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Deadly Drive
Deadly Drive
Deadly Drive
Ebook75 pages50 minutes

Deadly Drive

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When Rob and Gabi skip school with two friends, the group makes a terrible mistake. Rob and his friends end up in a deadly accident, and suddenly Rob's world has changed. The girl of his dreams is even blaming him for what happened. Will Rob be able to deal with the pain?

Release dateAug 1, 2013

Justine Fontes

Justine Fontes was born in New York City. She grew up on Long Island and later graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in English Liternature from New York University. Justine found her first job in publishing while she was a Freshman. She worked at various publishing houses before becoming a freelance writer. At Little Golden Books, Justine met her future husband, Ron Fontes. They started writing together and have written over 500 children's books. Justine and Ron moved to Maine in 1988.

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    Deadly Drive - Justine Fontes


    ometimes I think I must be the oldest virgin at Southside High School. But I hope to change that soon! My name is Roberto Ramirez. Everyone calls me Rob.

    I’m a seventeen-year-old senior. I’ve got lots of friends at school, and girls tell me I’m pretty good looking. But I’ve never had a real girlfriend.

    My best friend, Adam, says it’s because I’m too shy. Maybe that’s true.

    I think I might have finally met the right girl, though. Gabi Montoya transferred to Southside High this year from St. Michael’s. Too bad her family is so strict. We haven’t had that much time alone together.

    I’m not going to say I’m in love. Still, I can’t get Gabi out of my mind! Her hair is perfect. Her eyes are more than perfect. It’s not just that they’re this dark, intense brown. They also seem to shine whenever she smiles.

    Gabi’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met too. She aces all her classes, but she isn’t stuck up about it.

    The best part is, I think she’s really into me. She just seems kind of shy, like I am. Gabi isn’t like all the other girls at Southside. She seems sort of pure. Old fashioned, even. I’m crazy for these plaid skirts she wears. I could watch her pull up her knee socks all day long!

    Unfortunately, it’s almost time for class. Everyone else rushes up and down the hall. Lockers bang open and closed all around me. I stand in front of mine like a lovesick zombie as Gabi strolls away.

    Adam nudges me with his elbow. Dude! You’re staring again. He laughs. You have got it bad!

    Adam and I have been friends for so long that I can’t remember ever not knowing him. So I don’t care if he knows I’m crazy for Gabi.

    I hate to see you suffering, man, he says. Why don’t you just go for it? Girls get horny too, you know. Gabi’s probably waiting for you to make a move.

    I shrug. He’s my friend, but I’m a little sick of hearing about how many times he’s hooked up with his girlfriend, Vera. Since they got serious last month, Adam hasn’t stopped bragging about it.

    Hey, I have a plan! Adam says. Why don’t you, me, Vera, and Gabi sneak out at lunch on Wednesday?

    The four of us have study hall together right after lunch on Wednesdays. And our afternoons are pretty light.

    Remember that patch of woods I told you about? Adam adds. We could all go there for a picnic. It’s not far from school. We’d be back in time for eighth period.

    I remember hearing about the woods. Adam went on and on about him and Vera having this amazing time under the trees after school last week. He gushed, I thought sex was great inside. But out in the open … it’s like you’re one with nature. Like even the birds are cheering you on.

    I shrug. That sounds cool. I wonder if Gabi will go for it.

    Adam knows I’ve never skipped a class in my whole life. I’d never risk messing up my soccer scholarship.

    Gabi’s even more of a straight arrow than I am. She already has several scholarships lined up. She plans to study premed at college, then go to medical school right after.

    Adam grins his sly, charming grin. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t try.

    I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

    Why don’t you bring along some insurance, Adam says. Girls really loosen up with liquor. I never would have gotten into Vera’s pants without a little help from my man Jack Daniels.

    Adam knows I can get booze. I’ve brought some to a couple of parties. My parents hardly drink, but we have a cabinet full of booze because my dad’s a mail carrier. At Christmas, customers are always giving him cookies or bottles of nice liquor. He puts away the booze and forgets about it unless we have company. It isn’t hard to sneak out a bottle now and then.

    Adam smiles. This is going to be the best picnic ever!

    I slap his hand high and low. I’m so excited I almost go to the wrong

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