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Infinities Bloodline: Infinities Bloodline, #1
Infinities Bloodline: Infinities Bloodline, #1
Infinities Bloodline: Infinities Bloodline, #1
Ebook264 pages4 hours

Infinities Bloodline: Infinities Bloodline, #1

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This is the ultimate battle between good and evil. Will Elizaveth save the day and make a choice? With her husband once again in the picture and a new love interest. Whom will she choose the welfare of time or love?

Release dateApr 17, 2024
Infinities Bloodline: Infinities Bloodline, #1

Kelsey McManis

Kelsey McManis is a man of vision, imagination, and values his family as much as learning about history and reading a great book.  He was born and raised in Overland Park, Ks.  He moved to the state of Utah where he met his wonderful wife. They are both on their third marriage with a total of six children and six grandchildren.  Neither being in the present, the past, nor the future Kelsey plans for the future and lives in the present. 

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    Infinities Bloodline - Kelsey McManis



    Hello, my name’s Dean Magnus. I had been married for about five years in a very unhappy marriage. My wife had been suggesting we should see a marriage counselor. I really didn’t think it would help her at all.

    I agree with you. We should see a marriage counselor and maybe that will help us, I said.

    Finally, we agree on something. You need to find one and make an appointment for us. Check with me before you make one so I can see if that day is clear first, she responded.

    So as usual she had to check with her stupid family first to make sure we can do something. It wouldn’t ever work between her and me. I went down stairs, and while I was eating breakfast, I looked in the phone directory for a marriage counselor. Surprisingly, I was able to find one there and then. I went back upstairs to let my wife know I was calling so she could be on the phone to hear everything. She was happy for once. I did something right. The place answered, and we set up an appointment for the next week without her saying we’d have to call them back. I must say that quite impressed me.

    Wow. I couldn’t believe how fast time had flown. It was the next week already and time to meet with the counselor. As we were walking into the appointment, the first thing the counselor did was hand me a packet that he had put together. He also said that I was the reason for all of our problems. He went on by saying the packet talks about how to overcome any and all addictions including the biggest one to date. He said they were the biggest and worst things that tears marriages and families apart. That all is crazy talk, since I have no addictions whatsoever. I couldn’t believe everyone was blaming me for our marriage problems. I wasn’t not the problem in this marriage.

    After about an hour of me feeling like the world was out to get me, our time was up, and we started walking out of the office. We were saying our goodbyes and scheduling for the next week. Now it was starting to look like in the movies when time itself stopped. I noticed what appeared to me to be a man sitting on the couch across the foyer from me with his legs crossed and arms on the back of the couch. The person started to uncross his legs stand up. As he got closer to me, I could definitely tell it was a man, but wait. Was I going nuts?

    Well, I guess a few years older with more experience and wisdom. He also looked really sad as if he could’ve been alone for quite some time now.

    I didn’t know. Besides, who was I to judge another, right? Where was I drawing all these conclusions from? I didn’t know my own future or could I? The man just looked at me with a somewhat forced smile to perhaps suggest, Hey it’ll get better,

    When he began to talk, he said , Dean, I’ve forgotten how young and foolish we used to be in life. I’m sorry I don’t have much time to give this warning and message. Your marriage was doomed for failure from the beginning due to your problems and lack of wanting to change for the better. You have ignored the many signs that the Leader has shown unto you that you need to change or you will lose your family. The Leader wants you to have a very happy marriage and be together for infinitity. He wants to try one more time for you to change because he has a very important mission for you to undertake. Over the next two or three days, you will be visited by three people who will try their best to show you how you’ve become this way, why you need to change, and how you can change.

    With that, he was gone in brilliant display of bright light. Things were once again moving in normal time. My wife, who at this point in time, I hated, put her hand on my arm and asked if I was alright. I, of course, pulled away.

    Yes. Why do you care anyway? I said. Besides I don’t care who hears me and what business is it of theirs anyway. With that, we walked out to the car to leave. Great, now because it’s Friday I have to worry about this all weekend long. There goes my weekend.

