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Ebook323 pages6 hours


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Crash trilogy, never before published in any format!

A football fantasy. A giant diamond. The modern-day Romeo and Juliet are taking their relationship to the next level. . . . Jude and Lucy are happily engaged, but that doesn't mean life's a bed of roses.

Once again, the hottest couple around is torn apart, this time by football training and a summer job. Now it's Jude with the trust issues.

Will Lucy's life-changing news bring them back together or end their relationship for good? Can love triumph forever?

Find out in the best installment yet in Nicole Williams's racy and romantic Crash trilogy!

Release dateApr 23, 2013

Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams, author of Crash, Clash, Crush, The Eden Trilogy, and The Patrick Chronicles, is a wife, a mom, and a writer who believes in true love, kindred spirits, and happy endings. Nicole currently lives with her family in Spokane, Washington.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have to say I was not disappointed with the end of Lucy and Jude's story. These two seem to thrive on drama though. That being said I am so happy that they come out on the otherside of it hand in hand. Even though they both have a ways to go I was glad to see them growing up. They are getting better at controlling their anger but some was a little out of line but when put into perspective made sense. There was a few times when I wanted to shake them both. Thank God for Holly because she seemed to be able to do just that. I didn't like the extra conflict added but I was so proud of Lucy and the way she handled it. I was afraid I would end up hating her. Thank heavens I didn't. Crazy anger issues or not I still love Jude. He overreacts a lot but once you get down to it he's just a boy afraid of being left like everyone has always done to him. He's scared and a little, okay a lot, possessive but his love for Luce runs deep and is true. I guess that is why her being so indecisive bothers me so much but like I said I am happy to see she has gotten better. Such a great ending, though I am sad too see them go but glad that maybe that means no more drama. I hope we see more of Holly,Thomas,India and even Anton.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ya’ll. I did it. I finally finish this series. It was hard to finish it because I fell for the characters. I wanted them to be happy and content.Plot: This story follows Jude and Lucy when they are finishing college. Things are happening upon them fast. Work opportunities and life all come crashing down and they have to make some big decisions. I like that this story still sticks with the old Jude and Lucy yet they have grown. It good to see them making decisions on their own yet together.Love: This is the area that I was most nervous about. Jude getting a lifetime opportunity and Lucy trying to pre-sue her dance dreams, communication get sidelined. They start arguing and seeing things differently. And it worried me. I just wanted to scream, “WORK IT OUT!!” But they kept hiding secrets, not telling their feelings and before you know it…BAM! It all explodes.Ending: I like the way it ended. They finally got their head on straight and starting thinking about each other instead of themselves. I like they the came back to the start in being friends.I loved this ending. It gave the perfect HAPPILY EVER AFTER that I wanted. Soo good and happy to see things work out nicely of them both. Crush is awesome!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.Quick & Dirty: This was a sweet romance filled with lots of sexy moments, and drama. It was the perfect ending for a wonderful series.Opening Sentence: Up, down.The Review:It’s been three years since Lucy and Jude got engaged. They just finished their junior year of college and life couldn’t be better. Jude has just been drafted by the San Diego Chargers and signed a multi-million dollar contract. Now on top of being the happiest couple ever they are totally rich, what could possibly go wrong. But if you know Jude and Lucy you know that their relationship is no walk in the park. They both have spit fire tempers and sometimes it seems that they fight more than they get along.Jude is living his dream of being a professional football player, but what about Lucy’s dream. She wants to be a professional ballet dancer and San Diego isn’t exactly the ideal place to do that. She also wants to finish school at Julliard which happens to be in New York. Now they have the whole country between them. Can their love survive the distance? Will they be able to compromise and work out their problems? Will Lucy and Jude get their happily ever after?Lucy is our very independent protagonist. She definitely has