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Show It To Me
Show It To Me
Show It To Me
Ebook214 pages2 hours

Show It To Me

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Jake Whitney is working his way through college shaking his body and baring it all for strangers three times nightly at The Velvet Joystick lounge. It's nice work if you can get it. The money's good and so are the women, but temptations sneak up after dark and make it oh so very hard for a boy to crack those textbooks come daylight. And there's the drugs, of course, and the booze, and, oh yeah, the mobsters that want Jake to move considerably more than his torso.

Jake soon finds himself torn between a fiery romance with a stunning young girl and an electrifying, forbidden affair with a dangerous older woman who harbors a secret that could cost Jake his life. As he faces a deadly ultimatum in the shadows of the criminal underworld, he must find a way to reconcile love, lust, and survival on the road to happily ever after.

Release dateMay 18, 2024
Show It To Me

Kevin Barry Collopy

Kevin Barry Collopy was born in New York City, and is the author of the play, In Rebel Country, which was produced Off-Broadway, as well as the plays, Distracted by the Landscape, Track & Field, and others, which have been performed in New York, Los Angeles, and the United Kingdom. His other novels include, I Shouldn't Have Been That Sentimental, Toxurbia,  Shopping Hungry, The Swoon Hypothesis, and Show It To Me.

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    Show It To Me - Kevin Barry Collopy

    Copyright © 2024 Kevin Barry Collopy

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN-13: 9798873890231

    ISBN-10: 1477123456

    Cover design by: Huntley Archer

    Thanks to Canva for use of the front cover elements.

    Thanks to for back cover photo.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

    Printed in the United States of America


    Chip ‘n Dale

    Naked is the best disguise.

    - William Congreve


    Title Page




    1. Shakin’ It and Makin’ It

    2. The Proposition

    3. The Velvet Joystick

    4. Pissin’ with the Big Boys

    5. The Lesson

    6. Showtime

    7. Afterglow

    8. Letting It All Hang Out

    9. Mowing the Lawn

    10. Very Dirty Dancing

    11. Balancing Act

    12. Benny the Dip

    13. Dangerous Curves

    14. Limited Offer

    15. Who’s the Boss?

    16. Swirl

    17. Cheaters

    18. Advances

    19. The Management

    20. Mad About the Boy

    21. Spotlight on Leo Shaw

    22. Designing Woman

    23. The Bachelorette

    24. Pressure Point

    25. Lucky Catch

    26. Conspicuous Consumption

    27. Loan Shark

    28. A Fatuous Infatuation

    29. The Arrangement

    30. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Strip Club

    31. Deeper Into Sarah

    32. Brutal

    33. The Lady or the Tiger?

    34. Living It Up

    35. He Shoots, He Scores

    36. Spinning the Plates

    37. Dumped

    38. The Whole Nine Yards

    39. Interior Motives

    40. Not So Very Funny

    41. Confrontation

    42. Biggest Loser

    43. Painful Choice

    44. One Is the Loneliest Number

    45. There’s No Place Like Home

    46. Revenge Porn

    47. Pier Pressure

    48. Hangin'

    49. Lonely End

    50. Starting Here, Starting Now

    About The Author

    1. Shakin’ It and Makin’ It

    THE well-built young man steps into the circle of bright white light on the tiny stage in the dark and smoky room, the air thick with the intoxicating mix of feminine fragrances and alcohol. He had never felt comfortable in his skin before he started doing this. Here he was, baring it all three times a night to an audience of female strangers, swaying his hips and gyrating his torso to the beat of ear-piercing prerecorded rhythms. Some of the women whistle, some scream, some throw crumpled-up money at his sneakered feet.

    He bends over, squats, and twerks his behind, resulting in a seismic eruption of cheers and catcalls. This guy is god on this stage, alive and free, worshiped by his adoring fans, no longer the shy, awkward boy who stumbled over his words and couldn't look a woman in the eye. Six months into this enigmatic journey, he is the most sought-after performer at The Velvet Joystick strip club. Money, once his primary goal, has become only one facet of his motivation. The thrill of captivating the audience, the licking of lips, the lustful gazes, and the echoing screams, make for a heady cocktail of emotions that have become an intoxicating addiction.

    The surge of power wells up inside him as he feels a bold hand slip into the waistband of his jock, while another slides a bill between his smooth, peachy buttocks. At least they haven't started swiping credit cards back there yet, he mutters under his breath while still maintaining the sensual tempo.

