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The Kingdom: The Luna's Vampire Prince, #2
The Kingdom: The Luna's Vampire Prince, #2
The Kingdom: The Luna's Vampire Prince, #2
Ebook335 pages5 hours

The Kingdom: The Luna's Vampire Prince, #2

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"I love you, Ainslee. And I want to make you my wife," Prince Rafe tells me.
"I love you, too," I tell him. "But you know we can't be together--no matter how we feel about one another. Not now."
After I came to the castle as a political prisoner instead of a feeder, Rafe and I acknowledged our feelings for one another. But giving King Axel an ultimatum didn't help our situation, and now, I'm betrothed to him instead of Rafe.
Then, something terrible happens, leaving the entire kingdom in an uproar. I have to get to my cousin, Alpha King Striker, before it's too late. If not, the entire kingdom will fall to our enemies.
Will I be able to save the kingdom? Will Rafe and I end up together?
And what will happen when Rafe finds out I'm pregnant?

From the author of The Alpha King's Breeder, One Weekend with the Billionaire, and Shared by the Sexy Billionaire Twins.

Release dateMar 15, 2024
The Kingdom: The Luna's Vampire Prince, #2

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    The Kingdom - Bella Moondragon



    A rock hits the side of the carriage, kicked up by a horse as we travel from Shadowmanor castle to the very border of Shadowglade–and my home village of Beoutown. There are three carriages and a host of guards, a truly worthy entourage for my future husband and me.

    The window curtain brushes my cheek as the carriage bumps from side-to-side, the roads becoming increasingly less well-maintained. I push it aside to look at the bleak terrain, remembering the washed-out, gray, dilapidated village I come from. Somehow, it always seemed wet. I wore a threadbare cape, holey socks, and worn out boots that did not keep out the wet or the cold. My family and I barely ate. And the Blacks, the family that runs our town, hates me.

    It was that hatred that led to big changes in my life, so I suppose I should be grateful to the assholes. They sent me to a culling. I found out I was a Luna Queen. Or rather, Princess, as the Vampire King, Axel, has decided to call me.

    And I’d gotten to spend more time with Prince Rafe. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, conjuring his scent–deep, forest florals and the same metallic scent all vampires have. Images of his bare chest hovering above me as he’d claimed me come to mind.

    I could still taste the blood on his lips, feel his breath on my neck, the solid weight of his body as he moved powerfully inside me. He took my virginity, though, to be honest, I practically threw it at him. I’d never wanted anyone else. Maybe when I turn twenty and my wolf surfaces, I’ll find my mate and want him more. But to be honest, I’d be perfectly happy being Rafe’s for the rest of my life.

    The carriage bounces again and King Axel grunts. With what we give them, you’d think these people would have invested in roads.

    I sigh, pulled from my reverie. Your Majesty, as Zeke discovered, you well know the money for roads and such is not getting where it needs to be. The Blacks…

    Ah yes. The Blacks. King Axel’s tone is dark, and I for one don’t want to be Angus Black, the mayor, when we get to Beoutown. Yes, I have a few things to say to the Blacks. He turns to me. But, as you’ve been told, my dear, you cannot keep butting in with your opinions in public. It reflects poorly on me.

    Of course, Your Majesty, I apologize, I say quickly, bowing my head. I never could get my mouth under control, no matter how many months of decorum had been impressed upon me during my time at Shadowmanor Castle.

    King Axel smiles indulgently and pats my knee. He’s developed a bit of a soft spot for me over the months. You’ll get the hang of things, Ainslee. Don’t worry.

    I’ll try very hard, Your Majesty, I murmur.

    I know. You’re already trying very hard. And you come by your nature honestly. It’s a hard thing to undo, King Axel says.

    I swallow. It’s not like having Rafe’s hand on my knee. My skin crawls a bit, even though King Axel is a perfectly nice old man. Thank you for being patient with me.

    Of course. But do remember, when we get to your village, you are a royal, and must act like one, King Axel admonishes me.

    I nod vigorously. I won’t embarrass the king in front of the village. I am determined to keep my comments to myself. I can do that, right? Surely my mouth can take one day off.

    King Axel pats my knee again and removes his hand. He stares out the window, his expression increasingly disapproving as we near Beoutown.

