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Echoes in Whispering Pines
Echoes in Whispering Pines
Echoes in Whispering Pines
Ebook164 pages2 hours

Echoes in Whispering Pines

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Murder mystery in the small town of Whispering Pines, where an outsider detective arrives in town to begin her new career as the detective of the town. Detective Brenda Wisely takes on a cold case of a child who went missing over ten years earlier. One of the many rumors in Whispering Pines is that the boy ran away until a body is discovered on

PublisherStarnes Books
Release dateAug 10, 2024
Echoes in Whispering Pines

Robert Starnes

Robert was born and raised in a small country town in NE Texas. At age 25, Robert began a career in Property Management where he has continued to work. Robert began writing in 2018, when he created The Multifamily Housing Guide: Leasing 101. The guide gave the essentials to anyone who is looking into starting a career in Multifamily Housing. Since then, Robert has written a five book series, 'Saving History Series' which is a YA historical fiction series. Robert went on the create a new guide for The Multifamily Housing Guide: Assistant Manager 101.

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    Book preview

    Echoes in Whispering Pines - Robert Starnes

    Title Page

    Deep dark secrets uncovered by the outsider Detective!

    Echoes in

    Whispering Pines

    A Novella

    Robert Starnes

    Copyright © 2024 by Starnes Books LLC.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, Starnes Books LLC, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Published by Starnes Books LLC

    Edited by Carpenter Editing Services, LLC

    Resources on Childhood Trauma provided by Emma Massey

    ISBN: 979-8-9892401-7-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-9892401-6-6 (e)

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing, 2024

    Chapter 1

    A New Beginning

    Detective Brenda Wisely began her first day, as the only detective in Whispering Pines, with thoughts of a fresh start for her and her son. Brenda and her son were leaving a painful life they had in Atlanta, GA. Brenda’s husband was killed in the line of duty six months prior to her packing up their life and moving to a small town in Texas. Brenda chose Whispering Pines because it was a small county town with little to no crime. She felt she could start a new life with her fourteen-year-old son, Dalton. Dalton was having a tough time in school after the death of his father. There were accusations of her husband being on the take with the local crime lord. Once those actuations made it to the media Brenda and her son Dalton both were left with ridicule from her fellow officers and by Dalton's classmates. This led to Brenda’s decision to take a new job, anywhere but Atlanta. So, she chose Whispering Pines.

    Brenda and Dalton moved to Whispering Pines only a few days before she was to begin her new position as the only detective in the small town. Brenda was up to the challenge but was more worried about how the other children would treat Dalton. The day after their move was completed, Brenda took Dalton to Whispering Pines Jr./Sr. High School to make sure he was enrolled. With all the days he missed during his last month in Atlanta, Brenda wanted to make sure he would have enough credits to move up to a sophomore next year. With only six weeks left in the school year, her worries were put to rest after meeting with the school principal, Mr. Barnes. He assured her that Dalton would be able to move up if he did not miss any more days and was able to keep up with the class assignments.

    Dalton was able to start his new school the next day, while Brenda focused on getting everything unpacked in their new home. Brenda took time hanging up their family photos all around the house. She wanted to make sure Dalton never forgot his father and who he was. They both know his father was not what everyone was making him out to be. He was a good, honest, loving father and husband. She knew someone was setting up her husband to be a scapegoat for the other corrupt officers in Atlanta, but she had no proof. She was now ready to put those days behind them so they could start again in a peaceful place that did not know of her recent past, or her husband's.

    The day passed by as Brenda spent the entire day unpacking, hanging up family photos, and arranging the furniture in every room, including Daltons. She hoped he would appreciate the work she had put in for the day when he got home from his first day of school in Whispering Pines. Once Brenda was satisfied with the outcome of their new home, she decided she wanted to cook an early supper for her and Dalton so she could hear all about his first day at school.

    Brenda was still in the kitchen finishing their home cooked meal, she didn’t even hear Dalton come into the house from school. Dalton snuck up behind Brenda and gave her a good scare, by goosing her on her sides.

    Dalton! What are you doing sneaking up on me like that? I could have shot you! Brenda exclaimed with some laughter in her voice.

    Sorry mom. I couldn’t resist scaring you. You were just so busy cooking, which is out of the normal for you these days. I thought you may have been replaced by a clone or something, Dalton jokingly replied to his scared mother.

    Okay, you had your fun, now go and wash up for supper, Brenda barked at Dalton. And don’t take too long, I was to hear all about your day today, before the food gets cold!

    Yes mother, Dalton replied as he turned and walked away, leaving Brenda in the kitchen to finish getting the food ready.

    While the food continued to cook, Brenda made her way into the dining room to set the table. She was ready to hear something good come from Dalton today. She had been so worried about how he was handling the stories and news about his father. Brenda wanted him to feel comfortable when he got home. When the table was all set, Brenda went back into the kitchen and took supper off the stove and placed it all on serving platters and placed it all on the table.