a mind of her own, and doesn’t like to be told what to do. She has a pretty quick temper, but she has worked on trying to rein it in especially when it comes to Jude. I loved Lucy in the first book, her spunk and attitude was fun and endearing, but as the books progressed my like for Lucy lessened slightly. It’s not that I didn’t like her still, but I just had a harder time connecting with her. She went from strong and independent to being over dramatic and a little irritating. She didn’t want her life to change, which I understand, but life is full of changes whether you want them or not. So for a good portion of the book I wasn’t Lucy’s biggest fan, but by the end she once again became the Lucy I loved in the beginning of the series.Jude Ryder is one sexy sweet man. He is as gorgeous as ever and he is so cute to Lucy. She is his reason for existing and he tries so hard to make her happy. Jude is far from perfect with his raging temper, and jealous streak, but all that makes him more human. He is respectful and very giving, but he also stubborn. Him and Lucy clash on a lot of things, but they have amazing hot chemistry. Watching Jude go from a broken boy in the first book to a grown man is a wonderful process. I loved his character and I’m sad to see his story end.I have to start off by saying I really loved this series. It was so fun, dramatic, sexy, entertaining, and heartfelt. I love that Jude and Lucy don’t have a perfect relationship. The fact that they have to work at it every day made it more real. There were parts there were a little overdone, especially with Lucy’s character, but overall, I still enjoyed this book. There are a lot more steamy scenes in this book then the previous two books which was a fun change. As always, I really enjoy Nicole’s writing. It’s engaging and so easy to get lost in. Her stories are always heartfelt and beautifully done. This was a perfect ending to a wonderful series. I would highly recommend it to anyone that wants a good steamy NA contemporary novel.Notable Scene:I saw Jude before he saw me. He was spinning circles in place, and his eyes fell on me after a final revolution. His shoulders relaxed when he smiled. “Yo, Lu-cy!” he shouted–Rocky-style—above the noise in the airport, breaking into a run my way.I didn’t care that we were catching the attention of everyone within hearing and seeing distance; nor did I care about the show we’d be giving them soon. The only thing I cared about was the guy running at breakneck speed and getting his arms around me.I wasn’t walking anymore. My bags were bouncing against me as I dodged around people, and the corners of my eyes stung with the tears forming. You would have thought he’d been deployed to the Middle East for the past year from the way we were charging at each other.When Jude reached me, he grabbed me up and spun me around. I held on for the ride, wondering how another person could make me feel whole again. When Jude finally set me back down, I let my purse and carry-on fall to the floor. Folding me back into his arms, he pressed into me as tightly as two people could fit together. God, it felt so good.FTC Advisory: Harper Collins provided me with a copy of Crush. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a trilogy that is being marketed as YA, and in the first book, the two main characters, Lucy Larson and Jude Ryder, are in high school. By the third book they have graduated to college and the author has graduated to big time erotica. There are quite a few descriptions not only of sex but even of phone sex (using Facetime video interaction on smart phones). But it’s between two people in love and the language isn’t as explicit as it could be. The plots of the three books can be summarized as:Crash: When will we have sex?Clash: What sexy things will we do to each other when we get each other alone?Crush: When will we get married?Underlying themes for all three: fear of being hurt; jealousy; temper problems and impulse control; growing up.Side themes: Lucy loving to dance; Jude loving to play football.The series begins as if it is about a good girl mistaking a bad boy for a good boy, and vice versa, sort of along the lines of Pride and Prejudice. But once Lucy figures out what is what, or who is who, she admits her attraction to Jude, and they move on to the next theme: a hormonally challenged, stubborn, and often irritating girl trying to resist giving in to an intensely passionate and romantic boy who loves her to distraction. Finally, An Event intervenes, helping Lucy - at last - to figure out what really matters. We the readers already did, and had been shaking Lucy through three books.Evaluation: This is a nice romantic story. It doesn't always seem realistic, but what the heck. Take these books to the beach. Be prepared for lots of sex. ... in the books, at any rate.

