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Final Heart: The Life Crystal Chronicles, #4
Final Heart: The Life Crystal Chronicles, #4
Final Heart: The Life Crystal Chronicles, #4
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Final Heart: The Life Crystal Chronicles, #4

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The world is in chaos. With two dark stones in play evil threatens to destroy the planet. Fear and wickedness consume humanity.

The world as Mellissa knew it has imploded. Now she must embrace the destiny that has always been laid before her.

Greg is broken. His scars run deep and is full of doubts. He no longer knows what his role is.

Even with the power of the Heart Crystal, can Mellissa stop the darkness and bring balance to the universe?

PublisherWRL Morris
Release dateMay 30, 2024
Final Heart: The Life Crystal Chronicles, #4

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    Final Heart - WRL Morris

    Copyright © 2024 Whitney Morris

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2024 Whitney Morris All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected]. First paperback edition April 2023 Published by WRLMorris Publishing Book design by Whitney Morris ISBN 978-1-916935-06-8 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-916935-07-5 (hardback)

    For Amaya,

    The night rain and bringer of joy

    Final Heart

    The Life Crystal Chroniles Book 4

    WRL Morris





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39


    About The Author

    Other books in the series:

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    he sky was a mishmash of blue, pinks, reds, greens and purple. Kadon hovered above a human city. Below the earth rumbled and cracked. Waves crashed against the shore. The water level rising and gushing past the buildings. He had no idea where he was. The veil that had split the magic world from the human one was gone. As it had come crashing down it had splattered different parts of the magic world on to the human one. Spitting him out in this monstrosity of a place, where the ocean met a heap of land covered in concrete. The world was being reshaped into something new and it was ugly.

    Kadon peered down at the city below. Great towers of brick and glass filled the landscape. Paths made of black stone snaked round the buildings, lined with more human contraptions. He had thought the village he had seen when he first escaped the tree of time had been bad, but this city was hideous. The perfect example of what leeches’ humans could be. They had been separated from magic for too long and forgotten their place in the world. Humans were magic-less parasites, that needed exterminating. Kadon was the man for the job.

    His top lip curled as he looked below at the humans. They gawked up at him. Pointing and gasping.  The earth rumbled and the pavement cracked as water filled the city. Kadon grinned as he watched the natural disaster created by the fall of the veil. He hadn’t planned for things to happen like this. Truth be told he hadn’t known how the natural order of things would be affected when he destroyed the veil. This was just a delightful side effect, and he would enjoy the show.

    Shrill cries pierced Kadon’s ears making him snarl. The humans ran around below screaming at the tops of their lungs. They abandoned their vehicles and fled from the buildings. The ground rolled breaking apart and expanding. Grassy land pushed its way up into the gap. Screams echoed around him. The sound made his ears ring. Kadon gritted his teeth as he rained shadow down on the city. Humans dropped like flies as his shadows hit. A smile spread across Kadon’s face. Power ran through his veins. He could feel everything around him. Every change in the wind. All the water flowing around the city. With a flick of his wrist, water burst out of the pipes running below the city. Nearby humans cried out. Kadon glared at them and shadow burst from his body, slicing through the humans. He smirked as they slumped to the ground now quiet.

    Kadon lowered himself to the ground. Walking down a path littered with body’s he grinned. The ground shook. His heart raced as he spun round looking for her. But it wasn’t the elf Queen, just the destruction of the veil, still recreating the earth. He clenched his fists as he thought of Mellissa. That annoying hybrid human-elf. She had been nothing but a pain since he met her. He had all this new power, yet he couldn’t feel the earth. Not like she could. Freya still held power over him through that girl. Through her descendant. He wouldn’t let Freya win. She was long dead, yet she still had something he didn’t. She had had an heir. Her bloodline lived on.

    Kadon would take the legacy Freya had left behind. He would gain the power over the earth she had once wielded. Kadon gritted his teeth. He needed the land stone, and he would take Mellissa for himself.

