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The Price of Cookies
The Price of Cookies
The Price of Cookies
Ebook81 pages52 minutes

The Price of Cookies

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Two brothers face the impending death of their mother. A convenience store clerk balances compassion with duty. A grieving soldier receives a package of cookies meant for someone else. In the principal's office, young Josh causes trouble to get his mother's attention. Mrs. Stanley peeps in school files and thinks about her newly out husband, John Stanley, who falls in love with the  town baker, and Mr. Leopold has an affair with the bakery assistant. These are just a few stories in this series of connected flash fiction pieces, where a group of people navigates the trials of life with tears, arguments and, above all, love and compassion.


The Price of Cookies is a novella-in-flash revolving around a cast of characters living in the same town, where lives intersect in revealing and often poignant ways. The stories artfully weave themes of food, nourishment, love, and loss together while depicting each character's complex relationship with food. These twenty-four stories reach into the depths of heavy reality we don't often get to witness in our friends and neighbours. 


Connected by food, friendships, family ties, and sometimes just the luck of living in the same town, the characters in these stories will take readers on a  journey through grief, revelation, and ultimately, acceptance.


PRAISE FOR The Price of Cookies


"Lives interwoven and cookies that arrive too late. This bravura collection of linked stories provides a profound lesson in empathy, of pouring yourself into someone else's life, someone else's pain, to see it from the inside, looking out."

- Will Ferguson, Giller-winning author of 419


"The Price of Cookies reveals the price of a great many things: of grief, of love and desire, of heartbreak and indifference, of small joys and great loss. Finnian Burnett's novella … is at once tragic and funny, alive with the full spectrum of human emotion and all the many ways we might be with one another: as lovers, friends, companions, kind strangers or cruel ones, curious neighbours and hopeful parents."

- Christina Myers, award-winning author of The List of Last Chances and Halfway Home


"The brief stories contained here fire like prisms, shining a welcome light into our collective darkness. These linked passages will tear at you, while simultaneously applying empathy and healing. ... We are very lucky to have Burnett."

- Michael Blouin, 2x winner of the ReLit Award for Best Novel, Skin House


"Burnett's ability to weave together these short flash fiction stories, combining common threads of loss, grief, and acceptance, is a wonder to behold. The Price of Cookies is a beautifully shared learning experience seen from the perspective of characters who feel like family. Take these stories a bite at a time and keep coming back for more!"

- Andrew Buckley, Death, the Devil, and the Goldfish


"I can't believe how fast I read this book. Each story is artfully woven with the next; what at first seems like a compendium of short stories becomes an entire town of people looking out for each other, striving to do what is right, and dealing with their pain. Burnett's turn of phrase brings close the tension between desire for community and fear of judgement, all anchored by the universal comfort of a cookie. You won't be able to put it down."

- Veronica Kirin, Stories of Elders and cofounder of Anodyne Magazine


Release dateMay 21, 2024
The Price of Cookies

Finnian Burnett

Finnian Burnett's work often explores the intersections of the human body, mental health, and gender identity. They are a finalist in the 2023 CBC nonfiction prize and a 2024 Pushcart nominee. They hold a doctoral degree in English Pedagogy, particularly using story-based pedagogy to create equity in multicultural classrooms. Under their former name, they published several novels with Sapphire Books Publishing, including two rainbow award winners, and a Writer's Digest first place in fantasy self-published book called Coyote Ate the Stars. They have also published a how-to book for beginning novelists through Night River Press, along with several YouTube videos on the topic in a collaborative effort with their friend and colleague, Kimberly Cooper Griffin. Finnian lives in beautiful British Columbia with their wife.

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    Book preview

    The Price of Cookies - Finnian Burnett

    The Cookies Adam Can’t Eat

    Bobby can still feel the squelchy bits of his best friend’s intestines sliding down his face. He had scrubbed until it was as raw as Lady Macbeth’s hands and he can still feel them oozing across his cheek, dripping onto his uniform.

    A routine patrol. Adam’s face, smiling back at Bobby, his left eye dropped in an exaggerated wink. Nothing to worry about, buddy. Stop being such an old lady.

    Scrubbing his face again. Adam’s torso and head pieced back together for the trip home. Go see my wife, Adam said. If anything happens. Bobby promised but he knew he wouldn’t, though she lived so close he could almost walk there. His guts dripped down my face, Bobby would tell Adam’s son and the newly bereaved widow. Adam’s wife would serve him cookies; Adam always raved about his wife’s cookies. You’ll see, Adam said. He waited at mail call every day. Someday you’ll taste these cookies, and you’ll realize you’ve never tasted homemade cookies

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