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Satan's Legacy - First Move
Satan's Legacy - First Move
Satan's Legacy - First Move
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Satan's Legacy - First Move

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They don't know about each other but were raised by the same Master; Three men named Osman, Yavuz and Selim find mysterious chests left at their door on a cold November morning in 1992. When they opened the chests, next to each was a key of unknown purpose; They find a note saying that the Master has passed away and that once they solve the mystery, the keys will lead them to the Master's relic. One of them acts early and goes after the secret. And Master Arif, whom he had known as a simple pottery master until that day; He learns that in reality, his aims are as secret as his own, and that the only people he knows about are the leaders of the organization, which he describes as "Them".


Another thing he learned that day was; that there are two more people with him, therefore two more keys. The Master's trust is hidden behind three doors, the location of which will be revealed only when one of them has the three keys. Now the game is set and the Master's exam has begun. In front of Osman, Yavuz and Selim; There are only two options. Either win the war for the throne; They will take over "They" or they will die one by one. They make their decisions…


''...Only the smart ones rule them. They also destroy the world..."

PublisherYasin Güneş
Release dateMay 10, 2024
Satan's Legacy - First Move

Yasin Güneş

Hikayelerin Dokusunda Kaybolan Bir Rüya Takipçisi Merhaba, ben Yasin Güneş. Hayal gücümün sınırlarını keşfetmeyi seven, İstanbul'un karmaşık sokaklarında hikayeler arayan biriyim. Küçük yaşlardan beri kelimelerle dans etmek, duyguları ve düşünceleri bir araya getirmek benim için bir tutku haline geldi. Küçük Bir Rüya Başlangıcı İstanbul'un kalbinde, renkli ve karmaşık bir çocukluk geçirdim. Sokaklar, binalar ve insanlar arasında kaybolurken, kafamda sonsuz hikayelerin filizlendiğini fark ettim. Okumak, yazmak ve hayal kurmak benim için vazgeçilmez birer hazine haline geldi. Büyüyen Tutku: Edebiyat Öğrendiğim şeylerin sınıfların dışında, şehrin kalbindeki yaşamla temas kurarak olduğunu fark ettim. Sokakları, insanları ve olayları gözlemlemek, hikayelerimi şekillendirmemin anahtarı haline geldi. Hikayelerin Peşinde Kariyerim boyunca gerçek mutluluğumu kendi hikayelerimi yazarken buldum. Her biri, içimde yatan derin duyguların, hayal gücünün ve düşüncelerin bir yansımasıydı. "Zervan - Doğumu ve Ölümü Belli Olmayan" gibi projelerde, insan doğasının karmaşıklığını, zamanın ötesindeki varoluşsal soruları ve içsel çatışmaları ele alarak kendimi ifade etme fırsatı buldum. Kişisel Yaşam: Hikayelerin İzinde İstanbul, benim ilham kaynağım ve ruh eşimdir. Şehrin her köşesinde yeni hikayeler, yeni karakterler ve yeni maceralar keşfetmek için sabırsızlanıyorum. Ayrıca seyahat etmek, farklı kültürleri deneyimlemek ve insanlarla bağlantı kurmak da benim için önemli birer hazine. Gelecek: Yeni Hikayelerin Peşinde Yaratıcılığımın sınırlarını zorlamaya devam edeceğim ve yeni hikayelerin peşinden koşacağım. İnsanların kalplerine dokunacak, düşüncelerini harekete geçirecek ve hayal güçlerini besleyecek hikayeler yazmak için sabırsızlanıyorum. Gelecekte, kendi izlerimi bırakacak, unutulmaz eserler yaratma umuduyla ilerliyorum.

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    Book preview

    Satan's Legacy - First Move - Yasin Güneş

    Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, small minds talk about people.

    Hyman G. Ricover

    ''They killed my father. If someone kills your father, it's up to you to take revenge. I don't know when or how it will happen, but I know I will get revenge.