Book preview

Crush - Nicole Williams


Up, down. Round and around. Rinse and repeat. That was our pattern. That was our world.

With a guy like Jude Ryder at my side, the lows in life were lower and the highs were higher. This was our reality, our story . . . our love story. We fought; we made up. We messed up; we apologized. We lived; we learned. Jude and I had made a lot of mistakes in the history of our relationship, but one thing we always seemed to get right? Our all-consuming love for each other.

This was my life.

And you know what?

Life was pretty damn good.

Even despite the fact that I had no clue where I was.

What are you up to? I whispered back to Jude, continuing to let him lead me into the black hole.

Something you’ll love, he replied, squeezing my shoulders as he steered me along. My heels began to echo around me.

So we were in a tunnel, but what tunnel was totally beyond me, because Jude had made me close my eyes the moment I’d answered the door this evening. Other than driving around in his ancient rumble-wagon of a truck for the better part of a Friday date night, I’d lost my bearings in every way a girl could ever lose them.

Given the fact that Jude Ryder was my fiancé, my bearings had been a tad off-kilter for the past few years, but they were especially off the grid tonight.

Did this tunnel have an end? The longer we continued down it, the louder my footsteps echoed around us.

Is whatever you’re up to illegal? I asked, not sure I really wanted to know.

Is that a trick question? he said, sounding amused.

Is that a trick answer?

He didn’t respond immediately. Instead, I felt his mouth warm the skin at the base of my neck. One full breath out, and one full breath in, slow and deep and suffocating, before his lips grazed the heated patch of skin.

I tried not to react like his touch was hardwired to drive every bit of me crazy, but even after years together, Jude could still unravel me with one touch. My skin was pricking to life with tiny goose bumps that trailed down to my lower back when his mouth pulled away.

There will most certainly be high points tonight that could be classified as illegal in every one of the Bible Belt states, he said, his voice low with desire. Not quite as rough as it got when he needed me right then and there; it was still restrained enough that I knew he wasn’t going to throw me up against the nearest wall and start fisting up my skirt before we got a step farther. Does that answer your question?

No, I said, trying to sound controlled. Trying to sound like he hadn’t made my stomach clench with desire from one kiss. It doesn’t answer my question. So let’s try this again . . . I cleared my throat, reminding myself I was trying to sound unaffected. In whatever never-ending hallway you’re leading me down, toward whatever location you’re aiming to wind up at, could either one of these trespasses be considered illegal if we were to be tried in court?

He didn’t make a noise, but I knew he was trying to contain a chuckle. One of those low, rumbling ones that vibrated through my body when he was pressed up against me. Since you put it that way . . . he started, stopping me suddenly. His hands left my shoulders and tapped my eyelids. Yes. It could be. However, he said, they’d have to catch us first. Open your eyes, babe.

I blinked my eyes a few times to make sure what I was seeing was real.

After another half dozen blinks, I could be reasonably certain that what my eyes were taking in was, in fact, real.

We were inside the Carrier Dome, just at the mouth of one of the tunnels. However, this was the dome like I’d never seen it in the past three years of attending almost every home game. At the center of the field, right at the fifty, a blanket was spread out, and what looked like a picnic basket rested in one corner. A smattering of white candles in clear jars were dotted around the blanket. It was still, silent, and peaceful.

Not the first three words you’d usually use to describe a college football arena.

And this wasn’t the place a girl expected her fiancé would take her on a big surprise date he’d wanted her to get dressed up for.

I grinned.

Not what I’d expected, but exactly what I wanted.

What do you think? This worth ‘illegal’? he asked, winding his arms around my waist and tucking his chin over my shoulder.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the candlelit scene in front of me. A picnic on the fifty-yard line.

I knew it might not have ranked in the top-ten desired dates for most girls, but it hit the number-one spot for this girl.

It’s only illegal if we get caught, I answered, turning my head so he could see my smile, before breaking free of his arms and jogging over to the blanket.

This was the first time I’d been down on the field since Jude and I got engaged our freshman year of college, but it really did seem like it had been only a handful of days ago. I’d discovered another one of life’s clichés by being with Jude: The happier you are in life, the faster it passes you by. Life was one sick bastard if happy people were repaid with a life that seemed short. Short life or long life, it didn’t matter—I wasn’t giving up Jude either way.

At the twenty-five-yard line, I spun around, continuing to jog backward. Jude was still at the mouth of the tunnel, watching me with a grin, appearing as enamored by me as he had on the day he’d confessed his love. That look, more than any of the others, got to me in all the ways a guy’s look was supposed to get to his girl.

I perused the stands one more time to make sure we were alone. It felt so damn open in here, which was unnerving, but how many times could a girl say she’d been with the number-one-ranked college quarterback in the nation right on the fifty-yard line?

Yeah, this was a once-in-a-lifetime deal, and I wasn’t going to let it pass me by.

Inhaling a slow breath, I reached for the hem of my sweater and started sliding it up my stomach.

Jude’s expression changed instantly. His forehead lined deeper and one corner of his mouth twitched.

Raising a brow, I lifted the rest of my sweater, tugging it over my head and dropping it onto the Astroturf. My adrenaline was pumping. The anticipation of having Jude with me set it off, and the thrill of being here was firing it to new heights.

Winding my arms behind my back, I unclasped my bra. It snapped free, sliding down my arms to join the sweater at my feet.

Jude wasn’t looking at my face any longer.

Wetting his lips, he started toward me.

I started my backward journey again, flicking him a coy smile. I was going to have fun with him, draw this out. Get even with him for what he so often did to me.

He stopped as soon as I started moving away, staring at me like he knew exactly what game I was playing and he both loved and hated being a pawn in it.

