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Luna's Secret: Escaped Luna's Secret Son
Luna's Secret: Escaped Luna's Secret Son
Luna's Secret: Escaped Luna's Secret Son
Ebook337 pages6 hours

Luna's Secret: Escaped Luna's Secret Son

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"Will you marry me?”

He scoffed. “Violet, I can’t marry you. My family and my pack won’t accept you, but—” he pinched my chin and lifted my face. “But you will stay in this lodge forever. And that’s an order.”

“As your mistress?” I asked.

“You may think whatever you like.”

“But you won’t mark me. You will mark Emily.”

“I have to mark her,” he said, as if this was undisputable. “She is the daughter of the Alpha of Red Claw pack and my fiancée.”

“You can’t accept me because I am a rogue?”

After a perfect night with Violet, Dane rejects her, to marry Emily who is known to him from childhood and is the perfect choice.

Feeling insulted and dejected, Violet runs away.

However, Dane can't stop thinking about Violet and crazily hunts for her.

At his pre-wedding party, he sees Violet with someone else. Jealousy rips his heart and this time he won't let her go, even if that means he has to break the rules.

Violet resists him, because she has something precious to hide. What happens when Dane sees a pup who is his carbon copy? And he calls Violet, ‘Mom’.

Will Violet accept his rejection finally? Or will she come back to him for a second chance? Will Dane be able to seduce her back in his own, dark and twisted way? Or will he be forced to go back to Emily? Let the chase begin!

(Book 2 Of the Series is available to read here. The Series contains 2 books.)

Release dateApr 24, 2024
Luna's Secret: Escaped Luna's Secret Son

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    Book preview

    Luna's Secret - Misha K

    Misha K

    Luna's Secret

    Escaped Luna's Secret Son

    Chapter 51

    Violet POV

    As the moon dropped and the sun rose over the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, I found myself in our secluded room. While he carried me all the way to the room, I still had my face buried in his chest. I heard shuffling of feet and soft murmurs from people around. 

    Upon entering the room, I lifted my head and gasped when I saw that the room was adorned with soft, flickering candles that cast a warm and inviting glow over the walls. The air was filled with the scent of fragrant flowers. Flower petals were sprinkled over the silk linen on our bed. Someone had put on soft classical music in the background. There was a bottle of champagne sitting on ice in a salted ice-water bucket. 

    I was amazed by how quickly everything was prepared. Did Alpha Dane convey about me to everyone already? 

    Alpha Dane put me on the bed and knelt in front of me. He kissed me lightly on my lips. Cupping my cheeks, he said, I love you, Luna Violet. His throat bobbed as I watched him with amazement. He brushed my cheek with his thumb. I’ve been late in giving you your rightful position, but now you are here and I will make it official in a few hours. I know you will have to face hurdles, but I am there with you. Don’t think you are alone. He took a deep breath and placed his head on my lap, closing his eyes. I won’t let any harm come to you… he murmured. 

    Softly, I stroked his hair with my fingers. Never before had my Alpha made such a beautiful love confession. A tear threatened to fall from the edge. I tried to contain it, but it rolled anyway. Right now, Alpha Dane’s demeanor was in total contrast to his usual persona. I never imagined Dane had this aspect, but if this was just a glimpse, I'd hang onto it. I knew he was also going through a tsunami of emotions. 

    I love you too, Dane, I muttered as my tears fell on his cheek. He lifted his head up and wiped that tear with his lips. 

    No more crying, Luna Violet. I want you to be strong. There’s a lot we have to face together. You know that, right? 

    I chuckled and nodded. My gaze flitted to his lips. I moved back over the petals, inviting him to come up with me. His gaze heated, and he crawled over me. In the next few minutes, our clothes were lying in a heap on the floor. His hard shaft pressed into my belly as he lowered himself and licked my mark. A shiver ran down my body as sensations flooded me. 

    When a mark is placed on our body, it is usually associated with the venom of your mate. The venom slipped in the bloodstream when your mate sank his or her fangs into your pulse point and is supposed to dull the pain of the wound. At the same time, it acts like an aphrodisiac. You feel relaxed and aroused. The wound got healed fast in werewolves, depending on the kind of wolf you were. Wolves with alpha blood healed faster than any other wolves.  