    With it being Friday, and I had the weekends off, I decided to go on my usual walk of about two miles. I put my ear buds in my ears and turned my music on. That always helped to pass the time while I do thinking. I liked to walk the almost two miles so it got me out of the house and away from fights. I started walking, and I had probably been gone for what I thought was thirty minutes or so. However, the thing that was mainly on my mind was the weird visit from none other than myself from the future. The message I gave myself was very complexing to me in many ways. I had told myself a lot, even warned myself that I’d be receiving visitors. The whole thing was just plain weird anyway. I must be going crazy or something.

    Wow, I had a lot of thinking to do it seemed like. I had just arrived at the part of the path which goes through the huge park with lots of places for families and dates to have picnics. I just noticed that the birds weren’t chirping and there was no breeze. As I began to look around, the trees had also stopped blowing about. I could also see that there was another person walking their dog which has its leg up toward a tree, doing its business. That's just a little disturbing I thought. It was an image I would never get out my mind. This was all way too familiar, like earlier today at the marriage counselor's office. Like time had frozen again.

    Oh wait. I could hear what sounded like subtle whirring sounds in the close distance. Probably about thirty or forty yards away, in the middle of a lot of trees, I could see a circular bright white light that looked sort of like an old sci-fi tractor beam. A figure stepped out of this bright white light, perhaps a man, judging by the way he was walking. In fact, my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me. As the person got closer to where I was standing, I could indeed see it was a man, and not just any man. It was my best friend Harry McMantis’s dad.

    I had no idea how to react to this. I mean he’d been dead for ten years or so. I was there when we laid his body to rest in my home town of Outland Park, Kansas, about ten minutes or so from the Missouri border. At the risk of me sounding ever so stupid, I felt the need to say something. It was then I heard the words stammering out of my mouth.

    Mr. McMantis? I thought you were dead? I mean Harry and I saw you get buried back in Kansas. How can you be here, and especially now?

    Yes, Dean, it’s really me, and yes I’m dead. At least the version of me that you knew. Didn’t you receive the messenger?

    Yes, I received the message from myself, which I still think was a dream, I answered, confused.

    Oh, that’s you anyway. You’ve never taken anything serious in your whole life. Well, I’m guessing you don’t remember why I’m here then? Well, I’ll just have to save you the time and tell you. I’m the first of the three visitors you’ll be receiving. I will be representing your past. Don’t even think of asking questions about where Harry and I come from, because if you heed these warnings, you’ll find out the answers all in due time anyway. So, I hope you’re all buckled in, because you’re in for a whopper of a ride through your life, Dean. I’ll have to explain some things first though since I have special permission from the Leader. He’s said something about time travel, but I zoned him out since it really wasn’t possible.

    So, where are you going to take me first? It’s not like we can actually travel through time anyway. This just part of my imagination.

    Dean, with all the time that you’ve known Harry, you haven’t learned anything yet! Well, just wait. We’ll surf the waves of time through your past, and hopefully you’ll learn that way. Here we go, surfing the waves of time!! 

    With that, the bright light was back, but this time it engulfed both of us. As time passes by I’m seeing a glimpse of my wife and us buying our house, our wedding day, our first meeting in the airport, me in high school. Mr. McMantis starting to interrupt me trying to make sense of everything I just saw. Saying something like we’re rewinding life itself Dean.

    Here we are. We’re in the very same grocery store, on the very same day, that as a seven-year-old, child you stole candy. Now remember, you’re the only one that can see and hear me. Also, you have all your thoughts and memories still, but you’re in your childhood body as a passenger only. 

    What a second there. You’re telling me I’m a child again, but with all the years of memories and thoughts of my adult life? I asked.

    That’s right. In fact, you’ll experience everything just the way you did back then. Feelings, thoughts, etc. In fact, you’ll have no control of your actions, because remember, you’ll only be a passenger.

    Now that he had made all of this very clear, I felt a bit scared. So, I chose to look down at my two small hands, partly due to the fact that I felt stuff in them. Sure enough, my hands were full of candy that I was stuffing into my pockets. In this very moment I can hear the familiar female voice that belonged to my mother.

    There you are, Dean! I’ve been looking all over this store for you. I should’ve known you’d be by the candy.