    The adrenaline coursing through his body has him stiff as a broomstick within the confines of his blue satin thong. He teeters on the edge of climax as he kicks off an unlaced Nike, nagged by the possibility a frenzied admirer might make off with the prize. To appease the ravenous wolves, he hurls a damp sweat sock into the crowd. Those damn sneakers cost me a month in tips, he shouts.

    As the music fades and the spotlight dims, he jumps down from the stage and retreats to the dingy dressing room at the back of the club. He grabs a towel to dry his short-cropped blonde hair and mop the sweat from his handsome, clean-cut face and toned, athletic body, taking deep gulps of air as he tries to regain his composure. He knows what he needs - a stiff drink, so he pulls on a pair of fight shorts over his thong and pads to the bar.

    The club's sultry plush red velvet atmosphere of decadence and desire is in stark contrast with his mundane everyday life. He takes a seat at the bar, his body still trembling with the aftermath of his performance. The barkeep, a burly man with a graying beard named Jimmy, gives him a nod of approval. You did well up there, Jake. What can I get you?

    He orders a whiskey neat. And put it on my tab, he says.

    Jimmy laughs as he pours a generous shot of whiskey into a glass and slides it in front of Jake. You mean to tell me there’s no room for a wallet in that satin fig leaf?

    The amber liquid shimmers in the dim light and is reflected in his pale blue eyes. Jake takes the glass and holds it up to study it before chugging it in one gulp. The fiery burn hits his throat, and for a moment it is the only thing that matters. The sensation is a welcome distraction from the thoughts and feelings swirling in his head. The whiskey leaves a warm trail inside his chest as it settles in his stomach. He puts the empty glass back on the bar, and Jimmy spies the slight tremor in Jake’s hand.

    Jake slaps the bar hard. Hit me again, Jimmy.

    You sure?

    Fuck, yes, I’m sure, he growls. Hit me.

    The morning lurks only a few hours away, and Jake's thoughts turn to the cold realities of his college classes, his student loan, and the debts that still loom over him. Although he has managed to put a few bucks away over the past few months, it's a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to what he owes. With a sense of resignation that it will be quite some time before he can afford to stop grinding his behind, he looks into the empty glass in front of him and realizes whiskey has become his most trusted companion.

    Take it easy, Jimmy warns as he pours another whiskey neat into the shot glass. You have two more sets to get through tonight.

    "Thanks for the heads-up, Dad. Jake tosses his head back, empties the glass, and shivers. Okay, one more and I’m done."

    Jimmy looks at him with sullen eyes. I’m going to have to cut you off, Jake.

    Just one more, I promise. Jake folds his hands in prayer. I’m only gonna sweat it out.

    It’ll be on my head, Jimmy says. Tony'll give me my walking papers if he finds out I let one of his boys dance drunk.

    Hey, man, I’m nowhere near drunk. Jake leans across the bar and whispers, I wanna toast my good buddy Ben.

    Jimmy glances at the row of vacant stools lining the bar. What’re you talkin’ about?

    I wanna propose a toast to my good buddy Ben, I said, Jake insists. In absentia.

    "In absentia?"

    "It means ‘not here at the moment’."

    I know what it means, college boy. Jimmy shrugs and fills the glass. So who is this guy Ben?

    Ben Mendelsen, that’s who. Jake lifts his glass in tribute. I’m livin’ the dream ‘cause of you, Ben, baby! You beautiful son of a bitch!

    2. The Proposition

    THE fluorescent lights in the university library buzzed above Jake's head as he stared at his laptop screen. It was during a late autumn evening six months ago, and he was deep in thought, trying to figure out how to make ends meet. He glanced around at his fellow students, all engrossed in their own struggles, oblivious to his financial concerns. College had turned out to be far more expensive than he had anticipated, and his job as a part-time barista wasn't cutting it. Student loans loomed like a dark cloud on the horizon, threatening to cast a shadow over his dreams of a degree in finance.

    Jake took a sip of lukewarm coffee from a disposable cup and sighed, his light blue eyes scanning his financial spreadsheet. Tuition, textbooks, rent, and daily expenses – it was all piling up faster than the money was coming in. He needed a solution, and he needed it fast. He had always prided himself on being resourceful, a quality he had developed growing up in a small, modest household. But this time, he was at a loss.

    As he rubbed his temples, trying to massage away his growing headache, his roommate, Ben Mendelsen, came striding into the library, a mischievous grin on his face. Ben was the polar opposite of Jake – outgoing, charming, and always on the lookout for an adventure – and easy sex.