    A heart shaped diamond surrounded by crystals Description automatically generated

    Chapter 1

    The New World


    The sun beamed down on us as the wind whistled through the mountains. My heart hammered in my chest as I paced along the craggy mountainside. Harkura and Victoria watched be their eyes darting back and forth with my direction of movement. Greg was stood beside Radius. They were whispering about something, but I didn’t care what. We were just outside the camp we had evacuated to after Kadon had destroyed the Capitol and tore down the veil. My mind was racing. There was so much to think about that I couldn’t stay still. Or maybe it was still the adrenaline pumping through me that had me unable to stop moving. I had just returned from defending the camp from missiles. Then Radius had kindly informed me a group of human soldiers where at the base of the mountain.

    ​Greg stepped away from the group. He placed himself in my path, so I walked into him. As I turned to go round him, he clasped my arms. Mellissa, you need to let me heal you.

    ​More forehead creased as I gaped at him. What? I’m fine.

    ​His brows rose as he tilted his head to the side. You were just flying around with a dragon to fight off missiles, he replied, I would rather check that for myself.

    I’m fine.

    ​He cupped my chin in his hands turning my face to the side. You have a rather large cut on your forehead. He pressed his fingers to my head, and I winced.

    Fine. I huffed over to a large boulder and sat on it. He crouched in front of me and healed the cut on my forehead. As he checked me for any more injuries, I glanced up at the sky. Thoughts of what had just happened filled my mind.  Flying with Ignis had been exhilarating. There had been a threat to the camp, and I had just flown into action to protect everyone. I had acted on instinct. Even though I could fly myself, riding on the dragons back had been different. I had felt empowered like I could do anything, but now I was back on solid ground, I was lost. 

    ​This was all too much. Now I had finally stopped moving my legs felt like jelly. I was secretly glad Greg had gone into healer mode and I was sat on this rock. It hid my shaking limbs from the others as that adrenaline rush dampened down. My mid reeled as I tried to make sense of everything. Protecting the camp had been the easy part. Now I had to think about what this all meant for us. No veil and the humans attacking in fear. Kadon was no longer our only problem. Ignis had retreated to his cave stating he would leave the humans to me. One moment we had been fighting side by side and the next he had abandoned me on the rocky mountain side.  I let out a long breath trying to slow my racing thoughts. I glanced over Greg’s shoulder. Just because Ignis had run off, I wasn’t alone. Radius, and my two guardians stood huddled together with their arms folded watching Greg’s every move.

    All done. Greg leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. Apart from that cut on your head, you were all good.

    ​I poked him in the chest. I told you I was fine.

    Now that we know you really are fine what is the plan? asked Radius.

    Plan? I asked peering up at him.  

    ​Radius was pale, all warmth drained from his sun kissed skin. He rubbed the back of his neck. The missiles weren’t the only problem. Human soldiers have surrounded the base of the mountains.

    ​I chewed on my bottom lip. Why was I the one who needed to have the plan? I had been hoping one of them were going to tell me what the plan was.  Radius was a king and a crystal keeper, he was just as qualified as me to make these decisions. Ignis was too but the sun crystal keeper seemed to like to leave decision making up to others. I clenched my fists that dragon hid is his cave too much.  At least Radius was here to work with me. My head was pounding. Magic was no longer a secret. The two separate worlds had remade itself in to one and the humans were looking for answers.

    ​I stood clapping my hands together as I did. I will talk to them.

    ​Radius’s brows drew together. They fired missiles at us. They do not wish to talk.

    ​My heart was pounding along in tune with my rising anxiety. I tugged at my hair my fingers getting tangled in my curls. Kadon was enough of a problem without adding hostile humans to the mix. They are just scared because they don’t understand what is happening. So, I will go explain it all to them.

    ​Harkura stepped in front of me with his hand out. No, you will not put yourself in harm’s way.

    ​I folded my arms as I jutted my hip out to the side. Then what do you suggest?

    What if we put up a glamour charm? That will keep us hidden from prying eyes.

    Thats only if they don’t come and physically search the mountains, said Victoria, A random land mass has appeared out of nowhere I highly doubt they are not going to investigate it.

    ​I put my hand up like a child in school. Can I just go talk to whoever is in charge and tell them we aren’t a threat?

    ​They all looked at me like I was insane. No, said both my guardians in unison.

    ​Victoria rubbed the bridge of her nose. You are so naive. You would think growing up with the humans you would know better. She looked at me one brow risen. Frightened humans bite first and ask questions later.

