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Hardcore Software: Inside the Rise and Fall of the PC Revolution
Hardcore Software: Inside the Rise and Fall of the PC Revolution
Hardcore Software: Inside the Rise and Fall of the PC Revolution
Ebook1,884 pages26 hours

Hardcore Software: Inside the Rise and Fall of the PC Revolution

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This book takes you on a journey from the early days of PCs, through the evolution of technology, to the assembly of teams that built the bedrock of today's digital world. Sinofsky shares firsthand experiences, revealing the challenges and triumphs encountered while navigating Microsoft's corporate dynamics, and how external forces like the press and partnerships influenced the trajectory of personal computing.

Hardcore Software is more than a recounting of tech history; it's narrative rich with lessons on innovation, leadership, and navigating the ups and downs inherent in the tech industry. Sinofsky provides a window into the successes and failures that defined an era, offering insights valuable to anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes of technology development, business strategy, or leadership.

In a tone that's engaging yet informative, Sinofsky makes the complex world of software development accessible, highlighting the human elements behind the code. This book demystifies the process of building massive software projects, offering a nuanced perspective on the growth of an industry that has reshaped society.
Release dateMay 22, 2024
Hardcore Software: Inside the Rise and Fall of the PC Revolution

Steven Sinofsky

Steven Sinofsky is a respected technologist, business leader investor, adviser, teacher, and writer. He began his career at Microsoft in 1989. He was Bill Gates's technical assistant during the development of Windows 95 and Windows NT and the rise of internet as we know it today. He then joined the newly formed Office Product Unit and for twelve years and six releases, rose to senior vice president leading all of Office product development. Sinofsky was tapped to bring order-and innovation-to the Windows division as president. He served as president of the Windows division through 2012, delivering two major releases of Windows, Windows 7, and Windows 8, as well as the creation of Microsoft Surface and online services such as and OneDrive. Sinofsky maintains an active online presence of over one million followers writing about a wide range of technology and business on LinkedIn, Medium,, X, and Substack.

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    Hardcore Software - Steven Sinofsky

    Cover of Hardcore Software by Steven Sinofsky

    Steven Sinofsky Learning by Shipping • Microsoft 1989–2012

    A Learning by Shipping book

    Supported on the Substack, Inc. platform.

    © 2023-2024, Learning by Shipping

    All rights reserved.

    Learning by Shipping, LLC, Seattle, WA and

    Many of the product and publication names referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

    Enjoy the free online supplement and audio narration at

    Text and design by Steven Sinofsky, with editorial and design support. Cover by the publisher.

    Author welcomes reports of any typographical errors, omissions, or fact errors to [email protected].

    Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper.

    Revised print April 2024

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    ISBN: 979-8-99038-850-5

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-99038-851-2

    To M.W., Z. & C.

    Without everyone at Microsoft, customers, and partners around the world, nothing described here would have been possible or nearly as fun. Thank you.

    Special gratitude to W.H.G., P.A., S.B., S.K., D.H., L.B., M.A., T.G., J.B., and J.L.G.

    To be hardcore is to be wildly optimistic about what can be achieved tomorrow while harshly pessimistic about what works today. Creating software is an art. It is computer science and engineering. It is inspiration, and perspiration. It is inherently individual yet relies on a team. Most of all, building software is a group of people coming together to conjure something into existence and turning that into a product used by billions.

    That is hardcore software.