    Hey, Jake. Ben shouted at the top of his voice.

    Shhh! Jake scanned the annoyed and disturbed faces around them. Keep it down to a dull roar, okay?

    Ben slid into the chair across the table from Jake. "You look like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders, bro. What's up? Or should I ask, 'What’s down?'"

    Jake took a moment to formulate his response. He didn't want to whine about his financial woes, but he knew his roommate had a knack for uncovering opportunities. Only the usual, Jake said with a forced smile. Bills, tuition, and all that. I need to find a way to make some extra cash.

    Ben's grin widened, and he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. Funny you should mention that. I heard about an opportunity that might be right up your alley.

    Jake raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. What kind of opportunity are we talking about here? He cleared his throat. Knowing you, I have to ask upfront, is it legal?

    Ben looked around the room before he folded his arms and shot Jake a sly look. How do you feel about taking your clothes off and shaking your buns for a room full of sex-starved women?

    Jake blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected proposition. Excuse me?

    Ben laughed a hearty and infectious chuckle. I'm serious, man. There's a bar downtown that's looking for male strippers. They pay pretty well, too, and you've got the looks for it. Okay, so it’s a bit unconventional, but it's an option to consider. When you’re thirsty, dirty water can be mighty tasty, right?

    Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The idea of becoming a male stripper was something that had never, ever crossed his conservative mind. It sounded absurd, risky, and completely out of character for him. He glanced at his dwindling bank account balance on his laptop screen and had to admit to himself that he was running out of options.

    The library, with its hushed atmosphere and the endless cycle of studying, seemed like an entirely different world. Jake's thoughts were in disarray, and he found himself wondering if this unexpected proposition might be the lifeline he desperately needed. He looked at Ben's expectant face and thought, Could this really be my way out? What's the worst that could happen?

    Well? Ben asked with anticipation. What do you think?

    Tell me more, Jake said. And how exactly did this even become a thing with you?

    This dude in my psych class told me about it, Ben said. I thought maybe I’d give it a try myself because it sounded hot. All those women watching me. But, shit, I’m in over my head this semester.

    Jake looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Plus you don’t need the cash ‘cause daddy is footing the bill for your entire life."

    Well, yeah, Ben said. There's that.

    So, continue please, genius.

    Ben's eyes lit up with excitement. All right, so here's the deal. The place is called The Velvet Joystick.


    "Smack on the corner of Johnson and High Streets, I kid you not, bro."

    Now, that’s pretty funny.

    I know, right? But it’s a classy joint. Well, classy enough for a place where dudes jump around naked.

    Wait, wait, wait. Jake took a breath and winced. "Exactly how naked are we talkin’?"

    Hey, I’ve never been there, man, Ben told him, and the guy didn’t really say, but I don't think it’s legal in this state for a dude to take out the woolly mammoth in public.

    Jake cleared his throat. Geez, okay, nice to know.

    So you show your ass, man. Big fuckin' deal. Everybody's got an ass.

    Jake waved his hands to coax Ben along. So continue.

    They host ladies only every night after eleven until one, so at least no worries about some creeper dude reaching for your junk.

    One a.m.? Shit, that’s kinda late for me.

    No pain, no gain, Ben said. But they are looking for dudes like you, man – boy-next-door types who are in shape, and are willing to strip down to their skivvies and dance for a crowd of women who've paid a hefty entrance fee for the experience.

    Jake couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity. The idea was far from his comfort zone, and he was trying to wrap his head around the concept, but the prospect was tempting, especially given his dire financial situation. How’s the money?

    They pay dancers a base rate, and the tips are pooled with the other performers, but those tips can mount up fast. Hell, with the other guys there, too, you'll have some camaraderie and probably share a few laughs. It beats the hell out of serving some entitled, over-paid yuppie his half-assed mocha latte half-caff.

    Jake leaned back in his chair. The stress of his mounting bills pressed down on him. He met Ben's gaze and took a deep breath. Kick the tires for me. What are the downsides here?

    Ben hesitated for a moment and scratched his head. He chose his words carefully. Well, it's not a long-term solution, obviously. It's just a way to make quick money. And there's no room for shyness or stage fright up there, so once your ass is in the spotlight...

    I guess I need to think about it, Jake said. It's not something I can decide on the spot.

    Of course, of course. Ben offered a supportive nod. "But keep in mind there are plenty of guys in your financial situation looking for easy work, and an opening that

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