    It’s not as though I can blame him. Even the very edge of our browbeaten village is dead and unwelcoming. The farms, though present, are not exactly robust, and all the buildings seem to be huddling together for support. The roads are unpaved and muddy. I thought maybe it was just my imagination that Beoutown was plagued by rain even more than other villages. But seeing it now, I decide even the Moon Goddess was determined to make it a sad, squalid little place.

    I hold my breath as we pass the listing sign that declares BEOUTOWN, and butterflies flap in my stomach as I picture seeing my family again. I’m a Luna because of my father, Howard Bleiz. But my mother remarried after he died, and I’m just as happy to see my stepfather and my two younger half-siblings.

    I especially miss my mother. When I left, she was sick, and getting sicker every day. I hope now that I was taken to the castle they are getting the 100 vlads per month to compensate them for my departure. Without it, they’ve still be living blood donation to blood donation–and I had been the only one giving blood for a measly loaf of bread.

    One hundred vlads isn’t much in this town, where bread costs forty-five vlads, but it would help feed my family. I pray the Blacks haven’t starved them out and pocketed the money for themselves. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did.

    The carriages roll to a stop in front of the mayor’s office. A footman hops down to open the door to the carriage and puts the steps down. Despite the best efforts of the entourage, the hem of my skirt is soon soaked in mud, and the king’s boots to the ankles.

    King Axel’s lip curls in distaste. You lived in this place? he asks, incredulous.

    I wince. Yes, my King.

    No one of our station should ever be knee deep in mud, King Axel scoffs, glaring balefully at the attendants who are trying their damndest to lay down rugs to keep the mud off us. But it’s no use. The rugs simply sink down into the muck when we walk on them.

    The Blacks; butcher, baker, mayor, and Sheriff Brown, their cousin, all stand on the porch of the mayor’s office, wringing their hands.

    I give a feral smile when Angus Black, the mayor, finally looks up. My, how the tables have turned. He only glances in my direction, trying to avoid my eyes. He may be regretting ever sending me away to begin with.

    Angus Black extends a sweaty hand to King Axel, who regards it as though he is being handed a rat. Angus pulls his hand back, wipes it on his fine pants, and tries again.

    Decorum would ask that you bow, Kris, the nastiest vampire I’ve ever had to the displeasure to meet, says sharply to the four. I hate the guy, true, but he is part of our entourage and one of Rafe’s right-hand men. Having his absolutely pants-shitting anger directed at the Blacks gave me a smug sense of satisfaction.

    The four quickly bow to King Axel, trembling before him.

    And to the Princess Ainslee, you idiots, Kris snaps.

    There is hesitation. I expected as much. But, wouldn’t you know it, the assholes turn and bows to me. Every single one of them.

    It seems we have much to discuss, King Axel says coldly once they’ve found the temerity to rise. I believe these matters would be best discussed inside. I’m not fond of being waist deep in mud.

    Apologies, Your Majesty. It just rained, Angus Black whimpers.

    King Axel raises one perfect eyebrow. Even at his advanced age, King Axel has kept his striking features, like most vampires.

    But, of course, that’s no excuse, Angus Black adds quickly.

    King Axel sniffs and precedes the Blacks into the mayor’s office with me at his side, the entourage following and Kris taking up the rear with the Blacks. Kris is particularly surly today because of the way the Blacks tricked him the last time he was in town. They convinced him to recommending a culling to the king even though it was their own fault donations were down. Now, he’s got egg on his face, and I know the Blacks are going to get what they have coming to them.

    Angus Black himself pulls out a chair for King Axel at the long table, and Laslo Black, the baker who has cheated my family out of so much bread, pulls out mine. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he pulled it out from under me, but Laslo plays the part of a gentleman. Perhaps for the first time in his entire existence.

    Kris perches himself at the king’s shoulder, and the rest of the entourage folds out around the perimeter. Except for Zeke, who has headed off on his own secret mission, unbeknownst to the Blacks.

    I find the state of your village to be… disappointing, King Axel says after a long silence. And I find the treatment… of my betrothed and her family… despicable.

    Of all the times I’ve regretted being King Axel’s fiancée and not Prince Rafe’s, this is not one of those moments.

    I smile at the Blacks again as they pale. And pale. And become translucent.

    Betrothed, Your Majesty? Angus wheezes.

    King Axel puts a hand over mine. Yes. She is my fiancée. You have a lot to answer for, Mayor Black. Shall we begin?

    Ah yes, how the tables have turned…



    B-Begin? Angus Black squeaks, his eyes bulging out of his fat face.