    Yakup Ali Karaeren

    Istanbul – Fatih


    While the soft sap mud turns into a vase that gradually gains a beautiful appearance between the wrinkled but skillful hands of the old man; It continued to rotate rapidly. When Arif Efendi looked at the pendulum wall clock that reminded him of the time in his small workshop, without taking his hands off the pot, he decided to be a little faster. He had been dealing with the art of pottery in Fatih, the timeless district of Istanbul, for years. He made no difference between shaping pure clay and giving it a beautiful appearance, or educating a small child and turning him into an adult and knowledgeable man. Ultimately, it would take shape in the hands of its owner, in mud or in humans, and take on either a good or a bad appearance. Putting food into a pot that is not yet dry and loading too much information on a person whose mind is too old to comprehend would have the same result. Pot food would flow, and man would pour knowledge. Perhaps Arif Efendi was not sure about the maturity of the vase he was currently dealing with. But he had no doubt that his three students, whose lives he had changed by finding them on the streets years ago and raising them, were now mature and would be able to bear the weight of the trusts he would entrust to them. At least that's what he wanted to believe. Because; He could guess that he didn't have much time left, judging from the blood that came onto the napkin he was holding in his hand when he coughed.

    ISTANBUL – 2012


    ''Ladybug – It Begins!''

    The program's credits have been spinning on the screen for about two minutes; Just before the end, the sound came like an announcement. As soon as they entered , the two girls sitting cross-legged on the bed in front of the television focused on the screen. At this moment, Beyza entered the room and saw the program on the screen; '' Oh girls!'' they said; He sat in the corner chair. There was a foreign movie on the other channel, why don't you turn it on?

    Melek and Sinem first shared a look at Beyza. Then, as if in agreement; They said, You are boring, Beyza! ''This program is so much fun! Don't say you don't watch!

    Beyza said first, I'm not watching. Then, in this house where the three people stayed, they remembered the rule that the majority has the say; But I have to watch it tonight, he added.

    Meanwhile, when the producer of the program, Uğur Ateş, appeared among the smoke, with his hair slicked back, as always, and came on stage to applause, all eyes turned to him.

    He wandered all over the stage with his eccentric moves and increased the energy of the audience. Then he stood where he was and said; Friends! he shouted while waiting for the camera to approach with his smiling face. ''First the guests on the screen, then the guests in the studio... Welcome!''

    As soon as he finished his sentence, a storm of screams and applause broke out in the studio.

    He silenced the applause by saying Thank you. How are you?! he asked this time. When he did not get the enthusiasm he expected, he repeated, Sir?! And everyone in the studio shouted We're fine! ''I'm fine too thanks! Then since everyone is good; Should Ladybug Begin with Uğur Ateş?!

    There was applause again in the studio with shouts of Let it begin! And a few seconds later, he became famous again with the erotic pictures he published on the internet; Nilay Cebeli was invited as the first guest of the program.

    ABOUT TEN MINUTES HAD passed since the program started. During these minutes, the producer of the program, Uğur Ateş, was asking Nilay Cebeli questions about the purpose of posting the photos on the internet, in general, apart from a few fake questions. The pace of the program will have slowed down considerably in the last minute or two; Uğur Ateş even said that there was an audience who wanted to participate in the program; He interrupted the conversation and stood up from his seat; The traveler turned towards the camera.

    Meanwhile, Beyza tells her friends to change the channel; He was pressuring.

    ''Yes. We have Leyla Altay from Istanbul on our line. Ms. Leyla, good night.

    ''Good night, Uğur.'' When the enthusiastic voice of the woman on the line caused laughter in the studio again; Uğur Ateş made a strange facial expression and called out once again, Miss Leyla? When I received an enthusiastic Sir response; He turned to the audience and whispered, It's nice that the studio's enthusiasm reflected on the audience. Meanwhile, Nilay Cebeli, who was sitting in the reserved place at the back,

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