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His Mate His Girlfriend: The Perfect Mate
His Mate His Girlfriend: The Perfect Mate
His Mate His Girlfriend: The Perfect Mate
Ebook225 pages3 hours

His Mate His Girlfriend: The Perfect Mate

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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"Ellis," I followed Ellis' gaze, and he was staring at the woman behind me.


My knees weakened as Ellis whispered the words. I took a step back.

"Ellis, baby," I regained composure and went to him in an attempt to get his attention.

"Mate," he whispered again, ignoring me and looking at Charlotte. I could barely breathe, and all I did was step aside. Ellis took steps forward to her and slowly cupped Charlotte's crying face with trembling hands.

"Hello, mate,"

No, no, no. I silently begged the moon goddess to wake me from this nightmare...


Love Chasia is heartbroken when her boyfriend of ten years finds his mate and chooses her, forgetting the promise he made to stay by her side forever.

The best and only option for her is to leave and never see him again, but what happens when she discovers she's pregnant?

Five years later, they meet in a way they didn't expect. Now, he is her new boss. The passion, love, and lingering feelings they thought were buried come back with full force, especially now that she works in his company.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
His Mate His Girlfriend: The Perfect Mate

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Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I like it but it isn't complete there are way more chapters not here
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved this series but what about Solara? Another book, fingers crossed!!!

Book preview

His Mate His Girlfriend - Sunshine Princess

CHAPTER 102 Intense Kisses


Seumo and Melody kept the kids entertained after dinner. It was getting late, yet no one wanted to leave. When we gathered like this, no one wanted to leave.

With a nudge from Ellis, not a nudge, he kicked them out in a not-so-polite but funny way. They were pouting as they left. 

We had to shower the kids. We took them to the ensuite bathroom. Cayden paused and frowned. 

Guys, brush your teeth, Ellis said as he went to the tub to start the warm water.

What is it, sweetheart, I asked, noticing he froze, his eyes sternly staring at the sink. 

I saw Uncle Luis and Aunty Zey trying to make a baby there, he said, pointing at the sink. I scowled. 

Oh, Cay. No one makes a baby on a sink, Solara giggled, shaking her head. 

They can! 

I didn't know what to say to them. Ellis was back by my side, immediately catching on to what they were talking about. Our kids turned to us, and asked, 

Can they?! 

How do babies come to be in mummy's belly? 

Well, that escalated fast, Murmured Ellis. We didn't know what to say. They were looking at us with eager eyes. 

Tell us, 

I'll let you do that, I said to Ellis. He looked betrayed, his eyes widening after I said that. He looked uncomfortable with this conversation. 

Mommy and Daddy go to the hospital. They are given a pill which they ingest, and when they kiss on the lips, a baby will appear in mommy's stomach, he explained expertly. I raised an eyebrow. He was such a smooth liar. 

Good job, 

Traitor, he mumbled. 

Just getting you back for the bummer mom, thing, I smiled tightly at him. 

You're the coolest, strongest, and best mom in the world, he told me. I so wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him deeply. Thank you, I mouthed to him

Oh well. Do you think Aunty Zey and Uncle Luis wanted a lot of babies? They kissed for a long time, Cayden said. 

Zeyneb and Luis? Ellis was dumbfounded. I gave him a nervous, tight-lipped smile. It was not my place to say anything. 

Yes, I think they want a baby, Cayden said, shrugging as he turned to brush his teeth. After a long discussion, we finally got the children to bed and tucked them in. I was kissing him goodnight, when he removed the money from the side drawer, and put it under his pillow. I smiled without saying a word and kissed his forehead. 

Good night, Mommy. I love you, he said. 

I love you so much, too, baby, 

I turned off the light and went to the kitchen. I needed a glass of wine. Ellis was still in Solara's room. She probably wanted to be told a bedtime story. I started cleaning the spotless kitchen. 

 I was suddenly feeling anxious. It was the first time we'd been so close, just us two the whole night. Vee loved this. I stiffened when I felt him behind me. Warm hands wrapped around my waist, and his lips on my nape. I had a warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach. My heart is racing. His scent was alluring. Too alluring to me. 

I swallowed and turned to him. 

I need to go and put a ten-dollar bill under Cay's pillow. I was just making up excuses now. 

I already switched the money as per your insistence, he gave me a knowing smirk. He was driving me crazy. Before I could make up another reason, he carried me abruptly and put me on the kitchen counter, cornering me. He was standing between my legs.

Any more excuses you want to give me? he husked, his lips close to me. The warmth of his breath caresses my skin. His smirk annoyed me so much! 

You're such a jerk, I murmured. He knew he had me.