    ​Greg cleared his throat. He had been oddly silent for him. Talking will eventually be out best course of action but not while the humans are still in shock. I suggest we go underground.

    What? I said.

    As in literally underground. He pointed to the rocky surface at our feet. Hide within the mountain, like Ignis is in his cave. You and any dwarfs in camp should be able to make that possible.

    ​I nodded as I rubbed my chin. Okay, that’s the plan. A wave of panic hit me. I felt nausea swirl up in me. What about the others?

    What others? Greg asked.

    The other cities. Urbem Folium, Novosvillas and the rest. I clutched my hand over my chest my heart felt like it was about to beat out my body. They will have popped up randomly as well. The people there could be in danger from the humans as well.

    ​The colour drained from Victoria’s face. But how do we find them? We have no idea where any of our cities are in this new world.

    ​I grabbed Greg’s arm steadying myself. Laxus. I need to find Laxus.

    ​Harkura placed a hand on my shoulder. Just breathe my queen. Slow breaths. He demonstrated and I synced my breathing with his. Thats better. I nodded. Having slowed my breathing I didn’t feel as dizzy anymore. Harkura rubbed his chin. Laxus was in the caves they should be well hidden. Out priority should be finding the cities above ground and bring all the residents here.

    And how do you expect us to do that? asked Victoria throwing her arms in the air.

    ​He pointed at me. Mellissa is going to.

    ​I frowned scrunching my nose. I am?

    Yes, because now Humarya is dead, you can teleport again. Urbem Folium should be the easiest to find as you are very familiar with the area.

    Of course. I thumped my fist down on my hand. Okay listen up everyone. Greg you’re in charge of creating the camp underground. Get Hogan and Caleb to round up any dwarfs to start burrowing. Victoria and Harkura you spread the plan round camp, then keep guard. I pointed at Greg and then to Victoria and Harkura. My gaze landed on Radius. Radius you put up a temporary glamour, keep us hidden while we work and then fill Ignis in on everything.

    ​ Radius nodded. And you will be gathering the rest of your people. He frowned. Do you think the mer-folk will be hidden underwater?

    ​My heart panged with guilt; I hadn’t thought about Radius’ people just my own. I believe they will be just like those in the caves but if you want to check in on them.

    ​He placed his arm over his chest like in salute. No, the immediate danger is here. I will help here first. Now go Queen Mellissa, us four will make sure everything here goes according to plan. He stood tall his broad shoulders tense.  I nodded. Shutting my eyes I pictured Urbem Folium, I thought of my people, of Samson and Josh. My powers surged out of me, and I teleported.

    A heart shaped diamond surrounded by crystals Description automatically generated

    Chapter 2




    reg and Victoria burst into High Priestess Yuko’s tent. She jumped to her feet. What is the matter with you two?

    ​Greg swiped sweat from his forehead, as he caught his breath. The humans he said, they just attacked us.

    ​Yuko’s eyes went wide.  They what? Is anyone hurt?

    It’s okay Mellissa and the dragon stopped their missiles before they reached the camp, said Victoria.

    ​Yuko rubbed her chin her brow furrowed. Missiles?

    Um, think big flying metal cylinders that explode on impact. Victoria waved her hands round trying to illustrate her words.

    ​The corner of Yuko’s eyes creased, and her lips twisted into a frown. Why are they trying to hurt us? We haven’t done anything to them.            

    ​Greg gritted his teeth. The why isn’t important at the moment. We need to hide in case they try again. Mellissa wants us to get the dwarfs to take us all underground. Can you help me organise them?             

    Maybe they didn’t know there were people here. Yuko replied, Once they see we are a camp of people, families with children. She looked at him with wide hopeful eyes, her blue cheeks rosy.

    ​Greg felt like pulling his hair out. Had she even been listening to him. Victoria brushed past him and grasped Yuko by the shoulders. I grew up amongst humans, believe me when I say they will see your blue skin and freak. We need to hide now.

    ​Yuko’s jaw dropped as she stuttered. I- I didn’t think the humans were that primitive. Mellissa never had any issues with how I look. And all the human elves.

    ​Greg sighed as he pressed his fingers to his forehead. Mellissa is an exceptional person.