    On my shoulder, Alpha Dane's mark appeared as two angry red marks with exposed flesh. He licked it again. My saliva is going to make it heal fast, Vi, he said against my skin. I knew that an alpha’s saliva was very potent in healing one’s mark. 

    I nodded as my gaze went to his pulse point, where I wanted to place my mark. When he noticed where my gaze was fixed, he took a deep breath in. I can’t wait for you to mark me, he said in a silken voice that made my stomach dip deliciously. He lowered his lips and to mine and kissed me with deep passion, forcing me to open them. He pushed his tongue past my lips and then our kiss became a battle for dominance. 

    His hand slipped to my breasts, where he pinched my nipple. My yelp went directly into his mouth. He traced a line over my belly until he found my clit. Parting my lips, he pressed his thumb to my clit. I bucked my hips into his hands. He pinched my clit. Pain and pleasure ripped through me like a wave crashing against a cliff as an orgasm blasted through me. At that moment, he thrust his hard shaft inside me in one go. 

    Ah! I tipped my head up. Suddenly, my body felt hot as if I was walking into an oven. Sweat beads formed on my forehead. Strange sensations tickled through my skin. I felt like I was on… heats. My heart raced against my ribcage. If he came inside me—

    Eyes on me, Vi! he ordered, and I peeled my eyes open somehow. I want to see you in thrall of orgasm. 

    He increased his pace. My hands went to his back, and I realized my claws had come out. Yes! Ah! It felt like molten lava was rippling inside my body and before I knew it, I dug my claws into his back, drawing blood. He arched slightly, a feral expression passing through his face. His eyes flashed golden, and I knew his wolf wanted to surface. 

    I tried my best to keep my eyes open, but the need to mark him was strong as hell. He understood my predicament and so he rolled with me so that I straddled his thighs as I rode him. Mark me, Violet, he almost begged. I placed my hands on his chest as I bounced over his penis. My fangs elongated as my gaze fixed on his pulse point. Alpha Dane turned his head to the side, exposing his neck for me. The lure was too much for me to handle and I struck his skin with my fangs, sinking them deep. My orgasm hit me at the same time. 

    He emitted a low growl and ejaculated inside me, holding my head to secure my position. 

    I continued to keep my fangs in his neck until my orgasm passed, feeling him releasing his hot cum inside me. Only after I was satisfied did I pull out my fangs. Panting, when my eyes slid to him, I noticed he had a proud expression on his face, mimicking mine. 

    He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. This marks a new beginning, Vi, he said in a low voice. Something inside me stirred. Opal. Was she trying to come out? Goddess. 

    Everything was surreal, and I didn’t feel like getting up. But I had to because Dave was pounding on my door with his little fists. Mommy, mommy! It was 10AM. 

    Alpha Dane chuckled. Come in, pup. 

    What, no! I rushed to the bathroom to put on something when Dane remained naked in the bed. 

    Dave opened the door and, with a scream, jumped on the bed. Daddy, daddy! He crawled to Dane. You married my mommy! Dane laughed as he hugged Dave and kissed him on his cheeks. When are you taking my mommy on a honeymoon? he asked innocently. 

    I arrived in the room wearing a long nightgown, shaking my head.

    How about tomorrow? Dane suggested with a grin. 

    I will also come with you on your honeymoon! Dave announced, excited. When he looked at me, he ran to me and kissed me. Mommy, you married Daddy! 

    I hugged him. Sort of, sweetie. The marriage was still supposed to take place.

    To say that Dave was ecstatic was an understatement. He was thrilled and excited. 

    Does this mean we don’t have to go back to our old house? When I nodded, he squealed. 

    This all seemed so normal that a tear slipped out of my eyes. My chest filled with warmth seeing how Dane played with Dave. I knew that the road ahead of me was a steep climb, but with these two on my side, I would scale it. 

    My phone flashed, and I saw Martha’s number flashing.

    Chapter 52

    Violet POV

    I wasn’t sure if Alpha Dane would go on a honeymoon because he was so busy all the time, but when two weeks later he said that we will go on a five-day trip to Maui, Hawaii, I was pleasantly surprised. 

    Alpha Dane was sitting in Dave’s room with me, watching him play with the latest toy boys loved—an oculus. Dave was so engrossed in it he bought a lightsaber and was fighting in space using the inputs from oculus. Dane had appointed Niti, a young omega girl, to be his nanny. She had built a makeshift rope enclosure to protect him from accidents. 