Our lips are dangerously close. I couldn't help but put my hands in his hair. His hair is silk and beautiful. Ellis leaned in but, to my surprise, he kissed my cheek. 

Cheek? I frowned. 

You don't want me to kiss your lips, his eyes are on my lips. 

I couldn't help it. I pulled him close and kissed him fiercely. He immediately kissed me back. His lips tasted so good... I missed this so much. His naughty hands are already caressing my body. I moaned after our kiss. His tongue was dominating, driving me crazy. Ellis made me burn. The sensation coursing through my body overwhelmed me. I was trembling and moaning. I grabbed his hem, kissing him harder, and deep. 

Love ... Love, his voice is consummated by lust. My self-control left me. He had no control either, as he kissed me everywhere. My dress annoyed him. He keeps wanting to remove it. He tore the strap off me, and I chuckled at his eagerness.

No, no! I don't want a baby sibling! 

I gasped, and turned when I heard my daughter's little voice. She was standing at the entrance, holding her white plushie, and looking upset. 

Ellis dropped his head on my shoulder, and let out a disgruntled groan. I caressed his hair once. 

Solara marched in, and extended her arms towards her father, Daddy, up, 

Ellis carried her. 

Our little princess is a cock blocker, Ellis whispered to me, kissing her hair. 

Good, because I need to shower, I jumped from the counter and went downstairs. I left Ellis to tuck her back into bed.

My body is still reeling from the high I was in. I was still hot, excited, and worried. Worried because I hadn't been with someone in almost six years. My body had changed too because I was a mother, which I loved. But what if he didn't like it? What if the sex isn't as good as it was? I remember having the best sex with Ellis. 

I took a shower and washed my hair. After I was done, I wore his shirt and waited for him in bed. An hour had gone by and he wasn't back. I wondered what was talking so long. I tried to stay awake, until I couldn't wait anymore as sleep took over my body. 

I only stirred awake when I felt warm fingers under my shirt. I knew instantly it was Ellis even though I was half asleep. His fingers were doing something to me, driving me crazy. I turned my back, and faced him. My ears felt hot and my chest started heaving up and down,

Ready to finish what we started? 

CHAPTER 103 I Want You


I tucked my daughter in bed. I was eager to go back to Love. To finish what we started in the kitchen. I had blue balls and I was sure that I would cum i just looking at her. I kissed my Solara goodnight, but she grabbed my hand. 

Read me a bedtime story, Daddy, I was disappointed. But I did whatever my princess wanted. How long can a five-year-old book be? 

Which one, Princess? I asked. 

The cat in the hat, she said. I grabbed the book off the shelf. She scooted to make room for me in the bed. I got in bed with her and started reading the story. It was near the end when she said I read so fast, so I needed to start over again.

I just wanted to tell her to sleep and let Dad have one thing with mummy. It had been almost six years for fucksakes! 

I finished reading the book slower, and this time, I was sure she was sleeping, but when I glanced down, her big blue eyes made contact with mine. I stifled a groan and kissed her forehead. I continued reading the book. I almost jumped with excitement when I heard her yawn, and her eyes began to close. As I snuck out of bed, she threw an arm around my torso. 

Stay with me, Daddy, she said in a sleep-filled voice. 

Yes, my daughter was cock blocking me. 


Will you sleep in bed with me? she asked, her eyes wide awake as a smile appeared on her face. 

I would love to, but Mommy is waiting for me. I should help finish cleaning the kitchen, babe, I told her gently. 

You're not cleaning the kitchen. You want to make a baby! she accused, her voice croaking. Oh so, that's why she didn't want me to go. She didn't want another sibling. 

No, we are not having a baby, I assured her. Not now, I added. She exploded in tears. I almost chuckled. 

I don't want another sibling! she shouted. I swear, she looked so adorable. I couldn't help but watch and smile. 


Because parents love the new baby more, and you won't like to play with us anymore. I like how things are, she said. 

Okay. No new baby, 

She extended her small pinky finger. I smiled as we made a pact. I stayed with her for a few more minutes, reading to her until she fell asleep. I snuck out of the room successfully. I let out a long sigh but stilled when I felt movement from the next room. Cayden, was awake, too? Goddess, what the fuck! The door to Cayden's room opened. He was sleepy. 

Dad, my throat is sore. I want water, he said. I nodded and kissed his hair. We went downstairs to the kitchen, and I gave him water. 

Are you alright, buddy? I asked him. 

I had a strange dream, he said. Should I ask what it was about? How long would it take? I sighed and asked, 

About what? 