    About the Author

    Author’s Note

    Prologue: Making of a Hacker


    001. Becoming a Microsoftie

    002. SteveSi

    003. Klunder College

    004. Everything is Buggy

    005. Keeping Busy with Cross-Platform OOP

    006. Zero Defects

    007. Windows 3.0 Buzz


    008. Competing with Steve Jobs (the First Time)

    009. Password is NeXTStep

    010. Our BillG Review

    011. Strategy for the ’90s: Windows

    012. I shipped, Therefore I Am

    013. End of the Beginning


    014. Executing on the Expansive Vision of Bill Gates

    015. Every Group Is Screwed Up

    016. Filling the Void Left by IBM

    017. Eyes On Competition, Architecture, and Whitespace

    018. Microsoft’s Two Bountiful Gardens

    019. BillG the Manager

    020. Innovation versus Shipping: The Cairo Project

    021. Expanding Breadth versus Coherency: The EMS Project

    022. Injecting New Ideas and IQ: The Information Superhighway

    023. ThinkWeeks


    024. Discovering Cornell is WIRED!

    025. Trapped

    026. Blue Suede Pumas

    027. Internet Evangelist

    028. Pivotal Offsite

    029. Telling of the Untold Story

    030. My Performance Review (and an Expense Report)


    031. Synchronizing Windows and Office (the First Time)

    032. Winning With the Suite

    033. Creating the Office Product Unit, OPU

    034. Office94, Office96


    035. Windows 95, August or Bust

    036. Fancy Wizard and Red Squiggles

    037. Capone and Email Without Typos

    038. Designed for Windows 95

    039. Start Me Up


    040. Creating the First Real Office

    041. Scaling the Office Infrastructure and Platform

    042. Clippy, The F*cking Clown

    043. DIM Outlook

    044. Our First Big M&A Deal (Beating Netscape)

    045. Incompatible Files, Slipping, Office 97 RTM


    046. Prioritizing a New Type of Customer

    047. Don’t Ship the Org Chart

    048. Pizza for 20 Million People

    049. Go Get This Rock

    050. The Team’s Plan in the Face of Disruption

    051. HTML: Opportunity, Disruption, or Wedge

    052. Alleviating Bloatware, First Attempt

    053. Strategy Tax: Outlook Storage, First Attempt

    054. Steve and Steven Get New Jobs

    055. Office 2000 is Good to Go!

    056. Going Global…Mother Tree


    057. Enterprise Agreements

    058. That Dreaded Word: Synergy

    059. Scaling…Everything

    060. ILOVEYOU

    061. BSoD to Watson: The Reliability Journey

    062. Split Up Microsoft

    063. Managing the Antitrust Verdict

    064. The Start of Office v. NetDocs

    065. SharePoint: Office Builds Our Own Server

    066. Killing a Killer Feature In Outlook, Again

    067. MYR-CDG: Product Meets Sales

    068. The XP eXPerience


    069. Mega-Scale, Mega-Complexity

    070. Office.NOT

    071. Resolving NetDocs v. Office

    072. Notes on Tablet PC Innovation

    073. **DO NOT FORWARD**

    074. Outlook Pride, Finally

    075. Scaling and Transitions


    076. Betting Big to Fend Off Commoditization

    077. What Is Software Bloat, Really?

    078. A Tour of Ye Olde Museum Of Office Past

    079. Competing Designs, Better Design

    080. Progress From Vision to Beta

    081. First Feedback and a Surprise

    082. Defying Conventional Wisdom to Finish Office


    083. Living the Odd-Even Curse

    084. Who’s On the Team, Exactly?

    085. The Memo (Part 1)

    086. The Memo (Part 2)

    087. Reorg! Why Are We Together, Exactly?

    088. Planning the Most Important Windows Ever

    089. Rebooting the PC Ecosystem

    090. I’m a Mac

    091. Cleaning Up Longhorn and Vista


    092. Platform Disruption…While Building Windows 7

    093. Netbook Mania

    094. First Public Windows 7 Demo

    095. Welcome to Windows 7, Everyone

    096. Ultraseven: Launching Windows 7


    097. A Plan for a Changing World

    098. A Sea of Worry at the Consumer Electronics Show

    099. The Magical iPad

    100. A Daring and Bold Vision


    101. Reimagining Windows from the Chipset to the Experience: The Chipset

    102. The Experience

    103. The End of Windows Software

    104. //build It and They Will Come (Hopefully)

    105. New Ultrabooks, Old Office, and the Big Consumer Preview

    Big Windows 8 Consumer Preview

    106. The Missing Start Menu

    107. Click In With Surface

    Epilogue. The End of the PC Revolution

    Windows 8 was a failure.

    In Our Memories

    Extended Bibliography



    About the Author

    A respected technologist and business leader, Steven Sinofsky is an investor, adviser, teacher, and writer. He began his career at Microsoft in 1989. Sinofsky joined Microsoft fresh out of graduate school as a software engineer when only one in ten US households had a desktop PC, almost no one had email, the internet as we know it had not yet been conceived, and smartphones and tablets were science fiction. Starting in Development Tools, the software used by programmers to create software, Sinofsky worked on the first version of the new programming language C++ for the nascent Windows platform. He was Bill Gates’s technical assistant during the development of Windows 95 and Windows NT and the rise of internet as we know it today. He then joined the newly formed Office Product Unit and, for twelve years and six releases, rose to senior vice president leading all of Office product development. Sinofsky was tapped to bring order—and innovation—to the Windows division as president. He served as president of the Windows division through 2012, delivering two major releases of Windows, Windows 7 and Windows 8, as well as the creation of Microsoft Surface and online services such as and OneDrive.

    After Microsoft, Sinofsky began serving as a board partner at Silicon Valley investment firm a16z. He serves on corporate boards, as a mentor to employees, from founder and CEO to recent graduates, and adviser to a broad range of companies from seed stage to public.

    He earned a Bachelor of Arts in both computer science and chemistry from Cornell University and a Master of Science degree in computer science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Sinofsky was a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School. He lived in China while working for Microsoft. He traveled extensively through Asia and Africa learning about society and technology.

    With Marco Iansiti, the David Sarnoff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, Sinofsky co-authored One Strategy: Organization, Planning, and Decision Making (Wiley, 2009), a compendium of blog posts authored internally at Microsoft during the creation of Windows 7 combined with context and analysis by Iansiti.

    Sinofsky maintains an active online presence of over one million follower-subscribers writing about a wide range of technology industry and business topics on LinkedIn, Medium,, and most actively on X and on Substack.

    Author’s Note

    I have always loved reading books about building and managing complex projects. When I first became a manager in 1992, I began a tradition of gifting books in this theme to team members. Soon, I started to see those I’d worked with for several years building out a shelf of books in their offices. It was touching. While many books have been written about Microsoft, most were written about the earliest days, before Windows, or with a focus on the monopoly litigation, and none were written by those who worked on the products through many product generations. The book missing from that shelf is one about building software at Microsoft.

    In more ways than I can count, I was lucky enough to find myself an enthusiast, participant, and, in some contexts, leader of Microsoft projects from the early times of Tools, Office, and Windows through the growth and then mature days of the PC Revolution. My hope is that this book conveys the human side of building software at a scale never seen—putting software on every desk and in every home, literally. This book is about the interplay of individuals, organization, technologies, and products that happens when all the parts are moving. Individuals are learning and growing while new organizations are built around them for the first time, and technologies are invented and turned into products accomplishing what has never been done before.

    There are thousands of people I wish I could have written about, each of whom made incredibly valuable contributions to the teams and products described in these pages. Equally, I wish I could have shared all the stories of the highest highs and lowest lows. To those individuals I was not able to include or those I included but did not share the story you wish I shared, please know that I wanted to and probably even tried but could not include everything I would have liked.

    I worked hard to tell the story of what I saw at the PC Revolution, from the vantage point I was given, and to capture the people, culture, and organization that created products used around the world by a billion people. Since most contemporary readers will have experienced Office and Windows, I intentionally did not shy away from product features and technologies as elements and actors in the story.

    This is a first-person account from my memories and memorabilia along with research based on public sources. I endeavored to achieve the highest level of accuracy possible. It is a cultural history not a deep dive into corporate archives. Quotes from print journalism were taken directly from online or print, and quotes from video my best effort at transcribing. Corporate sales and other metrics were taken from annual reports or SEC filings, though team-specific numbers were my own recollections. Industry-wide measures, such as PC sales, were sourced from contemporaneous first-party press.

    Any errors are my sole responsibility. Despite the amazingly detailed and heroic efforts of numerous reviewers and fact checkers, I want to preemptively apologize for any fact errors as I know that no matter how trivial mistakes sting. The events described in this book were experienced deeply by tens if not thousands of people and most certainly some had differing recollections, and in reality, all of our experiences are equally true. In writing this book, I intentionally waited several years in the hopes that my own truth would become more settled, but still I recognize that when it comes to experiences and perspectives, especially those as personal and dramatic as shared here, the truth evolves over time—as wounds heal, bruised egos recover, and importantly as more people share feelings they did not share at the time. Errors will be tracked and recorded with my intent to set a record of facts straight as needed.

