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Shaman: Creepy Short Stories
Shaman: Creepy Short Stories
Shaman: Creepy Short Stories
Ebook189 pages3 hours

Shaman: Creepy Short Stories

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Some of the best and worst ( best ) creepy pastas you will have to read!   Enjoy:) and don't fall asleep!  As I will be adding this every night!     From vampire flight attendants to shamans summoning zombies this is your exact book for everything creepy pasta, and original. Some of them may have been Published on different names, but it is me and I have written them. Don't even sleep at night.!

Release dateJun 9, 2024
Shaman: Creepy Short Stories

T.M. Tarantino

T.M. Tarantino is a penname for an author and artist!  T.M. Is a tattoo and piercing fiend as well as solar eclipse happy!  She love stargazing and writing! When she is not NOT seen writing or reading, she is getting tattoos/piercings and doing art!  She is a PTSD warrior and was bornin romania!  Ottawa based author and artist

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    Shaman - T.M. Tarantino


    By T.M. Tarantino


    To my friends at the group home


    Shaman is about different creepy stories so I may have had written before some that I may have not written before these are the creepiest of creepers. I hope you can enjoy them and I hope you can sleep since the COVID-19 outbreak. I’ve been very interested in the creepy pass jar of writing, but couldn’t do very much about that very much as my imagination can be limited to romance at times! I do a lot of creepy artwork for my folk punk art that I usually do that I do usually every day that being said it usually QC, but this case I want to be not cute instead I wanna show the creepy side of creepy pasta the side that not everyone usually gets to see. I hope he gets to enjoy these creepy pasta. I have written myself in the past, I have Written already, I hope you enjoy. I have PTSD I find that creepypasta The only thing that keeps me in the world Creepypasta is, coping mechanism from things.

    As it helps me be creative and stuff it happened one time when I was very angry. I drew a cryptic. I can’t remember what the name of the crypt it was, but it was very interesting and I found it very soothing to make my own Cryptids and stuff soon as started off with our work and then started off with other things like some writing so not so writing depending on what it is depending on usually I do more writing with artwork I mean more artwork than I do when it comes creepy. I wanna be able to show that I can actually write a good creepy pasta!

    My name is Elena Melanson, I am writing under a penname...... T. M. Tarantino! That

    is one account! The other is this one! I Like piercings, tattoos, and scarves as well as cobra Kai and star trek T.J. Newman novels! My pen name is inspired by the Quentin Tarantino movies! Also my musician name is elena Fevertree, I currently play guitar, Ukulele, kalimba thumb piano, steel tounge drum, keyboard and will be playing the jaw harp!

    my vibe is more counter culture and folk punk when it comes to music! With a dash of throat singing and keyboard! I do dress funny at times also I like 6+ tattoos, 8

    piercings and sometimes a potty mouth! I do have a boyfriend My favourite time to be alive is at the spooky season (autumn) and Halloween! I still go trick or treating and I am a nerd who love YouTubing and stargazing!

    If you want to know why I write it is because I have PTSD and I want to help people the best way possible who have the same condition! Also I just like writing! My favourite colour is blue! And my iq is 196- though I don't look or some times act like it!!!

    I am probably gonna be volunteering at the local youth center. I am LGBTQ as far as my gender is concerned now and binary/gender queer female, as well as I am also Demi sexual that doesn’t show in the writing that just shows who I am as a person in some cases, but that is a small brain of sand in my life there’s more to me than anything else than that. I also like tattoos and piercings I design my own tattoos and piercings. I don’t design the piercings, but I asked where they should go and then I actually end up doing more creative things at the end of the day this is basically what I do. I also play guitar ukulele, and jaw harp! It’s very interesting. I am a shaman, White Sharman, like a white wedge would mean that you were able to do good in life life and do good in the spirit world as well and summon only the good spirits that being said that’s what I am doing, but I have also came across some Darkside and some corrupt, so these are some of the ideas that you may want to know that I do write a lot about the darsiders! I wish I was talking about the video game, but this case this is what I have to do in order to cope with my PTSD is to create creepy pastas so following join in and be spooked for some creepy pastors that will be very interesting yet terrifying for you to understand on your own terms!

