani is a sweet and contented maiden. Perhaps you are not doing it right to have her complain. Xavier shot at him.

    What would you know?

    I know Mia has never had that complaint. came his witty reply.

    Mia pulled away from Xavier, having gotten control over the embarrassment she felt earlier.

    Welcome home, Edward, she hugged him tightly, adding, Princess Kailani had locked herself in the kitchen with the cooks, not wanting to come out. She said something about needing to make you your favourite meal, as she pulled away.

    That's the first. Kailani is a terrible cook, he mumbled to himself.

    She hears that, Kailani said, and they turned around to find the princess in a colourful long dress and an apron covering her front side.

    Kailani! he called out and stepped up towards her, taking her into his arms and kissing her passionately.

    Xavier snaked his arms around Mia's side and pulled her closer to him. Now who's creating a scene? he asked, and the couple pulled away from their passionate kiss.

    Edward ignored Xavier's questions and stroked Kailani's face, and she shivered against him.

    I made you something, Kailani said, taking Edward's hand and leading him into the palace.

    Mia turned to Xavier, her eyes wide. I didn't make you anything.

    It's fine; it's not food I want to eat. He reached out and struck her on the buttock hidden in the robe, making her gasp.

    Come with me, then? She beckoned, and he fell in line with her.

    Because of the stress of the day, they didn't always get to enjoy each other in bed during the day. They were either too tired to do anything or not in the mood. Yes, it had been a while since they had both fallen asleep while making love. Xavier woke up first and continued where they left off.

    Because of this, they did their best to always get as much attention as they could from each other, whatever chance they got. They had taken advantage of the little time and breaks they had to be together in the throne room when they had a brief break. Xavier would tell the guards to stand outside and make Mia ride him, and when she wasn't in the throne room, he'd find her in her study or office and take her there. These places weren't the best, but the best places weren't giving them what they needed. They needed each other and were willing to pause a few things just to see it done. Edward had walked in on them a few times in the study and at her office. That had limited his desire to come in and visit the study and office because he told them the image of Xavier's bare bottom haunted him.

    Mia offered an apology to Edward, and he understood her. He told them to limit their intimate space to the study and king's court and keep it out of the throne room for the sake of peace and sanity.

    Xavier did not want to agree to it, but Mia agreed before he could speak. They had tried to keep the throne room as sacred as Edward begged them to. Most times they failed, though, but it was the thought that counted.

    The king loved his wife and never failed to show it.

    Chapter 4: The proposal

    Xavier lay in bed, and a long yawn left his mouth. He placed his hand to his mouth, and he muffled the sound of the moan. He didn't want to wake Mia, who lay beside him, sleeping soundly. She looked like she needed the sleep, perhaps even more than he did.

    He plumped himself onto his elbow to have a look at her, at his wife and the owner of his heart.

    She loved him.

    It felt surreal and everyday he had to remind himself that she had loved him for five summers, but it was true, and he felt like the luckiest person alive. He moved the few strands of hair on her face away. He stared at her in pure adoration while she slept soundly, her breath light and her heartbeat steady.

    He couldn't help admiring her. Her beauty increased with every passing day. He didn't think he would survive three months without her, and he didn't want to do it again. That's what he told her while they made love earlier, that he would take her along next time. Perhaps she thought he was joking, but he wasn't.

    His gaze traced over her red curly hair, down to her full brows and long lashes, to her pointed nose and down her slightly swollen red lips. His eyes continued to her neck and the few love bites he had left on them. He couldn't look away. He wanted to lean in and kiss her. He couldn't help it either. He still wanted to touch her, and so he did.

    He ran his fingers over her neck, up her face and, leaning in, he kissed her lips tenderly. She moaned into the kiss, but her eyes remained closed. Encouraged by her reaction, he pulled the bedsheets off her body and saw her nipples already hardened. He moaned and his finger moved to trail lightly over them and she squirmed in response. He slipped his left finger into her and worked his other hand over her sensitive skin.

    Her lashes fluttered, and she saw him settle between her legs with his gaze locked on hers. Seeing him told her it wasn't a dream, he had pleasured her while she slept and it felt good.

    His eyes locked on her to see if there was any contradiction in hers, but her amber eyes held none. They were equally drunk with lust for him, and he took that as his cue.

    He pushed into her, his hands coming to caress and fondle her nipples while he plucked at them, making her squirm in bed.

    Getting her fill, he fell beside her, panting and trying to catch his breath. She pulled closer and snuggle closer to him, hearing his raging heartbeat return to its steady pace before falling asleep.

    A light moan escaped Mia's mouth as she twirled on the soft and cosy bed. Her lashes fluttered to meet Xavier lying beside her, his mesmerising emerald eyes on her and not fluttering. It was barely bright outside, probably the fifth hour into the morning, and this was the longest she'd slept in a long while. Yes, he woke her up into the act of intimacy, but they both fell asleep soon after.

    How long have you been up? she dragged the words out with much effort.

    For a while.

    Why didn't you wake me up?

    You slept peacefully. I didn't want to interrupt that. Besides, I don't always get to watch you sleep, he said, his eyes not wavering.

    There's nothing amazing about me sleeping. I thought after five summers of being together, you'd know that, she grumbled, her nose scrunching up.

    You're enchanting both awake and asleep, and I'm still discovering many things about you, while I can, my love, he leaned in and kissed her forehead.