    And all the mixed-race human elves grew up knowing magic existed, said Victoria. Now can we get on with this?

    ​Yuko nodded as she bundled up her priestess robes in her hands. Hogan and Caleb should be in their tents. I will corral them to get the dwarfs moving.

    ​As she marched to the tent exit Harkura almost collided with her. Harkura stepped back panting. Sorry but it’s the humans. They are at the edge of our camp.

    ​Yuko’s blue skin paled. They’re already so close.

    Have they spotted us yet? Greg asked.

    ​Harkura shook his head. King Radius put up a glamour spell before going to talk with Lord Ignis. It is working so far, but one wrong step and we will be discovered.

    What are we going to do? Yuko asked her voice had gone up an octave. She looked upwards at the tent ceiling her eyes filled with tears.  Oh, Gabrielle how did you handle this stress?

    ​Greg's chest tightened at the mention of Lady Gabrielle. She always knew what to do. It wasn’t just him that missed her. They were all lost without her. She had been their leader, the one to look to in a time of crisis. Now there was just him and Yuko panicking in a tent. He took a deep breath pushing his emotions down. Thinking like this helped no one. They just needed to execute the original plan but quicker. He took Yukos hands and looked her in the eye. We are going to take this camp underground.

    ​He looked to Harkura and then Victoria Can you two alert Radius to the human’s movements and then keep an eye on them? Alert us if they get too close. They both nodded and left the tent, the fabric swishing as they brushed past. Greg turned back to Yuko. You oversee Hogan and Caleb. I will start gathering everyone else up. We need to make sure the water nymphs are moved first.  Yuko and Greg exited the tent and went in opposite directions.

    ​Greg ran from tent to tent, ordering people to evacuate. He told them all to gather where they had held the memorial for Lady Gabrielle. Once people caught wind of what he was doing they began passing the word on themselves. Soon everyone was gathered in one spot.              

    ​As Greg looked out at the crowd of people his stomach was in knots. Their lives were a mess. The crowd was a sea of panicked and scared faces. All of them were looking to him like he knew what he was doing.  These people were in no shape to fight. Most of them were just normal people who happened to have magic. Hopefully things wouldn’t turn into a battle. They would soon be hidden.

    ​Yuko came running over with Caleb and Hogan in tow. She brushed sweat from her brow. I have briefed the dwarfs on what to do.

    ​Caleb punched one fist into his other hand. Don’t worry we have got this.

    Hogan and Caleb took point at the head of a small group of dwarfs. Majority of the dwarfs lived in the caves or the hills which only the Gods now knew where they were. Hopefully the small number that lived in the capitol would be enough for this plan to work. The crowd of people were split into twelve groups. The dwarfs separated into four teams of roughly eight to ten. This meant three trips.

    ​Yuko gripped Greg’s forearm. Are you sure about this?

    No, Greg ran his finger through his hair. But this is the best way to avoid a fight.

    ​She gently patted his arm. I just hope we can keep them all safe.

    ​He gave her a weary smile. Me to. Now you need to go. You’re in one of the first groups with the water nymphs.

    ​She nodded and walked away with her head held high. Greg watched her join a group of water nymphs. Roughly ten dwarfs surrounded them. The other teams of dwarfs gathered round different groups of people. Pushing their hands out in unison and swiping their feet along the ground, the dwarfs cracked the ground under them. Just like Greg had seen Mellissa do on many occasions. The cracks splintered across the rocky surface. The dwarfs pulled their arms back and slammed them down. With a boom, the group disappeared under ground. Gregs blood ran cold at the sound. He peered round hoping the noise didn’t draw the humans in quicker.

    ​The dwarfs all lived under ground in the caves and hills. It was an intricate system of tunnels created by their magic. This plan was simply recreating that. Only someone with earth magic would be able to get in or out easily. Something a human definitely wouldn't be able to do. A couple of minutes later the dwarfs reappeared and moved on to the next set of groups. Greg let out a sigh of relief. Things were moving along nicely.

    ​Beatrice hurtled towards him her lips pursed and her brow furrowed. Maybe he had spoken too soon. Gregory, she said her voice shrill. Why are the changelings the last group being evacuated?

    ​Greg pinched the bridge of his nose. Because as shapeshifters we can escape the easiest by turning into birds or some other animal.

