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I was so excited to see Ted today.

"He is officially my boyfriend. We spend so much time together, and he brings me delicious seeds and nuts all the time. He is so wonderful."

"I am happy for you Sa

Release dateApr 5, 2024

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    Book preview

    Lemonade - Erika Silverman

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Lemonade Ingredient: Love

    Broken Hearts


    Peanut Butter and Jelly

    Upside Down World

    Chapter 2. Lemonade Ingredient: Fearless

    The Cocoon

    The Tooth Fairy

    The Dentist


    Chapter 3. Lemonade Ingredient: Hope

    God Can You Hear Me?

    From Thorns Come Roses

    The Glass Slipper

    Chapter 4. Lemonade Ingredient: Be the Best Version of Yourself

    Leave Your Mark On the World

    With Confidence Comes the Key to the World

    The Caboose

    Chapter 1.

    Lemonade Ingredient: Love

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    Broken Hearts

    I was so excited to see Ted today.

    He is officially my boyfriend. We spend so much time together, and he brings me delicious seeds and nuts all the time. He is so wonderful.

    I am happy for you Sabrina. I have never seen you this happy before.

    I can’t wait to surprise him. I found this perfect tree to build our home together. He said he is going to the lake with some friends today, and we are suppose to see each other tomorrow night. I am going to the lake to surprise him. He will be so excited to see me.

    I cannot wait to have a boyfriend too.

    You will one day.

    I want to hear all of the details. Let me know how it goes.

    I will tell you everything Samantha. I always do. You are my best friend.

    Mine too, she said.

    A bird on a branch in a forest Description automatically generated

    I decided to get some nuts and seeds, Ted’s favorite, to bring to him over at the lake. He is always so thoughtful of me, so I wanted to do something thoughtful for him. When I arrived at the lake I saw a bunch of Ted’s friends flying all over the lake and even a few dipping their beaks in the water. There was a little cabin nearby. I didn’t see Ted though. Then Bill, one of Ted’s friends, came over to me. He seemed a little nervous. Every time I flew closer to the cabin, he tried to block my view.

    Where is Ted? I asked.

    Um, I am not sure, Bill replied.

    I could tell that Bill was hiding something from me because he wouldn’t look me directly in the eyes. Then I looked at the front porch of the cabin and saw the red scarf that I made for Ted. He never takes it off, so it must have fallen off.

    I know he is here, Bill, because this is Ted’s scarf.

    I don’t think you want to go inside.

    I walked inside the house anyway.

    Ted are you here? Its me, Sabrina.

    Then I saw Ted with Samantha. First Ted had his wing wrapped around her, and then he was kissing her.

    How could you! I screamed. How could both of you do this to me? Ted, you are my boyfriend, and you told me you loved me. Samantha, you were my best friend. You knew how excited I was to have Ted in my life, and I was especially excited about today. You know I was going to tell Ted about the perfect new home I found for us.

    It just happened, Samantha said.

    Yeah, said Ted. It was just a kiss. It didn’t mean anything.

    It’s more than a kiss. I cannot trust either one of you. I see the red scarf that I spent so much time making for you left on the ground. You clearly don’t appreciate me or what I do for you. I never want to see or talk to either of you ever again.

    I stormed out.

    Ted and Samantha flew after me. Lets talk about this, they said.

    There is nothing to talk about I said. Just leave me alone. You two deserve each other. I took the red scarf that I made for Ted and flew away as far away as I could.

    A screenshot of a video game Description automatically generatedA parrots in a room Description automatically generated

    The next few days, Ted and Samantha tried to talk to me and convince me that nothing really happened between the two of them. But it really didn’t matter what they said to me, because I didn’t believe them. Samantha was my best friend, and I have known her for many years. The fact she could do this to me was just so painful. The fact that Ted could cheat on me was also so painful. I felt like my heart was breaking into many pieces. I had two broken hearts—the loss of a boyfriend and the loss of my best friend. I didn’t know how I was ever going to get through this. I just had to be alone and figure things out.

    Later that evening just before I went to bed I looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star. I heard that if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true. So I made a wish, actually two.  I wish I never met Ted, and I wish I never met Samantha so that I would never have to experience my broken hearts. Then I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to find a strange person with wings looking over me.

    Who are you and how did you get in here? I asked.

    I am Cupid, the God of Love. I heal broken hearts, and I am here to grant your wish. He then lightly touched my head with his fingers. Now you will never know what it was like to have been in love with Ted. You will never know what it was like to care for a best friend like Samantha. Now neither one of them will ever hurt you again. In fact you will never love anyone again so that you will never get hurt.

    Just like that Cupid vanished into thin air. Suddenly I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I no longer felt any pain or sadness. I was not happy or sad. I felt nothing, which felt kind of good.

    A cartoon of a child in the jungle Description automatically generated

    The next day, when I was flying around my neighborhood looking for food, Ted and Samantha came over to me. Ted had his wings stretched out trying to impress me.

    What you saw the other day in the cabin between Samantha and I didn’t mean anything, Ted said. It was all just a big misunderstanding.

    What are you talking about? I said. I don’t know either of you.

    She must be pretending not to know us because she is still so mad at us, said Samantha.

    Who could blame her, with the way we treated her, replied Ted.

    Honestly, I do not know what you two are talking about. I have never met either one of you before.

    You don’t remember the time when you and I went to the beach together and I taught you how to dive in the ocean?

    No Ted.

    "What about the summer when

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