    With the table set and Brenda sitting alone in the dining room, Dalton came walking in. He really seemed surprised at the spread of food his mom had prepared for them.

    Mom, why did you cook so much food? You know it’s just you and I right? How are we going to eat all this? Dalton inquired of his mom's hard work.

    Dalton, take a seat please, and you could have just said ‘Thank you mom,’ instead of worrying about how we are going to eat everyone. Brenda suggested it to her only son.

    Dalton took his mom’s suggestion and took a seat at the table. Dalton began taking small amounts of food from every platter his mother had placed on the table. He was afraid he would upset her more if he didn’t at least try a little bit of everything she had spent time, what looked like hours in the kitchen, making. When his plate was overflowing with many of his favorite food, he sat his plate down and began to eat bits and pieces of everything. As Dalton devoured the food off his plate, Brenda sat there quietly, waiting to hear about Dalton's first day of school.

    So, how was your first day of school? Did you make any new friends? Brenda felt the need to start prying information from her own son.

    Dalton took a moment from eating, sat his knife and fork down on his plate and looked at his mother. He wanted to get a feel for what she really wanted to know before answering her questions.

    School was fine, mom. I met several people today, many of course were my teachers, while a few others were classmates. We really didn’t have a lot of time today to start building bonding relationships with each other, but who knows what the future holds. Now, can I get back to eating this lovely meal you prepared? Dalton wasn’t really in the mood for talking about school since it was only his first day.

    That is all you have to say about school today? Do you like your classes and teachers at least? Come on, you must tell me more about your day, Brenda pressed Dalton for more information.

    Yes, I like my classes and teachers. They seem to be cool. Apparently, it's not very often that there is a new student that transfers here. From what I gather, most of the students have been going to school together since kindergarten. Several of the teachers are parents of some of my classmates. I am not sure where I will fit in, as most of the students seem to be in some clique or another. But, on the bright side, no one here said anything about dad, which is a plus. It will take a little time for me to find my place, but I believe there is one for me here, Dalton expanded on his thoughts of their new hometown.

    Brenda felt a sense of relief that Dalton didn’t have to hear anything about his father, and the fact that he believes he can find friends there. Dalton was not a shy kid, but after everything with his father, all his friends stopped talking to him and began talking about him. When all his so-called friends started talking about him pushed him into a shell Brenda thought he would never be able to break free from, but it sounds like he might be able to in Whispering Pines. Hearing what Dalton had just told her gave her the satisfaction of knowing she did the right thing, taking the new job and moving away from the city.

    After they finished supper, Dalton excused himself to go to his room so he could work on his homework, to stay on course to move up a grade at the end of the school year. Brenda let Dalton leave the table and took time to clean up the table. As she was cleaning up, she couldn’t help but laugh because Dalton was right about all the food. She had no idea she made so much for just one meal, so she had plenty of food left to put in storage containers for them to eat the leftovers for the rest of the week.

    It was around seven o’clock when Brenda finished putting all the food away and cleaning up all their dishes in the kitchen. With everything put in the refrigerator, or the dishwasher, Brenda wanted to take a little time for herself. She knew Dalton would be busy the rest of the night in his room doing his schoolwork, so she decided she would take a drive around town. Brenda wanted to get a feel for the town she would be protecting as the only detective in the town. She wanted to see where the local stores were located as well and the sheriff's office she would be working out of. Brenda was used to working in a large city as a beat police officer and then a detective, so moving to a small country town was something new she would have to get used to. Usually by this time of night, Brenda would have been on her third or fourth call, usually involving domestic violence or something involving drugs. But as she drove around Whispering Pines, she could tell her nights would not be so involved with the people.

    As Brenda drove around, which only took her about thirty minutes to go down every road, pass every gas station, the supermarket, and her new office, before she was back at home. While she drove around the town, she saw the town was incredibly quiet. The only people out were eating at the local Dairy Queen, or the restaurants on the town square. She did not see any suspicious people walking around, which she was used to, much less anyone disturbing the peace. She was not sure how she would be able to adapt to this new way of life for her. While she was excited to start her new job, she also was worried about being too bored at work that she may not like it. She wondered how she would be able to spread all the free time she was anticipating having when she did start. But she let those thoughts pass and decided to go to bed early, so she would be well rested when she met the Sheriff and other officers she would be working with the next day.

    Brenda woke up around five o’clock the next morning, after having a great night’s sleep. She had no dreams of the painful life she left behind in Atlanta, or the things that were being said about her husband. She just felt her life was just about to begin with Dalton. Away from all the noise of the city to the quiet life of the country. Brenda jumped out of bed and made her way into the bathroom so she could get cleaned up and ready for her first day. Dalton had his first day the day before, so today was

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