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365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14: One Question a Day for Personal Growth and Confidence Building
365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14: One Question a Day for Personal Growth and Confidence Building
365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14: One Question a Day for Personal Growth and Confidence Building
Ebook51 pages33 minutes

365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14: One Question a Day for Personal Growth and Confidence Building

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Is your son navigating the transformative early years of adolescence? The book "365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14

Release dateMay 27, 2024
365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14: One Question a Day for Personal Growth and Confidence Building

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    Book preview

    365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14 - Mauricio Vasquez


    Insightful Questions

    for Boys Aged 13-14


    Insightful Questions

    for Boys Aged 13-14

    One Question a Day for Personal Growth and Confidence Building

    Aria Capri Publishing

    Devon Abbruzzese

    Mauricio Vasquez

    Toronto, Canada

    365 Insightful Questions for Boys Aged 13-14 by Aria Capri Publishing [Aria Capri International Inc.]. All Rights Reserved.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, shared with third parties, stored in any type of retrieval system, digitized, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this publication, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    Copyright © 2024, Aria Capri Publishing [Aria Capri International Inc.]. All Rights Reserved.


    Devon Abbruzzese

    Mauricio Vasquez

    Aria Capri Publishing

    First Printing: May 2024

    ISBN-978-1-998402-37-3 (Paperback book)

    ISBN-978-1-998402-36-6 (Hardcover book)

    ISBN-978-1-998402-35-9 (Electronic book)


    Welcome to a journey that is as critical as it is transformative, a journey through the crucial years of early adolescence. This book is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of boys aged 13 to 14—a transformative stage where young teens begin to navigate the complex pathways of identity, relationships, and personal growth. Here, we embark on an exploration of the vital role that thoughtful, probing questions play in engaging and developing the adolescent mind and spirit.

    The Power of Questions

    At the heart of this guide is a profound yet simple tool: the question. Questions are the keys that unlock the inner workings of the adolescent mind, revealing

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