    What have you discovered so far, then? she asked, turning to lie on her side and have a proper look at him.

    That you're fucking gorgeous and you're all mine.

    She rolled her eyes and tried getting up, but he pushed her back into the bed and got on top of her. He used his weight to pin her down, and their bodies rubbed against each other. He was almost twice her size and weight, but she still struggled with him to get free.

    You're crazy! she groaned, trying to fight off the smile that crawled into her face at his act.

    He did not argue. That's one name I've been called in the past.

    She stopped struggling underneath him. You know we should talk about your journey to Klean.

    It can wait. This is important, he mumbled, leaning in and kissing her neck.

    Sex is more important than the kingdom? she cocked a brow at him.

    Yes, he replied absentmindedly, still kissing her neck.

    Yes? her eyes widened, and he pulled back to stare at her, a little confused.

    It took him a few seconds to recollect, and when he did; he sighed. Do not tell anyone I said that.

    And if I do? she teased, cocking a brow at him.

    He pulled back and stared into her eyes. I'll deny and call you a liar.

    She scoffed in disbelief. Did you learn that from Klean?

    No, I'm just a crazy lover, he replied and leaned in to growl in her ear.

    Her body responded and goosebumps grew on her skin.

    Chapter 5: The proposal 2

    His lustful eyes noticed all the reaction. He trailed his gaze from her face down her red dry lips and neck, noticing the dip as she swallowed. Then he moved it down her chest and over her two full and harden nipples.

    Your body tells me you want more, my queen. he purred, his finger coming up to trail over her hardened nipple and she squirm underneath him.

    Her head fell back, and a moan escaped her throat. She wanted more and she could only hide it for so long.

    She pushed him onto his back and got on top of him, her eyes locked on his and a smile coming into her face. She wanted to ride him. She wanted to fuck him harder than she ever had before, and the lustful look in his eye told her he wanted that.

    She leaned closer and kissed his lips, then drawled down his chin and his beard and his neck and shoulders and then his chest. Her lips reach his left nipple and they closed around its hardened tip. He moaned out in response, his need obvious, and his lashes fluttered. She licked and curled her tongue over him before moving to the other and doing the same.

    She pulled away and blew against his nipples, and he shuddered. Fuck! he cursed, and his eyes fluttered. Mia, his deep voice drew out, fuck me now!

    She obliged and moved to position herself on his tip. Her wet entrance kissed his wet tip before sinking in. She moaned, feeling every length of him as she slid onto him and her lashes fluttered.

    Fuck. Xavier cussed from under her. His eyes fixate on her, watching her every move and reaction from being on top.

    He had let her ride many times and every time she looked swept away by him.

    Open your eyes! he commanded, and her lashes pulled apart to settle in his green, desire-filled ones. you're so enchanting, Mia. I can't believe how glorious you look riding me, fucking me. So precious, my darling.

    She moaned and threw her head back when he cupped the full swell of her breast and circled over its tip with his thumb. She shivered and arched into his touch while her hips thrust into him.

    Her lips parted, and her tongue lifted, trying to form words but falling short. She was drawing closer to her release, and he knew it, too.

    His hands dropped to her waist and grip her hard. You're close, I can tell! I'm right behind you, my love. he found her button and flicked over it, making her head fall back.

    She gasped when his length brushed over her pleasure spot while rubbing against her bud. The pleasure from both his hand and his member buried inside her pushed her over the edge and she hit her release, cumming all over him and dragging him with her.

    She fell on the bed beside him and he pulled her closer to place kisses on her neck.

    I missed this, he breathed against her neck and she tingled on the inside, still sensitive to him.

    Xavier gathered Mia into his arms and carried her into the bathroom. Together they showered, barely able to keep their hands off each other's bodies. Once done, Xavier stepped out first to get ready while Mia stayed back to dry herself in the bathroom before stepping out and wrapping herself in the brown towel. She stepped into the bedroom to head for the wardrobe. Xavier was almost done dressing up.

    I picked up a dress for you today. I hope you don't mind, he spoke up from behind.

    She closed up the wardrobe she had opened to pick an outfit and turned to see him.

    She was surprised when she saw Xavier on one knee with a gold ring in his hand.

    She paused and gave him a ridiculous look. Yes, she had commanded him onto his knees before, but the atmosphere then and the one now were different.

    What are you doing? she glanced around, trying to find the dress he picked for her, not ready to acknowledge his crazy act.

    I saw this tradition in Klean and I thought it was cute, he answered.

    What tradition?

    Well, the to-be groom asks the bride to marry him by getting on one knee and saying will you marry me? So, Mia Ainsworth, will you marry me? he asked her.

    She seemed interested to know how this ends. Yesterday he had gotten on his knee to give her the gold and green ribbons and she wanted to see how this would go. Okay, and then what?

    Then the to-be bride says yes, he guided her.

    So I say yes?

    Yes, he nodded.

    That's my line, she protested with a pout.

    Then say it.

    Yes, she said, and he took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger.

    He rose to his feet and pulled her against himself before claiming her lips.

    They pulled away, and he placed his head against hers, his eyes fluttering. The kiss is a part of the tradition?

    Yes, he said, beaming at her.

    His happiness was getting her excited. Okay, now what?

    We get married.

    We're already married, she reminded him, her eyes narrowing.

    He rolled his eyes, Yes, but do you want to marry me again? Do it better this time?

    She bit her lips, a wide smile appearing as she

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