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Sophia of Silicon Valley: A Novel
Sophia of Silicon Valley: A Novel
Sophia of Silicon Valley: A Novel
Ebook412 pages4 hours

Sophia of Silicon Valley: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Sharp, dramatic, and full of insider dish, SOPHIA OF SILICON VALLEY is one woman’s story of a career storming the corridors of geek power and living in the shadow of its outrageous cast of maestros.

During the heady years of the tech boom, incorrigibly frank Sophia Young lucks into a job that puts her directly in the path of Scott Kraft, the eccentric CEO of Treehouse, a studio whose animated films are transforming movies forever. Overnight, Sophia becomes an unlikely nerd whisperer. Whether her success is due to dumb luck, savage assertiveness, insightful finesse (learned by dealing with her irrational Chinese immigrant mother), or a combination of all three, in her rarified position she finds she can truly shine.

As Scott Kraft’s right-hand woman, whip-smart Sophia is in the eye of the storm, sometimes floundering, sometimes nearly losing relationships and her health, but ultimately learning what it means to take charge of her own future the way the men around her do. But when engineer/inventor Andre Stark hires her to run his company’s investor relations, Sophia discovers that the big paycheck and high-status career she’s created for herself may not be worth living in the toxic environment of a boys-club gone bad. 

Release dateApr 10, 2018

Anna Yen

Anna Yen has worked at a wide range of tech companies. She spearheaded investor relations for industry leaders such as Tesla Motors, Market Watch, and Pixar Animations Studios, and reported directly to some of Silicon Valley's most respected leaders. She has co-founded several tech start-ups and is currently Managing Director at Ellipsis, an investor relations firm. She lives in San Francisco.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I didn't finish this, despite the promise of its cover and its dust jacket - ultimately it seemed to be unfolding into a lot more of a fluffy rom-com type read than what I was hoping for.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Needing a change of pace from my mystery/historical fiction reading, I let my fingers do the walking through my ereader and stumbled across this techie-styled chick lit story (Yes, cover art usually gives a very good impression of what type of story is lurking inside). Nothing earth-shatteringly unique about this story, down to the thinly veiled caricatures of Steve Jobs/Pixar and Elon Musk/Tesla. While the story is based on the author's experience as a Silicon Valley veteran, it is easy to see Yen is a Lauren Weisberger fan, replacing the NYC fashion world of [The Devil Wears Prada] with her perspective of the Silicon Valley tech industry. So, a lot of familiar references for readers like me to connect with, which I like when I am in the mood for a light beach read. I found Sophia to be a fun character. She is spunky, outspoken, driven to succeed, and terrified of failure, which is kind of odd given that she has such an amazing support network in her family and friends. I enjoyed following Sophia as she navigates through the vaulted offices (and insane hours) of investment banking and IPOs to high energy vibe of tech startups and the life lessons learned from a creative visionary. Overall, a light-hearted professional coming-of-age story set in the fast-paced Silicon Valley tech scene.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An entertaining book about a quirky, young professional woman working in the male-dominated world of Silicon Valley. Sophia is making her way through the crazy world of start-ups, bro-tech culture, IPOs, overprotective parents and dating, while trying to remain fiercely independent and true to herself. It was the right time for me to read and experience this book and have Sophia in my life. **********Quotes: "I questioned again why I'd hesitated when Peter asked me about our long-term plans. Is it that I'm afraid I'll have yet another person depending on me? Or is it that I'm afraid he'd be yet another man telling me what to do, or worse, that he'd "fire" me?" "I know you've watched me closely, but watching from the sidelines is no way to live. You've got to get out there, study, and observe, Sophia. Try everything and anything that you find interesting because that journey, as rocky as it may be, will lead you to what you love." "You have to feel what you 'expect to have', not what you 'want'. Otherwise, you're just focusing on what's missing - and that's negative energy. "Life is short. You've got to reach out and grab what you want."
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I really wanted to like this book. I was excited to read about Silicon Valley from an insider, and from the first page I could tell it was well-written. However Anna Yen's main character, Sophia, was not someone I could empathize with to the point where I couldn't enjoy the story. I tried to get into it, but I had to put it down after about 50 pages.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Oh, Sophia- you are a pistol! I loved reading Anna Yen's not so hidden real-life experiences working in Silicon Valley. Even the not so cryptic bosses that you worked for. Your silicon jobs were crazy, entertaining and not so surprising on some of the items you had to go through with the quirky people that run the brilliant business of the Valley.I laughed, got angry and even shook my head in shame with some of the things you had to go through. It was a pure entertaining read. Having lived in California, an hour away from your working grounds, I was always fascinated with how Silicon Valley worked and how so many brilliant people could handle being so close to each other in a small square mile or so. Sophia of Silicon Valley helped answer some of my questions.The book was well written, descriptive and a fun enlightening read.Thank you to Library Thing and Anna Yen for allowing me to read this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thought this is about a female working in the IT industry, a male dominating industry, from the title. However, this is all about business but does not take place in New York City only. I do like this is as typical as the most chick-lits. It is about a minority with a medical condition focusing on her career path and struggles with her love life.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I loved the premise of this book - a young Asian woman working for a Tech giant in the US. I mean, how can you not like a book about a woman who is thriving in a male-dominated industry! It's very timely. Anna Yen's writing is also captivating in the novel. But I have one complaint about Sophia of Silicon Valley. I felt the ending was rushed - I would have loved to spend more time with Sophia. Other than that, this is a fun read! I can't wait to read what Anna writes next!