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The Immortal Heights
The Immortal Heights
The Immortal Heights
Ebook396 pages13 hours

The Immortal Heights

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Iolanthe and Titus's mission comes to its thrilling end in the third book in the Elemental Trilogy—perfect for fans of Cinda Williams Chima and Kristin Cashore—which Publishers Weekly called "a wonderfully satisfying magical saga" in a starred review and Kirkus Reviews said "bids fair to be the next big epic fantasy success."

In a pursuit that spans continents, Iolanthe, Titus, and their friends have always managed to remain one step ahead of the forces of Atlantis. But now the Bane, the monstrous tyrant who bestrides the entire mage world, has issued his ultimatum: Titus must hand over Iolanthe, or watch as his entire realm is destroyed in a deadly rampage. Running out of time and options, Iolanthe and Titus decide to act now and deliver a final blow to the Bane that will end his reign of terror for good. 

But getting to the Bane means accomplishing the impossible: finding a way to infiltrate his crypt in the deepest recesses of the most ferociously guarded fortress in Atlantis. And everything is only made more difficult when new prophecies come to light, foretelling a doomed effort. . . .

Iolanthe and Titus will put their love and their lives on the line. But will it be enough? 

Release dateOct 13, 2015

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas is the author of The Burning Sky and The Perilous Sea, the first two books in the Elemental Trilogy. Sherry immigrated to the United States from China when she was thirteen and taught herself English in part by devouring science fiction and romance novels. She is the author of several acclaimed romance novels and is the recipient of two RITA Awards. Sherry lives with her family in Austin, Texas.

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    The Immortal Heights - Sherry Thomas


    SOMEWHERE IN THE MOST IMMENSE desert on earth, a thousand miles south of the Mediterranean Sea and just as far west of the Red Sea, rose a line of sheer sandstone cliffs. High in the night sky above this escarpment hung an enormous, flame-bright beacon, the war phoenix, the light of which cast an orange sheen for miles upon the surrounding dunes.

    Beneath the war phoenix, the air appeared slightly distorted, due to the presence of a bell jar dome, which, when deployed in war, kept an opposing force penned firmly inside.

    The bell jar dome had been put into place by Atlantis, the mightiest empire to ever bestride the mage world, headed by the Bane, the most powerful and feared mage alive. Trapped under the dome were a regiment of several hundred rebels who had neither handsome uniforms nor fire-breathing steeds, but only desert robes and flying carpets. Some rebels wore turbans and keffiyehs; others, roused from sleep and dressed in a hurry, were bareheaded.

    Among this ragtag group of resistance fighters, looking not a bit out of place, were the Bane’s quarries: His Serene Highness Prince Titus VII, Master of the Domain, and Miss Iolanthe Seabourne, the great elemental mage of their time.

    From the day Iolanthe first summoned a bolt of lightning, she had been pursued by the agents of Atlantis. But it was not until recently that she’d learned the simple yet grotesque reason that the Bane wanted her: to power a feat of sacrificial magic that would prolong his life and maintain his chokehold on power.

    Now surrounded, she was in a fight for her life. But at this very moment, she was not thinking about herself—not entirely, in any case. Her gaze was on the boy who shared her flying carpet, the one who held her hand tightly in his own.

    Sometimes it amazed her that she had met him only a little over six months ago—it seemed as if they had spent their entire lives together, both running from and charging toward danger. She almost could not remember a time before she had been swept into this vortex of destiny, before she had made it her life’s ambition to end the Bane’s reign of tyranny.

    His eyes met hers. He was afraid—she knew this because he did not hide his fear from her—but beyond the fear was an unbreakable will. All his life he had prepared for toil, peril, and the ultimate sacrifice.

    She squeezed his hand. We will outlive this.

    In her other hand she held Validus, the blade wand that had once belonged to Titus the Great, unifier of the Domain. She raised the wand high. Instantly, white arcs of electricity leaped across the star-studded sky. It had staggered her in the beginning and it staggered her still, that such sway should be granted to a mere mortal.

    A shaft of thunderbolt plunged toward the desert, almost like the trunk of a brilliant tree growing from the top down. As it pierced through the war phoenix, the huge beacon shimmered and expanded.

    Purpose surged in her veins. The sizzle of electricity was a rising tide in her blood. And a wildness beat in her heart—no more pretense, no more running, only drive against drive, power against power.

    With an almost inaudible crackle, her lightning fizzled upon a shield that had been set outside the bell jar dome.

