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Bites Back: Witches of the Wildwood, #2
Bites Back: Witches of the Wildwood, #2
Bites Back: Witches of the Wildwood, #2
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Bites Back: Witches of the Wildwood, #2

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In the bewitching sequel to "Hard Licks," the mystical mountain town of Wet Waterfalls is once again engulfed in turmoil. As Jade grapples with the sudden disappearance of Dylan and Roosevelt's baffling behavior —she now harbors a secret that will change everything.

With demons growing more aggressive by the day and her best friend Yuki's mental health hanging in the balance, Jade finds herself thrust into a game of cat and mouse. As she struggles to find the source of the danger, she also grapples with finding balance in her love life. Jade must summon all her strength and cunning to navigate the treacherous trails ahead.

Will Jade unravel the mysteries that bind her world together, or will her secrets consume her from within? Brace yourself for a riveting tale of love, magic, and redemption, where the shadows of the past cast a long and sinister shadow over the fate of Wet Waterfalls.

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Bites Back: Witches of the Wildwood, #2

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    Book preview

    Bites Back - Lulu M. Sylvian


    Howling wind raced around the Lodge, screaming through every crack it could find. This was the kind of storm where the Frankensteins of the world created monsters. Rain fell, lightning followed so close the thunder crashed the Lodge.

    The double doors to the Lodge burst open with a shot-gun blast of noise. I scrambled from my seat on the couch and crossed the cavernous lobby. I used all of my strength to push the doors closed. Lightning crashed again outlining the form of a tall man with long flowing hair reaching out to me.

    I lost my grip on reality, and any stability I may have possessed. I fell back as the doors opened on a powerful gust of wind.

    Dylan’s hair flowed about him like some anime hero as he strode toward me.

    One second he was bathed in a glorious light, the next he was on his knees in front of me.

    Are you okay? he asked as he helped me up.

    I blinked. A lot. I was afraid to touch him lest he wasn’t real. Wasn’t solid. I let my hands fall to his chest and spread out, and down his arms. He was firm and solid beneath my fingers.

    His dark shirt was wet and plastered to his skin. I could feel the distinction of his defined muscles when I returned my hands to his chest and traced them out to his shoulders.

    You’re here. I cried and wrapped myself around him. He was in my arms.

    Something like that. He turned and closed the door, throwing the floor blot, and the secondary bolt.

    You were dead. I saw you take you last breath. I felt your heart stop. I was a blubbering mess.

    He scooped me up and headed upstairs. I couldn’t take my eyes from his face. What little light there was gave his skin a blue glow. The shadows made his features look sharper. Or maybe that was my memory not being perfect. But here he was, perfect.

    I didn’t pay much attention to where he was taking me until he put me down on my bed, and stood over me. I reached out, not wanting to lose the contact.

    You’re all wet, I managed to laugh through the crying.

    He removed his shirt and tossed it behind him. Better?

    Better? I didn’t think there was any possible way Dylan could be better. He was alive!

    I was up on my knees and reaching for him. Needing to touch him. Needing to confirm he was real and in my room. My good fingers traced over the rain cooled skin of his neck. He was too perfect. There was no scaring, no hint that his neck had ever been torn.

    How? I ran my hands over the area that had been so much damaged flesh only a couple of weeks ago.

    Dylan grabbed my left hand and kissed my fingers before cradling my right arm and kissing the exposed finger tips, and then the bandaged arm. He wrapped me in his arms as I began blubbering again. I didn’t care if he was a dream, because what else could he be? He had died, and now he was here to keep me safe from the horror inducing storm. Back with physical perfection.

    He leaned back, easing the embrace. His hand splayed over my lower abdomen. Are you really pregnant? You weren’t just saying that to keep me around?

    I waved my right arm around. They confirmed it when I had to get x-rays. You know it only takes once. But yeah, you planted a magic bean in there.

    Jade, he said my name like it was fresh cool water after a long walk through the desert.

    I knew this was reality because I had to take my clothes off, they didn’t magically disappear. We were skin to skin, perfect contact for hours. The storm raged outside.