    Creepy people

    I had a Miss Lily's wedding for the simple fact that I was too ashamed of what I put her through. She posted pictures of everything on Facebook she looks so happy I knew I was just going to destroy the wedding by being there. Not the guy was a jealous guy or transphobic but he was not a fan of people crashing weddings especially his. Nor do you want to see Lily get upset and angry so he ended Telling me me that Lisa was happy without me being at the wedding it stronger bad but this guy was a nice guy and wouldn't hurt a soul so I believed him I wanted to friend him not on Facebook in real life though and see if I can see the happy couple but I knew that wouldn't be happening I was going to be forever a hermit in a dilapidated house and a suburb of Toronto. I only saw Lily on Facebook but never again in person nor did I see her husband except for on Facebook or on social media that was the only time I saw them pretty sure they had a child together and they ended up with a cute little girl there they didn't want me to nanny they didn't want anything to do with me because of my past. A road to Lilia was it my fault that Lisa was a psychotic bitch to begin with and then I was not at fault that I did not stock myself or threaten myself. I just wanted to love her but I can't do so.

    I spent days doing artwork somewhere oracle Lily somewhere or mostly of Lisa, they are very macabre pictures of Lisa hoping that I would see her and one caramel VA and other places or are you Rachel where she was I painted pictures of her being depicted as a demon demon ass succubus incubus whatever you wanna call them female demons. I even went as far as to show her as one of the Damned of hell. This artwork I kept myself as a soon as I called her and scary I only brought it out On Halloween. That was the only time I displayed this kind of artwork other than that I cried myself to sleep every night hoping that God would take me back and that I would be in heaven and that Lisa would not be there. That's how I spent the rest of my days without my exotic love. What else is sad hermit. I could not help but feel sorry for myself that I was nothing more than a hermit drawing and painting grotesque pictures of my what was supposed to be that girlfriend at the time I was not happy with what I was doing and I finally sought help. I never found love again but I found peace.

    One thing I told Lily was that I wanted to go into the intelligence business in the

    state as CIA so I can actually get rid of the bastard who killed my girlfriend in the first place. She didn't like the idea of violence or torture as a way of fixing one's problems board she had to say OK and except the fact that I was a rough and tumble kind a guy. That's when I found out she was also affected by the same bastards only as a baby In a small country call Romania that she was tortured in for the first two years of her life and then adopted by Canadians. I almost wanted to cry when I heard about her story but I said I was going to go to the states to be CIA so I can go and get rid of the terrorist to begin with but she still didn't believe in that.

    Yes they need to be dealt with swiftly, she said. but. Not with violence.

    Where are you what is the kind of girl that was going to change me whether I like it or not for the better. When we weren't together in my apartment or at a hotel room which lights are out and we just reminding me of Lisa was just enough for me to be triggered. It was the exact same room where I moved for most of a year until I was trying to MoveOn. When she saw me cry she knew I was in a tough guy after all that I did love my Lisha but I had to put her behind because I was with Lily now.

    Lily said that she will not go anywhere unless she's old and gray and the size that was the time she was going to go she did not want to Hurt me anymore than I already was hurt. She said that she wouldn't betray me or leave me in any which way or form. When we were together we wouldn't be together on IMVU and make love there In one of my naughty chat rooms that I was and we would make love and tell Each other soon. I know you would say the same thing when we were physically making love in my apartment that was dingy and dirty she wanted to MoveOn even though the apartment was dancing and dirty and subsidize. She said she loved me very much and she wanted me to be happy again. She released her fingers with mine and locked her lips with my lips and held the case with her heart.

    It was enough for me just wanna make love to her again to screw her and make love.

    I asked her if she would mind kink if she didn't mind kink.

    What are you some kind a dominatrix she said I had to reassure her that I was not a dominatrix and I was the one that was going to be dominated if anything. And I was in a mild kink And all the ultra kinky stuff that the psychopath Were into.

    Sure I like a little play but not violence while making love. I said. I don't mind a little bit here and there I don't mind being teased and cough can I bed while being written by a hot girl but it's been 10 Years since that has happened.