    Cries of dismay rose all around her, drowning out her own gasp. She swore and reached for the elements again. Dozens of thunderbolts struck the shield, like so many brilliant needles thrown against a pincushion, or the fireworks of a new year’s celebration gone mad.

    The shield held.

    A resounding silence echoed in her head.

    There is no surprising Atlantis twice, said Titus, with far greater calm than she felt.

    Hours earlier—so much had happened since, it felt as if weeks, perhaps even months had passed—the two of them had been sniffed out of their hiding place and surrounded by wyvern riders. Iolanthe, with her memories still suppressed, had decided that there was no harm in trying to see whether the hidden writing on the strap of her satchel, especially the line The day we met, lightning struck, had been literal. She’d called forth a thunderbolt that had incapacitated the wyvern riders, enabling Titus and her to escape to temporary safety.

    But this time Atlantis had come prepared. This time her command over lightning would not avail her.

    As if to underscore Atlantis’s advantage, the wyvern battalion roared en masse, a clamor that rattled her lungs against her rib cage. The wyverns had hovered in a tight formation, but now two prongs, like those of a pincer, thrust forward from the dark reptilian mass, companies of wyverns advancing to enclose the rebels in the middle.

    The air displaced by their wings made the carpet beneath her bobble, like a raft on a sea growing choppier by the minute. The heat of their breath, even from a distance, prickled against her skin. And though she could not smell them through the mask she wore at the rebels’ advice, her nostrils felt as if they burned with the stink of sulfur.

    Mohandas Kashkari, Titus and Iolanthe’s classmate from Eton College, came to a stop next to them. We need to get into formation.

    Belatedly, Iolanthe noticed that the rebels had maneuvered into groups of three.

    Two on offense, one on defense—that’s me, Kashkari explained hurriedly as he helped Titus and Iolanthe onto individual carpets. The carpets I’m giving you have been subordinated to mine—I’ll steer for the group. Make sure to keep me in sight.

    The carpets had been formed into an L shape, with a bottom ledge for standing on, a long vertical side for holding the rider upright, and the upper end rolled down to make a comfortable yet solid hand rest at waist height.

    Better fight standing up, said Kashkari.

    Iolanthe kissed Titus on his cheek just before Kashkari set their carpets to the correct distance apart.

    May the might of the Angels propel you to unimaginable heights, said her beloved.

    It was an old benediction, from a time when the powers of elemental mages decided the fate of realms. She sucked in a breath. The battle was fought around her; did its outcome also hinge on her?

    May Fortune shield you against all enemies, she replied, her voice trembling a little. You too, Kashkari.

    May Fortune shield us all. Kashkari’s answer was grim but firm. And don’t lose sight of me.

    Her carpet leaped to the left. Her fingers dug into the hand rest—she hadn’t expected the motion. Now she understood Kashkari’s repeated instructions: she needed to keep him in view so that some part of her consciousness would attend to his subtle shifts of weight and prepare her for any abrupt changes in direction or velocity.

    Does the base have any strategy for dealing with a siege? Titus asked Kashkari, his voice raised above the general din, as squads of rebels zigzagged about them, calling out to one another in a variety of languages.

    No, Kashkari answered, maneuvering them toward the center of the crowd. Our strategy, in case of discovery, has always been to evacuate personnel and equipment as swiftly as possible—not to stay and fight.

    But with the bell jar dome in place, that preferred option was gone. They all must stay and fight.

    Are you all right? Titus asked her. Sleepy?

    Less than three days ago, they had come to in the middle of the Sahara, knowing nothing of how they’d arrived there, knowing only that they must not fall into the grasp of Atlantis. But no sooner had they started their escape when they found out that Iolanthe had been penned in by a blood circle tailored specifically for her. Even with Titus weakening the power of the blood circle and the help of both a triple dose of panacea and a time-freeze spell, it almost killed Iolanthe to cross the blood circle. The panacea had since kept her under near-constant sedation, to preserve her life.

    I’m awake.

    She had seldom been more awake, her nerves vibrating.

    The rebels zoomed by, crisscrossing her vision. Beyond them, the wyverns, spread like a fisherman’s net. And beyond them . . .

    With all the chaos, she hadn’t noticed that though a large number of wyvern riders had entered the bell jar dome, even more remained outside.

    The arrival of allies was the surest way of breaking a siege—and she and Titus did have friends nearby: forces from the Domain were in the Sahara, alerted to the prince’s presence by a war phoenix he’d deployed two nights ago. But could they breach this defense?

