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Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in The Cold West: Lee Hacklyn, #1
Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in The Cold West: Lee Hacklyn, #1
Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in The Cold West: Lee Hacklyn, #1
Ebook36 pages21 minutes

Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in The Cold West: Lee Hacklyn, #1

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About this ebook

New York City.  1979.


Mayor Elmer Pickett of Cold Kingdom, Montana, hires Lee to investigate the murder of his town council.

PublisherJohn Leister
Release dateMay 25, 2024
Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in The Cold West: Lee Hacklyn, #1

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    Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator in The Cold West - John Leister


    Oh, you’ve got to be kidding!  Who wrote this drivel?  Is anyone here really enjoying this?  How can a man fly without any visible means of propulsion?  And why does he wear his underwear on the outside?  Is he a drag queen?  Oh, this is rich!  He puts on a pair of glasses and nobody recognizes him.  This is a movie for dateless wonders who pull their pants up to their chins.  The music’s okay.

    It was January 1st, Happy New Year, Saturday night and I was with my mother, Alison Hacklyn, she who birthed me, my sister, Ann, twenty-eight, two years older than me, a corporate lawyer and her daughter, my niece, duh, Gretchen who was all of four, inside the Tiara theater in Flushing, maybe it was founded by a plumber, and we were watching Superman.

    I was my seventh viewing.  I thought it was fantastic.  Others begged to differ.

    I ate my popcorn and sat on my hands, to wallop or not to wallop, until Gretchen burst into tears.

    She whispered, How come that man is so angry, Uncle Lee?

    He didn’t have a wonderful movie, like you do, hon.

    Ann beamed.  Mom leaned forward and elbowed my stomach.


    Don’t start.  I’ll get the usher.  Although for the record?  I agree with him.

    Usher bet that’s a waste of time, Mom.

    Ann chuckled.  Nice to have a fan.

    Mom said, Don’t expect any calls from Johnny Carson.

    I stood and said, I’ll be right back.  Stay tuned.


    The Super-Heckler was a cross between Norman Fell and Larry Linville, their weights combined.

    Hey, do you mind?  You’re upsetting my niece.

    "Yes, I mind.  Did I wake up this morning in communist China? 

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