    I want him to enjoy it with us, Alpha Dane said with a tender smile on his lips. That’s why I’ve chosen a family-friendly destination. 

    I took a deep breath in as I stared at my Alpha. With Dave, he was so different. If I was his weak point, Dave was his weakest point. Every day after his pack duties, he would come and spend his time with Dave and me. I didn’t question him about Ilene all this while, because at the bottom of my heart, I was still pissed off by her. She’d been so blinded by Emily that she went to the Elder Council against her son. 

    That’s very sweet of you, I said as I caressed his knuckles.

    Dane pulled me next to him and placed his head on my lap. On an instinct, I started caressing his hair. He closed his eyes and went off to sleep instantly, wrapping his arms around me tightly as if commanding me to stay there. 

    I reminisced about what had happened in the past week. Alpha Dane made sure that the four Elders who took bribes from Alpha George were put in the dungeons. Despite lack of evidence, the other three were asked to step down because Dane suspected them of hiding knowledge of bribery. Following extensive meetings with his council, he appointed four additional Elders after thoroughly reviewing their backgrounds. 

    The case had gone to the High Council, one which presided over the entire werewolf community. It had become so popular that almost everyone was talking about it. According to Jackson, Alpha George was in serious trouble and had approached Alpha Dane, but was not given any attention. Jackson didn’t give me more details, but cautioned me from going out without security. He stated that the search was on for potential spies from the Red Claw pack within the White Fur pack. I couldn’t help thinking that Alpha Dane was a shrewd werewolf who didn’t take chances. 

    He delayed our marriage until tomorrow in order to make sure that everything went back to normal. There was unrest amongst the pack members about a rogue being their Luna. 

    The incident occurred during a dinner held in my honor. I was skeptical about it, but Dane was insistent that I had to go with him. We headed to the main hall of the pack house, where the dinner was held for all pack members. Tables were adorned with exquisite tapestry. Flower arrangements decorated the center of the tables, and long garlands hung from the ceiling. The instant I entered the room, everyone fell silent and directed their gaze towards me. I walked between them, clutching Dane’s hand, weighted silence crushing me. 

    As I sat at the longest table in the center with Alpha at the head of it and me on his right, everyone else sat down. I kept my head low and focused on my food when I heard someone dropping their spoon on the plate loudly. Startled, I looked up and saw a growling wolf with dark brown hair. This is not what I expected of an Alpha. What about Emily as our Luna? he asked. 

    Alpha Dane's silence and stillness held a warning. 

    Alpha Dane, I am not questioning your decision, the wolf stated. I am trying to understand it. 

    Alpha Dane leaned back in his chair, his hands resting on his thighs. Though he sat in a relaxed manner, it was anything but that. What is it you haven’t understood, Jeremy? 

    After a tense moment of silence, Jeremy said, Emily was supposed to be the Luna of the White Fur pack. We all followed you loyally, hoping that you would marry her. Our loyalty goes towards her and we want nothing more than to have a strong Luna like her. She should have been the rightful Luna. Our pack is the strongest and we have a reputation to live. Heads would roll if you marry Violet! 

    My stomach knotted. Jeremy was trying to create a mutiny amongst the pack members of the White Fur pack. And what could be a better occasion than this? Every pack member was present. Was he acting on someone’s orders?

    Alpha Dane said nothing in return. Heavy silence blanketed the room. There was no movement, not from those who were on our table or who were on the surrounding tables. 

    Jeremy continued, Over the last five years, Emily has made way into our hearts. Not only because she was beautiful, but because she was trained to be a Luna. He glanced at me and fumed, You can use her to warm your bed. Instead, you are going to marry her? His eyes snapped in my direction. Her? Of all she-wolves? 

    His tone was so acerbic that his words stung at a deeper level. And to say that was something because I was used to a lot of biting remarks. 

    Jackson, who was sitting next to me, angrily said, If you’re still smart, you’ll sit down. Now. 

    Alpha Dane leaned forward and folded his elbows on the table. No, let him speak. 

    Are you fucking serious, Beta Jackson? Jeremy’s eyes went wide. You are okay with Alpha Dane marrying this rogue? Are you fine with keeping her as our Luna? This is an honor meant to be given to someone who would bring people together and not to someone who would eventually tear us apart.