    Is anyone working on the translocators? she asked, her chest tight.

    Translocators provided instantaneous transport to distant destinations. The rebel base had two, but neither was functioning.

    Yes, answered Kashkari.

    He did not sound entirely confident. Not to mention, they didn’t know whether the rebels’ translocators had suffered a simple breakdown or whether they had been compromised by Atlantis. Once a translocator had been compromised, there was no telling where a mage would end up.

    Her uncertainty must have shown in her face. Don’t worry, said Kashkari. We will protect you.

    He had misunderstood her—she wished she could protect them. She knew the rebels had volunteered for a life of danger; but if it weren’t for her, they would not be facing the deadliness of the wyvern battalion this very moment. I can fight.

    And so can we. We may not have a specific plan of counterattack in case of siege, but we have trained for wyverns, which are not without weaknesses.

    One might find an opportunity to attack a wyvern’s tender underbelly—if one could last long enough before its fire and viciousness. She would have that opportunity: the Bane wanted her alive and in good shape; a dead elemental mage was useless in sacrificial magic. The prince too stood a chance: the satisfaction of getting rid of him was probably not worth an all-out war with the Domain, which, though well past its days of glory, still had enough might and mage power to be a thorn in Atlantis’s side. Not to mention such a war would render Atlantis vulnerable to attacks on other fronts.

    The wyverns spewed fire, a latticework hemisphere of flames crashing toward the rebels. A chorus of spell-casting rose. Most of the dragon fire was stopped by a wall of shields, but here and there the tassels and fringes of a carpet caught fire. Iolanthe had become accustomed to the more modern flying carpets, which resembled tablecloths and curtains more than they did actual rugs. But the carpets used in battle were of a more traditional appearance, a good deal thicker and sturdier than their counterparts meant for disguise and ease of carrying.

    She commanded the fires on the carpets to extinguish themselves. Already the rebels on the front line were on the counterattack, diving lower so they could aim at the wyverns from underneath. Iolanthe expected at least a couple of wyverns to rear back in pain, their wings flapping wildly.

    No reaction. It was as if the rebels had emitted rose petals and dandelion puffs, instead of spells that would have slaughtered elephants and rhinoceroses.

    Shouts erupted in languages Iolanthe couldn’t identify, let alone understand.

    The wyverns are armored, Kashkari interpreted. Not metal, but plates of dragon hide on the belly.

    Wyverns tolerated metal armor—dragon hide plates, not so much. Whether they clearly understood that they were being strapped into contraptions that had once been body parts of their own kind, nobody knew. But wyverns were intelligent enough that anything made of dragon hide repelled them.

    Which meant that they had been given taming draughts ahead of time, so they wouldn’t struggle against the donning of the plates. A taming draught given before a battle slowed a wyvern’s normally lightning-quick reflexes. Atlantis must have decided that the protection of the plates outweighed the disadvantages of the taming draught.

    "They are prepared for you," said Titus.

    Of course. Metal plates against the most susceptible parts of the wyverns would have put them in danger when faced with a mage who command fire. Dragon hide, on the other hand, was immune to ordinary fire.

    But it wasn’t immune to dragon fire.

    She pointed her wand and routed a stream of dragon fire back at the wyvern that had spewed it. The wyvern’s rider wrenched it sharply to the side to avoid the jet of flames. Iolanthe gathered the flames of two nearby wyverns into two fireballs and hurtled them at the same wyvern, narrowly missing the ridge of one wing.

    A noise like a thousand sharp claws scratching upon a thousand windowpanes grated against her eardrums. Instantly the night turned darker. She held her breath for several heartbeats before she realized that it wasn’t some new and frightfully powerful act of sorcery on Atlantis’s part. It was only that all the wyverns had stopped spewing fire.

    So that she could not use their own fire against them.

    You cannot surprise Atlantis twice.

    The wyverns, without their fire, were scarcely less deadly. The sharpness of their talons and the toughness of their wings were matched only by their fierce intelligence. They came at the rebels, teeth and claws at the ready.

    I do not like this, Titus said darkly.

    You never like anything, darling. But she liked it no better than he did.

    The wyverns advanced from all directions. The rebels retreated toward the center of their formation. The wyverns pushed in farther. The rebels pulled tighter.

    All at once the wyverns on the front line charged. The rebels scattered like a school of fish bombarded by diving cormorants. Kashkari wrested Titus and Iolanthe left and up to get out of the way of a pair of hard-driving wyverns. Iolanthe, who’d forgotten again to keep Kashkari in her sight, grabbed on to her carpet, its motion a hard jerk in her neck.