Pausing just long enough to step out of my heels, I slid my thumbs under the waist of my skirt and lowered it down my hips, slowing just enough to gather the material of my panties with it. I let both skirt and underwear gather at my ankles.

Jude’s eyes drifted lower, his chest rising and falling noticeably, even from where I stood thirty yards away from him. When his eyes did shift back to mine, they were dark with one thing.

Absolute need.

His body sprang to action as he burst onto the field after me, running at the same pace he did when he was playing a game. I turned and laughed with every step as I ran away from him.

It was a futile effort, running from Jude—both right now, and in life in general.

Jude always caught up with me. Sometimes he gave me a head start, but he never let me get too far.

This time, I barely made it ten yards before I felt his strong arms cinch around me. A shout of surprise punctuated my laughter as he pulled me hard against him. Not only had he managed to cover thirty yards in the time it had taken me to sprint less than a third of that, he’d removed his shirt in the process. The heat coming off his chest warmed my back, and the movement of his muscles against me as he breathed in and out warmed everything else.

Going somewhere? he said, nudging at my neck until I gave him better access to it.

Anywhere, I answered, letting my head fall back against him when his mouth smoothed down the arch of my neck. As long as you’re with me.

I felt his smile against my skin. His hands slid lower, pausing when they reached my hips. How would you feel about ‘anywhere’ being on that blanket over there?

Everything south of my navel tightened. I’d say even if I wasn’t so sure, you’d keep trying to persuade me, I said, gliding my hands down his forearms, pausing to weave my fingers through his where they still rested over my hips.

He pressed harder against my back. You’d be right, he said, skimming our hands up my stomach as he steered us toward the blanket. Our hands didn’t stop until they slid beneath one of my breasts, molding around it.

Nipping at the skin of my neck, he picked up his pace until we were weaving through the glowing candles. At the edge of the blanket, Jude spun me around. His mouth parted, as he sucked in streams of air in quick bursts. This was his tortured look. When he couldn’t have me fast enough.

It was a look I tried to savor, because it never lasted long. I could only hold Jude off for so long before me, him, or both of us gave up trying to prolong the inevitable.

Damn, Luce, he breathed, stroking my cheek with his hand. You’re so beautiful.

I smiled. Not so much at what he said, but at the way he said it. Jude conveyed his emotions and intentions in words and expressions that did unhealthy things to a girl’s heart. If you’re trying to convince me with a little foreplay, I’ll let you in on a secret, I said, winding my arms around the back of his neck. You’re going to get lucky no matter what you say or do, so you can save the sweet nothings for a time when you’ve pissed me off and are trying to get a little makeup sex.

He chuckled, his gray eyes darkening with every passing touch. I don’t seem to remember it requiring sweet nothings to ever get you—

Oh, shut up already, I interrupted, smirking up at him.

One corner of his mouth curved higher. Why don’t you make me? he challenged, his gaze dropping to my lips.

Pressing harder into him, I let my fingers ski down the plane of his stomach, settling on the fly of his jeans. Tugging the button free, I slid my hand inside as my lips covered his mouth, a groan escaping it.

That shut him right up.


Jude’s head reclined in my lap as he crunched into an apple and stared at the ceiling of the dome. He was still naked from the waist up, but his jeans hadn’t made it all the way off. Apparently we hadn’t been able to justify waiting the three seconds it would have taken to free him of them before we could get down to business.

We weren’t big believers in delayed gratification.

I’d wrangled myself back into my sweater and skirt before we’d exchanged one hunger for another and dived into the picnic basket, although my panties and bra still littered the thirty-yard line.

Tomorrow’s the big day, he said around another bite of apple. The air smelled like the tangy sweetness of the fruit in his mouth. Not able to resist, I leaned down to kiss him, wanting to taste the aroma. It was even better combined with the taste of his mouth.

He was oozing that notorious Jude Ryder ego when I leaned back. He knew what he did to me. And he loved it.

I loved it too, although I didn’t love how well he knew it.

Tomorrow I could be a first-round draft pick, Luce, he continued, circling my ankle with his fingers. We could be millionaires in twenty-four hours.

I had to force myself not to visibly wince. This talk—the draft, the money, the lifestyle—had been an area of contention this past year with the likelihood of Jude’s being drafted into pro ball. I wasn’t so sure how I felt about it, but Jude was sure enough for both of us.

Trouble was, his confidence wasn’t rubbing off on me. If anything, the more confident he became, the less I felt. Money had the potential to change things. It had the potential to change people. I was worried about how all that money might change us. I loved him, and me, and us, just the way we were now.