    ​She snorted. The council members should be prioritised.

    No, we shouldn’t. Our powers give us an advantage Beatrice, so those who can’t shift go first.

    Who put you in charge anyway? There should have been a vote?

    You are being ridiculous. There is no time for a vote. Greg gritted his teeth as he tried to stay calm. Besides this is Mellissa’s plan that she came up with before she left.

    Well, no one voted for her.

    You and Lee may not have but Mellissa got the majority vote.

    ​Beatrice crossed her arms as she stuck her nose up in the air. Of course, you voted for your girlfriend.

    ​Greg chuckled. You know I didn’t vote right?

    ​Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. Why?

    ​Greg shrugged. To be honest, I didn’t particularly want Mellissa or Lee in charge, but for very different reasons.

    Well Lee would have never left us in this mess.

    That’s because Lee would never put himself in harm’s way.

    Gregory, Shouted Lee. Greg groaned as he turned to see Lee marching towards them scowling. Why have I been lumped in with the rest of the witches? The council should be the first to be evacuated.

    As I was explaining to Beatrice, priority is not based on your job but your ability to escape if attacked. This is why all changelings including myself will go last. The witches will be evacuated with the warlocks before us.

    This is ridiculous, Lee pursed his lips. And where is Mellissa? She should be helping move people.

    ​Greg’s jaw tensed as he fought the urge to shout. Mellissa is out finding where the rest of us magic folk ended up and checking they haven't come to any harm. Lee opened his mouth to talk but Greg stopped him by putting his hand up in front of his face. He pointed to the group Lee had walked away from. Look Lee your group is being moved wouldn’t want to be left behind.

    ​Lee narrowed his eyes at Greg but hurried back to his group. Greg pressed his fingers to the side of his head. A headache was forming because of those twos’ silly demands. The second set of groups were submerged underground. Once the dwarfs came back up the last few people left would all be hidden safely in the mountain. He would wait for Mellissa to return and then she could take over dealing with the idiots.

    ​A loud boom echoed through the mountain side shaking the ground. What was that? asked Beatrice in a high pitch squeak.

    ​There was another boom and smoke plumed above the southern edge of camp. Greg’s pulse quickened. Beatrice order, all the changelings to shift. Hopefully the dwarfs won’t be long.

    ​Beatrice grabbed his wrist. What about you?

    I’m going to find out what that was. Greg pulled away from her and ran towards the explosion. He shifted into a eagle, flapping his wings a fast as he could.  He quickly swerved upwards and circled above a black cloud of smoke. As the smoke cleared Radius was revealed fighting with a pair of humans. Three others were frozen on the spot. Greg gasped as he spotted Harkura. He was laid out on the ground bleeding. Victoria was knelt beside him her hands over his middle. Greg swooped downward. Once he was close enough to the ground, he shifted. He was running as soon as his feet touched the terrain and skidding to a halt by Harkura.  Victoria’s eyes went wide as she looked up. Greg, she shouted. Help him.

    ​Greg knelt beside Harkura. His tunic was soaked in blood. Victoria’s hands were pressed firmly down holding pressure. Greg ripped the fabric of Harkura’s top revealing his abdomen. On three move your hands, said Greg. Victoria nodded. One, two, three. Victoria pulled her hands away and Greg swiftly placed his hands were hers had been. Blood quickly began seeping from the wound. Greg pushed down to create more pressure. With a quick incantation Gregs hands began to glow. His hands were warm with magic as he seeped the spell into the wounds. He felt the spell taking hold and he glanced up at Victoria. What happened?

    One idiot human tripped over a rock and fell through the glamour, replied Victoria, The others followed. Harkura tried to talk to them but the moment they saw him they opened fire. She clenched her fists. You can heal him, right?

    That’s what I’m doing, Greg’s forehead creased. His magic pouring into the wound. The damage ran deep. But it might take some time.

    ​Radius slid down beside him. His face smudged with dirt.  How is he?

    He has been in better shape. Greg replied.

    ​Radius frowned. I don’t know how much time we have. One of them managed to radio for help before I knocked them out.

    I don’t know if we can move him yet.

    ​Victoria gritted her teeth. "I should have been quicker

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