    Chapter 53

    Violet POV 

    Jackson’s eyes flashed golden. I am with Alpha Dane in whatever he does. And if he has chosen Violet as his Luna, then we all do the same.

    I will never choose her to be my Luna! Jeremy spat as his forearms rippled with fur, his wolf surfacing. When his eyes fixed on me and my fists clenched in tension. None of us will accept her. She was raised as a rogue. Because she sees her gain in it, she has accepted to bond with our Alpha. She isn’t worthy of being our Luna. With anger, he glared at everyone, his chest heaving heavily. 

    After a few tense seconds, Alpha Dane spoke. What matters is that I choose her as being my Luna. His quiet voice had a lull of storm and my heart skipped a beat. And that is all that matters. 

    Jeremy’s lips peeled back in a snarl. You can choose her, Alpha Dane, but we will never choose the bloody gold digger! 

    I flinched. Blood rushed to my cheeks and my breath became ragged. I touched my cheeks, feeling the sting in his voice like a slap on my face. After all that happened in the Elder Council, I had to see this too? Pack members were so much against me? Or was it just a faction that Jeremy represented? 

    Jeremy’s claws elongated. I will see her dead before I allow her to become Luna of this pack. 

    In a few heartbeats, after Jeremy’s words left his mouth, there was a blur of a movement next to me, and strands of my hair lifted in the air. 

    Alpha Dane’s chair was empty. 

    Jackson stood. 

    The warriors flooded the pack hall. 

    But Jeremy—his head clanged on the dinner table and his headless body toppled on the floor, blood spurting from his neck, flooding the floor. 

    Horror filled my vision as I saw Alpha Dane standing where Jeremy was, blood flowing around his booted feet. There was blood on his claws, his shirt and pants, and his eyes were flickering golden. He turned his face to the rest of the pack members. An animalistic growl emanated from deep inside his chest. I knew that was his alpha wolf was raging to come out, looking at everyone with a challenge in his eyes. Everyone’s neck, except mine, inclined at an angle in submission. 

    Does anyone have to say anything else about my Luna? Dane asked in a voice that was enough to send shivers down my spine. 

    A ripple of fear washed over everyone as a murmur of denial filled the room. Alpha Dane’s eyes locked with mine as he lifted the napkin on the table and cleaned his hands. His claws didn’t retract until he came to me. With my heart thumping, my throat became paper dry when he stared at me intensely.

    He tossed the blood-stained napkin behind him and kissed my cheek. I will do the same to anyone who speaks against you, love. His voice was too silky. So silky that goosebumps prickled my skin. Then he looked around the table where everyone sat with pale faces. If anyone dares to insult my Luna or tries to kill her, they will face the same wrath and fate. Is that clear? He sat in his chair, picked up his wine, and shrugged. At least Jeremy died quickly. His words concealed a threat, suggesting others could meet a dreadful fate. 

    My breath refused to leave my lungs because my mind was too numb to react. Now I knew why everyone said that Alpha Dane was a ruthless, merciless wolf.

    A few warriors came and picked up Jeremy’s body and his head. Omegas immediately cleaned the blood from there. They removed his chair. 

    Suddenly, someone shot a question from the end of the table. Alpha Dane, where is the official wedding? 

    It was followed by laughter across the table, and the mood lifted just like that. Alpha Dane’s lips lifted into a smile as he picked up his wine and toasted, To my Luna, who is the most stunning woman in the world, who ran away from me, and who I had to force back to my pack and my life. His eyes turned to me, and I let out a sharp exhale. 

    I knew what he meant by those words. He announced to everyone that I wasn’t here for my gain or that I was a gold digger. I was here because he wanted me to be here, because I didn’t have a choice in his decision.

    Goddess, help me. I fell madly in love with Alpha Dane even though he just murdered a wolf in cold blood. Was I becoming as twisted as he was? 

    His hand reached mine over the table and covered it. I will not tolerate threats and attacks on you, Violet. As I fought my tears back, he eased in his chair and, with the hands with which he just killed a wolf, he drank the rest of his wine. My eyes went to the place where Jeremy’s chair was. If Alpha Dane hadn’t intervened, I would have been dead. I couldn’t help thinking how many in this room wanted me dead. 

    An omega brought finger bowls for Alpha Dane in which he washed his hands before eating. 


    What are you thinking? he asked, lifting his eyes to me from my lap. 