    We were starting to walk toward the checkout stands to pay for all of the groceries, the ones that my mother knew about. I thought about the grape flavored gum, sweet strawberry candy rings, and the cherry push pops that were stuffed in my pockets. How can Mom not see that my pockets are stuffed full? I was going to get away with this. As we were leaving the store, our night was sure to go on as usual. The three of us, Mom, Dad, and I ate a well prepared dinner. My mom really was a good cook. As I proceeded to go upstairs to my room and get ready for bed, I put my hands into my pockets to grab some mouth-watering candy to start munching on. As I was finishing the last of the candy, my mother walked in, as one of the house rules is to never have any closed doors. Oh darn. I hoped she didn’t see me eating any candy.

    I had been caught right in the act of eating the stolen candy, or have I? Before she even said a word to me, I felt guilty. Is that because I was caught or because I was really feeling sorry for stealing the candy? Because I knew while I was stealing the candy that it was wrong, and I’d been taught better. My mother gave me a disappointed but very hurt look from her eyes. Which helped make me feel as though I had shot her in the heart with my own two little hands. With all these thoughts once again flowing through my small childhood mind, I felt as though I will be taking a long hard walk through a dark, valley of forgiveness. Am I ever going to learn anything from this and if so, what?

    Tomorrow your father and I will take you back to the store. You’ll give the store manager the correct amount of money from all the chores you’ve been doing. Then in front of everyone, you’ll tell us what you’ve learned from this experience, my wonderful mother said as she began to lovingly tuck me into bed. We started to pray for my forgiveness. My mom prayed as only a mom would, that I’d learn from this how wrong it is to steal and nothing good can ever come from it. That was just one of many early childhood memories that I had of being taught the ways of a Christian. Those are the last thoughts I remember having before drifting off to sleep.

    As a brand new day was starting, the bright warm sun is shining through my bedroom window. I rolled over in bed and opened my eyes, I felt the sun beaming upon my the room next to mine, my parents whispered about waking me up. They’re talking about waking me up since the store manager should be at the store by now. Oh great. I always hated punishments, no matter how they were handled.

    As their feet sounded down the hall , I closed my eyes and pretended to asleep. I was never any good at faking like I was asleep. I’m noticing that they sound as though they’re really sad that they have to do this sort of punishment. I know that they really love me and only want what’s best for me. I wish that I would’ve realized back then how much they truly really love me. So, I’m now getting up and dressed. They decide to walk me out to the car like I’m a prisoner or something. Let the sentence commence.

    As I’m riding in the back seat to the store, In the car a thick layer of silence. I don’t know what’s worse, this or living with the complete guilt of knowing I stole something for the rest of my life. Besides that, where has Mr. McMantis been through all of this? I haven’t seen him for a while. I’m scared I’m going through this all alone. I’m also really scared of actually admitting that I did something wrong. I looked out the window, and watched us pull into the store parking lot.

    As I got out of the car, I started to feel even more guilty. Perhaps this was what my parents wanted me to feel like. I walked toward the doors as my parents are following a little bit behind me, to see if I’ll actually go through with this. Up to the customer service desk I went to ask for the store manager. There was one person behind the counter... this never happens. That’s when my mother spoke up.

    Excuse me, but may we talk with your store manager?

    With a smile the person behind the counter responded, May I inquire as to the nature of the question so that I can let the store manager know?

    Who was going to respond first? What would they say? If it’s my mother, she’ll probably speak her mind, but be kind of private. Mr. McMantis showed up and started guiding me. I heard my mother starting to talk. Too much talking, who should I listen to?

    Now remember it’s not about being embarrassed. It’s about what you learn and remember, he’s saying. My attention was quickly focused on my mother. 

    Yes, you can ask. Our son stole some candy, ate it and we’re here to teach him a valuable lesson of life— honesty.

    This is of course when the manager walked up. Oh yeah, I forgot the manager was our neighbor. This was not going well.

    It’s good to see you two, as always. Now let's see if we can help you in teaching Dean here this lesson. Seeing that he’s eaten the candy, perhaps we could have him give up his allowance in the amount of the total cost with taxes of the candy. Then over time he’ll have learned the lesson and may be to forgive himself.

    That sounds fair, Dean. Please give him your money, my mother’s advised me.

    With tears of joy, fingers wrapped around my hard-earned money in my pocket. I'm remembering the words of a very wise man. This man always comes before all of us. This man is no ordinary man, but we Christians believe him to be the son of a living God. The quote I grew up with being told were these very simple words. It’s not always easy to do what’s right and good, but it will be worth it in the long run."