    More wyverns careened into the rebels, forcing each three-mage squad to fend for itself. Kashkari veered them to the right, to avoid being struck by a wyvern’s wing. Iolanthe called for a ten-foot-wide sphere of fire and hurled it at the rider of the nearest wyvern—wyverns could not be harmed by ordinary fire; riders, not so invincible.

    The wyvern knocked aside the fireball with its wing. Iolanthe summoned a fireball twice as big in diameter and sent it plummeting from above the wyvern rider.

    A few feet from the head of the wyvern rider, her fire went out like a candle flame in a gale. She swore—there were other elemental mages nearby, interfering.

    Or at least so she hoped—that it was other elemental mages, and not the Bane himself, as powerful an elemental mage as any who ever lived.

    A trio of wyverns dove toward them. Kashkari swerved. Iolanthe hung on to her carpet, a string of spells leaving her lips as she zoomed by a wyvern—all of which, alas, were deflected by the wyvern’s wings.

    Untether my carpet, Kashkari! shouted Titus. You get Fairfax back into the base.

    Her beloved never feared anything without cause. But all Iolanthe could see were wyvern riders and rebels on carpets wheeling about. A fraction of a second later, however, it became clear that the three of them had been separated from the rest of the rebels and were surrounded by wyverns.

    Without thinking, she willed a mass of sand to rise from the desert floor. The riders wore protective goggles, and the wyverns had hardy but transparent inner eyelids that made their vision impervious to flying specks. Still, sand impeded and sand obscured. If nothing else, a tornado of sand would make her feel less visible, less exposed.

    But the desert floor seemed to have melted into a sea of glass. Not a single grain of sand leaped into the air at her command. The wyverns pressed in closer. She called for currents of air to push them back. The moment she did so, however, she felt the pressure of countercurrents—Atlantis’s elemental mages were neutralizing her on every front.

    She was not alone in her failure. Titus and Kashkari were trying all kinds of spells to no avail. She didn’t know about Kashkari, but the prince was a veteran of dragon battles—at least in the Crucible, a book of folklore and fairy tales that he and Iolanthe used as proving grounds to train themselves for dangerous situations. But usually, in those stories, the dragons were few in number. And if they should be numerous, as in The Dragon Princess, at least the protagonist had a sturdy defensive position, like a dilapidated but still mighty fort, instead of flying carpets that provided no cover at all.

    Can I vault her into the base, or is that a no-vaulting zone? Titus shouted the question at Kashkari.

    It’s a no-vaulting zone!

    Titus swore.

    Earlier this very night, he had made the two of them jump to the ground from a height of half a mile, with nothing to break their fall but her powers over air, because he hadn’t wanted to risk vaulting her: vaulting so soon after a life-threatening injury could kill her outright.

    Were they truly running out of options?

    An incendiary idea flared to life. She had always called for lightning from above. But in nature, lightning didn’t necessarily originate from the sky. Sometimes balls of electricity wafted from nowhere. Sometimes lightning traveled from the ground to the clouds.

    Could she?

    She aimed her wand downward, feeling as foolish as she had when she first attempted to summon a thunderbolt from above. Lightning.

    Nothing happened.

    One particularly large wyvern surged forward and extended a claw—it would grab her off the carpet. The carpet dropped straight down and the claw missed her head by inches.

    Two more wyverns followed the example of the first, attacking her from different altitudes, so that even if she were to drop or rise, she would not be able to evade both.

    She tried again for lightning. Nothing.

    Somehow Kashkari tugged them sideways, with the wyvern’s talons slicing just past the prince’s shoulder.

    Do you want me to vault you to the ground? Titus yelled.

    He and Kashkari shielded her from either side. Beyond the wyverns, the rebels were trying to break through this siege-inside-a-siege, the light of the war phoenix illuminating the anxiety and panic on their faces.

    The wyverns advanced ever closer. The force of their wingbeats buffeted her from every side. She could see the glint of each individual scale on the nearest wyvern—and the eagerness of its rider, shoulders forward, fingers all but tapping against the reins.

    She had given the wrong answer to the prince’s benediction earlier. She exhaled and recited the correct response: For I shall bear testimony to the might of the Angels. For I am power, I am mastery, and I am the hammer of immortality.

    Titus snatched the two remaining hunting ropes out of their emergency satchel. As the world endures. He completed the prayer as the first hunting rope left his hand. As hope abides ever in the face of the Void.