    Yes. Kris, if you would, take the accountants to go over the books, that would be appreciated. Mayor Black, if you so much as twitch, I will have Kris put you to the rack in the castle dungeon, do you understand? King Axel’s voice is flat, unyielding.

    Though I am hopelessly in love with Rafe and despair at the realization someday I’ll be married to King Axel, for this one moment, I am proud. Proud to be the king’s fiancée. Proud of the man standing next to me.

    Angus Black looks as though he’s pissed himself. I sniff the air. Maybe he has. O-Of course, your Majesty.

    Half the men who came in with us peel away from the wall and follow Kris in a hunt through the mayor’s office. Food the Blacks provided had to be shoved aside as record after red-marked record slaps down on the table.

    King Axel doesn’t even bother to look at them. Instead, he holds Angus Black’s gaze until the balding, bloated bastard hangs his head. He knows it’s over.

    Laslo Black leans over and whispers something in Angus’s ear, and the asshole perks up.

    Your Majesty, Angus simpers, we were forced to do these things. It isn’t our fault. They would have killed us if we didn’t.

    King Axel raises his elegant eyebrow again. Oh? Who are ‘they’?

    Large drops of sweat form on Angus’s brow adding to his already noxious body odor. He licks his plump lips and looks over at his cousin, the sheriff. Gather them up, he orders him.

    The sheriff nods and trots out of the meeting room once King Axel gives a permissive nod of his head.

    I frown. Your Majesty, I really don’t think…

    King Axel squeezes my hand in warning.

    I swallow and close my mouth.

    Sure enough, Nelson, Kevin, and the others who managed to escape the culling and return home are marched into the office.

    King Axel looks them up and down. These are the miscreants?

    Yes, Your Majesty, Angus Black says. He swings a fat arm in their direction. These are the troublemakers. They threatened us. We had no choice.

    And then I can’t keep quiet any longer. Oh, this is some bullshit. King Axel hisses under his breath in disapproval. I stand, despite his hand on mine squeezing for all he was worth. I mean, just look at them. They’re half-starved just like all of us were. They couldn’t threaten a squirrel.

    Ainslee, King Axel says in a low tone. Sit down.

    But, surely you can see that– I protest.

    King Axel’s eyes flash, and my ass hits that seat faster than a rabbit running to its warren. Sorry, I whisper.

    We’ll discuss this later. King Axel looks from Nelson and the others to the Blacks, and back again. You, boy, have you been threatening Mayor Black?

    Nelson bobs an awkward bow. No, Your Majesty. He’s just mad at us because we managed to return after the Culling. If anything, he’s been threatening us. The whole village. Plus, he sent us to the culling because we spoke up against him.

    If that’s not a threat, I don’t know what is- I begin.

    Ainslee, King Axel warns again.

    I swallow the rest of what I was going to say and sit with my eyes downcast, contemplating every possible meaning of the word demur.

    I am inclined to believe the boy, Mayor Black, King Axel says slowly. Especially since he has such… resounding… support from my fiancée.

    Angus Black wobbles as though he’s going to faint. Your Majesty…

    Zeke suddenly walks in the door, holding bags of blood and Kamila, that awful nurse who was always so rude to me, by an arm twisted around her back. They’ve been deliberately hiding at least thirty percent of the blood yield. Blood that should have gone to us, spoiling in a barn.

    Kris, who had returned with the accountants, looks Kamila up and down and licks his lips. Your Majesty King Axel, may I take this woman for questioning? I’m sure you want to know that she has revealed all her accomplices.

    She named the Blacks here, the rest of their family, and Sheriff Brown, Zeke replies, giving Kamila a shake. I’m not sure there are any other accomplices she could name.

    I would love to find out, Kris says.

    King Axel pinches the bridge of his nose. Enough. Kris, take this woman and see how deep this blood conspiracy goes. I would suggest you use the barn with the blood in it. Blood rotting away. How wasteful.

    Kamila whimpers as Kris grabs her roughly from Zeke. Where’s the barn? he asks, voice dripping venom.

    Edge of the village, Kamila gasps.

    Kris brings her arm up sharply and it breaks. Kamila screams.

    Must you do that here, Kris? King Axel inquires, his tone suggesting that it was, indeed, not necessary to bother him with such unpleasantness.

    Kris looks up as though coming out of a drunken haze. No. No, of course not, Your Majesty. He shoves Kamila ahead of him out the door.