    He came around the counter and got on his knees while I handed him the money. He put his arms around me with a kind of smile that says we forgive you. He told me that my parents are the most kind and forgiving people he knows that just want what’s best for me because they love me. Yes, I’ll agree with that. They have taught me very well.

    Dean I know it’s gotta be tough seeing your parents after all these years. I believe this was the first teaching that you can really remember, Mr. McMantis said.

    Yes, it’s hard and very emotional, but I’m that kind of person. I’ve learned the feeling of being forgiven. What else is there from my past that I need to know? I don’t know how much more I can handle.

    Well, there is the house fire in March 1991 where you lost your best friend. You need to know and remember all the service and that kind of love again, Mr. McMantis responded

    At that very moment, a cloud of smoke began to flow all around me. I began to realize I was in my childhood bed with all the lights out. It was dark outside, and I'm inhaling and smelling smoke. My dad yelled at me to get out of the house right then. I’m not thinking as I’m feeling my body just reacting. There’s smoke everywhere I’m stumbling down the flight of eight stairs. With hard booming thud, I hit the front door. I felt my hands trying to open the door. As the night went on for what seemed like forever, I saw firemen all over our front lawn exhausted and gasping for oxygen as they continued to go in and out of our home, all through the early hours of the morning. The fire chief telling my dad it’s a five-alarm fire and they had no idea where the fire is coming from.

    My mom exclaimed through tears that they were on the roof with axes. If my memory serves me right the house should’ve gone down. One of the firemen with smoke rolling off his jacket came up to the vehicle we were in with something small and furry in his arms and tears pouring from his eyes. My parents turned to me with tears streaming down their faces as they let the man tell me that they had found a cat dead in a what looked to be my bed. With a thud of my heart, my world crumbled as it had those many years ago.

    Sapphire was my best friend. She was always there when I needed someone to listen and share my problems with. I’d forgotten these feelings of love for someone or something else and everything. I could feel time slipping as though fast-forwarding months into the future. The damage to the house was a lot, around forty or sixty thousand dollars’ worth, but a lot of work was also needed if we were to continue to live there. That’s when neighbors, friends, church members, and people we’d never met started to come over with materials, food, and helping hands. I could feel the love, and happiness from all of these people willing to give of their time and talents to help us out or in many cases, repay all the years and service my family as given to them. Besides, what my parents taught me about serving and helping other people, this was my first experience of actually seeing it in action. It brought tears of joy into my eyes as I watched these people go about with joyful hearts. As a child, I never kept a journal, so I’d forgotten a lot of these events.What is in store for me next? What life event will I be sent to next, what experience will I be forced to relive? Was I wrong to be looking at life this way? Is it still bad of me to be thinking I’m being forced to relive these events again?

    Well, if you’re finished time-diving, may I have your attention? You have a lot you need to see about yourself and not a lot of time to do so, pardon the pun, a man said. As the smoke cleared, I saw a man that looked like my dad. This was getting weird even for me.

    Why do you look and sound like my dad?

    Well, for starters, I’m just a figment of your imagination to better help you cope with this experience, he replied

    I was standing in a field of beautiful flowers that also smelled so divine that I wanted to stay there for a long time. I’m not actually sure where I was though. I was so lost, but, if I have a guide I guess I’m not really lost then.

    I should probably explain this portion of life to you. You are in your present time, meaning as you know things. So, you’re in your actual body, no being just a passenger who’s along only for the ride. To answer that question on your mind, you’re in Plagden, Utah, he said, continuing to explain things like he was reading my mind.

    What are we doing here? 

    Well for starters, if you remember you were warned countless times within your dreams that if you didn’t change, you’d be taken away from your family, not ever having the privilege of seeing your daughter grow up or being part of her life. We will focus on the facts that led to your bad behaviors, though. 

    It sounded like he’s picking his words very carefully. We’re now being transported within a bright light to the place that brought so much unhappiness to my wife. I was going through all my bad choices and mistakes again. This time around, I’m feeling and noticing all the pain and regrets, though. 

    Will this be a time blur like my past, I thought I should ask him.

    "Yes, it will be a blur because you have a lot to do in your

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