    In writing this I was often asked why I waited so long after leaving Microsoft to tell this story. There were two reasons. To do justice to the narrative, time needed to pass and to provide a filter for what is important versus what was exciting. Too often, books tell stories of companies before the ending is clear. Those books don’t stand the test of time that I hope this one does. Second, I set out to gain perspective on the PC journey by relocating to Silicon Valley and immersing myself in the whole other world. It was only two years into that journey when Microsoft changed CEOs and brought a clear transition to a company that plays a different role in the technology world.

    The title of the book, Hardcore Software, comes from the college recruiting tagline used when I was recruited to Microsoft and for some time after. The poster read, Stop fooling around. It’s time to get hardcore about software. With Microsoft. In today’s context, this would not be the most inclusive language for recruiting, but it captures the 1980s and later zeitgeist of computer programming.

    S.S., 2024

    Prologue: Making of a Hacker

    In 1982, Time magazine named the personal computer Machine of the Year, marking the first time a non-human was awarded Man of the Year. It was a fascinating read, but like many nerdy kids across the country at the time, I’d already become captivated by computers.

    My best friend Dave Crotty and our other best friend, Neal Fordham (collectively, the three of us were known as the boys), spent the previous year making mixtapes of ’80s punk and new wave on Dave’s father’s Bang & Olufsen component system.

    When Dave’s brother Kevin got an Atari 800 computer, my curiosity piqued. I was mesmerized by this new machine—not by the video games I could play on it but by the presence of BASIC, the first programming language experienced by most everyone in the early days of personal computing. BASIC was thanks in no small part to Bill Gates and Paul Allen and their start-up originally known as Micro-Soft.

    I gave up Space Invaders for rows of numbered lines. The timing turned out to be great.

    Our family business was a retail store in Orlando, Florida. My Saturdays were spent calculating sales tax, doing inventory, and making change while chatting with customers.

    Dave’s Atari gave me an opportunity to create my first program:

    10 PRINT Amount of sale?

    20 INPUT sale

    30 LET tax = sale*.04

    40 PRINT Merchandise: sale

    50 PRINT Tax: tax

    60 PRINT Total: , sale+tax

    70 GOTO 10

    As the family business evolved, my father, David, realized that turning it into a wholesaler was a great opportunity for the family. He decided to buy a computer to run it. I have no idea where the motivation for this came from and certainly knew the expense was significant, about $1,800 then or about $5,000 in 2020 dollars. While our family had been early adopters (to some degree) of many modern household items—we had a fancy 35mm camera, a microwave, a Betamax, and even a big-screen TV—a computer, however, was puzzling. It was also an enormous privilege. Rather than a toy computer, of which the Apple ][, Atari, and the new Commodore 64K (64 kilobytes) were viewed at the time by those who claimed to know, my father invested in a business computer. He went to a computer store, staffed by people in suits and ties, and bought one of the earliest Osborne I computers.

    The Osborne was a remarkable machine at the time and in the history of the personal computer. A nearly 30-pound portable that didn’t even have a battery as portable meant you could relocate it. Described as the size of a sewing machine it had a 5-inch CRT screen that wasn’t large enough for a full 80 characters across, so using the CTRL key and arrows that panned the screen would allow someone to see the rest of it. It came with two 90K 5.25-inch floppy drives and 64K of memory. It ran the CP/M operating system, Control Program/Monitor, which at the time was vying to become the de facto standard.

    It came with a bundle of free business software, including the WordStar word processor, the SuperCalc spreadsheet, a copy of the remarkable VisiCalc on the Apple ][, and two (!) different BASIC languages, MBASIC, which I later learned was Microsoft BASIC, and a faster variant, CBASIC. Notably, a database called dBase II was promised but did not arrive until later, or real soon as the dealer told us.

    Magazines were the early fountain of knowledge about the new computer because computers were not connected to anything else or any other computers. The monthly Portable Companion, the first issue free with the computer, was filled with tips and tricks for using the Osborne and the bundled software. I dutifully filled out reader response cards and soon had a library of code samples I could type in and printer configuration codes. I read Dr. Dobb’s and BYTE at B. Dalton Bookseller in the mall instead of playing games.

    I set up the computer in the tiny extra room that served as the TV room for my sister and me, much to her chagrin. The noise created by the combination of typing on the full travel keyboard and the constant grinding and clacking of the floppy disk drives, not to mention the loud beep at power-on and whirring fan, took a toll on my younger sister, Jill. Through our lightly constructed 1970s Florida ranch house, I heard her repeatedly whine, Stop clicking…stop beeping.

    I was undeterred.

    My father and I spoke twice about the computer. The first time was when we bought the computer for the business and I was left to figure out how to put it to work, whatever that meant in 1981. Second, after a few months, when I was not making enough progress, he basically said he was firing me and he was going to hire a professional, whatever that meant. But that second conversation lit a fire under me.

    I spent a month or two using CBASIC to build an inventory program for the wholesaler. I had no idea how a database worked, what a database table was, or anything like that. There were enough example programs for managing lists in CBASIC for me to figure out how to modify them.

    Probably just in time for my father’s loss of patience with me, I was rescued by the delivery of disks and manual for dBase II. After a few hours of using it and going through the typewritten photocopied documentation that came with it, a whole new world opened up for me. I immediately began building an entire system for the business.

    A tribute to the power of dBase II more than to any skill I had, it took only a few weeks to get accounts, inventory, payables, and invoicing up and running. My father was relieved. I began the job of manually inputting the names and addresses of hundreds of customers and thousands of products.

    To store all the data that did not fit on a 90K floppy, I spent weeks evaluating a 10-megabyte hard drive to add to the second Osborne bought for the business while one remained at home for me to program and the other ran the business. The 10-megabyte drive was the size of our Betamax and sounded like a small aircraft, but it dramatically changed how the business could be run. Imagine something like 100 floppies running all at once. It was magic. And it was fast!

    Along with dBase II, the 300 baud modem that promised to unlock the world of connecting to other computers over telephone lines was also delayed. When it finally arrived, I added a new sound to the clicking and clacking, the audible modem handshake that later came to symbolize online.

    At first, there wasn’t much to dial-up except expensive per-minute professional services that were out of my price range and required a credit card I did not have. After a lucky meeting at the local CP/M User Group, or CPMUG, as it was called, where I was the youngest by at least 10 years and the only person there not yet working at Martin Marietta or Kennedy Space Center, I learned about FIDONet.