    King Axel turns to me. I do apologize for that, my dear. You shouldn’t be exposed to such ugliness.

    I honestly could have stood a little more ugliness after the mistreatment Kamila had visited upon so many villagers, and for complicity with the Black’s plan to cull their enemies. But I give King Axel a grateful look. Thank you, my King.

    King Axel nods, then turns his cold gaze back on the Blacks. I suppose you don’t need me to tell you that you are herewith stripped of your positions. Beyond that… I am trying to decide what to do with you. He rubs his chin. I could drag you behind the horses when we return to the castle.

    I wrinkle my nose. I am now absolutely certain one of the three Blacks has shit himself.

    Or, King Axel continues. I could leave you here at the mercy of those you have so abused over the years.

    I’m vibrating in my seat. Both options seem justly awful, but…

    King Axel casts his gaze, much softer now, on me. My dear, which would you prefer?

    I look at the Blacks. I stare into each face, one at a time. They are at my mercy now, and they know it.

    Your Majesty, I say in a perfectly prim, royal tone, I believe they should be left at the mercy of Beoutown.

    Laslo Black groans. Angus’s eyes roll back in his head, then he slumps to the side, landing on Bart’s shoulder. His lips are trembling as he tries not to cry..

    King Axel inclines his head to me, then turns his attention back to the Blacks. So it shall be.

    Please, they’ll kill us, Laslo Black begs, going to his knees, crawling across the floor to plaster himself to the king’s muddy boot. Moon Goddess only knows what they’ll do to us before that.

    Princess Ainslee has spoken. It is her you should be groveling to, King Axel sniffs, pushing Laslo away with his toe like the turd he is.

    Laslo sobs, then crawls to me, tugging the hem of my ruined gown. Please, Princess. I’m sorry. We’re all so terribly sorry…

    Save it for the townspeople, I snort.

    Laslo rolls on his back and wriggles like a toddler having a tantrum, wailing at the top of his lungs.

    King Axel rolls his eyes and stands, offering me his arm. Let’s go visit your family, my dear.

    Yes, let’s, I say, stepping over Laslo and walking out the door with King Axel. I glance at him from under my lashes once we’re out of the mayor’s office. Thank you, I breathe.

    It was only right. And Ainslee, do please try to remember you’re a princess, King Axel reminds me.

    I cringe. Sorry, my King

    That temper of yours. Then King Axel shakes his head. At least it’ll keep me on my toes.

    I smile. I think it’s the first genuine smile I’ve ever given him.

    Nelson and the others from the culling meet us outside. Ainslee-Princess Ainslee. That was brilliant. He bows to King Axel. Your Majesty, we can never thank you enough-

    Please just let it be known, near and far, you have a fair and just king King Axel responds.

    I’m… I’m just so happy for you, Princess Ainslee. And proud, Nelson says, hesitating just a moment before taking my hands. Things have already improved so much around here, and they’ll just continue to get so much better now that the Blacks are stripped of their power.

    I tug Nelson’s hands and give him a hug instead. I’m so glad. I know this town can be a good place for people to live.

    King Axel clears his throat delicately, and I release Nelson. It is very nice to meet Princess Ainslee’s friends, King Axel says. But we do have just a short time here, and I’m sure Ainslee wishes to see her family.

    Right. Yes, of course, Your Highness. Nelson and the others bow again.

    King Axel escorts me a way, and I begin giving him directions to my home as the entourage folds in around us.

    Though the street is no less muddy, the buildings no less gray, and the houses no less dilapidated, I feel as though the sun is finally shining.

    We turn a corner, and I suck in a deep breath as my eyes fall on a familiar face.



    Lenny! I shout, releasing King Axel’s arm and running to my best friend. I can hear the king behind me sighing loudly, despairing that I still haven’t learned the proper decorum.

    I don’t care at this moment, though, because it’s Lenny. How have you-?

    Lenny steps back when I go in to hug him. Princess, he says, bowing.

    I frown. Sure, Lenny and I didn’t part on the best of terms, but we were still best friends. What’s wrong?

    Nothing’s wrong, Lenny insists. Nothing at all. You’re just… you know… a princess now.

    But I’m still me, I argue, frowning at him. Flashes of the time we spent together come back to me. Not just the two of us donating blood together or hanging out in line to get bread, but the fun times, too. Exploring the woods, foraging for berries.

    Kissing in our secret spot….

