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Light Me Up
Light Me Up
Light Me Up
Ebook89 pages55 minutes

Light Me Up

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When Cat caught her boyfriend of three years cheating on her, she didn't stick around to listen to his excuses. Instead, she picked up her life and moved to the home her grandmother left her in Minnesota. Maybe moving right before Christmas was a bad idea, but she needed a fresh start in a new place. 


Cameron was minding his own business, walking his dogs, when he stumbled on a woman who'd fallen in the snow. At first contact, he's smitten and he doesn't want to let her out of his sight. 


Cue a snowstorm that won't quit and a power outage that leaves Cat and Cameron stuck making their own electricity. 


This is an over-the-top instalove story just in time for the holidays!


PublisherBree Kraemer
Release dateNov 18, 2020
Light Me Up

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    Light Me Up - Bree Kraemer

    Light Me Up

    A Christmas Novella, Volume 1

    Bree Kraemer

    Published by Bree Kraemer, 2020.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

    Light Me Up

    First edition. 2020.

    Copyright © 2020 Bree Kraemer.

    Written by Bree Kraemer.

    Edited by Katelyn Corich

    Also by Bree Kraemer

    The Only Series

    Only By His Touch

    Only With Trust

    If Only

    Only You

    Only For Love

    Cedarville Novels

    An Unexpected Home

    Capturing Us

    Choosing You

    Better Together

    A Chance Worth Taking

    Forever Starts Here

    After All These Years

    Won’t Let You Down

    Say When

    Something to Lose

    Finally Home

    Friends & Brothers

    Sky High Love

    Bridge To Love

    When It’s Love

    Rockstar Romance

    Big City Heat Anthology (featuring The Right Note)

    Pick Me

    Chapter 1

    This might qualify as the stupidest thing Cat had ever done.

    And that included the time she danced on the table in four-inch heels which had her subsequently falling off the table and into the lap of a very hot guy. A guy who became her boyfriend until five days ago when she broke up with him after walking in on him screwing their next-door neighbor.

    One bad decision always led to more bad decisions.

    This was no different.

    It was twenty below zero and she was walking door-to-door in a foot of snow looking for the owner of the dog she’d found on her front porch. Her toes, fingers, and everything in between were frozen. She could no longer feel her lips, and snowflakes were hanging off her eyelashes, making it very hard to see.

    Who lets their dog roam the neighborhood in the middle of a freaking snowstorm?

    Even more, why was that person not out searching for his or her dog?

    Doing nice things was supposed to bring good vibes, but the only vibes she had were the stabbing pains from her frozen body parts.

    She’d been in Winter Hill, Minnesota all of three days, and she was painfully aware of where the name came from. Northern Minnesota was a far cry from South Carolina. While she’d heard stories all her life about how cold it was in the winter and how much snow fell, she’d never seen it for herself. She’d only ever visited her grandma in the summer months.

    All this snow explained why.

    Her grandma was gone now, having died six months ago, and in some random twist of fate, she’d left Cat her home in Winter Hill. The original plan was to sell it, but that all changed when Cat had walked in on her boyfriend naked, with his dick inside their neighbor. Their very young, barely legal neighbor.

    Not that she was old at twenty-five, but Serena, she was a freshman in college. And they’d lived next door to her and her family for three years. Which to Cat was just disgusting. Had Paul been thinking about Serena since she’d been fifteen?

    Shivers ran through her body at the thought of the man she used to love, lusting after someone that young. She couldn’t even look at him after that, let alone talk to him.

    So on a whim, she’d packed a bag, hopped in her car, and drove for what felt like an eternity from South Carolina to Winter Hill.

    It took her three total days with stops along the way to sleep, but she needed space. Space to think and regroup. Space to figure out what went wrong without everyone in her family asking eight million questions. In those three days, she examined her relationship with Paul. The first few months they’d been together, he’d been attentive, caring, and loving. After a while, though, things started to change.

    He hated it when she went out with friends, yet he was allowed to go out with his work buddies several nights a week. And in the last year or so, he’d come home later and later, each time smelling of women’s perfume.

    She’d known something was wrong, knew he was probably cheating on her, but she’d shoved it under the rug because she told herself she was happy. They had a nice home together and she didn’t want to jeopardize that.

    But when she’d walked in on him with the neighbor, she couldn’t pretend any longer.

    And now, there she was, two days before Christmas, in a strange town where she knew nobody, out in the cold snow, searching for the owner of a stray dog.

    Screw this and screw finding the owner. She was going home and taking the dog with her.

    Only, just like always, one mistake led to another. Her abrupt turn had her leg getting caught up in the leash, and in seconds, she found herself flat on her back, covered in snow, with a stray dog licking her face.

    Fuck my life, she gritted out through the pain. She’d landed oddly on her elbow and now there was a shooting pain all the way up and down her left arm.

    There was a noise behind her and when she tilted her head, she saw a large figure approaching. The snow was falling even heavier now that she could barely see inches in front of her face.

    Miss, are you okay? she heard a deep voice ask. Of course, it was a man. Just her bad luck.

    I’m fine. She tried to sit up but winced in pain when she used her left arm.

    You are not okay. He was closer now, but she still couldn’t really see him. Sit. Stay.

    Excuse me?

    "I’m talking

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