    I was finally online. And then I was online all the time using the second home phone line I received for my Bar Mitzvah.

    That connected me to user groups, forums, and others writing and exchanging programs. I felt like I was on a new learning curve as every night led to another discovery. Sometimes I learned the arcane aspects of CP/M, such as how to edit the OS code to disable the File Delete command to make using the computer safer for my father or to customize WordStar for our printer so it would print double wide characters for fancy headings. Other times, I learned some sophisticated dBase II constructs like keeping multiple tables connected and in sync for reporting. It was also in an online forum that I learned about the IBM PC and how it was going to be the winner between it, CP/M, TRS-80, and Apple Computer, the other ever-present computer systems.

    So much was changing in such a short amount of time. That year fewer than two million PCs built by dozens of companies were sold, each computer running different and incompatible software, as if early automobiles needed different roads for each car maker. A year earlier, IBM introduced the IBM PC and was welcomed to the PC Revolution by five-year-old Apple Computer in a full-page advertisement in The Wall Street Journal.

    It was early in the PC Revolution.

    Cornell University’s computer science program, one of the first in the country, started in 1965, the year I was born. As 1982 wound down, I was admitted to Cornell.

    Prompted by that Time article, my mother, Marsha, told me that computers were a fine hobby, but she reminded me that I wanted to be a doctor. I received a good talking to once she read the descriptions of hacker culture—flannel shirts, no shoes, and working late at night in the solitary computer room of the nation’s colleges. It all sounded too close to late-night beeping and clicking. She wanted assurance that I was attending Cornell to study something more in line with what was expected, what I wanted. She was concerned that I might become a hacker.

    Too late.


    PCs and software barely work, but the ascent of the IBM PC powered by Intel processors and Windows is underway. It is the start of the modern PC era as PC sales (from all manufacturers for the year) exceeded 20 million units worldwide, which is about half the worldwide sales of all personal computers to date including those from Apple, Tandy, Atari, and more. Looming, however, is platform competitor NeXT, the new computer company started by Steve Jobs. The dramatic extent to which that company will alter the technology landscape is decades from revealing itself. While Apple’s Macintosh is a competitor, it is also the foundation for Microsoft’s Applications business. The group I was hired into was squarely in the middle of both the new and old Steve Jobs platforms.

    001. Becoming a Microsoftie

    The whiteboard in my graduate school lab read, Steven, Bill Gates called. Call him back.

    It was super weird to see that written because Microsoft wasn’t on our collective academic radar and most people didn’t know who Bill Gates was. Someone was clearly playing a joke on me. My college friend Brent grew up in the Seattle area and I had mentioned to him that I was interviewing at Microsoft, so it was probably him.

    Later that day, I got home to find my PhoneMate microcassette answering machine flashing. There were two messages recorded. The first one was left earlier that morning as I started walking to the Lederle Graduate Research Center at UMass-Amherst where I was a second-year PhD student in computer science. A somewhat squeaky and distracted voice said, Steven, um, this is Bill Gates calling. Can you call me back at…um…206-882-8080? The second message had been recorded later in the day. Steven, yeah, this is Bill Gates calling again. I guess I called you at your lab like your message said, but you weren’t there either. When you get a chance call me back. My outgoing message at home gave the number of the lab since that was the only other place, basically, that I spent time.

    Brent’s ploy seemed rather elaborate. He kept it going for a couple of days as I kept getting voicemail messages claiming to be Gates. I did nothing.

    As an undergrad I had written a program called MacMendeleev after the father of the periodic table. I had been dying to write a Mac program after the incredible Super Bowl launch advertisement. MacMendeleev was the result of landing in an encouraging chemistry lab—thanks, Professor Clardy. As much as computer science classes made me finally feel like I was in the right place in life—thanks, Professor Teitelbaum—my chemistry classes were the exact opposite where a B+ fall of freshman year was the highest grade I’d receive in chemistry in four years. The Mac was not a business computer, especially according to the advertisements by IBM, and they weren’t used in my classes. There wasn’t dBase II yet, as I had used earlier on my Osborne from high school, and I wasn’t going to use Microsoft BASIC to write something from scratch. The Mac was, however, focused on education. The one thing I loved in chemistry was the periodic table. I dreamed up the idea of an interactive periodic table that could chart or graph the elements according to different properties to see what exhibited periodicity. I got some help from my lab mate, Tom Ball, to help me with the graphics.

    Surprisingly, MacMendeleev achieved a small amount of success. We signed up with the ever-present photocopy store Kinko’s that maintained an in-store kiosk that made copies of library programs. It was a software vending machine. The program was used in a few classes, and we made enough money on it to fund a cruise on Cayuga Lake.

    The program also scored me an invitation to the 1988 Association of Computing Machinery regional gathering on Computers in Education. The conference loaned me a Mac to use, instead of the luggable PC I started using that I had acquired from my summers at Martin Marietta. The PC ran MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), the software required for a PC to run and provide capabilities for other companies to write programs. It was the defining product for Microsoft in the 1980s and became the business engine that powered the company prior to Windows and Office.

    I had never been to a conference and was not sure why I was there or what was going on, but I found myself sitting at a table talking about the periodic table, doing my first demos and booth duty. Apparently, I impressed the organizers enough to win an award. My prize was a just-released Color Macintosh. It was a huge score.

    A representative for Microsoft approached me after my win, offering me some software, and asked me what I wanted…BASIC? I was heads down building Smalltalk on Unix, using TeX for papers, and using all GNU tools, but we agreed on a copy of Microsoft Word. I was excited but thought it was weird because everyone used WordPerfect on PCs and MacWrite on Macintosh, and I used LaTeX.

    My first year of college I worked the night shift at a public computer lab filled with all sorts of new computers. There were PCs people could use (mostly grad students) for word processing and spreadsheets using WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3, an odd Apple Lisa the predecessor to Macintosh, several highly advanced computer graphics workstations used by physics students, in addition to the mainframe terminals, punch card readers, and refrigerator-size line printers I maintained. By early 1984, the first public Macintosh computers arrived, and I spent my Friday night shift helping people recover documents after the notoriously flaky MacWrite crashed and ate them.

