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Luna Lola: The Moon Wolf
Luna Lola: The Moon Wolf
Luna Lola: The Moon Wolf
Ebook206 pages3 hours

Luna Lola: The Moon Wolf

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"I, Grayson Dawson, Alpha of the Moonlit Pack, reject you, Lola Ashton, as my mate and Luna of this pack," I heard Grayson's voice reach my ear and a single tear ran down my left cheek as it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. 
"I, Lola Ashton, accept..." I did not finish my sentence before he held me up by my throat and snarled in my face. His eyes had already changed colors so I knew his wolf was in charge.
"You will not reject me, slut. I am your owner and I tell you what to do and when," he slapped me across the face and threw me on the ground.
After being rejected by her mate in the Moonlit pack, Lola escaped on a full moon only to enter the territory of the next Alpha King who also happened to be her second chance mate.
Adrian is the next Alpha King but he hasn't been able to assume his role because he needed a Luna by his side. A rogue that trespassed on his territory, whom he ordered be killed turned out to be his mate leaving him in a dilemma.
Will Adrian reject Lola because she came into his territory as a rogue? Will he overcome what happened to him in the past and give Lola a chance or reject her and go ahead with Fay as his chosen Luna?
What will happen when everyone finds out just how much power Lola wields and how she's supposed to protect her kind in an oncoming war? Find out in Lola- The Moon Wolf!

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Luna Lola: The Moon Wolf

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love this book! So glad her first mate is gone and I don’t like her new mate this book continues so I’m off to read the rest

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Luna Lola - Park Kara

Chapter 1

Lola's POV

I, Grayson Dawson, Alpha of the Moonlit Pack, reject you, Lola Ashton, as my mate and Luna of this pack, I heard Grayson's voice reach my ear and a single tear ran down my left cheek as it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. 

Why me? Why am I always on the receiving end of bad things? What have I ever done to deserve this? I wanted to scream and shout at him. I'm his mate, his fated one and he's rejecting me because I'm the runt of the pack? More tears ran down my cheeks and I saw him smile at my misfortune.

I, Lola Ashton, accept... I did not finish my sentence before he held me up by my throat and snarled in my face. His eyes had already changed colors so I knew his wolf was in charge.

You will not reject me, slut. I am your owner and I tell you what to do and when, he slapped me across the face and threw me on the ground.

I struggled to catch my breath and tears ran down my face freely. I shouldn't have been born, I haven't done anything to deserve this at all.

Jasmine howled in pain in my head and I doubled over in pain clutching at my chest. I just want this to be over and done with, maybe when I die all these pains will go away.

I heard mocking laughter above my head and looked up only to see Freya. Freya is the daughter of the current Beta and soon to be Luna. She's everything I am not- beautiful blue eyes with shiny blonde hair, a killer body, glowing skin, strong and extremely wicked.

She stood there with her minions looking at me with pity. I couldn't quite place what that emotion in her eye was. She laughed all of a sudden and kicked me in the stomach. She pulled my hair and slapped me making me fall back on the floor.

You actually thought you could be Luna? That Grayson will pick you over me? You're just a worthless bitch that nobody will love, you bring bad luck and misfortune to people around you. You're a whore that will die alone because no one wants to be with you, she spat in my face and kicked me in the ribs with her heels.

I could not say anything because it would be deemed rude which would worsen my punishment. Her minions held me up as she slapped me repeatedly and punched me in the stomach.

She laughed maniacally as I screamed out in pain and tears ran down my cheeks. When she was done with me, she threw me on the ground, making me hit my head in the process.

Jasmine was quiet in my head, she's always trying to take all of my pains away but the abuses never stop. We've hoped for 8 years that we'd finally find our mate, our one true love bestowed upon us by the Moon goddess and they will love us unconditionally, that's what mates do. We really hoped we'd be free from this slavery, constant mockery, and abuse but all that has gone down the drain now.

All these sufferings started 8 years ago when my parents, the then Alpha and Luna of the Moonlit Pack died in a rogue incident and the blame was placed on me. I was just 10, I did not know what really happened, one moment I was chatting happily with Mom and Dad and they were gone before I could blink my eye.

The pack blamed me and stripped me of my Alpha powers, they could not allow a traitor to rule them. Till now, I still don't know what I did wrong, I don't know what went wrong, I just had to bear the brunt of it all because the current Alpha who was my father's Beta said so.

I was demoted to an Omega, the lowest rank for any wolf, the biggest insult to any wolf of high ranking. I became the slave of the pack at a young age, all the people who were nice to me became my enemy and treated me like trash.