    Lightning illuminated our bodies as we rediscovered each other. I may have only been with him briefly but I had committed every nuance of his frame to memory. Lean and strong with a runner’s body his muscles slid over his frame with strength and power.

    His body was beyond peak performance perfect. If he had a body mass with fifteen percent fat ratio before, he was cut now with something more like a seven percent fat ratio. He didn’t have the body of someone who had been sequestered away in a hidden hospital recovering from a near fatal injury. I would have taken him had he returned to me having doubled his weight. I just needed him.

    His skin was cool and damp as he pressed me against the bed. My own skin felt as if I had a fever, and his touch was a cooling respite to my discomfort. His hair stuck to me as it curtained me into his space

    His soft lips tasted like fresh rain. I ran my legs across his, delighting in the ability to touch him once again. I held his head to mine as we continued to explore each other’s mouths.

    Suddenly I went from needing the comfort of his touch and kisses to desiring him inside and pounding away at me. I whimpered and sucked frantically at his tongue, all while trying to maneuver his hips to where I wanted them.

    Relax, Jade. I’ll get there. But there is so much more to do first.

    Do me first, I pleaded, desperate in my overwhelming need.

    He rolled away with a chuckle. With it being so dark I couldn’t see details, but I could see movement. He swept his hair back with a full arm motion as he raised up on his knees. I couldn’t see his expression. Was he smiling? Was there a laugh in his eyes?

    He reached up with his other arm, and it took a moment to realize he was braiding his hair. He had a lot of it; this could take some time— time I was wasting not touching him. Maybe I would have felt differently if I could’ve seen more than just his dark outline.

    I rolled to my side and patted the bed, trying to find him.

    Hey, that tickles, he said as my hand landed on his knee.

    I crawled my hands up his legs.

    I haven’t even gotten started. You are distracting.

    That’s the point. The plan was to lower my head and suck his erection into my mouth. But I couldn’t see, and his flagpole wasn’t exactly fully upright and centrally located. It took me a few seconds to find him and leverage his length into my mouth.

    He made some agreeable moans and fell back. Without being able to see, I could only guess he dropped a hand to the mattress. At some point, a hand was grasping my hair. He didn’t grab my head and force me down or away from his cock. It was a touch of appreciation and confirmation that sucking him was a good choice.

    I ran my tongue around his shaft and delighted in how he throbbed and grew. Dylan was not a small man, and in no time, I was only able to take a bit of him into my mouth at a time.

    His ragged breathing and soft moans were my encouragement. As much as I enjoyed opening my jaw and feeling how far I could accommodate him, I wanted to be touched. I needed more than hands buried into my hair.

    I released his cock and moved my body up his until my mouth found his.

    I’ve missed you, he said just as I claimed his lips for my own.

    I straddled his legs, spreading mine. While I worked his mouth with my lips, tongue, and teeth, I guided one of his hands between my legs. He wrapped the other around my back, supporting us in an upright position.

    I circled my arms round his neck and rocked against his hand. I wanted him in me; I wanted to merge us. I was doing my best to climb into him through his mouth.

    He knew exactly what a clit was and what to do with mine. He slid his fingers around and back, dipping into my wetness, then spreading my slickness around. The wetter he made everything, the harder it was to focus on what I was trying to do. I wanted him to feel as good as I did. Still, part of me wanted to lay back and spread wide, welcoming him in.

    I reached between us. His cock was at full attention. So hard. His skin like sueded silk wrapped around granite. Because of the difference in our height and my need to keep his fingers toying with my folds while keeping my mouth against his, I was unable to reach his balls. I knew they would have the same silky texture and roll around in my palms, ever so tantalizing, between strokes against the pillar of hardness that was his cock.

    I climbed higher onto his thighs, so I could mount him. Fortunately, he understood my intentions. His hands grabbed my ass and pulled me up. I lifted from my knees and he held me as I wiggled to get my feet under me.

    This isn’t working, I said as I stood up.

    He looked up at me, and I wished I could have stared down into his eyes. I wanted that connection. His hands stayed on my ass, massaging the muscles.

    I lowered into a crouch. We were perfectly aligned and I slid onto

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