    Later, when I was applying for jobs (with the resume of a student who never really had a job), on a whim, I applied to Microsoft using the address on the Microsoft Word box I’d received. It was 16011 NE 36th Way, Redmond, WA 98052. I also sent my resume to Apple Computer. Like everyone I ever knew, I never heard back. They were like that back then and still are, I am told. I think about a year later I got a postcard with a yellow Post Office sticker forwarded from Amherst to my current address letting me know my resume was on file.

    I was fairly certain I was going to work in government service, as it was a popular trajectory for engineering graduates, especially those like me with some Russian language skills. There were multiple trips taken to undisclosed locations in the metropolitan DC area talking to the high-tech parts of three-letter agencies.

    But then, two days after mailing it, a Microsoft recruiter named Cris Wittress called about having me come out to interview. She overnighted a plane ticket and a hotel booking. I was off.

    The taxi ride to the hotel had a cutting edge feel to it. I was used to seeing important technical companies on Boston’s Route 128, like DEC, Data General, Apollo, and Banyan, but in Seattle, the names were all different: Apple, MicroRim, Egghead, Tektronix, and more, and oddly a McDonnell Douglas Aerospace building right next to Microsoft.

    I stayed in the new Residence Inn, which was only a few minutes from the Microsoft campus, as it was called. It was a dreary February. I didn’t have a car and couldn’t figure out where anything was, but there was a Houlihan’s next-door so I had potato skins and fried cheese, as if I was still in high school. I got back to the room and decided to try out the fake log in the fireplace. Apparently, there was a chimney door or something, as I quickly set off the smoke alarm and caused a minor incident.

    First thing in the morning, I put on my blue Brooks Brothers suit and headed over to building 1. I signed in in the lobby and was promptly greeted by Cris Wittress, who introduced herself as Cris Wit as though it were a nickname. The first sign of cool: She had an office. Come to think of it, everyone had an office—with a door. Fancy.

    Cris briskly walked me through the day, describing the people I was going to meet and explaining that they were going to ask me technical questions and that was my interview. In one-hour slots, back-to-back, I met with a phenomenal loop of people who asked me coding questions, grilled me on architecture, and challenged my core assumptions. There was a fancy lunch and a fancy dinner that were typical of job interviews in the go-go 1980’s. Not so typical were the offers of beer at lunch and sake at dinner, at Benihana. Most everyone on my interview loop was a recent graduate of Waterloo or Toronto. Along with the elite schools in the US these two schools were well represented in the Microsoft ranks.

    I flew home the next morning. Cris called right away to tell me I had a job offer and sent me a rush version followed by a formal letter. The offer arrived overnight via Mailgram, an expensive, old-fashioned telegram except it could be a full page. Mailgrams were used by big business before the internet, when the fax machine dominated offices, though students did not have one.

    It happened fast. The offer was to work in the Applications Tools group. It was for $37,500 and had 1,500 non-qualified stock options, plus moving expenses. I called my uncle, who worked in investment banking on Wall Street, to ask what a stock option was. He told me and said mine were probably going to be worthless, but someday maybe they’d be worth $10,000.

    Still undecided but leaning toward government work, one evening, late, I got a call at home.

    Hello, Steven…finally great to get a hold of you. My name is David Pritchard and I work in college recruiting at Microsoft. Bill Gates has been trying to get a hold of you, but it has been difficult. Can we set up a time tomorrow for you two to talk?

    David was one of Cris’s managers and leader of the college recruiting program. The success of that program is owed to his early efforts.

    Oops, I guess that really was Bill Gates before and not a prank.

    When Bill and I finally spoke, the conversation was awkward, since neither of us were exactly good at chit-chat stuff.

    Hi, Steve, this is Bill Gates.

    Hello. Thank you for calling, and so sorry for the confusion. I thought a friend of mine…

    So, David gave me this list of like ten people and I’m supposed to call all of them and convince them to work at Microsoft. You should come work at Microsoft. Do you have any questions? I always thought this was the best part of the call—him telling me he was just cranking through a list. Transparency.

    I’m definitely excited and thinking about it. I don’t really have any questions.

    Well, why haven’t you accepted yet? You have a good offer.

    I’m considering other things. I have been really interested in government service.

    Government? That’s for when you’re old and stupid.

    No, really, he said that.

    At Microsoft we have amazing things going on in multimedia. Have you seen all the things we are doing with CD-ROMs and video? We are going to make a whole encyclopedia on a CD-ROM, 650 megabytes with videos, maps, quizzes, and more.

    I haven’t. I use a Macintosh and workstations. I used MS-DOS at my summer job and Windows 1.0, but it was pretty slow.

    "Well, Microsoft makes more money on Macintoshes than Apple does because of our apps—our word prosser [sic], Word, is super good. OS/2 runs in protect mode, which the Mac does not do. Do you have any more questions?"

    Not really.

    I’m glad we got to talk. The offer is super good. Bye.

    After some failed negotiations on my part for more salary, I accepted and joined the Applications Tools group with Scott Randall as my manager. My start date was set for July 10, 1989.

    The Seattle Times wrote an article in 1989 called Inside Microsoft – A ‘velvet sweatshop’ or a high-tech heaven? Cris mailed it to me, along with a flurry of fancy Airborne Express overnight envelopes I would receive over the coming weeks containing items meant to woo me including the Annual Report, a Microsoft Press Desk Calendar (with an ASCII table in the back), issues of The Seattle Weekly (to remind me of the cool music scene), and glossy data sheets on Microsoft products. The Times story chronicled the long hours people worked, including evenings and weekends. It talked about former employees referring to themselves as recovering Microsoft workers, but it also painted the picture of a creative, challenging, prankster-geek culture. The contrast and the controversy didn’t bother me.

    What could be so bad about hard work that came with a private office, free Coke or Pepsi, and Lipton Soup?

    Whatever was going on there, it was working well.

    Microsoft finished fiscal 1989 as I was crossing the country to start my job. Despite a global recession and a market crash leaving company stock close to its IPO pricing three years earlier, it closed the books with more than $800 million in revenue (1989 dollars) and a market capitalization of about $3 billion. The company was already doing business in 50 or so countries with dozens of sales offices around the world—a testimony to the growth mindset of Bill Gates. The company had approximately 3,000 global employees. I was the latest of about 1,200 hired in research and development, mostly in Redmond, Washington.

