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The Body in the Bookstore: A Very Merry Murder Mystery, #3
The Body in the Bookstore: A Very Merry Murder Mystery, #3
The Body in the Bookstore: A Very Merry Murder Mystery, #3
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The Body in the Bookstore: A Very Merry Murder Mystery, #3

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About this ebook

Meredith Gray's favorite aunt and favorite author are both in town at the same time - a planned adventure becomes a recipe for disaster!


My Aunt Cassie has come to visit and we're both excited to see our favorite mystery writer launch his new book right here in Silver Brook. Unfortunately, seeing Aloysius Hunt in the flesh soon changes our opinions of him and when a tragic accident becomes a murder investigation, we have a mystery of our own to solve…

Release dateJul 12, 2024
The Body in the Bookstore: A Very Merry Murder Mystery, #3

Rachel Beattie

When Rachel Beattie isn't writing stories, she's usually reading them - especially of the cozy mystery variety. A lifelong devotee of Agatha Christie, she loves putting ze little grey cells to work and is especially fond of anything that can make her laugh while she's collecting a clue or two.

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    Book preview

    The Body in the Bookstore - Rachel Beattie

    Chapter One

    W hat a beautiful little coffee shop!

    As soon as I hear Cassandra Clinton’s voice, time stands still. Don’t get me wrong, Aunt Cassie and I talk to each other a lot. We message back and forth at least a few times a week and now that she’s discovered voice-memos I regularly get a detailed verbal run-down of her latest opinion of whatever reality show we’re both invested in or an in-depth description of her current neighbor-intrigue. But it’s not often we actually get a chance to be together in person, so when the door to the Jitterbug Junction swings open and she steps inside it’s like a breath of fresh air.

    Meredith! Come give me a hug!

    I obediently run around the front of the counter and am gathered up in a floral embrace from one of my favorite people in the entire world.

    What are you doing here? I ask when she finally lets me go. I thought your train wasn’t getting in until later. I was going to close up early and come pick you up.

    I know, I know. She nods her head, making her bobbed grey hair bounce. But I was ready to come and there didn’t see any point in killing time alone in Patterson when I could spend it with you! And I didn’t need collecting. Do you think I’m incapable of finding my way here from the train station?

    Where’s your luggage? I frown at her and that’s when she laughs and admits the truth.

    Oh, very well! I persuaded a very nice man called Edward to drive me up here. He’s waiting outside and said if I could get your keys we’ll take my bags straight to your house!

    Cassie! I burst out of the door and see a very old car spitting fumes while its engine idles noisily.

    You must be the niece! A man who is somehow even older than his car leans out of the driver’s side window and salutes me. Pleasure to meet you!

    And you are?

    Eddie. He grins toothily at me and I glance over my shoulder at my aunt, who’s beaming at her new would-be conquest.

    Come on, let’s get your bags out here. I have my car so we can leave them in the trunk and then take them home later.

    You sure? Eddie asks, his smile fading. S’really no trouble...

    I’m sure. I move around to the back of the car and with a sigh Eddie pops the trunk, revealing a bright pink suitcase and a matching floral day bag that I would have picked out as belonging to my aunt anywhere. I slide the bag over my shoulder and lift out the suitcase before carefully closing the trunk and wincing as it crunches shut. Thank you so much.

    Eddie is evidently angling for something more than a dismissal from my Aunt Cassie, and her eyes sparkle merrily at me before she turns and blows him a kiss goodbye.

    Be seein’ you... He eases the car back onto the street and slowly disappears in a coughing, spluttering cloud of exhaust fumes.

    What? Aunt Cassie shrugs her shoulders as if this was the most normal thing in the world. Which it probably is, in her world. You think you’re the only girl who can find a cute guy around here?

    Cute? I splutter and Cassie laughs, taking the handle of her suitcase from my hand and dragging it behind her. We reach my car and I pop the trunk, clearing as much space as I can for her belongings, and wince at the amount of trash I’ve been carrying around.

    "What I want to know is when I can expect to meet your new man."

    I carefully wedge her luggage inside and gingerly close the trunk over it, letting out a sigh of relief as I hear the lock catch. I’m grateful to not be looking at her right then because I can feel my cheeks heat at the mention of my new man. It’s early days, but my relationship with Silver Brook’s most eligible vet is going pretty well. So well, I’m almost sorry he isn’t going to be here to meet my aunt while she’s in town. Then I recall how much of a challenge she can be when she wants to and I think he’s got the better end of the deal.

    He’s away at a conference this week, I say, apologetically. Exotic animals.

    What, there aren’t enough of those here in Silver Brook? Cassie spots a vaguely familiar figure loping down the street towards us and her voice drops, along with all the brightness in her eyes. Such as...

    Morning, Merry!

    Ugh. My ex-husband Neil and I have gotten pretty good at tolerating each other lately, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy it when our paths cross. I fold my arms and watch as the recognition dawns on his face, wiping away his jaunty smile. He glances across the street and I see him wish he hadn’t walked this way but it’s too late now and it would be rude not to at least acknowledge someone he knows. Or knew.

    Cassie! Wh-what are you doing here?

    Visiting my niece. Cassie slides an arm around my waist and draws herself up to her full height next to me. What are you doing here?

    I live here. Neil glances at me as if for assistance. And I...I was just going to grab a coffee. His cheeks flush guiltily and I take pity on him.

    Fine, come on in. I’m certainly not going to say no to good business.

    I hear Cassie mutter something else as we head back towards the Jitterbug but I decide to leave Neil to fend that one off by himself. Even though we are more-or-less amicable these days I don’t see why he shouldn’t have to suffer

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