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The Maker of Worlds
The Maker of Worlds
The Maker of Worlds
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The Maker of Worlds

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If you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?

When tragedy strikes Lucas Mack's young life, he desperately yearns to escape its sorrow, and takes an improbable leap through the mythical maelstrom. Rather than splashing down on the far side like his neighbors, he's transported to a magical realm where he has the power to redefine not only who he is, but the world in which he resides.

As he stumbles about trying to find his way, he meets Mia, an equally troubled fellow pilgrim. With the help of a mystical guide and an aging wizard, they navigate the enchanted land while learning to control their newfound powers. Yet this realm is more complex than they expected, with seasoned sorcerers who've been corrupted by the sinister side of magic.

Limited by natural law and seduced by magic's power, they are tested as never before. Will the gift of magic bring renewed hope or drive them to the edge of the void?

EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS a mythical fantasy adventure from David Litwack, the multiple-award-winning author whose books have received such extraordinary acclaim.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
The Maker of Worlds

David Litwack

The urge to write first struck David at age sixteen when working on a newsletter at a youth encampment in the woods of northern Maine. It may have been the wild night when lightning flashed at sunset, followed by the northern lights rippling after dark, or maybe it was the newsletter’s editor, a girl with eyes the color of the ocean, but he was inspired to write about the blurry line between reality and the fantastic. Using two fingers and lots of white-out, he religiously typed five pages a day throughout college and well into his twenties. Then life intervened. When he found time again to daydream, the urge to write returned. David now lives in the Great Northwest and anywhere else that catches his fancy. He no longer limits himself to five pages a day, and is thankful every keystroke for the invention of the word processor.

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    The Maker of Worlds - David Litwack


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    Copyright © 2024 David Litwack


    ISBN-13 (EPUB Version): 979-8-89025-040-7


    Editor: Lane Diamond

    Cover Artist: Kris Norris

    Interior Designer: Lane Diamond



    At the end of this novel of approximately 59,880 words, you will find two Special Sneak Previews: 1) THE TIME THAT’S GIVEN by David Litwack, a speculative, magical realism, fantasy adventure that will entertain you, to be sure, but it might also cause you to reconsider your life, your dreams, and your goals, and; 2) THE WATCHERS by Jo Sisk-Purvis, the critically acclaimed first book in The Trekana series of other-world, young adult, sci-fi/fantasy adventures. We think you’ll enjoy these books, too, and provide these previews as a FREE extra service, which you should in no way consider a part of the price you paid for this book. We hope you will both appreciate and enjoy the opportunity. Thank you.


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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or the author has used them fictitiously.

    Books by David Litwack


    Book 1: The Children of Darkness

    Book 2: The Stuff of Stars

    Book 3: The Light of Reason


    Along the Watchtower


    The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky


    The Maker of Worlds


    The Time That’s Given


    What Others Are Saying about David Litwack’s Books



    "A tightly executed first fantasy installment that champions the exploratory spirit. ~ Kirkus Reviews



    The protagonist’s courage—and Litwack’s magisterial plotting—will spur readers on to the next installment. A grand revelatory saga that continues to unfold. ~ Kirkus Reviews



    "... a wonderful conclusion to a truly remarkable series... one of those special series that only comes along now and then and should not be missed. ~ Jas P.



    ...gritty reality and magical fantasy... filled with both love and beauty, and ugliness and despair, but ultimately a story of healing, of burying the past, finding hope and taking control of the future. ~ Awesome Indies



    Author David Litwack gracefully weaves together his message with alternating threads of the fantastic and the realistic.... The reader will find wisdom and grace in this beautifully written story. ~ San Francisco Book Review



    ...the tale excels as a fantasy... and as a drama... but the author truly shines in more conceptual moment... A keen and delightful multi-genre tale about a hero grappling with two worlds. ~ Kirkus Reviews


    We’re pleased to offer you not one, but two Special Sneak Previews at the end of this book.


    In the first preview, you’ll enjoy the first chapter of THE TIME THAT’S GIVEN by David Litwack, a speculative, magical realism, fantasy adventure that will entertain you, to be sure, but it might also cause you to reconsider your life, your dreams, and your goals.




    "I consider The Time That’s Given one of the most inspiring fantasy novels I have ever read." ~ Astrid Iustulin, Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews (5 STARS)


    ...a delicious and thought-provoking book full of introspective questions and the choices one makes in the moment. ~ Feathered Quill Book Awards




    DAVID LITWACK’S Books at Evolved Publishing

    In the second preview, you’ll enjoy the first two chapters of THE WATCHERS by Jo Sisk-Purvis, the critically acclaimed first book in The Trekana series of other-world, young adult, sci-fi/fantasy adventures.