I grabbed another bottle of water from the fridge and held his hand, talking him back to his room. Cayden's dream was exciting for him. It was about zombies and sharks. Most of it didn't make sense to me, but I listened to all of it. Once he fell asleep. I bolted out of there to my bedroom, locking the door. I turned around and looked at the bed, 

NO, NO, NO! Unfortunately for me, the prize I was rushing for was asleep. She lay on my bed, wearing nothing but my white shirt. Her long legs were on display, and her butt, her perfect butt, was angled in a way that tempted me. I resisted the urge to scream into a pillow. I was sleeping with blue balls. I couldn't. She was too tempting! I couldn't lie next to her without touching her or climbing between her legs. I pondered on what to do for a moment. My lycan wasn't helping. He wanted her and wanted her now. I climbed on the bed, all while my hand caressed her thigh. I caressed her gently, and she was reacting to my touch subtly. I hovered over her. Still sleep-dazed, she turned, so she was lying on her back. Her eyes barely open, but she smiled. I bent down, kissing her open neck. Love had always been sensitive there. 

Ellis, It's late, she moaned. As I continued to kiss her, my hands roamed to her breasts, fondling them. She arched her back closer to me, and I kissed her lips. She opened her mouth, and I explored her mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance,

I want you, I said in her ear. I wanted her so badly it hurt. Literally. Her eyes were now wide open. Her breath shuddered, and her eyes were dark with lust. I smirked as I spread her legs wide. 

I placed kisses on her body and caressed every part of her. She was wet, so fucking wet and ready. 

 I felt apprehension from her when I took off her shirt, leaving her naked. 

Love... What is it? I asked. She blushed deeply and couldn't look at me. I tilted her chin at me. Even so, her eyes didn't meet mine. 

I'm scared the sex will be terrible, she confessed. I stared at her confused. That was what she was worried about. 

Love... I tried to get her attention. I was baffled as to why she was feeling insecure.

I haven't been with anyone since you, and the sex won't be like before because I had two kids! she spiraled. Love buried her face between her legs, feeling ashamed. I couldn't believe that. Love hasn't been intimate with anyone since me. I was pleased, but I felt like shit. I was with Charlotte when she was gone. It was only a few times and meant nothing to me, but still. 

Love, I adore you, She was blushing after my words, trying to evade my gaze, I don't care about any of that. I want to be with you, the love of my life and the mother of my kids. I want to hold you and be with you in all ways, I told her, gently kissing her lips. 

Oh, stop, since when are you so cheesy? I'm blushing like a teen now, she was embarrassed. I chuckled and gave her a new kiss, unable to hold it. Our new kiss was sincere and passionate. She wasn't shy anymore. Her breathes louder. She struggled to get me out of my shirt but did. I tugged my shorts away. We were both naked against each other.

I felt her reach to touch my hard erection, and she smiled. Slowly, she lowered her back on the bed. Gently, I buried my erection in her sweet, warm, moist pussy.

 A lot of things happened at once, and the feeling I experienced was better than ever. I didn't want to be without it. I felt a heavy, dark, and oppressive energy leave my body. 

Something light and better replaced the oppressive darkness in me. Love's eyes shone golden, and one word left her lips,


CHAPTER 104 The Krayton Family


I was a nervous wreck. I invited my entire family over for dinner at my house. I wanted them to meet my mate. I first texted my elder sister, Margret, to confirm if she was coming.

I was standing in front of the mirror when Todd walked behind me, his hands on my shoulder. 

You're so tense, Michael. It would help if you relaxed, he said. I narrowed my gaze on him. He wasn't in the least nervous. 

Why are you so calm about this? I told you what my father is like towards gays, 

So what? I already know what to expect. Also, this is not my first Rodeo. My ex-boyfriend's mother and grandfather were terrible towards us, Todd was very calm. I was worried about him. I wouldn't want my father to send him running from me. 

Is your mom coming? he asked. My mother had met him already, and they hit it off. Todd met some of my family members. It was only my Dad. I didn't introduce them. 

I was also worried that my parents would see each other for the first time since Dad's engagement party. My mom caused a scene and lunged for my father and his now wife, Raya. They had a complex relationship. It was a bitter-sweet relationship, and no one wanted to witness it. 

Relax, honey, everything will be alright, he assured me. I smiled and kissed him deeply. I wanted more of his lips, as always. His lips were addicting. However, he pulled away from me and scowled as he observed me. 

Change the shirt. It washes you out, he said and turned to leave. 

I knew it, I sighed and changed into a blue shirt instead of a pink. 

I heard talking and yelling downstairs. It was probably my sister's children. Those four could never get along.

They're here! Todd screamed. 

Almost done! I hollered to him before he came in there and dragged me out. My phone beeped, and I checked. It was Margret

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