    When I joined Microsoft, I knew little about the company and even less about the corporate world in general. I was a kid fresh out of school, impatient and gung-ho to be a part of my new world, but equally inexperienced and a bit overconfident about what I was in for.

    In the computer world Microsoft was well known but it wasn’t IBM or RadioShack. But most people I knew, including my family, were extremely fuzzy on what I was going to do and where I was going to do it. My grandfather was the only person in my family to have ever been to Seattle, and that was by stow-away train rides during the depression. I spent most family gatherings explaining what software was and that Seattle was not just a forest.

    002. SteveSi

    When I first arrived in Redmond, I lived about three blocks from campus, in company-provided temporary housing at an apartment complex called Bellevue Meadows, a block from the Residence Inn I had almost burned down during my interview. It was still light out at 9 p.m. on my first night (welcome to the Northwest), so I walked over to campus to check it out.

    Microsoft’s three-year-old campus was made up of the original X-wing buildings, 1 through 6, and the recently completed double X-wing 8 and 9. There was no building 7. Nobody knew exactly why, though there were a bunch of theories tossed around over the years. Sending a new person to meet up at building 7 was an ongoing prank. The real buildings surrounded a fountain and the small-but-infamous Lake Bill, which looking back, is much smaller than I recalled from that first night. There was a basketball court near the lake, which always seemed to be in use. The buildings, connected by tree-lined sidewalks, were known for their design, which was meant to maximize the number of private offices with windows.

    In a nod to Microsoft’s culture of self-reliance, the next day, my first day, after a two-hour orientation session that felt like forever, I and about 20 other college hires were left to fend for ourselves. While I had been told how to set up direct deposit (paychecks were still hand delivered for many) and learned some details about my healthcare plan, I literally had no idea where to go. Fortunately, a more studious fellow new hire noticed, buried in the paperwork, that there was a map and an old-style printout with name (Steve Sinofsky), telephone extension (x67768), manager (Scott Randell, listed as SCOTTRA), and an email ID and password—yes, printed. The floor plan and numbering system made MIT’s infinite corridor look understandable.

    As I flipped through the paperwork, I noticed my assigned email name was STEVESI on the printout, which immediately irked me as I was steven in all my previous systems, all lowercase because of Unix which preferred that. Obviously, I was not going to complain.

    As I came to understand it, SteveSi was officially, and forever, my new name, usually written in mixed case. Email names were how people wrote and spoke about others. Where a previous generation might have used only a last name out of casual respect or mister in person, Microsoft used email from BillG to SteveB on down. Aside from the free drinks, private offices, and khakis with button-downs, email names remained one of the iconic cultural identifiers of those days and still used among alumni. Given names no longer mattered at Microsoft. I was SteveSi. Cris Wittress was CrisWit—I finally got what she meant.

    Before I started, Steven Schwartz had landed the name StevenS, a fact for which I was always jealous. After he left, I even tried to secure the name, but there was a no-recycle policy. A coworker named Bill Gallagher was given BillGa, and for years he got crazy mail intended for the real BillG. As the company grew, it began to wrestle with the complexities of people getting married (or divorced) and how to deal with email name changes—much trickier than they’d imagine. Ultimately, in the late 1990s with the move to Microsoft’s email product, we finally moved to friendly names like [email protected].

    There was a list of email aliases (an early Unix-ism) to get help, like benefits, sickday, vacation, supply (office supplies), recept1 (recept2, recept3, etc. for the receptionists), stock (stock option sales), espp (employee stock purchase plan), payroll (for help with direct deposit), and, best of all, pcrepair, which could help with computer hardware. Perhaps that was second best, as I soon discovered library, which mailed the Microsoft librarians any topic to research or a request to send copies of articles or locate any book needed for work. There was an actual library filling most of one arm of an X in building 4, where I spent a lot of time as well. Everything was an email away.

    Microsoft made about 35 different products back then, and I had personal experience with almost none of them. Importantly, by the mid-1980s, Microsoft moved beyond being a single-product company. It had substantial businesses in each of the major categories of the day: languages, operating systems, and applications. No single product represented more than half the company revenue. This early diversity was critical to Microsoft’s growth. In many ways, early software companies emulated record or book publishing by having many licensed titles for sale, and while early Microsoft followed this model it was now building most software in house.

    The Systems group was the big group and was made up of the grown-ups. It felt to me the most like my summer aerospace job because there were people who were married. Gasp! Some even had children. This was the group that made MS-DOS, which was the single biggest moneymaker. They were also making OS/2, which was a massive joint project with IBM. There was a much smaller side project called Windows that was increasingly interesting. Unique to the Systems group was a much larger number of people who had joined Microsoft with years of prior work experience. There were people from IBM, DEC, ATT, HP, and a host of other computer companies from a previous era. Dave Cutler (DaveC), a legend with over 25 years of experience, had recently joined from DEC along with many of those colleagues. This made sense since building an operating system was something done at other big companies.

    Languages was the history of the company and the oldest group. This was the group that made BASIC, as well as programming languages and tools from C to Pascal, Fortran, and, importantly, Assembler. The Languages products were for MS-DOS, Xenix (the commercial version of Unix, the ancestor of today’s Linux), and an expansion to OS/2, an ill-fated joint development between Microsoft and IBM.

    I thought many of the people I met in Languages seemed old. Some owned houses and had new cars. Some had been at Microsoft more than five years already.

    Apps was the colloquial term for Applications, which is how the computer industry viewed programs used by end-users, versus the Operating System, which was required by the machine, or Languages used by developers. The Apps group was less tenured as it was both a newer business for Microsoft and seemed to have more college hires. Apps was almost a sleeper business even back then. Most of the products it made were for the Macintosh, like Word, Excel, and File, all of which were on the first or second version. Apps for MS-DOS were almost as numerous, but all were a distant number two in the market relative to software giants Lotus, WordPerfect, Ashton-Tate, and Software Publishing that I had used in my summer job during college.

    I walked over to building 5 to find the private, interior office in which I’d begin my career. It had no exterior window but had one to the hallway. As I searched for my office, I passed the kitchen and saw the giant glass-door refrigerators filled with cans of every variety of Coke and Pepsi products like a convenience store.

    It would be decades before I paid for a beverage.