Jasmine, I'm so sorry for putting us through all of this, if only I wasn't so weak, if only I could stand up for us. I know you've always wanted your mate, I'm so sorry Jas, I cried through our mind link.

None of this is your fault, Lola, I'm sorry for not being able to protect you more. If only I could shift and take all your pain away, Jasmine whimpered in my head sadly.

Nobody has ever seen Jasmine, I've only ever met her once myself and that was before Mom and Dad passed away. She's a pure white wolf with golden eyes. She's a very pretty wolf but Mom and Dad said I have to keep her hidden, they never told me why.

I knew I was special, Mom always called me 'her special little wolf'. Others got their wolf at age 16, Alphas got theirs at age 14 but I've had Jas since I was 8 and besides, I've never seen anyone with a pure white wolf and golden eyes.

Everyone thought I didn't have a wolf and looked down on me because of it. We've not been able to shift even if we wanted to because we don't have the energy for that. There's barely enough to eat and the beatings we get each day are enough to weaken any wolf, I'm surprised I still have Jasmine with me.

I suddenly felt fire in my lower stomach and cried out painfully, people were passing but no one paid me any attention, nobody cared if I died, they actually wanted me dead.

Jasmine howled in pain in my head as the pain ran wildly through every vein in my body and I knew Grayson was already getting it on with Freya. This is why he did not allow me to reject him, he knew I was going to be in pain if he was with another woman besides me, and fresh tears started pouring down my cheeks.

I weakly stood up and went towards my room in the cold basement, the pain did not stop, it only got worse. I could barely see where I was going and tripped twice. I wanted to curl up and die, it felt like lava was running through my veins and I removed all my clothes and laid on the stone bed that I always sleep on.

The pain gradually subsidized and Jasmine went silent in my head. She was so sad, I was very sad too. I just wanted to be special to someone, I don't want a lot.

I knew I had to escape this hellhole somehow, I had been bearing it because of the thought of a mate but now that there's nothing here for me, I had to leave. 

Grayson and Freya's coronation as the new Alpha and Luna is tomorrow evening, I have to leave. Jasmine and I deserve better and I need to give it to her.

Hang in there Jasmine, I'll get us out of here as soon as possible I promise, I said to Jasmine and heard her lowly whining in acknowledgement of my words as I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 2

Lola's POV

I was startled awake when I felt water on my body, I was still processing where the water could have come from when I felt stinging pain across my cheeks. I opened my eyes and saw Aaron, Grayson's best friend, standing over me with a bucket in his hand. He must have dumped the bucket of water on my head.

Get up bitch! He barked at me, making me stand up quickly, almost tripping on my feet. I remembered stripping myself of all my clothings the night before and rushed to cover my body earning myself another slap on the cheek. I fell down, hitting my head on my stone bed. I felt sticky liquid trickling down my forehead and lowly hissed in pain.

You think because you're Gray's mate, you'd be treated differently? You're just a stupid nobody who will never be recognized. Freya is our Luna, you're just a wretched bitch that will die lonely, he said to me mockingly and kicked me repeatedly.

I'm sure my body has fresh bruises, the ones that were there are still taking time to heal. I have to get Jas and me out of here, I'd die at this rate if I refused to do something. 

You have a lot to do today, we're crowning our new Alpha and Luna today and everything has to be fully prepared for that, he barked at me. I nodded my head meekly while looking at the floor.

He held my chin roughly and made me look him in the eye, You should be grateful I came to get you and not Grayson. You were trying to seduce whoever came to get you? Nobody will want you, your body is not even attractive. You'd be good to relieve stress though, pathetic little bitch, he spoke as he groped me.

I felt disgusted and wanted to crawl out of my skin as he touched me. Tears poured down my face but I dared not talk back or refuse or I'd be in more trouble. 

Be out in 5 minutes, bitch, or there will be consequences, he barked at me and left me after slapping me one more time.

The torture and pain never stop. We all used to be friends then they suddenly turned on me. I wish it would stop, I haven't done anything wrong.

I knew I had to get up before the punishment got worse, I always get up early, I must have been so drained from what happened yesterday. I got up, went to the basin at the corner of my room washed my face, and wore my dirty gown like that.

I packed my once platinum blonde hair that's now dirty brown due to the dirt that has accumulated in it. I've never enjoyed basic amenities since I became an Omega, no new clothes, I only take my bath once a week, and barely have enough water to wash my hair or even look remotely good. I only eat leftovers from the pack, sometimes I'm not even allowed to eat. This is not a life I'd wish on anyone, even the poorest in the pack don't live like this.