    The novel’s world-building is stellar... renders the complex history and culture of Alesea’s world with rich, evocative detail... With its deft storytelling, colorful and polished writing, and immensely likable central character, THE WATCHERS by Jo Sisk-Purvis is a captivating opening chapter of a promising new fantasy adventure series. ~ Indie Reader


    Jo Sisk-Purvis weaves a fascinating journey into the fantasy world of The Watchers. When I finish a book and instantly want to start the next in the series, I know the author has succeeded; this author has, and I can highly recommend The Watchers. ~ Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews




    THE TREKANA Series at Evolved Publishing

    Table of Contents


    Books by David Litwack

    What Others Are Saying about David Litwack’s Books


    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1 – The Departure

    Chapter 2 – On Dry Land

    Chapter 3 – The Custodian

    Chapter 4 – Visions

    Chapter 5 – Lyra

    Chapter 6 – Shooting Stars

    Chapter 7 – Apples

    Chapter 8 – Honey

    Chapter 9 – Apples and Honey

    Chapter 10 – Hopes and Dreams


    Chapter 11 – Beginnings

    Chapter 12 – The Village

    Chapter 13 – The Castle

    Chapter 14 – The Lord of the Castle

    Chapter 15 – The Thorny Parts

    Chapter 16 – Enchanted Forest

    Chapter 17 – First Test

    Chapter 18 – Lessons

    Chapter 19 – Phantoms

    Chapter 20 – Wind, Rain, and Fire

    Chapter 21 – A Veil over the Mind

    Chapter 22 – Trial and Error

    Chapter 23 – Final Test

    Chapter 24 – A Cottage in the Woods

    Chapter 25 – No Teaching Today


    Chapter 26 – Omens

    Chapter 27 – Violent Visions

    Chapter 28 – Hope and Fear

    Chapter 29 – Battle

    Chapter 30 – Malik

    Chapter 31 – Mountain View

    Chapter 32 – Minor Magicians, Major Magic

    Chapter 33 – Rebirth

    Chapter 34 – Fairy Blood

    Chapter 35 – Crossroads

    Chapter 36 – The Wood Between Worlds

    Special Sneak Preview: THE TIME THAT’S GIVEN by David Litwack


    About the Author

    More from David Litwack

    More from Evolved Publishing

    Special Sneak Preview: THE WATCHERS by Jo Sisk-Purvis


    For Terri and our new world


    For Amy, Lisa, and Sara, who may someday make their own


    When the cold of winter comes

    Starless night will cover day,

    In the veiling of the sun

    We will walk in bitter rain,

    But in dreams I can hear your name

    And in dreams We will meet again

    ~ Fran Walsh

    Chapter 1 – The Departure

    All stories begin with a question, and this is mine: if you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?

    Let me start from the beginning.

    The day before my leap, spring had peeked above the horizon. A bolder sun had inspired buds to sprout on the branches, so tiny they stood out only when moistened by the morning dew. A smattering of flowers had bloomed as well, daffodils and the tips of tulips that showed more as promise. Forsythias bulged yellow, lilacs blossomed and spread their fragrance, and the air tasted fresher too, as if purified by the increased sunlight. A time for hope.

    But not for me. The arrival of spring did nothing to remove the cloud that had shadowed my days and darkened my dreams these past six months.

    Addy had always chided me for living only part time in the real world, the rest of my time filled with flights of fantasy.

    I disagreed. My approach had always been a conscious choice, a matter of perspective. After all, what was so wonderful about reality?

    Her answer: only in the real world would I find her.

    I discovered too late how harsh my life would be without her.

    I’d slept poorly that night, my sleep disturbed by dreams, but when I awoke well before dawn, my resolve remained. Though I’d sleepwalked through my coming of age five years earlier, my circumstance had now changed, replaced by a lingering sadness, a malaise that would not heal. I’d become inclined to imagine another life elsewhere, desperate to try out an alternate path. On this day, I intended to test the maelstrom.

    The maelstrom appeared as a swirling circle of water for only three days each year, starting at the equinox—an unusual anomaly that behaved in a manner different from a proper whirlpool. This vortex hovered a foot above the lake’s surface and, more bizarrely, stood vertical.