    I chuckled. Nothing. That incident was so potent that everyone in the pack feared me now. No one talked to me and steered clear, but I was determined to bridge the gap. I had an idea in my mind, but it had to wait for a few months. Do you know it is not right to be with the spouse just before your wedding?

    I don’t care, he growled. I am not leaving you alone! 


    Because you will feel lonely. 

    I laughed. I think you are talking about yourself. 

    No, I am more concerned about my mate, he replied in a gruff voice. 

    Since our flight was at 11AM the next day, our wedding took place early in the morning at 5AM. The temple where the wedding was situated on a hillock outside the pack’s territory. Very few pack members who held important positions were there to attend it, along with their families. I noticed Pippa along with her parents. She smiled at me and waved, mouthing a hello. 

    The star of the wedding was Dave. He refused to stay away from me. He guided me down the corridor to the main sanctum, holding my hand in his small one. I chose to wear a white silk dress that fell to my thighs with a small veil. Dave donned a bow tie to complement his mini tuxedo. As soon as I was in the sanctum, he stepped aside and whispered, Mommy, Niti said that you have to take vows. Have you written them? 

    I chuckled. I have. 

    As I faced Dane, his intense gaze made my heart race. He said nothing as the Shaman proceeded with our wedding. Using a knife that he took out from the hand of the statue of the Moon Goddess, he sliced our palms and joined them. Blood trickled down and mixed. Something inside me purred, ‘our mate…’

    Chapter 54

    Violet POV

    Hawaii was heaven. Alpha Dane had lined up a series of activities for Dave to keep him busy. He had booked the most expensive sea-facing resort for us. There were five more resorts in that line. He booked the entire row so that no one bothered to come near. Tusker was also with us just for an extra layer of protection for Dave. 

    Alpha Dane and I were relaxing on chaise chairs with an umbrella protecting us from the sun. I had turned on my belly and dozed off to sleep when Dane said, Would you like to add another layer of sunscreen? 

    Umm… no… I want to get tanned… I replied and went back to sleep. 

    No way! he growled. He jumped from his chair and came to sit at the edge of mine. I think I will buy more bikinis for you. I love you seeing in these, he said, untying my top. He squirted a lot of lotion on my back and started rubbing it. 

    Why did you pose that question to me when you had to put on sunscreen? I asked, chuckling. I loved the warm Hawaiian sun. 

    His hand went to my bikini bottom, where he delved his fingers inside the fabric to touch my pussy. I jumped, but his free hand firmly pushed me down. 

    Dane! I blushed and gasped as I turned my head to see him. Behind him, at a few meters ahead, Dave was building sandcastles with Tusker. 

    They are too busy to notice anything, he said in a low voice and the next instant, his finger was inside my pussy. I clenched my core tightly and he let out a low growl. Open up for me, Violet. 

    I was so scared that Tusker might glance at this side, but he didn’t. He was focusing on building the sandcastle as if he was in some competition. 

    This is outrageous, I rasped. 

    If you don’t want me to haul you back to the room and fuck you senseless, open up. 

    I opened up because I knew that Alpha Dane didn’t threaten unless he carried out his threats. His finger went up instantly and I sucked in a sharp breath. While with one hand he rubbed my back, with the other he pumped my pussy. I wriggled and squirmed on the chair as he continued to pump in and out. A low ache built in my belly. The thrill of doing it in the open, with a possibility that someone might watch us, was adding to my adrenalin gush. My breath became ragged, and I was on the edge. Dane slapped his hand on my mouth just then. I let out a muffled scream beneath his hand as an earth-shattering orgasm hit me. 

    This is the best honeymoon I’ve come for! Dave squealed in the background as he finished his castle, making Tusker laugh.

    Alpha Dane took out his finger from my pussy and took it to his mouth. He licked my juices off his finger. You taste better than honey, he said in a salacious voice that only made me want him more.

    Let’s go to our room, I offered, greedy for more. 

    He stared at me with a heated gaze. Not now, because I am taking Dave to explore nature. And you are coming with us. I swallowed my dry throat as frustration rose inside me. 

    The hike through the lush rainforests was amazing. There were so many hidden waterfalls and breathtaking sceneries that I would often gape at the pure splendor of nature. While the tour guide had taken Tusker and Dave inside a cave, Dane pulled me behind

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