I limped to the kitchen, doing my best to avoid pack members to avoid any additional punishment or insult that morning. As my luck would have it, I met the current Luna, Grayson's mom, and Freya in the kitchen discussing clothes and fashion.

Immediately I entered the packed kitchen, Luna Natalie sprung on me and barked out orders. Freya looked like she was enjoying my pain as Luna listed out what I was supposed to do before her son's coronation tonight. 

I nodded my head and she left the kitchen with Freya behind her, not before she accidentally spilled the drink she was having before I came in and broke the glass, leaving it for me to clean.

I sighed in relief as they both left without touching me, they must be in a good mood today. I rushed to wash the plates used by the pack members that morning. My stomach grumbled as I thought about food, I had not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon and I probably won't be getting food till evening. I sighed and carried on with my job.

The pack's ballroom was next, I had to make it squeaky clean or get a beating from Luna Natalie. I got to work cleaning it and was done by noon. I had to clean the whole pack house too and could barely stand by the time I was done. I hate my life.

I haven't heard from Jasmine all day, she was probably still recovering from yesterday night. The wolf feels it most when their partner has sex with another she-wolf. I felt so sad for her and that only fueled my determination to break free from this cruel pack that has deemed me worthless.

Hearing voices, I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to make myself small on instinct. It was probably time for lunch, my stomach grumbled again even though I knew I wouldn't be getting any food till nighttime. I felt him before I saw him and went still as I felt him move closer to me. I dare not look up at him if I do not want more problems for myself.

He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, he smirked evilly at me and I felt my ears ringing before I could even process what was going on. He slapped me. I did not even do anything wrong and he slapped me, I heard people around me laughing mockingly. 

You dare to be in the same room as me and look me in the eye, slut? What have I told you about disrespect and the consequences that come with it, he growled at me angrily and gripped my chin to the point that it started hurting.

Tears streamed down my face and Jasmine whimpered lowly in my head, her mate was hurting her and she could not even communicate with his wolf side because she had to stay hidden for our safety. She receded to the back of my mind, leaving me to face this monster alone. I guess I'm on my own now.

I need to teach you a lesson that will permanently put you in your place, a lesson I should have taught you sooner. You'd be ready for me tonight, I'd take you however I want and you'll take it like the whore that you are. Make sure you clean up nicely after my coronation tonight, I'll deal with you and others can have their turn, he said and loud cheers went off in the room.

I could not believe my ears. He was going to rape me, he was going to rape me, they're horrible people but no one ever dared to take my innocence. I've lost everything, I can't lose the only dignity I have left. 

I felt disgusted and wanted to puke out my insides, how could anyone be so vile and cruel? He said he wanted to rape me and everyone cheered him on? Freya was in the room when he said it and she had no problems with that. Just great.

He said right after their coronation, I need to get as far away from here as I can, I can't go on like this. This pack is fucked up and I refuse to live like this anymore, I'd rather go rogue than live in a pack that has no mercy for those who were once a part of them

They shortly left and I fell to the ground, I was still in shock at what I saw and heard. He was going to break me completely and then give me to his friends to humiliate, I won't wait for such to happen. 

I'll protect you, Jas. I'll protect us, I'll not let anybody taint you, I'd rather die running, were my thoughts as I finally found the strength to leave my position on the floor and made my way to the basement.

Tonight. I have to leave tonight!

Chapter 3

Lola's POV

Tonight. I have to leave tonight.

I sat down on my stone bed thinking about my life so far. Jasmine has been holding on for too long, I can't let her go through this anymore.

I used to be almost everyone's favorite in the pack until Mom and Dad passed. I don't know what came over Aunt Natalie and Uncle Andrew, Grayson's mom and dad. It's like they've been waiting for the opportunity to make me worthless. They used to be very nice until they were not.

People who were not in the pack before that incident did not know I was the daughter of the last Alpha and Luna. Everybody in the wolf world thought I was dead, that's what I heard. 

I can't get raped, I can't get my innocence taken away from me and by that vile bastard nonetheless. I have to come up with a plan, I don't care if I die running, I have to leave this fucked up pack before I am humiliated.

I have to eat this afternoon, I'll need the energy if I'm going to be running. That bastard is definitely going to send people after me so I have to be in my wolf form. 

Jasmine, you there? I mindlinked Jas and she whimpered in response in my head. "I'll need you tonight, girl. I'll need you if I'm ever going to make it out alive. I can't let him

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