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The Weird World of Words: A Guided Tour
The Weird World of Words: A Guided Tour
The Weird World of Words: A Guided Tour
Ebook203 pages1 hour

The Weird World of Words: A Guided Tour

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Did you know that ‘Almost’ is the longest word in the English language with all of its letters in alphabetical order ? Or that ‘Stewardesses’ is the longest word you can type solely with your left hand? Or that fireflies aren’t actually flies, they’re beetles? From information about words and their uses, to useful lists of things you never knew had names, palindromes, famous lines from literature and film, bizarre test answers and more, The Weird World of Words is bursting with truly oddball facts about words and language—and will have you hooked from the very first page.

Release dateAug 1, 2019
The Weird World of Words: A Guided Tour

Mitchell Symons

Mitchell Symons is the author of Why Girls Can't Throw, as well as This Book, That Book, and The Other Book. The creator of dozens of crossword, trivia, and humor books, Symons is a columnist for London's Sunday Express.

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    The Weird World of Words - Mitchell Symons


    I had so much fun compiling Numberland, a book devoted to number-related trivia, that I decided to do the same for words. I wanted to call it Wordworld, (a bit of) a pun on Numberland, but my publisher, Louise Dixon, disagreed with that notion. The truth is, even after some sixty-odd books (the books weren’t odd — well, not ALL of them — but the figure is approximate and therefore ‘odd’), I’m useless at titles — except for other people’s books where I’m surprisingly inventive. Just can’t do it for myself.

    So much for the title. The book itself was pure joy to compile. Among the many things I learned, my absolute favorite was an obsolete English word — scurryfunge — which means a hasty cleaning of the house between the time you see a neighbor and the time she knocks on the door. What’s not to like? I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing it. Now for some acknowledgements:

    I’d like to thank my wonderful publisher Louise Dixon, with whom I’ve worked for some twenty years without ever having a cross word (which must be some kind of record). My editor, Gabriella Nemeth, has done a fine job of turning the sow’s ear I sent her into the silk purse you have before you. A big word of praise too for the illustrator, Andrew Pinder.

    In addition, I’d also like to thank the following people for their help, contributions and/or support: Gilly Adams, Jenny Garrison, Nicholas Ridge, Charlie Symons, Jack Symons, Louise Symons, Penny Symons, David Thomas, Martin Townsend, Clair Woodward and Rob Woolley.



    Adelaster: meaning ‘unknown star’ in Greek, this is the name given to newly discovered plants awaiting classification by botanists

    Aglet: the plastic covering on the end of a shoelace

    Aphthongs: silent letters (in words such as the ‘k’ in ‘know’ and the ‘p’ in ‘psychology’)

    Armsate: the hole in a shirt or a sweater through which you put your hand and arm

    Bonnet: the cap on a fire hydrant

    Brannock device: the metal instrument used in shoe shops to measure feet

    Brassard: a band worn around the arm

    Buccula: a person’s double chin

    Columella: the bottom part of the nose that separates the nostrils

    Contrail: the thin line of cloud that forms behind an aircraft at high altitudes

    Diastema: a gap between the front teeth

    Drupelets: the bumps on raspberries

    Epithalamium: a poem written to celebrate a wedding

    Eyes: the holes in Swiss cheese

    Ferrule: the metal band on the top of a pencil that holds the eraser in place

    F-hole: the S-shaped opening in a violin

    Fillip: the technical term for snapping your fingers

    Gambrinous: the state of being full of beer

    Griffonage: illegible handwriting

    Gruntle: a pig’s snout

    Harp: the metal hoop a lampshade sits on

    IDEO locator: the ‘you are here’ arrow on a map

    Jiffy: 1/100th of a second

    Keeper: the loop on a belt that holds the end in place after it has passed through the buckle

    Lalochezia: the use of swearing to relieve stress or pain

    Lemniscate: the infinity symbol

    Lunt: a puff of smoke, such as that produced when someone smokes a pipe

    Lunula: the white tip of the finger and toenail (because the end of the nail is rounded like the moon)

    Minimus: the little finger or toe

    Mucophagy: the consumption of the nasal mucus obtained from nose-picking

    Nemophilia: the love of spending time in forests.

    Nittles: the punctuation marks designed to denote swear words in comics

    Obdormition: when an arm or a leg goes to ‘sleep’ as a result of numbness caused by pressure on a nerve

    Octothorpe: the ‘pound’ key (#)

    Ophyron: the space between your eyebrows

    Pandiculation: the act of stretching and yawning

    Peen: on a hammer, the end opposite the striking face

    Pips: the little bumps on the surface of a table tennis bat

    Porcelator: the little hole in the sink that lets water drain out instead of flowing over the side

    Purlicue: the space between the extended thumb and index finger

    Rasceta: the creases on the inside of your wrist

    Rowel: the revolving star on the back of a cowboy’s spurs

    Saddle: the rounded part on the top of a book of matches

    Sillage: the faint trace of perfume left in the wake of a passing person

    Snarge: the remains of birds hit by airplanes in flight

    Tines: the prongs on forks

    Tittle: the dot above the letter ‘i’

    Toque: a chef ’s tall hat

    Tragus: the little lump of flesh just in front of the ear canal

    Truck: the ball on top of a flagpole

    Ullage: the word for empty space between the bottle top and the liquid

    Vamp: the upper front part of a shoe

    Vibrissae: a cat’s whiskers

    Walla: a sound engineer’s term for room noise

    Zarf: a holder for a cup or a mug without handles

    (There is no single word for the back of the knee.)


    Stewardesses is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.

    The only fifteen-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

    If you mouth the word colorful to someone, it looks like you’re saying, I love you.

    Just 1,000 words make up 90 percent of all writing.

    No word in the English language rhymes with orange, silver, or month.

    Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the letters mt

    Queue is the only word in the English language to be pronounced the same way even if the last four letters are removed.

    Zenith, tariff, sherbet, algebra, carafe, syrup, cotton, mattress, and alcohol are all derived from Arabic.

    Almost is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

    Appeases, arraigning, hotshots, signings, and teammate all have letters which occur twice and only twice.

    In England, the syllable -ough can be pronounced nine different ways — as evidenced by the following sentence: ‘A rough, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman emerged from a slough to walk through the streets of Scarborough, coughing and hiccoughing.’

    The sentence He believed Caesar could see people seizing the seas contains seven different spellings of the ‘ee’ sound.



    trivia (singular: trivium)

    paparazzi (paparazzo)

    assizes (assize)

    auspices (auspice)

    timpani (timpano)

    minutiae (minutia)

    grafitti (grafitto)

    scampi (scampo)

    scruples (scruple)

    measles (measle)






















    This goes back to the days when marksmen would hone their skills by shooting snipe (wading birds) —

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