    Just across from the kitchen was the mail and copy room. This room had everything one could imagine needing for work. It was like a CompUSA and Office Depot all in one. Along with a big laser printer and a copy machine, there were 5.25-inch and 3.5-inch floppy disks by the case, notebooks of every size writing paper as computers hardly existed in portable form at this time, printer paper, pens, tape (transparent and masking), thumb tacks, and more. There were boxes of colored pencils—legend had it that BillG used those to annotate code with different colors, but I later learned that was a myth. There were rulers for scanning across lines of code in landscape. Best of all were the staplers with the Microsoft logo on them. This was like a gift shop, and anyone visiting left with a box of floppies and one of those staplers.

    After a few wrong turns, I finally saw the engraved door placard, think Mad Men, that read STEVE SINOFSKY. Not Steven. I was peeved. While I did not meet him for a few years, Steve Ballmer (SteveB) had something to do with this, I’m certain.

    Later that morning, I met a fellow college hire named Antoine Leblond, a French-Canadian who was in a far worse position than me, as the powers had reduced him to TonyL. That only lasted until his then-girlfriend visited and, as an even more ardent Québécois, Lucie Robitaille somehow managed to get it changed to a cool alias: Antoine.

    Offices back then were furnished in what could be described as Native Northwest. Think a solid wood oak 60-by-30-inch-deep desk with a 24-inch typing return and a swivel chair with matching oak arms. There was a matching 60-inch-high solid oak bookcase. A whiteboard and cork board were attached to the white walls. A 12-button analog phone in corporate brown was on the return, featuring my personal phone number, 206-936-7768 or x67768. The furniture reminded me of the make it as indestructible as possible stuff that filled the freshman University Halls at Cornell. Even if I was motivated to rearrange the layout of my nine-by-twelve-foot space, I could not because everything was so heavy. The setup was also horribly non-ergonomic by today’s standards. Still, by any measure of an entry-level office, it was amazing.

    My bookshelf was pre-populated with, I later learned, standard-issue books for every new software design engineer hire. There was an Intel 286 and 386 reference along with a Motorola 68000 reference—everyone in software engineering understood machine architecture and instruction sets. A phone-book-size MS-DOS encyclopedia weighed down the shelf. There was also a dictionary and thesaurus, and a copy of the same Microsoft Press desk calendar featuring important milestones in computing and an MS-DOS technical reference card in the back that CrisWit had sent as a recruiting gift.

    Importantly, there were two seminal works on programming, Fred Brooks’s The Mythical Man-Month and Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley. The former, I learned, was the most epic of all Microsoft struggles, which was trying to release products on time—by the summer of 1989 Windows was on the second version, having shipped 1.0 almost two years after public announcement. The latter book represented the hardcore ethos of Microsoft software engineering, which was tight code—what code could be written to solve the problem with the most clarity and fewest lines, least amount of memory, and fewest CPU cycles.

    There was also a copy of The Hacker’s Dictionary by Guy L. Steele, a famous computer scientist partly responsible for the programming language Scheme used and developed at MIT. The book was a 1980s version of what was often called computerese though Microsoft had its own unique language. One other book seemed rather strange to me, Stewart Brand’s The Whole Earth Catalog, which seemed useful if I was intent upon producing my own energy or building a yurt, but definitely represented the tail end of the hippie culture of computing from which we all originated.

    There was a Compaq PC and a terminal in the office. The Compaq was an Intel 386 chip running at 33 MHz with an extended memory card and hard drive. The terminal was hardwired to Xenix servers via a different network and where the email system was hosted. It was Xenix email, which itself was just a port of Unix mail. I was right at home shelling out to vi to edit mail as I had been doing since college. vi as in visual editor abbreviated. There was also an HP-16C Computer Scientist calculator, for handling all the hexadecimal and binary conversions I would need to do, but I already owned one.

    I signed on and changed my password to one I used for the next 10 years or so until password policies came into vogue. I fired off emails to some old lab mates who were the only other people I knew using email. I didn’t hear back right away, which was weird. That was when I learned outbound mail was batched and sent/received twice a day. I was told Gordon Letwin (GordonL), the legendary MS-DOS and OS/2 engineer, was not in favor of being connected to ARPANET or BITNET due to security concerns (he was certainly ahead of his time) so this was the compromise. Emphasizing this, our first business cards had only phone and fax numbers and TELEX numbers! By special request, a UUNET address could be added. UUNET was one of the first commercial internet provider of email addresses. That summer uunet!uw-beaver!microsoft!stevesi. Don’t ask. Microsoft used email for everything inside the company, but externally email was not yet a thing.

    Turning on the PC, I was immediately greeted with a hung machine (back then we called them machines, not devices) unable to make it through the boot sequence. I received my first lesson in corpnet, or the corporate network. The network was reliable, but the software on the PCs was not. Hangs were frequent and the only fix was a power cycle. I was only familiar with Novell Netware and had not yet experienced a product in the same space that Microsoft had just released, LanManager, a.k.a. LanMan. I wasn’t alone. Almost no one had bought the product because it mostly didn’t work.

    This brought my first experience with emailing helpdesk. By email, they asked me if I was an SDE. I wasn’t sure, and then I realized my title was software design engineer. The next mail said they were on the way.

    A nice man with a pushcart filled with tools and gear to keep PCs running and connected showed up. He pulled a 5.25-inch floppy out of a plastic disk holder and began the process of a network boot, which was a fancy way of using a floppy disk to boot a computer and connect to the network. After a minute or so of grinding floppy noise, I saw the magic C:> prompt.

    The tech began some magic incantations that were new to me, like NET USE to connect to a shared network drive. Then he began to install OS/2 1.1 and then applications, but there weren’t many. I asked where the printer was, and he laughed. I learned OS/2 didn’t really print yet, and to do so I best use MS-DOS and those apps, which he then set up, also using some new magic like mapping LPT1 to the nearby printer in the copy room.

    Once my computer was set up, I still wasn’t sure what to do with my day, but it was lunchtime. I was never really good at lunch or spontaneously meeting new people, so I began to get stressed. I finally resigned myself to passing on lunch and futzing in my office. Then I heard a knock on my door.

    Hi, my name is Andy Craze…AndrewCr.

    We were both new, though Andy had started the week before, and we were both joining Apps. The team would soon move to Development Tools in my first of many re-orgs. As recent grads do, we exchanged where we were from, college, and major information. Andy was from Cleveland. Went to Stanford. Studied computer science. He was outgoing and suggested we get lunch.