    The hunting rope caught the outstretched claw of a wyvern and twisted it back.

    Heads down! Kashkari bellowed as he wrenched them out of the grasp of another wyvern.

    Their last hunting rope shot out and missed the incoming wyvern altogether—the beast pulled in its legs and swatted the hunting rope out of the way with its wing. You cannot surprise Atlantis twice.

    But the hunting rope wasn’t aiming for the wyvern at all, but its rider, slapping itself around the latter’s wrists and forcing the rider to jerk on the reins.

    Behind you, Fairfax! called Kashkari.

    She glanced back, expecting to see a pair of talons swooping down. They were, but Kashkari had put himself between the wyvern and her, facing the beast. He flipped backward, kicking his carpet toward the wyvern as he did so, and with a twist in midair landed behind Iolanthe, grabbing her by the middle so he wouldn’t fall off the narrow ledge on which she stood.

    Come on, Titus shouted. Bring down that hammer of immortality, will you?

    Ever since she’d been a little girl, friends and neighbors had asked her how it felt to wield direct power over the elements, without the intercession of words and incantations. She’d found it difficult to explain until she’d visited Delamer’s Museum of Nonmage Artifacts on a school trip and had held a compass in her hand, lining up the quivering little needle with the magnetic north. That was what it felt like when she was in control of the elements, the alignment of her person with an invisible longitude of power.

    Her previous attempts had wobbled wide of that perfect calibration. But this time she felt it, the difference between approximation and exactitude. She double-tapped Validus. Light radiated from the seven diamond crowns along the length of the blade wand.

    She pointed it down and looked at Titus. For you.

    A flick of her wrist and a white-hot burst of electricity reared up from the floor of the desert.


    FOR YOU.

    Time slowed. The syllables stretched out in Titus’s ears as the lightning built spark by spark from the dark sands below, a spawn of brilliance hatching into a creature with claws, claws that lashed on to the nearest wyverns. The wyverns seized and fell, their wings lax and open, tumbling through the air end over end like paper dragons that had been carelessly flicked from a high balcony.

    Silence, punctuated by the thuds of half a dozen wyverns crashing into the ground.

    And another eternity of silence—which was probably only a fraction of a second—before the roar erupted, the screeching of wyverns mixed with the astonished cries of the rebels.

    "What was that?" asked Kashkari, his left hand raised near his ear in an involuntary gesture of stupefaction.

    This jolted Titus out of his own amazement. He put into effect a spell that gave his voice the amplitude to carry for miles. Behold. Here is one who wields the divine spark, beloved by the Angels.

    There were few followers of the Angelic Host in the Sahara. He was speaking not so much to the rebels as to the Atlanteans, who took their faith seriously.

    Remember, countered a high, clear voice that Titus recognized as belonging to the woman brigadier who had been on their heels since the moment he and Fairfax arrived in the desert, usurpers often claim to be beloved by the Angels.

    And your Lord High Commander does not claim to be favored from above? he retorted.

    Atlantis’s response was a clarion call. The wyvern riders regrouped. But instead of resuming their assault, they and their steeds left the bell jar dome entirely.

    Fortune favors the brave! yelled a rebel.

    Those closest to her shouted, And the brave make their own fortune!

    Fortune favors the brave! she yelled again.

    This time, almost everyone cried, And the brave make their own fortune!

    It was noisy and jubilant. The rebels were beginning to laugh, from awe, excitement, and the draining of tension. They ribbed their friends for how afraid they had looked and boasted of their own fearlessness, only to be mocked in turn for trembling hands and misdirected spells.

    Yet in the middle of this celebratory camaraderie, Titus’s blood was turning cold. Atlantis did not give up so easily—or it would not rule the mage world.

    Let me guess, you like this even less, said Fairfax.

    He turned to the girl in whose strength and character he had entrusted his fate. I am an open book before you.

    If you are an open book, she answered, a hint of mischief in her voice, then you resemble nothing so much as your mother’s diary—hundreds of blank pages, followed by a few life-changing lines.

    He could not help smiling a little. By the way, you never cease to amaze me.

    She steered her carpet closer and took his hand. I admit to being rather amazed myself. But the part of me that is your protégée—you know, the eternal pessimist—wonders whether I haven’t made even more trouble for everyone.

    It’s all right, said Kashkari. We are all here for trouble.

    The rebels quieted as a drumroll came, followed by the pleasant female voice the base used for public announcements. Armored chariots sighted.