Jude’s being drafted his junior year of college was a one-in-a-million kind of an opportunity, the kind of thing college players would sell their souls to achieve. But it also meant he’d be dropping out of school. He’d made it this far; a part of me wanted to see him finish his degree—astound all those people back home who’d always pegged him as a high school dropout. Playing in the NFL had been a dream of Jude’s forever. I couldn’t postpone his dream any more than he could mine.

From dining on peanut-butter sandwiches tonight to twenty-ounce, grade-A prime filet tomorrow night, he continued, his face almost glowing as his eyes drifted off to money-land. We could get a new place, a new fancy-ass car. We could take a vacation to Hawaii. Fly first-class and shit. Think about it, Luce. Anything we want, we can have. Anytime we want it. No more scrambling around getting grease under our fingernails or waiting tables late at night to pay the electric bill. He paused, a contented smile settling deeper into his face. We could have it all, baby.

I swallowed. I thought we already did. My voice sounded sadder than I meant it to.

The skin between Jude’s eyebrows puckered. What do you mean? he asked, his gaze zeroing in on me.

I thought we already had it all, I repeated. I’ve been on both sides of the money line, and the only thing it changes is your zip code. It can’t make you happy if you weren’t without it.

Well, I’ve been on the losing side of the money game my whole life, and I know for a fact that money can make your life better if you can’t even find enough quarters in the couch cushions to do a load of laundry at the local Suds N’ Wash. Dropping his apple to the side, he sat up and turned until he was facing me. The candlelight flickered around him, shadowing the crevasses of his muscles, highlighting the peaks of them, and made the sharp lines of his jaw even more defined. A man like Jude shouldn’t be classified as beautiful, but in moments like this, he kind of was.

Jude Ryder. My beautiful fiancé.

He was waiting for me to respond.

Okay, so money can make your life better if you’re destitute, I said, prying my eyes from where they traced the grooves of his ab muscles. But we’re not destitute, Jude. We’re college students with a roof over our heads, gasoline in our tanks, ramen noodles in our cupboards, and shirts on our backs. I couldn’t imagine being any happier than I am right now, and if it was possible, money would certainly be the last thing on that list that could make me more so. I grabbed the plastic wineglass Jude had filled from a cheap bottle of sparkling wine and took a sip. It was delicious. I was as happy with a five-dollar bottle of sparkling wine from the drugstore as I would have been with the finest bottle of champagne money could buy.

No, we’re not destitute, but we’re not thriving in the money department either, Luce, he said, grabbing my hand and pulling it into his lap. And you’re right that money couldn’t make me happier than I am right now. He smiled so big it made the scar on his cheek pucker. But it does mean I can finally be rid of my piece-of-shit truck and get a jacked-up, three-hundred-and-fifty-horsepower jet-black monster truck.

I rolled my eyes and shoved at him.

And we can trade in that little go-kart of yours for a zippy convertible, he continued.

I like my Mazda, I muttered, plucking a grape free from the vine and popping it into my mouth.

And we can afford a house with a room for each day of the year, with so many maids and butlers you wouldn’t have to lift a finger again. Unless it was to call for a fresh-squeezed orange juice. He was really on a roll, the words spilling out of his mouth as his eyes sparkled with the visions. My own eyes were narrowing as my stomach twisted.

Money changes people, Jude, I whispered, staring into my cup.

We were silent as we let that settle between us.

That’s what you’re worried about? he said, his voice soft. That the money will change you?

I shook my head, focusing on the bubbles that crept up the sides of the cup. No, I said, before looking into his eyes. "That it will change you."

His eyes narrowed for the shortest second before they widened with understanding. Winding an arm around my neck, he pulled me to him. Come here, he whispered outside my ear, wrapping his other arm around my back. The only thing that could change me is you, Luce, he said. You, not anything else. Mountains of money included. I heard the grin in his voice. No matter what happens tomorrow or how many millions they throw at me, I’m the same guy I am right now. He rubbed my back, pressing slow circles into my spine. I’ll just be picking you up in a truck you won’t be embarrassed to be seen in.

I’ve never been embarrassed to be seen with you, I said, letting him tuck my head under his chin. Not even in that sorry excuse for scrap metal of a truck.

He barked out a laugh. Good to know, Luce. Good to know.


"How are you not nervous?" I hissed over at Jude, where he stood casually leaning against a wall. We were in the infamous green room on the first night of the draft.