    King Axel catches up, having kept his measured pace, and puts a hand on my shoulder. Ainslee? Who is this?

    Oh. Sorry, King Axel. This is my best friend, Lenny, I smile, gesturing in my friend’s direction

    King Axel nods, eyeing Lenny critically. You must be quite a young man to have caught the attention of the princess.

    What? I gape. No, no, nothing like that–

    Lenny flinches when I deny any kind of romantic relationship between us, and I want to pull my hair out. He was the one who’d decided we were mates.

    Prince Rafe’s familiar face fills my mind’s eye, and I feel my cheeks heating up. There’s no comparison between the two.

    I see, King Axel says, and I know he’s completely misunderstood the situation.

    Damn you, Lenny Moss!

    No, really, it’s… I sigh. I’ll just have to deal with this later. There isn’t time now. I want to see my family before we leave, after all. Lenny, how have you been?

    Fine, Lenny replies tersely.

    Anything new going on? I press.

    Lenny shrugs. Same old, same old.

    Zeke, Goddess bless him, shows up then and quietly asks to speak to the king.

    King Axel, no doubt secure in the fact that nothing will happen between Lenny and I under the view of the entourage, steps aside with Zeke, and I’m able to round on Lenny.

    Thank you for creating a completely unnecessary problem between His Majesty and me, I say, exasperated.

    What? We were supposed to be mates. Now you’re marrying–I mean, kudos to you, you’re marrying the king, but he’s a vampire. Do you even love him? Lenny hisses.

    I have to hold back a laugh. Judgy much?

    Do you? Lenny asks.

    Lenny, it’s a political marriage, I say, rolling my eyes.

    Oh. Lenny brightens. Oh, yes, of course! I knew you couldn’t possibly be in love with one of those bloodsuckers.

    My disposition sours. As a matter of fact, I am in love with one of those ‘bloodsuckers.’ Just not the one I’m engaged to. I fold my arms. So, what’s really going on?

    Seriously, nothing new. I mean, except today. Go you! Lenny grins. Taking out the Blacks? That’s a master stroke. I bow to the queen. Lenny makes a big, theatrical bow.

    Lenny, for the love… I’m a princess until I get married, I sigh.

    Lenny smiles sadly at me. Not to me. To me, you’ll always be my Ainslee. You’re making such a big sacrifice. I respect the hell out of you.

    I want so badly to thump him on the head and tell him I was never ‘his’ Ainslee, that I am and will always be Rafe’s Ainslee, but that would be opening a whole bag of worms I shouldn’t and didn’t want to let out. Thanks, I say, uncomfortably, instead.

    King Axel returns. Ainslee, we need to get going to your family’s residence. There isn’t much time.

    Yes, of course, Your Majesty, I say. I give Lenny a half-hearted wave. I’ll miss him, sure, but today he’s really pissed me off.

    See you around, Princess, Lenny smiles.

    King Axel offers me his arm again, and I direct him to my family’s home.

    My mother rushes out to greet me and wraps me in a hug. It takes everything in me to keep from weeping.

    My girl, my mother whispers. My special, wonderful girl.

    I love you, too, I respond, burying my face in her shoulder.

    Sinead and Brock wander out. I peek over my mother’s shoulder to see if my stepfather, Clint, is coming as well, but conclude from the empty house that he must be in the mines.

    You said you’d come back, Sinead says, giving Brock a smug look.

    I did, I reply to Sinead, stepping away from my mother so I can take them both in my arms. I close my eyes for a second, breathing them in. How I’ve missed my littles. The urge to burst into tears threatens behind my eyelids, but I remember the king has asked me not to make a spectacle of myself, so I hold back.

    Brock gives me a kiss on the cheek. I’m glad you’re back. Can we get some bread now?

    King Axel stiffens behind me. Pardon?

    I release my siblings, and he steps a bit closer to the king. Oh. I was just wondering, now that Ainslee’s back, if we’ll have bread, Brock repeats, even as my mother is waving her arms wildly behind the king to make Brock shut up.

    Why wouldn’t you have bread? King Axel’s eyes narrow.

    Are you not get the hundred vlads allowance? I whisper to my mother.

    She swallows, glancing from me, to the king, and back again. We… haven’t received… quite that much…

    With bread at forty-five vlads, I know the sum wouldn’t make too much of a difference, but rage still boils in my gut. How long has it been since you’ve had bread?

    My mother shuffles her feet and mumbles. She looks better than before,

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