    What I didn’t know, until Andy explained it, was that we weren’t technically working at our actual jobs yet, or even sitting with our teams. Instead, we were in Apps Developer College. ADC was where new Apps SDEs learned how to be Apps SDEs. We would be there for an indeterminate amount of time while we learned the ropes—meaning learned the tools and techniques of the Apps division. If those few sentences sounded like a bunch of jargon, that’s essentially what every conversation sounded like.

    Unlike today’s start-ups in Silicon Valley, lunch was not free but marginally subsidized by Microsoft and operated by an institutional food company. We went to the pizza station, and I ordered by the slice.

    I sustained myself on pizza for a decade.

    003. Klunder College

    ADC, Apps Developer College, was more a curriculum than a college, run by Dan Newell (DanN) and Doug Klunder (DougK.) It was called Klunder College because Doug created it. ADC was basically a couple of three-ring binders of assorted documentation and memos and a bunch of self-paced coding exercises that constituted a new and unique approach to on-boarding at Microsoft at a time when most everyone who programmed was self-taught. The idea of a programming orientation or bootcamp seemed unnecessary, perhaps even insulting. I would take away much more than I could really understand at such an early juncture in my career as I immersed myself in my first lessons in culture.

    Most teaching was done during a meeting with Dan, and usually by stopping by or hovering at his office. Even though we had offices, there was a constant roaming of the hallways and stopping by unscheduled to see people. This, I would soon learn, was the Microsoft management and learning culture—self-sufficient, informal, and interrupt-driven (a specific computer term that became one of my first Microsoft-isms — What’s the best way to meet them? …Oh, they are interrupt-driven.) It was a big change from the structure of universities but also consistent with how most everyone there had learned PC programming in the early days.

    DanN’s office was filled with vinyl records, a stacked stereo system, and a few early ’80s music posters. He was an experienced Microsoft SDE and was half the leadership of ADC. A few doors down was DougK. In contrast to Dan’s office, Doug’s office was completely spartan, as though he had only recently moved in. Doug looked like a member of the Doobie Brothers, with a long beard, flannel shirt, cords, and no shoes. He was exactly what my mother had warned me about.

    Doug was a programming legend at Microsoft. After graduation from MIT, he joined Microsoft as the first college hire and subsequently an informal leader in the quest to hire directly from college, especially in Apps. He was one of the earliest Apps SDEs and had written much of the code in an early spreadsheet for MS-DOS that Microsoft released as Multiplan but called Electronic Paper, or EP, while under development.

    Dan told me that BillG decided the company’s future was on graphical user interface (GUI) like OS/2 and Macintosh so the company chose not to bring an updated MS-DOS (CUI, or character user interface) spreadsheet to market. Doug was so frustrated by this decision that he quit Microsoft and went off to work on a farm in California. Doug’s innovative work was critical to Mac Excel 1.0, which ultimately shipped for the original Macintosh. Later, he returned to help finish Mac Excel 1.0 and contribute broadly to Apps in the transition to GUI. Doug was the ideal person to indoctrinate us into the ways of Microsoft Apps.

    My first day had been a success, or at least not a failure.

    After a few weeks of ADC, I finally received an email from ScottRa. He suggested we meet the next day first thing. How about 11 a.m.?

    Microsoft SDEs bordered on nocturnal in those days. This was consistent with how college programmers coped with the scarcity of computers. It was always best to work late at night when fewer people were trying to get to terminals and, if on a shared mainframe, slowing it down. Everyone was working nights at the office back then. There was no way to even do email from home and certainly not any coding. The old Xenix email system made it easy to see if a person was logged on, and rumor was that BillG was always checking in on key people to see if they were connected. These were all traits of the original hacker ethos that had worried my mother.

    When asked if Microsoft had flex time (an ’80s buzzword) by prospective college hires, we always said, Yes. You can choose to work whichever 80 hours of the week you want to work. That was, essentially, true for the ’90s. Our views later matured as did the company, much to the chagrin of new old-timers like me. Mostly we were in our 20s and loved what we were doing.

    Scott explained what was in store for me for the next few months. Before programming anything I needed to learn the unique dialect Microsoft used. While I knew the programming language, Microsoft had a unique style called Hungarian, named for Charles Simonyi (CharlesS), one of the rarified level 14 architects in the company and the only one in Apps. CharlesS was recruited by BillG from Xerox PARC where he had built the first GUI word processor. Hungarian was the secret handshake used between programmers at Microsoft and it was unlike anything I’d ever seen. In college programming or in books, one might use a name in code such as FormatLine. In Hungarian, we used names like FFormatLineFspec, which were chosen to make code more manageable for large teams.

    I also needed to learn the tools used to build Excel and Word. There was a proprietary programming language called CSL, also named after CharlesS. This language, based on C, had a virtual machine, which made it easier to run on other operating systems (in theory) and also had a good debugger—attributes that were lacking in the relatively immature C product from Microsoft. I also learned RAID, the database tool that the product groups used to track bugs in products, complete with backronym of Reporting and Incidents Database. And, most importantly, I learned SLM, pronounced slime, the source code tracking tool, like today’s GitHub. Through this I used shipping code and coded up features and fixed bugs as exercises, never checking them into production. It sounded pretty cool. It was pretty cool.

    I loved talking with Doug. He was not like anyone I had spent a lot of time with—he was truly the hippie/hacker Time Magazine described in the Machine of the Year issue in 1982. As I got to know him, I learned of some of his relatively extreme perspectives. He was obsessed with privacy. He didn’t have a driver’s license, bank account, telephone, or anything, but still lived among us. I often saw him outside of work. We lived in the same Capitol Hill neighborhood, soon the heart of grunge music, where he always paid cash at one of the restaurants in the neighborhood. This dedication to privacy proved even more ironic, and prescient, as he went on to build Microsoft Money, which he used to track his cash transactions. In his post-Microsoft career, Doug became an attorney and, admirably, went on to work for the ACLU on issues such as privacy. He was ahead of his time.

    Importantly, for my own future, Doug instilled in me a sense of principled product development. Throughout my time at ADC Doug shared his account of the decisions around building Mac Excel instead of a new MS-DOS spreadsheet, including a famous Red Lion Inn offsite where the strategic decision was made to bet

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