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Anna is a diabetic young millennial who lands a job with a start up company similar to Pixar, right as the company goes public. Anna struggles to find her footing within the company and faces a high level of demands, both at work and with her family, who are a traditional Asian family with certain expectations for her. I did not make it all the way through this book because the level of detail in Anna's days was so specific, I felt like I was going to work too, just reading about all she had to do every day. I prefer my reading to be an escape from the daily grind and Anna's story exhausted me to the point I didn't want to continue. Others have certainly enjoyed this book, however, so maybe it just wasn't for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this smart, funny book about a strong woman who knows what she wants and knows how to get it (for the most part).Sophia Young is very smart, very sought-after, and not afraid to go toe-to-toe with the tech industry's most brilliant leaders. Growing up wealthy with a successful businessman father must have prepared Sophia for the business world, because even though she's only in her early 20s, she has a high-powered job at a tech company where she seems to do everything, and works very closely with the CEO. This story follows Sophia through her 20s as she works at a handful of tech startups where she invariably hits it out of the park at absolutely everything she does, and gets to talk to her superiors rudely and forcefully every chance she gets. And her male superiors just take it from her. Which I didn't find realistic at all, but then again, I don't work in Silicon Valley so maybe that is how it works. I liked that Sophia was successful and smart, although I found it pretty unbelievable how successful and business-wise she was at such a young age. It's a great story of female empowerment, but it was a bit fantastical. Setting aside certain ideas of what the business world is, I was able to just revel in the fun fantasy of this story. I won a copy of this book from LibraryThing.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    No beating around the bush I had very mixed feelings about Sophia of Silicon Valley, and frankly struggled with it fellow readers. I have immense respect for anyone who undertakes the amazing task of writing a book, getting published, putting yourself out there for others to evaluate. It’s a Herculean effort I can’t begin to appreciate and for that alone I really dislike giving even lukewarm reviews and try to focus on positive aspects. Art is subjective and just because something doesn’t speak to me does’t mean it won’t make someone else soar. When reading for personal pleasure I vet my choices pretty heavily. When given the privilege to review a book I try to go in without much information, a clean slate. I don’t want to be influenced by others experience. Because of this I’m probably one of the few that didn’t realize Sophia of Silicone Valley is hardly fiction, and more accurately a thinly veiled memoir by the author Anna Yen. Names are changed, but it took me less then 100 pages to go from “Wow, she’s really borrowing from some real life people here.” to “Wait, there’s no way this is fiction!” and I started googling. If you’re going to write a memoir simply own it. I sincerely dislike the duplicity used here. I also struggled with the blasé acceptance and apologies made for the sexism and racism. You don’t have to be overly reactive, but it seems extremely tone deaf to laugh it off. To make it worse the ‘protagonist’ goes on to engage in fairly abrasive behavior herself as she moves up the food chain. For positive female empowerment look elsewhere. Circling back to the fact that this is a memoir and not fiction, she’s simply writing her experiences and how she felt about them. I take full responsibility for not understanding more fully the nature of the book. If I’d vetted it as I do pleasure reading I’d have know this wasn’t a match for me personally. Well written, interesting, and probably a much better read if you go in understanding it’s a memoir, perhaps slightly fictionalized to suit the author. Thank you to LibraryThing and William Morrow for the advanced reader copy and the opportunity to review Sophia of Silicon Valley.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a quick escapist read about a young woman trying to make it in Silcon Valley. She becomes the Personal Assistant of a Steve Jobs-like CEO and then an entrepreneur who makes her the head of his investor relations department. long the way, however, she runs smack dab into the toxic "bro" environment that is rampant in the computer industry that causes her to question whether or not her status career is worth it.This is a fun read for the summer.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed getting a behind the scenes look at life in Silicon Valley high tech firms and a law firm that is associated with them. The main character was fun and quirky, but I'm not sure how realistic it would be for her to do so well with the responsibilities she's given for which she had no experience or qualifications. Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable read and I was interested to see what happened. I wish the author had created original characters to be Sophia's bosses rather than clones of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. It was interesting to learn about the volatile world of public stock offerings.Although the book cover might give the impression that the book is chick lit, the book actually had some real substance while still being entertaining.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The novel follows the story of Sophia from her beginnings as recent college grad from northern California looking to kill a few years working in an office while she hunts for a husband to accomplished tech industry guru for high profile companies preparing for their IPOs. The characters and companies she interacts with are barely disguised versions of Steve Jobs, Apple, Pixar, Elon Musk, and Tesla. Sophia is not always the most likable, but I certainly loved some of the power moves she pulls at the end of the book. This was an easy read and would have been a good plane/vacation/beach book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Disclaimer: I received a copy for review.Anna Yen takes an affectionate poke at the people, brands, and technologies that put Silicon Valley on the map.

Book preview

Sophia of Silicon Valley - Anna Yen


Meet Scott.

I hear the chanting from two blocks away. Scott. Scott. Scott. The voices spilling out of San Francisco’s Moscone Center are loud and clear, cheering for the man who was just named Time Man of the Year. Or something like that. The same man who, at the moment, is insisting I divert our route away from where we are supposed to be, despite already being twenty minutes late. My phone is on the verge of exploding. My heart just might join it. Welcome to my world.

Uh, is he close? the conference organizer calmly asks in the first of a series of voicemails I would retrieve later, each one sounding more panicked than the last.

I’m not wearing a watch, but I dramatically look at my bony wrist anyway so Scott notices I’m concerned about the time. Are we there yet? I’m pulling over right now unless you tell me where we’re going, I say, trying to sound pleasant because every time I yell at my CEO, I have to give him one dollar. It’s not even nine o’clock in the morning and I’ve already given him three.

I’d just like to drive along the water, he says.

I’d like you to get out of my car.

As we pass the city’s storied Ferry Building, now a lavishly overpriced food and agrarian mecca, my passenger suddenly yells, Pull over!

But the convention—

"I said here, Sophia." