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A Girl, A Guy And A Black Eye: Mulberry Lake, #4
A Girl, A Guy And A Black Eye: Mulberry Lake, #4
A Girl, A Guy And A Black Eye: Mulberry Lake, #4
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A Girl, A Guy And A Black Eye: Mulberry Lake, #4

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Daphne Constantine is back in Mulberry Lake, the town she vowed to never return to again.  She left right after high school with a bruised ego and her tail between her legs.  But now, seventeen years later, she's broke and unemployed, so what choice does she have?  Besides, once she's on her feet she'll be out of there and won't have to look back ever again.  Or at least that was what she was hoping for until her mother causes havoc at a local department store and Daphne gets stuck with the bill.  Now she is in debt up to her neatly plucked eyebrows and is worried she will never be able to dig her way out.

Officer Victor Serafini didn't think he would ever see Daphne again, but now she's back and he can't keep his eyes, or his hands, off her.  He wants nothing more than to rekindle the romance they'd once had as teenagers.  But she isn't interested in him.  She doesn't want marriage and babies like he had hoped.  She just wants out of Mulberry for good. 


But someone else is happy she returned to her hometown, not because he likes her but because he wants her dead.  He is determined to make her pay for ruining his life.


Can Vic convince Daphne to have a future with him?  And more importantly, can he figure out who wants to kill her and why before it's too late? 



Release dateJun 7, 2024
A Girl, A Guy And A Black Eye: Mulberry Lake, #4


DEBBY CONRAD has been spinning tales since junior high school when she would force her younger sister and a few close friends to listen to her fantasies and dreams.  Back then she had no idea her silly tales would end up in print, or that her later dream of becoming a novelist would come true. Debby lives with her husband in Erie, Pennsylvania, has two grown daughters, three grandchildren, a Chihuahua and a miniature Dachshund who does not like being ignored while she writes.  Thank you for reading my novel CHANCES ARE.  It is the first book in the Chance At Love series.  If you would like to read more stories about the sexy Bolinger men, please be sure to visit my web site for more information.  Also, be sure to sign up for my mailing list. 

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    A Girl, A Guy And A Black Eye - DEBBY CONRAD


    Officer Victor Serafini was cruising through his hometown of Mulberry, New York when the new dispatcher’s voice came over the radio. Hello out there. 10-45 at Gilford’s Department Store on Route . . . oh, darn. I’m sorry, I forget the address.

    I know the location, Kelsie. Everyone in town knew where it was, except for Kelsie apparently. Gilford’s had been around for decades. Whatever you wanted you could find there. Clothing, sporting goods, household items, even some basic groceries. It was Mulberry’s equivalent of Walmart only smaller. Way smaller. Kelsie, are you sure it’s a 10-45?

    A 10-45 was a code for an animal carcass at the scene. Vic wondered what kind of carcass could possibly be at a department store. A dead bird, perhaps? A cat? And if so, were either of them any reason to call the police?

    Omigod, I’m not sure. I’m so sorry. Um, just go inside and ask for the security guard. His name is Ken . . . oh, whoops. I forgot his last name. I wrote it down somewhere.

    Vic heard papers shuffling. That’s not necessary, Kelsie. 10-4, he sighed into the mic. He knew the security guard. Ken Higgins was his name. He’d been a cop back when Vic was just a kid. Stopped Vic for speeding when he was sixteen but let him off with a warning. Nice guy. Ken retired from the force about five years ago and went to work at Gilford’s. Mulberry was a small town. You either knew most of the residents or had heard of them. But not Kelsie Simmons as she hadn’t grown up around here.

    Since Maureen Newton retired three months ago they’d had a hell of a time finding a replacement for her. Kelsie was the fourth person to be hired as a dispatcher but she too didn’t show much promise as far as the department was concerned. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t memorize the codes, or anything else for that matter. She wasn’t familiar with locations or addresses.

    Vic put his siren and lights on because he had no idea what was going on at the store. It could be an armed robbery or a shooting of some kind although Mulberry was normally a pretty peaceful town. When he first became a cop he used to wish there was some kind of action where his training and skills were needed. But after the murder last year and his sister Ronnie being held hostage by that lunatic, he had come to appreciate peace. Never again did he want to go through something like that. Things had been quiet ever since.

    He took a corner a little too sharply then straightened the patrol car and sped up again. As he pulled into the parking lot he saw two frazzled looking women with name tags pinned to their chests. They were waving their hands and shouting, loud enough to be heard through the driver’s side window. He’d seen them at Gilford’s before. In fact, he knew one of them. She was the mother of a guy he’d gone to high school with. Beverly Donato was her name but of course he’d only ever called her Mrs. Donato. Standing in front of the large plate glass window advertising a sale, they suddenly looked both excited and relieved to see him.

    He hopped out of his vehicle and rushed toward them. What’s going on, ladies? They both appeared to be in their late fifties to early sixties. And although he’d seen the second woman several times, he couldn’t remember her name. He did remember however that she had moved here from Atlanta because she missed seeing snow. Apparently, she’d grown up near Buffalo.

    That crazy bitch is inside, the tall blonde said with a shiver, pulling her cardigan around her shoulders. The April air was still chilly by the lake. Her nametag read Sandra. That’s right. Sandra Jenkins. She gave him a determined look, her cheeks pink from the cold. This is the second time this month. Someone needs to stop her. And it’s not going to be me. I’ll be damned if I’m going to risk my life while working for minimum wage.

    Ditto, Beverly chimed, wagging a finger in his direction. She was stocky with dark ringlets cropped close to her head. She should be locked up. She actually shoved me when I tried to stop her from stealing those panties. A thong of all things! Beverly made a loud tsk sound and rolled her eyes. What kind of woman her age would wear something like that anyway?

    Obviously not Beverly. Not that Vic wanted to think about Mrs. Donato in a thong or any kind of panties at the moment.

    So that was the big emergency? Someone was shoplifting? He had a pretty good idea who the crazy bitch was to which the women were referring. And she wasn’t crazy, not technically. At least he didn’t think so. Although he could understand why some people might disagree with him. She seemed to go out of her way to make a scene and disrupt things wherever she went.

    Still, he wondered why the security guard couldn’t handle the situation on his own. Why drag the police into it over a pair of panties? Ken was certainly capable. He stood about six-four and weighed nearly two-hundred-fifty pounds, maybe more. Vic shook his head. Excuse me, ladies. He pulled open the department store’s glass door, walked inside and glanced about. Holy shit!

    The store looked as though a bomb had gone off. There was merchandise strewn about and display racks lying on their sides. Broken glass bottles of cheap cologne were scattered around his feet. The scents permeated the air and made his eyes water. He had trouble stifling a cough.

    A group of men and women were huddled together, whispering. They looked a little rattled. Vic nodded at them. Bill. Leslie. You guys okay?

    Both Bill and Leslie nodded. Then a young man sporting a goatee pointed a finger in the opposite direction. They’re back there.

    Vic didn’t recognize him. Must be new in town. Thanks. He skirted his way through the cluttered aisles, full of clothing and debris, to the back of the store. Apparently, there was a shoe sale going on, according to one of the display signs he’d passed. He could use some new shoes, and maybe a pair of boots. He’d have to return in a few days—when everything would hopefully be back to normal—and check things out.

    He spotted a second group of men and women near the emergency exit. Two men were blocking the door. Ken Higgins was one of them. Thank God you’re here, Vic, the security guard said, taking a step toward him and puffing out his big chest. His face and neck were flushed. I called it in.

    Called in what exactly? Vic asked. It’s not like shoplifting is a major crime. Not for a thong anyway. Why call the authorities? Then again, there was quite a mess out front. Maybe it was more than just a shoplifting episode.

    Ken pointed to an attractive, but disheveled, brunette. Crazy Maisy is at it again.

    Don’t call her that. Vic sighed with contempt as he felt a tightening in his chest, although he’d assumed it was Maisy before entering the store. But he almost didn’t recognize Daphne Constantine’s mother. A yellow mask with feathers covered part of her face. She was dressed in a chicken costume or at least it looked like a chicken costume. Maybe it was a rooster. What the hell did he know? What he did know was that she had some . . . he supposed people would call them . . . mental issues. Then again, he wasn’t a medical professional, so who really knew for sure. Sometimes he thought she did idiotic things for attention. Several times a year there was some kind of disturbance involving her and those were usually at the diner where she worked. She was a menace but mostly harmless. Shoplifting and causing scenes in public places were among her usual crimes. But he had to admit that chicken outfit was downright . . . well, crazy, even for her.

    She thinks she has the right to come in here and take whatever she wants without paying for it. Ken crossed his beefy arms over his barrel chest, looking all authoritative. Just a few weeks ago it was a bottle of nail polish. Today it was a thong, a pretty little lacy thing. He wagged his brows. Then when I tried to stop her from leaving the store with it she destroyed the place.

    Vic studied the fifty-something-year-old woman. Behind the mask her dark brown eyes were on fire and she was breathing through her mouth to the point of panting. He’d always thought she was pretty but not so much at the moment.

    Vic closed the distance between them. Mrs. Constantine?

    Do I know you? she huffed.

    Yes, she knew him. Had known him since he’d dated her daughter Daphne back in high school. Though every time he saw Maisy or frequented Max’s Diner, she went out of her way to pretend she didn’t remember him.

    In addition, he’d been called out just two months ago when she had run over a bicycle rack in town and then taken off. As far as he knew she’d yet to pay for the damages. Before that was a list of misdemeanors she was responsible for but had refused to make right. He sometimes got people to give her a pardon. But he was thinking the damage this time was going to be hard to forgive and ignore. Victor Serafini, he said to remind her.

    She blinked, tipped her head, eyed him through the peepholes of the mask, looking thoroughly confused for a moment. "Yes, I know you. You stole my daughter’s virginity. You’re the reason she left town. She wanted to get away from you, not from me."

    Vic felt the heat rise up his neck but tried not to show any emotion. He noticed the employees raising their brows and whispering but he didn’t bother arguing with the woman. Because what Maisy had said was true. Well, at least the part about him stealing her daughter’s virginity, if that was what you called consensual sex between two teenagers. They were both seventeen at the time. Although that had nothing to do with why Daphne had left town.

    But that was a long time ago. He and Daphne Constantine dated for a few months toward the end of their senior year in high school. They were in love, or at least he’d thought so. But right after graduation—right after she’d turned eighteen—she had split. Said she couldn’t wait to get out of Mulberry and move to the Big Apple. She wanted to be an actress. And no matter how many times he’d begged her to stay she’d refused. He guessed that was the plan all along which always left him wondering why she’d gotten involved with him in the first place. Yet he couldn’t help but think that the car accident on that long ago dark rainy night had played a major part in her decision to leave Mulberry. He’d asked her about it several times, but she’d always denied the crash had anything to do with why she was leaving.

    Mrs. Constantine, there appears to be quite a bit of damage here. I would appreciate it if you’d come with me to the station so I can ask you a few questions and fill out a report.

    I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t do anything wrong. She crossed her arms in front of her and dragged her gaze over each of the employees with a sneer on her lips. I was looking for a tissue and I simply forgot I put that thong in my pocket.

    Like he believed that story. Well, we can straighten all that out at the station. He took a few more tentative steps toward her but before he reached her she charged at him, punched his left eye and kicked him in the groin at the same time. Doubled over in pain, he winced and, once he found his breath, swore aloud. He hadn’t been expecting that, especially not from a woman. And not one her size. She couldn’t weigh more than one hundred twenty pounds, if that.

    Mom? a female voice shouted. He recognized it still after all those years. With his head still pointing downward, Vic saw a pair of sneakered feet hurrying toward them. What’s going on and where did you get that ridiculous costume?

    That man assaulted me, Maisy said.

    If she was talking about Vic, it was the other way around and he had witnesses to prove it. He straightened and tried to pretend his balls weren’t throbbing in pain. Even though he felt as if he’d been in a bull fight with two bulls and the bulls had won. But he did not want Daphne to see him like that. Suck it up and be a man.

    She glared at him. What the hell did you do to my mother?

    That did it. Was she seriously accusing him of hurting her mother? Nothing. He was pissed off now. Nice to see you too. Straightening, he blinked the tears from his eyes, reached around his back and brought out his handcuffs.

    Mrs. Constantine, you’re under arrest for assaulting a police officer.

    Really, Vic? Daphne Constantine spouted.

    Yes, really. He finally made eye contact with the girl, who was now a woman. The one who had broken his heart nearly seventeen years ago. Her once rail thin body was now nicely toned with breasts that were still perky. Her shapely hips and thighs were covered in black leggings. Beneath her black cardigan she wore a snug fitting red tank top that looked sexy as hell on her. Loose tendrils of dark curls framed her pretty face and dark brown eyes. She could be Mila Kunis’s twin. And that mouth. He could pick those full pouty lips out of a lineup any day of the week. If he wasn’t in so much pain, he may have gotten a boner just looking at her. Though he was starting to wonder if he’d ever get another boner after the beating he’d just gotten. Get it together, man.

    Deliberately ignoring her, he focused on her mother once again. Turn around, Mrs. Constantine. Place your hands behind your back.

    The woman once again crossed her arms in front of her and stayed put. I will do no such thing. I’m innocent.

    Vic, can I speak to you in private? Daphne asked, almost pleading with him.

    No. He wasn’t willing to bend. Her mother may have permanently damaged his cojones. That was serious shit. And not something he was willing to ignore, or forget.

    Okay, so maybe he was still holding a grudge against Maisy because her daughter had dumped him. Not that he needed a reason. But still.

    Daphne came to stand in front of him, practically toe to toe. She glared up at him, her eyes as dark as volcanic rock. What is wrong with you? she asked in a low voice. You know my mother . . . has issues. She can’t control her actions when she doesn’t take her meds.

    Then maybe she should take them. He knew he was being a little harsh but he couldn’t take the chance that people would view him as a softie or maybe fear he couldn’t protect them when needed.

    Daphne blew out an exaggerated breath, the minty scent finding its way to his nostrils. She can’t help herself. She’s a kleptomaniac. The meds help control her impulses.

    Kleptomaniac? Sure. That among other things. Tell it to the judge.

    If you arrest her, you’ll have to arrest me as well. She lifted her hands in front of her, daring him to cuff her. Well, go ahead.

    Daphne, stay out of this. Vic was losing his patience. He didn’t need two of them ganging up on him. From the corner of his eye he saw the employees standing there, their jaws open with anticipation, obviously wondering what his next move would be. Some were taking photos with their phones, or perhaps a video as well.

    You try to arrest her and I’ll sue you. You and the entire Mulberry Police Department.

    Be my guest. He doubted Daphne had money for an attorney. She’d been back in town for a few weeks now and was working at Max’s diner with her mother. She couldn’t be making much money there. Rumor had it she’d been fired from her brief stint on the soap opera she was in and came home broke. She and Maisy were living together in an apartment at Snow n’ Boat Resort.

    You’re doing this to get back at me, aren’t you? She gave him a look of defiance.

    I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. That was a lie, of course. But not the real reason he was arresting her mother. The woman couldn’t go around stealing things and damaging property. Or assaulting a police officer. It had to stop, once and for all. No matter how bad he felt that Maisy had issues.

    Daphne licked those luscious lips of hers, looking full of confidence. I know you’re not married but I’m sure you have a girlfriend. Somewhere. You need to let go of the past and all that anger and focus on that relationship, your future. You should be over me by now. Our breakup was like fifteen years ago.

    Talk about being conceited. Jeez. Seventeen, he corrected and then wished he hadn’t said anything. No reason for her to know he’d been counting the years, months and days since she’d stomped on his heart. And definitely no reason for her to know he did not have a girlfriend or a wife. He looked her in the eye. "Trust me, I’m over it. I’m over you. I’ve moved on." He didn’t have to defend himself or try to convince her. He was definitely over her. So then, why was he defending himself? I’m just doing my job here.

    Who’s the lucky woman?

    The salesclerks started whispering again. Some of them obviously knew he wasn’t dating anyone at the moment. One woman shook her head as if she pitied him. Vic had had enough. Daphne, we’re not having this conversation.

    Just tell me who she is. Is it Janine Simonsen? She always had a crush on you.

    Janine had a crush on him? It would have been nice to know that before she left town, got married and had three kids. She was hot. Clearing his head, he said, Can we get back to business?

    You’re not going to tell me? I thought we were friends. Guess not.

    Friends? Since when? The few times she’d come back to Mulberry over the years she had done her best to keep it a secret. Never once had she looked him up to say hi. Isn’t that what friends did? He rolled his eyes. Step aside. He was done arguing with her. But it was clear she was not going to move or allow him to pass. Dammit, Daphne. So, he did what any normal pissed off cop would do. He spun her around and slapped the cuffs on her slender wrists.

    How dare you! Daphne squirmed, twisted and turned while her mother began calling him every filthy name in the book, some he’d never even heard before. But hadn’t her daughter just dared him to arrest her?

    Daphne’s cardigan and tank top fell from one shoulder, exposing the strap of a black lacy bra and he had to force himself to look away. Otherwise, all kinds of sexy images were going to roll through his brain. But he’d no sooner turned away from her when someone kicked the back of his legs so hard it sent him flying onto his knees. He ended up on his stomach on the hard cement. The next thing he knew Daphne’s mother was straddling his back and beating the crap out of him.

    Maisy yanked at his hair, scratched the back of his neck and cheeks then bounced on him, knocking the air from his lungs. She wasn’t a big woman. In fact, she was petite. But lying on a concrete floor and her body weight slamming him like that hurt like hell.

    What the fuck! Now he was the one swearing. He could head butt her or roll over and pin her to the ground, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He glanced up and saw Ken Higgins and the entire store full of employees enjoying the show. One of the guys was Dan Reep who was laughing his ass off as he filmed the scene with his cell phone. Wait till the next time that asshole sped through town. No more free passes for him. A little help here, Ken? he managed to grunt.

    Oh, sorry. The security guard came to his rescue and managed to free him, but not without a few blows to his sternum from Maisy. Eventually, Ken was able to cuff the woman. You see why I called you? He brushed his hands over his uniform. I’m too old for this shit!

    Pigs! Maisy shouted and spat at Ken’s feet.

    Mom, stop! Just stop. Daphne was sitting on the floor, her neck and face a bright colored pink. I can’t go anywhere with you. You said you were just going to the ladies room, and look what happened. Why did you have to do this? Why can’t you be normal? And where did you get that ridiculous chicken costume?

    Vic remembered Daphne saying something similar back in high school. Maisy had shown up for a basketball game where her daughter was cheering. She went out on the floor, stole one of the cheerleader’s pom-poms and started dancing and yelling, her skirt flying in the air, exposing her bare legs and panties. She called the other team horrible names as she chanted and laughed.

    Needless to say, security had to escort her out of the gymnasium. Vic had felt so sorry for Daphne who had been crying, saying she wished her mom could be normal. She’d clearly been mortified.

    After the game he’d offered to drive her home and she’d accepted. Putting on a brave face, she’d tried to act as if nothing was wrong with her mother. Said Maisy must have taken the wrong meds and was confused. That was the night his and Daphne’s relationship began. The night of their first kiss.

    The worst memory he had of his parents embarrassing him was when his father had called everyone in church sinners during one of his sermons. Afterward, Vic had asked why he had done such a thing and his father said, Son, we’re all sinners. It’s okay. We just have to try to do better. Still, he had been humiliated in front of his friends. So, he couldn’t imagine what it was like growing up with Maisy Constantine for a mother. Always making a spectacle of herself.

    His father’s words coming back to him, Vic wondered if this was one of those times. If he should just let Daphne and Maisy go. Maybe they’d do better next time. Ken and another man were busy straightening a row of full-length mirrors that had fallen during the scuffle. They stood them up and propped them against the wall. None appeared to be cracked or broken. That was a good thing. Then Vic saw his reflection looking back at him, noticed the skin surrounding his left eye swelling and turning dark, and decided there was no way in hell he was going to let those two go.

    Daphne sat in the interrogation room, pissed at the world. So pissed she felt like punching something or somebody. She glanced over at her mother who sat there filing her nails and acting as if nothing was wrong. This was the way it was. It was always someone else’s fault. She didn’t do anything wrong. She was only trying to have a little fun. Which was typical of Maisy Constantine. So, of course Daphne was pissed at her—she was always pissed at her mother—but she was also pissed at Vic Serafini. Especially at him.

    Why had she come back here? Because she was a loser, that’s why. Everyone in Mulberry had to know it too although they’d all been too polite to say anything. She’d been back in town for nearly six weeks. She hadn’t run into Vic anywhere but had seen him cruising around in his patrol car more than once. She’d waved a few times, but he’d never waved back. Not a single time. It was clear he was avoiding her. Especially the time he’d walked into the diner, seen her behind the counter, and walked right out. He was still angry at her for leaving town. For dumping him. No matter what he’d said. And in spite of her mother being in the wrong today it was also clear he was using this opportunity to get back at her.

    She’d accused him of doing just that while at Gilford’s. He certainly hadn’t denied it, so it must be true. Why couldn’t he forget about the past? He’d said he had moved on. So, he was obviously dating someone, so why did he care anyway? She took a long breath, wondering if maybe she was feeling a little too sure of herself. She hadn’t dared to ask anyone in town about him for fear they would think she still had feelings for him. So as far as she knew he was married and had six kids by now. Although her mother would have told her

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