    Townsfolk debated its purpose. The more rational claimed a perturbation of light, like a prism, caused by sprays of seasonal runoff and the angle of the sun. Others believed it to be magic, though none existed in our world.

    Of course, what we called magic might be nothing more than a label for things beyond the boundaries of reason. Natural phenomenon might still be magic. The sun’s rays lifted our spirits, and the advent of spring lightened our hearts.

    Each year, as the equinox approached, young boys who’d reached their eighteenth year would boast about their intent to challenge the maelstrom. In practice, few did. By eighteen, most had narrowed their path through life, following the example of their elders, or rebelled and chosen a contrarian course. With age, the lust for adventure diminished to bluster, tall tales told to impress their younger peers.

    Those who took the leap landed with a splash on the far side to the derision of their mates, but rumors alleged one had vanished years ago as villagers gaped, never to return. Philosophers speculated the swirling water might be a gateway to the gods, but only for those with sufficient faith.

    At eighteen, I would never have abandoned Addy, but once she was gone, my desire for change stirred. While I lacked the required faith, this was caused by the cruelty of the world, and did not reflect my belief in magic. My desperation grew until, in the spring of my twenty-third year, I determined to go.

    I’d leave before sunup, guaranteeing solitude on the shore. Should I stumble through the maelstrom to no effect, no one would witness my folly. Still in a daze, I stowed provisions in my backpack: a day’s worth of salted mutton, a loaf of hard bread, two dried apples, a full waterskin, a knife, a flint, and a rain slicker to ward off the morning chill.

    At the doorway of my Queen’s Hill cottage, I hesitated. This morning’s excursion would likely be a fool’s errand, but what if it turned out to be something more, a journey to who-knows-where? As I gazed down to the lake, a sense of foreboding crept over me. No matter. Foolhardy or not, I was committed.

    I slipped across the threshold and navigated the switchbacks in the dark.

    The maelstrom hovered over the shallows a dozen paces offshore, in the dim light showing as nothing more than a disturbance in the air. I yanked off my boots, knotted the laces and slung them around my neck. As I rolled my trousers above the knee, I cast a lingering glance up the hill to catch a last glimpse of my cottage.

    I waited until the eastern horizon reddened and waded into the lake.

    An arm’s length from the gateway, I reached out, keeping as far away as possible while my fingertips brushed its surface. It felt like... nothing, likely no more than an illusion. In half an hour, I’d be back in my bed, no closer to comprehending the universe. Yet I’d yearned for a portal to another world, one that might allow me to deviate from accepted norms. I longed to float off to a fresher fate.

    Once, I too would have followed the safe path, with no risk of surprise, but then life did surprise me with a cosmic slap across the face that left me shattered—the taking of Addy. At twenty-two, misfortune had cleared the slate, leaving me alone and adrift.

    I drew in a breath and plunged through.

    In the light of pre-dawn, and in my half-awake state, no difference struck me at first, other than the chill waters deeper than expected, soaking the rolls of my trousers. Out of the mist on either side, giant evergreens loomed graceful as usual, rising until their tops blurred. The view so distracted me that several heartbeats passed before I realized the change.

    Perhaps I was still sleeping in my bed, for where the channel to the west lake should have been, a broad flood plain spread. The water had washed over the banks and crept inland for a hundred paces, leaving the trees the only witness to what once had been dry land.

    Beyond the trees, nothing.

    Nowhere a dock or a mooring, not so much as a hint of early morning smoke rising from a chimney. Nowhere the cottages of Queen’s Hill. Nowhere houses at all. As I gaped, the edges of branches shimmered as if undecided whether to remain intangible or become real. In a panic, I realized the folly of this quest. Better to return to a safer, albeit gloomier life, to go back through the portal at once.

    Behind me, the maelstrom still swirled, a fleeting comfort as it had started to recede. While I stared at the last link to my old world, the orb diminished, shrunk to a size I could cover with my hand, and then to that of the tip of my thumb. Before I sloshed more than two steps closer, it winked out.

    Now, to the north and the south, nothing showed but water. I stumbled to shore, my movements causing the slightest wake in the surface, which lay so still I could make out my astonished features in the reflection.

    I’d spent much of my young life with Addy, like a mate sailing across a forever lake. She’d been with me through calm and storm. I’d yearned to find renewed hope on this side of the gateway and return home to a new life, yet now the gateway, like Addy, had vanished.

