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Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry
Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry
Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry
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Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry

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Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry


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Emily Henry's novel, "The Misguided Lover," is a thrilling tale about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common. Daphne, a stranded in Waning Bay, Michigan, finds herself in a precarious situation with her childhood best friend Petra's ex, Miles Nowak. The roommates, who are both scruffy and chaotic, form a tenuous friendship and plan to post misleading photos of their summer adventures together. However, their plan is a show, as Daphne would never start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé's new fiancée's ex.
Release dateMay 4, 2024
Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This reads like an AI summary- the plot has grown extra fingers and its eyes are crossed.

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Summary of Funny Story by Emily Henry - TIME SUMMARY


The author shares her love for storytelling and her struggles with telling her own stories. She shares a story about a fateful encounter with a handsome librarian, Peter Collins, and their love story. The story begins with Peter rescuing a hat from a trash can, which she accidentally threw into a pile of lo mein. Peter believes she fell in love with Daphne, the librarian, the moment she looked up from her hat.

The author's story was told every chance he got, but it tipped onto its side when Peter's bachelor party happened. The Collinses and the Comers had a history of bonding over shared love for Pokémon and their mothers became friends while chaperoning an aquarium field trip. They spent the last 25 years together, celebrating birthdays, eating Christmas brunches, and decorating their homes with handmade picture frames.

The author reflects on the importance of storytelling in her life, comparing it to love stories like Mansfield Park or Wuthering Heights. She feels that she should have taken a moment to think about these stories and their love stories.

In a tiny apartment, Daphne is watching Petra's social media and her new courtship with her ex-fiancé, Miles. The apartment turns into a brick oven around midday, and Daphne knocks on Miles's door, who is in nothing but a pair of boxers and a funky knitted afghan wrapped around his shoulders. He tells her that he is not listening to music, but it's really loud.

Daphne asks him to turn the music down, but Miles insists that he is watching a movie. His room is disastrous, with half of his records stacked atop milk crates, his bed unmade, and two tattered flannel shirts hanging out of his mostly closed dresser drawers. His TV is on, showing Renée Zellweger belting a song into a rolled-up magazine.

Daphne asks Miles to turn it down, but Miles agrees, as the apartment is his. He did me a huge favor by letting me move in, and he needed to replace Petra's half of their shared rent. I needed a place to sleep, but I was tired of showing up to work smelling like I came straight from the least famous of the Grateful Dead's spin-off bands' concerts.

Miles reminds Daphne of a chocolate Labrador riding in a car, its mouth open and eyes squinting into the wind. He seems friendly and wiry, with an upturned nose and perfect teeth. The toll of the last three weeks has given him a slightly feral edge, similar to a Labrador bitten by a werewolf and dumped back at the pound.

Daphne decides to take Miles up on his offer and watch a romantic comedy while absorbing weed smoke. She wonders if Antarctica is in need of a children's librarian. One hundred and eight days later, she is out of here.


Peter Collins and the narrator fell in love in a park, and Peter was a stable, steady, and practical person. They moved in together, and their best friends, Cooper and Sadie, also started dating. Within a year, Peter proposed to the narrator. They started looking for a house to buy, and Peter's parents sent him the listing for a beautiful old house in Michigan. The narrator wanted to be a children's librarian, and the Waning Bay Public Library was looking for a suitable place. They bought the house, but Peter covered the down payment and insisted on paying the mortgage. The narrator's mother and mother didn't approve of Peter's heavy reliance on him. He came up with a compromise: the narrator would furnish the place, add piecemeal to the furniture, and cover the bills. Peter's friends had white-collar jobs and could afford separate trips for his bachelor party, while the narrator's friends were mostly other librarians or booksellers who couldn't afford two separate trips.

Three weeks ago, Peter went to his Night on the Town with his friends, including his brother Ben and high school buddy Scott. They were all surrounded by his best friend Petra Collins, who was a stoner without a college degree. Despite her beauty, the author didn't want to be jealous of Petra, who attended his bachelor party.

Upon returning home, Peter surprised Daphne by finding her there. He looked like he had found a woman who had broken into his house and boiled his pet rabbit. Daphne was surprised by Peter's appearance, which reminded her of the archangel Michael.

Daphne and Peter stayed to sober up, and they discussed their feelings for each other. Daphne confessed to Peter that he had cheated on her, but Peter denied it. They were in love, and Daphne realized she was in love with Petra. The story highlights the importance of friendship and the importance of not being jealous of someone's beauty.

The protagonist, Daph, is trying to understand why his partner, Miles, confessed his love to someone who was not him. He finds out that he is moving out of town for a week, and the house is in his name. He is shocked by this news and feels terrible for his friend.

Petra, the woman who brought him, is moving in after a sexy new-couple vacation. She is upset and feels bad for him. Peter, on the other hand, is somber and empty-handed, leaving the house. He throws almonds at Petra, who drives away in their Jeep. The protagonist cries and tries to make easy Mac.

As someone pounds on the door, Daph finds Miles with a three-sentence note left by Petra. He asks if she is still there and she tells him she threw some almonds at them and they drove away. Peter nods, feeling sorrow and unsure what that means.

Daph swallows a knot that feels like barbed wire or a tangle of the Vincent family practicality inherited from his mother. He asks Miles how many bedrooms his apartment has, hoping it was a fun and not sociopathic prank.

The protagonist's feelings for Miles are complicated by the fact that he is not a good cook and that he is not a sociopathic person. The story highlights the challenges faced by those dealing with loss and the importance of understanding the context of relationships.


Daphne, a minimalist living with her roommate Miles Nowak, has always been a minimalist, packing her entire wardrobe into one suitcase to make her major food groups. When she moved into the Waning Bay house with Peter, he introduced her to home, changing her minimalist heart forever. However, her minimalism went out the window, and she found herself stuffed into Miles's guest room with furniture and throw pillows.

The narrator feels guilty about the money she spent on outfitting a home that wasn't hers, and she spends the first seven hours of her Saturday morning shift pushing any thoughts of the Wedding That Never Was out of her mind. She receives texts from Miles, who asks her about her work schedule and whether she wants Thai.

During Story Hour at the library, the narrator is surrounded by kids and their keepers, and they enjoy reading picture books and discussing dragons. The narrator is single and unattached in a place where she only knows her coworkers and her ex-fiancé's inner circle.

Daphne hosts the Thrills and Kills book club on Thursday while Landon recovers from his root canal. She reads an invitation to celebrate their children's marriage but refuses due to Miles's quick marriage.

Miles offers to watch Bridget Jones's

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