Reaching his hand out for mine, he lifted a shoulder. The coaches already know who they’re picking. There’s nothing I can do now to change that. Once I grabbed his hand, he tugged me close and folded me tight against him. However, I’m starting to get nervous you’re about to pass out any second.

That wasn’t so far off. I reminded myself to breathe. As long as you keep holding on to me like this, at least I won’t crack my head open if I do.

His arms fastened tighter around me before he started to sway in time to an imaginary beat. You can dance in front of hundreds of people and not break a sweat, he said. The movement was relaxing me. But your fiancé is waiting for the phone call to see which city he’ll be moving to so he can kick some big-time football ass, and you’re a thin line away from losing it. Pressing a kiss to my temple, he leaned his forehead into mine with a small shake of his head. Just when I think I’ve got you all figured out, Lucy Larson.

My laugh sounded manic. Probably because that was how I felt. I have to keep you on your toes somehow.

Jude’s eyebrows moved against my forehead. You excel at that, Luce.

That tone again. The undercurrent that revealed he was trying to say something else. There’d been an increasing amount of undercurrent the past few months.

Meaning? I asked, peaking my own brows so they were as high as his. I reminded myself we weren’t alone, that we were surrounded by the best players in college football, along with their closest family and friends. This was neither the place nor the time to get into one of our spats.

Meaning if you didn’t keep me on my toes every second of every day, I’d have figured out a way to get you down the aisle by now, he said, and it all clicked into place. He was sulking because he didn’t have me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen yet.

Okay, so barefoot and pregnant might have been an exaggeration, but there was no denying that Jude wanted me to be his wife the second after I’d agreed to marry him. He’d only been asking, begging, whining, and, as of late, sulking when I replied, "Not yet."

It didn’t have anything to do with my not wanting to marry him. Jude was going to be my husband. I was going to be Mrs. Jude Ryder one day.

I just wasn’t ready for that day to be today. Or yesterday. Or tomorrow, for that matter. I wanted to finish school and have a few years of actual on-the-job dance experience before I became a Mrs. I didn’t want to be known as the one girl in the history of the twenty-first century to have gone to school to get an MRS degree.

So my answer was, Not yet.

But one day.

However, this wasn’t what Jude liked to hear. So instead of arguing back with my list of valid reasons for postponing marriage, I redirected the conversation. I’d become a diversion ninja.

And if I hadn’t kept you on your toes the past three years, you wouldn’t be about to be a first-round pick and to sign your life away for mountains of money, I replied, throwing his words back at him.

Come on, Luce. I’m growing tired of the whole, stop, drop, and divert routine, he said, looking down at me, but still keeping me close. Marriage isn’t the end of the world.

Then why do you keep acting like my not wanting to tie the knot tomorrow is?

"Because your saying ‘not now’ is the end of the world, he said, fighting a smile. Come on, baby. Marry me, he said, not like a question but like a command. I didn’t reply, letting the seconds tick off in silence around us. Marry me?" he repeated, this time as a plea. It crushed me a little bit every time, Jude pleading with me to marry him.

I’m going to marry you, I answered.

He smirked at me. When?

I smirked back. Soon.

Can I get that in writing? he asked. Maybe a date, a time, and a location? You know, just so I can make sure to be there when the marrying mood strikes you? He looked away, the lightness in his eyes shadowing.

Dammit. We’d officially crossed from his being marginally upset to full-on hurt. I hated that Jude felt this way, but I couldn’t cave. I couldn’t get married because I felt guilty. That would be a marriage doomed to failure, and when I said, "I do," it was going to be a onetime deal.

Jude Ryder, I said, tilting his chin until he was looking at me. Are you having an insecure moment? I thought you were immune to those. I tried on a smile, but it felt superficial. Are you worried I’m not going to marry you? Even my light tone sounded artificial, too saccharine to be believable.

Leaning the back of his head into the wall, he lifted his face toward the ceiling. He couldn’t look at me, or didn’t want to, but his arms never loosened their hold. And I knew, no matter what was said or done, they never would. That was one of the many reasons I loved this man.

I’m starting to worry, he said finally, shifting his gaze around the room, pretending he was interested in the handful of players pacing the room like caged lions, and their respective entourages of family and friends attempting, and failing, to calm them.

Jude, I said, pulling his chin back to me. Jude, look at me. I waited for him to turn to me. I caught a glimpse of just how vulnerable Jude Ryder was. How very terrified he was of one day being abandoned by the person he loved most. How the ghosts

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