    Chapter 2 – On Dry Land

    I slogged through the muddy bank to the shore, settled on a flat rock, and rolled down my trouser legs to dry. After pulling on and tying my boots, I spread the contents of my pack on the ground and took stock of the situation.

    This land appeared vast and lush, with dense forest on all sides. The lake may not be potable, but with so much greenery the rain must fall, and where it rained, bubbling brooks flowed.

    Food was another matter. Staring at my scant provisions, I realized how poorly I’d planned. Despite my wild fantasies, I’d expected to return no later than sunset, though I’d ruminated on finding a thriving castle, one with an arched window high up in the tower through which I might behold a fair princess. I’d never considered the possibility of hunger or thirst. I eyed the modest chunk of mutton and decided to stow it away. Best to ration for now.

    The sun cleared the treetops, spreading its beams across the land. I sat in less a clearing than a spit of sand where years of flooding had washed away the vegetation. The surrounding forest appeared impassable, until I spotted two intertwining trunks forming an archway. I crept toward it, peered through, and caught a path on the far side with pine needles pressed flat, as if others had passed that way.

    I headed off through a tunnel of branches while the sun dappled the way, pausing only for an occasional sip of water. By midday, my pace slowed, and I plodded along on terrain so unchanging I worried the trail had circled back on itself. By dusk, I’d found no brook or stream, no trees bursting with fruit, and no bushes lush with berries.

    Spending the night hungry, thirsty, and exposed held no appeal. With nightfall, the temperature would drop. Already the coming chill prickled my skin, and I longed for the meanest form of shelter.

    How strange to find oneself in an alien world, cut adrift from every prior connection, blocked from returning home and uncertain of what lay ahead. The thrill of adventure sweetened the sensation at first, and the glow of youthful pride warmed it, but soon fear began to dominate. I spun about, peeking around and above to the trees. I was alone.

    About to yield to despair, I stumbled upon what appeared to be a man-made shelter. Four poles had been stuck into the soft earth, two upright and two supporting them at an angle, an unlikely feat of nature. On closer inspection, the tops had been trimmed with a knife or axe and bound together with hemp twine, as I might have constructed myself.

    I licked my dry lips. Now, if only I could find a stream. I spun around heel to toe, searching for some sign of moisture or the runoff of rain. I held my breath and waited, listening. Nothing. Tired and desperate, I squeezed my eyes shut and envisioned a bubbling brook.

    No birds sang, but in the near perfect silence, a persistent murmur came wafting on the breeze, the splash of running water.

    Its muffled presence came more as thought than sound, but inexplicably, I knew. A few paces behind the shelter, a path trailed away, so narrow I’d missed it before. I followed it, fighting off encroaching branches along the way. It dead-ended at the edge of a hill where, to my delight, a waist-high boulder stood as if holding back the hillside. Through a crack at its center trickled the purest stream.

    I stuck my mouth beneath it and, without the need to ration, drank until my sides hurt. After I’d refilled my empty skin and surveyed the scene, a realization struck me. The rock and stream had appeared as I’d envisioned them, though I’d never viewed them before. My passage through the gateway had been improbable. How else might this world surprise me?

    With a modest shelter and plentiful water, I deemed this a proper place to spend the night. The hill would protect my back, and the canopy of trees overhead would provide cover should the rain fall.

    I’d gone camping in my youth, hiking inland from the lake to the mountains to stay overnight, but always in the warmth of summer. Now, as the chill set in, I gathered pine needles in a circle, cut small shavings from downed branches, and surrounded the bird’s nest with a wooden tower.

    Years had passed since I’d started a fire other than in my cottage stove. Now I clutched the flint a finger’s width from the kindling and scraped with my knife. It sparked twice, three times, but my handiwork refused to ignite. I made a desperate wish, picturing a roaring fire, and struck the flint once more.

    Sparks flew and, this time, the needles smoldered. I blew on them and the kindling caught enough to show tongues of orange. With added wood, the flames crackled and rose. I hovered over them, stamping on the ground and slapping my hands on my arms. I’d done it, my first accomplishment in this world, and with a sense of unwarranted bravado, I settled in for the night.

    I’d slept poorly the prior night and awoken before sunrise. This day’s hike had been long and confounding, and now a weariness overcame me. I gathered piles of hemlock needles, and spread them inside the shelter, clustering more at the head for a pillow, and slipped beneath the threadbare boughs. As I tipped up the waterskin for a drink, I marveled at the stately pines that rose to startling heights overhead. Their tops

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