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The Snow Globe
The Snow Globe
The Snow Globe
Ebook66 pages33 minutes

The Snow Globe

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About this ebook

The Snow Globe is Jenny Pagdin's powerful, sensitive and stark debut collection. Written from first-hand experience, under the glass dome of postpartum psychosis, her poetry depicts a fearsome, glittering inner storm of severe mental illness during new motherhood, moving through illness, through snow flurry and sunshine, to a place of recovery and love.
Threaded through this book are illuminating and courageous poems that settle and unsettle in equal measure. They cluster moth-like around spiritual and mythical figures, unravelling and remaking themselves with needlework and yarn, threaded along shorelines and under starry night skies. Jenny Pagdin's skilful and attentive use of a variety of forms reflects multiple and jarring realities – with poems dancing their own chaotic, fragmented and strange glinting beauty towards resolution.
Release dateFeb 22, 2024
The Snow Globe

Jenny Pagdin

Jenny Pagdin’s pamphlet 'Caldbeck' was published by Eyewear in 2017, shortlisted for the Mslexia pamphlet competition and listed by the Poetry Book Society. Jenny lives in Norwich with her family, where she works in the voluntary sector. She has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia and a BA in English from Oxford University. Her work is featured or forthcoming in New Welsh Review, Smoke, Magma, Ambit, Wild Court, The Stand, Finished Creatures, Interpreter’s House, Ink, Sweat & Tears and an Emma Press anthology.

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    Book preview

    The Snow Globe - Jenny Pagdin

    Definition of love

    Old English, related to leave and lief

    Verbal noun: something known by its actions

    (as the wind is); noun: nothing (in a contest);

    the press of breath against a diver’s chest

    (symptoms include insomnia, digestive tension);

    the invisible movement of lips on

    lips forgetting to breathe. Verb trans: to be possessed

    beyond all reason: not by one as he really exists

    but he as if remade by your devotion.

    Verb intrans: to be one with the birds in flight

    and one with the deer that skit across the forest floor;

    to touch skin along warm skin and make no break

    unless he turns in sleep (cf. bulbs at night

    that gleam in the darkened greenhouse, warm and sure;

    nubbed roots which intertwine in earth). Antonym: heartache.

    Family planning (i)

    Pregnancy test

    my voice

    telling your Daddy

    high as a zeppelin



    your faint shadow

    setting                            sail at

    the tiny porthole



    our three lives

    turned in a kaleidoscope

    shaken and shaken

    until they fall

    Night crossing (i)


    And when she took away the gas & air I didn’t

    know how I’d get across to the next one,

    heavy, pressed bare against the rails, my hand

    still grasping for the mask. I never cried

    until she stitched me up – it’s like a jigsaw.

    You beached upon my chest – latching.

    ‘Boy of Jenny Pagdin’

    Navel clamped like a sandwich bag

    forehead wax-red

    wild arms stir the air. Branches.


    A paper jewellery box lined with kapok – bolstering a seed and a light blue eggshell. Then your name, that birthright that flew to my chest like hail, bringing the male beauty of winter. We used to whisper it through the walls. You rooted around for my third gift before it was offered, the rich hind-milk let down. We nestled in.

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