    She seemed a little off and with the king idea but I try to reassure her it was me there was the one that was gonna be tied up or cuffed to the bed. But she didn't really appreciate it very much she said let me think about it before I move in with you I'll text you later and then I'll talk to you about it. That was the last I heard of her for a few days until at midnight I was high off pot After a stressful day at work and I found out there was a text message waiting for me and I said Robert I don't mind you being tied up or cuffed to the bed you naughty boy.

    I was wondering if I was having a green drowning moment or was I really seeing what I was reading that she called me a naughty boy and then she didn't mind either me or her being cuffed to the bed. I was dumbfounded when she said that. In the text it also said that she was going to live with me which I didn't mind but I had to keep my stash of spy movies away row she would take them away from me. I was going to convert her in the water in CIA movies to make sure that they are not as bad as they seem. One that happened the first time you had more in the movie or even pay attention to the movie but I actually was making out with me.

    You look so hot in the dreadlocks, them all tied up She said as she bit my lip.

    That was my breaking point I was falling in love with her right there again she was sitting on my lap kissing me all over the face and biting my lap I told her please stop I can't stand me horny enough but she said she wanted to make this special and I said I want to make a special one as well. She wouldn't take no for an answer she laid me out on the couch I was still wearing my CATSA uniform and she Got on top of me starting to kiss me soon I was inside her and she was riding my flesh As she was kissing me. She moaned at the very thought of me thrusting into her and making out with her and telling her I loved her. Her moans are almost like quiet howls.

    "If it weren't for your eyes I would've thought you were from the islands of the

    Caribbean" Hi said. Groping her breasts and massaging them as we made love and made out at the same time.

    After the lovemaking session on the couch we decided to take it into my bedroom I wish for the same thing but I was too high or drunk to understand even what I said.

    I told her that I was in love with her and that I wanted to cuff her to the bed I think that's what I said. Whatever I said she agreed to being coughed as we were as we were making love. I was going to shed my clothes in my uniform well then she said no keep it on it turns me on as much as it does you too as I turn you on.

    Do you want to dress me to wear the top of the uniform or the bottoms. I said.

    She said she wanted me to wear the top part of the uniform the shirt as she was going to be made love to buy me. I exactly remember her that night saying the shirt stays on pants off.This was the first time anyone was attracted to anyone who was in an airport security order that kind of field. But she was attracted to me. She softly said come here baby do you have your security wand with you.

    Yes I do I forgot to take it off when I got home from work I said why?

    She grabbed me by the scruff of the neck kissed me and told me she wanted to be Made love to you with a security wand and be pleasured with it.

    As we kiss I made love to her with a security want teasing her anatomy with it as if it were a toy. I got enough for enjoyment out of that then I had to tell her that I had a personality disorder from my ex girlfriend's death. I thought that was gonna be a mood breaker but she just said to continue on with the wand. Lily also wanted to be frisked As well as being resourceful and he's with the security wand.

    Where else do you want it, I asked.

    My booobs tease them, she said.

    You titties.


    With one hand I fingered her and the other hand I made love to her with a security wand on her breast I love teasing her nipples with the security one until they were hard enough for me to suck on. Then I went and Kister on the lips and then kiss her deeply. She was such a sensual and exotic person and I believe that she may have been roma gypsy. But I want to take it or is Asian or Latino just buy her a full figured sensual body. She wasn't fat or skinny she was well proportioned and very beautiful. More exotic goddess I want her. And I told her that there are some caller her by another name I asked her if the name Carmen suited her and she said I always wanted that name to begin with I didn't like Lily.

    Well Carmen you gonna be made love to buy the verse that CATSA hast offer! I said as I was loading up a joint. But Carmen got upset and said that I was not to do that in front of her. I told her it was my coping recognition that that was my way of dealing with my problems by smoking them away. But she didn't wasn't gonna have any of that she was going to tell me to quit it and once she saw m drink the next day she told me that I was going to quit drinking as well he was going to have a clean guy on her hands.

    Each day when I did not smoke up or drank I added up being rewarded with love and affection. I told her I never did the hard stuff inside my girlfriend died. She said that's good but she didn't want the pod all the alcohol in her life she wanted me as it is.

    I collapsed and started to cry. " Carmen I can't believe you're gonna make me go sober I can't face my demons anymore never mind my own emotional issues she is gone for good and I'll never have a back

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