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The Lycan King's Mate: Intertwined Fate
The Lycan King's Mate: Intertwined Fate
The Lycan King's Mate: Intertwined Fate
Ebook177 pages3 hours

The Lycan King's Mate: Intertwined Fate

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Lycan King Alder Volcik had been yearning for his mate for over a century. Little did he know that his search would lead him to a pack he was to visit due to the Luna challenged. There, he discovered his mate, the same Luna who had lost the challenge and was rejected by her Alpha mate.
Cindy Mills is the daughter of a billionaire who was betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend, who killed her afterward. But it did not end there. She was reborn in the body of the lost Luna, Clover, who died because of rejection.
As Alder grapples with Clover's reluctance to accept him, he also faces the reality of her losing her title to another she-wolf. Meanwhile, Cindy, still reeling from the betrayal of her ex-boyfriend and best friend, is uncertain about her future. How will these intertwined fates unfold?
As Alder tries to get Clover's trust, they will both discover Cindy's true identity. She, on the other hand, will do everything to get her revenge on her ex-boyfriend and best friend who killed her and her father.
Once Cindy accepts Alder, will she give up herself and live as Clover for the rest of her life?

Release dateMay 15, 2024
The Lycan King's Mate: Intertwined Fate

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    Book preview

    The Lycan King's Mate - R.Y.E

    Chapter 36

    Cindy's POV 

    You called for me, I said as soon as I entered the king's office. Alder was sitting in his office chair with his face on his palm and elbows on the table. 

    He looked up and sighed, Mitch came to me. He said, so it was indeed because of that bitch. I wonder what she said. He looked like he was so stressed.

    So? I asked, trying to appear unbothered. 

    You're the queen, and you have to hold your temper. He said, so I raised a brow at him. 

    What are you talking about? When did I lose my temper?

    You know what you just did earlier. I sighed, thinking he was not happy about what I did with that woman.

    I may have not marked you, but I am not going to just listen to that bitch call you by your name.

    Clover, I know that you usually do whatever pleases you without thinking about anyone being mad or angry with you. But you are already a queen, and there are things that you shouldn't do or say, he replied.

    I see, OK. Alder looked at me in disbelief. Agreeing with him instantly was something he didn't or never expected to hear from me.

    OK? That's it? He asked,

    Yes, can I leave now? I asked, and he was stiffened.

    Clover, I was only----

    I already said OK. Is that not enough?

    You're mad,

    Why would I be mad?

    I don't know, please, Clover, it's for your own good.

    I already said OK; what more do you want? I asked again, but this time, I showed him how angry I was. 

    'Look, I only want them to see you as their queen,"

    I know who I am here! I also know who you are. I am an employer back in my world. Do you think I yelled, shouted, and got angry with my employees because they did a great job? Is that how bad you see me?

    It's nothing like that---

    You make it appear that way. Suppose you didn't want me to tell your woman to address you as her king, fine by me. I guess you want to hear her calling you the way she calls you when you fuck her. I said and left his office. I thought we were OK, that he trusted me to be fair and just. He knew me already, but it seemed that he believed his woman and didn't bother to ask me first.

    Mia was about to leave the girls' building when I came back, and she looked worried, Did something happen? I asked,

    Nothing to me, how about you? she asked, concerned.

    Nothing either, I replied, smiling.

    You can tell me.

    I already said nothing. Mia, I can manage. she nodded and didn't insist.

    Let's go to the boys' building then, she said instead and led me to the western part of the kingdom. I noticed everyone looking at us, and they bowed to Mia, who had been really busy since she came here and accepted her fate. I felt jealous that she was more welcomed by everyone than me, who was their queen.

    "This building is the same as the other one. There were actually the same buildings in the northern and southern parts of the kingdom, but the king wanted to use the eastern and western parts because they were safer and more private.

    You really know more about the kingdom? 

    That's why I am telling you to come with me. I just hope that Lance is able to find his mate already so the three of us can work together. 

    Yeah, I hope so too, I replied with a hopeful smile on my face. I want to be their queen, and I am going to do everything to make that happen. Mitch or any other woman would never be a hindrance to that. I am going to let them know their places.

    Everything was actually clean; the omegas and every helper in the palace were doing their duties and keeping everything in place and ready to use for something like that. I found out that King Alder wanted everything to be clean as well, even if it was not in use. Mia explained,

    We continued cleaning, and I could see Mia looking at me from time to time. I'm sure that Charles has mind-linked her, asking about how I was after my conversation with Alder. OK, you can leave now and rest, Mia said to the omegas. They all bowed their heads and left. 

    You can talk to me now, I looked at Mia.

    I knew that you were not going to stop unless I told you about it. But I am fine, and there's nothing for you to worry about. Anyway, do you want to be trained by me? 

    Avoiding the topic, huh? she said. I nodded, hoping she would just let me be. I am not the type of person who would try to explain myself to anyone. I know it is a bad habit, but this is me. Let's eat first before we train. But you have to remember that you offered me this, so don't ever back out. 

    Yes, I am going to be responsible for this. Happy now? 

    Yes! she replied and smiled happily. We left the building and went back to the palace. I already feel hungry, and I think I am going to have a lot. Mia and I decided to eat in the kitchen and did not bother to wait for everyone. I'm sure that she already mind-linked her mate, and I feel sorry for Charles that he wanted to do something like this with his mate. I know because I wanted that too with Alder.

    Hello, beautiful ladies. Lance greeted us, and we said hello and invited him to eat with us. I am not going to decline that offer. I am so hungry, he said and took a seat. So, what is keeping you both busy? 

    Cleaning, Mia replied,

    I see, with her highness? he asked, looking at me.

    Something wrong with that?

    No, nothing at all. I was glad that you decided to leave the palace. 