    Armored chariots, which were impervious to the power of a lightning strike.

    Titus deployed a far-seeing spell: five squadrons, at the very limits of his enhanced vision. Three minutes then, possibly five, before they were on top of the bell jar dome.

    Amara, the commander of the rebel base, zoomed over and handed a new carpet to Kashkari, who was still standing behind Fairfax and holding on to her.

    Something strange is going on, said Amara. I distinctly recall, while we were still inside the base, a warning about incoming lindworms. Where are they?

    It took Titus a moment—the warning had come before all his suppressed memories had emerged en masse, which produced a curious effect of distance on the immediate preceding events. But now that he cast his mind back, he did remember hearing the same pleasant female voice announcing the sighting of armored chariots, wyverns, and lindworms, when he and Fairfax still believed they could outrun Atlantis.

    Come to think of it, said Kashkari, when the wyverns first entered the bell jar dome, there were lindworms to their rear—and circled by an odd sort of armored chariots, much smaller than any I’d ever seen.

    Lindworms had terrible vision. In the wild they formed symbiotic relationships with mock harpies, which guided them to forage. Perhaps the much smaller armored chariots served the role of the symbionts, herding the armored chariots to Atlantis’s purposes.

    Do you think the lindworms and those small armored chariots could have been dispatched to intercept our allies? asked Fairfax.

    That wouldn’t be a good use of the lindworms, said Amara. I expect they had been brought because Atlantis meant to make a direct assault on the base itself—in close quarters, lindworms are terrifying. But for pursuits and such, they are so slow they are hardly useful.

    The armored chariots that are coming toward us now, are they the same ones you saw earlier? Fairfax asked Kashkari.

    No. They are the usual kind.

    Titus exchanged a look with Fairfax. Atlantis never did anything without a good reason. What, then, was the reason the lindworms and their accompanying small chariots were no longer on the battlefield?

    Should we—

    Fairfax stopped. He heard it too: hundreds of objects streaking through the air.

    Her face lit up. Bewitched spears!

    Five or six hours ago, wyvern riders had come quite close to Titus and Fairfax—and had been chased away by an ambush of antique bewitched spears. Titus had puzzled over the identity of the mages who used such weapons, until he recovered his memory and realized that they were forces from the Domain, and the spears those kept in the Titus the Great Memorial Museum for reenactment of historical battles.

    From south of the bell jar dome the bewitched spears arrived, hissing like a storm of arrows, slender and lethal. Titus closed his fingers more tightly about Fairfax’s and held his breath.

    A huge net sprang up and caught the bewitched weapons, as if they had been a school of fish, swimming directly into a trap.

    Amara grunted in frustration—it was a reminder that what seemed too good to be true usually was.

    Would the spears have lifted the siege, even if they reached the bell jar dome? asked Fairfax with a frown. I thought inanimate objects had no effects on such sorcery.

    Not under normal circumstances, said Titus, but there are ways around it.

    If there was some clever blood magic involved. And if the drop of blood at the tip of the spear was from a mage bound by blood to someone under the bell jar dome.

    One way or the other this siege will break, said Amara. Mohandas has seen the future, and his visions have never led us astray.

    When they first learned that they had been trapped under a bell jar dome, Amara had intimated that the rebels would take whatever measures necessary to keep Fairfax out of Atlantis’s hands—including killing her themselves, if it came to that. And Kashkari, in what amounted to an outburst for him, had told Amara in no uncertain terms that a prophetic dream had let him know that Fairfax would not only survive this night, but venture as far as Atlantis itself, in a quest to finish the Bane in his lair.

    Except Kashkari had been lying outright, as he had later admitted to Titus and Fairfax outside Amara’s earshot.

    Kashkari, as good a liar as Titus had ever met—and Titus was a world-class one himself—nodded gravely. Thank you, Durga Devi.

    Durga Devi was Amara’s nom de guerre. Titus also addressed her thus, but for him it was less a term of respect than of distance: the woman had been willing to murder Fairfax to keep her out of the Bane’s reach; he would never not regard her with several measures of suspicion.

    Outside the bell jar dome, another net sprang up to catch a forest of—Titus had thought them all bewitched spears, but now it appeared that there were lengths of hunting ropes mixed in.

    Why? To make the bewitched spears appear more numerous? Or was there some other purpose?

    Amara’s expression changed. She reached into a pocket, pulled out a notebook, and opened it.

    Is it my brother? Kashkari asked immediately.

    "You know those who go on raids are not allowed

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