    Mia and I are going to train. Is there a place where we can do that? 

    Of course, there's a gym at the back of the palace. Alder uses that from time to time with me and Charles.

    That's good.

    I didn't want anyone to see us; you know that I can't fight yet, Mia said after she drank her water.

    No one goes there without our permission, so yes, no one will see you there. Do you want me to come with you? 

    No need, we can manage, I replied and continued eating. Mia and I decided to rest for a while and take a bath before we went to the gym. She was excited, and so was I.

    The gym was big, and I could see some scratches on the floor. They must have damaged it when they were doing their training, and I can't blame them. Alder, Lance, and Charles were all strong.

    I can only train you in our human form. I had no idea about fighting with our beast, I told Mia.

    It's fine. I am not expecting to learn more than the basics as of this time, she replied, and then we started our warm-up. She's not used to fighting, so it was essential to condition her body. I felt jealous when I smelled Charles at her. After an hour of warming up, we started running. Clover had her own training before with her parents, so this is nothing.

    We were running back and forth when the gym door opened, and Mitch emerged. I calmed myself because I didn't want her to be a reason for my anger. We continue what we are doing and ignore her no matter how much she talks. Don't you smell me? Don't I smell like Alder? she asked, and I was stiff. I guess my mate is my weakness in holding my anger.

    Chapter 37

    Alder's POV

    Your Highness, I know that I am nothing in the palace. But I have a right to be treated as a palace member, too, Mitch said. She came into my office crying, telling me about how Clover pinned her on the wall and threatened her. I didn't know if I was going to believe her, but she never came to me like this, ever. I sighed and tried to console her. I didn't want anyone in the palace to see Clover differently, and might cause them to disrespect her.

    Did you do anything that warranted her anger? I asked,

    I saw her in the east building with the female gamma. I just asked what they were doing there because I didn't think that they were actually helping with cleaning the rooms. I mean, they were both royals, and I think that the omegas were feeling uncomfortable working while Her Highness was there. she replied, I can ask for one of the omegas to come here if you want to know about what they think. she added, 

    No need, you may leave.


    No more buts. I already told you that you could leave.

    Is it because she is the queen and your mate? That's why I have no right to say anything about her? she asked, looking dejected.

    Are you questioning me? I asked with a stoic face. What I hate the most is when they question my fairness. All this time that I was their king, I promised to be fair to everyone, regardless of their rank. Her telling me this made me angry. Mitch stood up and left my office, so I mind-linked Lance to get Clover for me. 

    When she got in, I didn't know how I was going to talk to her or tell her not to be so aggressive with others, thinking it was Mitch who was at the aggrieved party. I'm sure that she's not going to take it lightly and would definitely think that I was siding with that woman. I could smell her outside my office, and when she got in, I felt troubled. 

    The last few weeks have been really good for us, and I can already see the day that she will mark me. But this incident will likely delay that even more. She entered my office and asked. I tried to be sensible so she wouldn't take what I had to say the wrong way. 

    Then she said OK. I was expecting her to argue and fight with me, but she just said OK. She was angry, and I knew that, so I tried to talk to her more. I wanted to explain to her that it was for her own good, but she was too angry to listen. Then she told me about her being the boss of her own company. She actually had a point, and being the queen is not far from being the CEO of her business. She left the office angry, but I decided not to follow her. I mind-linked Charles instead to know if she had gone back to Mia, and I felt relieved that she did.

    I stayed in the office doing my work to distract myself until Lance knocked and came in. You and Her Highness fought again? he asked, and I told her about what Mitch had told me,

    And you believed her? I looked at him and replied,

    Not exactly, I just wanted Clover to know that---

    Confronting her without asking about what happened already showed that you believe that bitch more than her. he said, If I was in your position, I would never ever believe the woman I knew who wanted me for herself, even if she already knew that I had already found my mate. I would rather believe in an omega than Mitch, Alder. he added.

    She even told me that she could bring one of the omegas. I could ask about what happened. I told him,

    Did you?

    No, Mitch had never acted that way before and..

    So you believe her because of that, he said, Anyway, that's for you to think about. I didn't want to give myself any trouble regarding you or your mate. Just to let you know, I ate with her and Mia before I came here, and they were talking about training together. I told them that they could do so in the gym. I nodded, and he stood up. I'll go and talk to the head trainers.

    I leaned back and thought. This is not good, and I really need to make things clear to Clover. With everything that's going to happen in the palace and the training, we will not have time together to settle our misunderstanding if I am not going to do it now. But what am I going to do with her? She's very stubborn and doesn't want to listen to me. She doesn't even open up with me to tell me what she was thinking and making me guess.

    A knock took me out of my trance. Come in, I said, and Joshua came in. He closed the door and walked closer. Is there anything you need? I asked,

    I'm really sorry about this, Your Highness. But last night, I had a vision again about your mate, he said, and I sighed heavily.

    I already told you that Clover is my mate. I could smell and feel it. I replied. He is making me feel confused about my own feelings now. My beast has already claimed her, so it's not just me that accepts her, I added,

    I know Your Highness, and, believe it or not, I already like Her Highness now. She is strong, and I can see that she wanted you as well. But I couldn't just ignore what I saw. Clearly, your mate is a witch. 

    What do you want me to do, Joshua?

    I don't know either, Your Highness. You already marked her, so I think there was nothing for me to do about it. I will just tell you this again because that's what I saw, and I didn't want to be like that if something happened, he answered with his head down.

    What do you think of Clover? I asked. He looked at me, confused. You're one of the council members, so you can tell me what you think about my mate. 

    "As I already said, I liked her as our queen. I could see that she was strong and perfect for being your mate. Yes, it concerns me that she has not marked you yet, and that makes me think that she's not actually after you because of your title. But

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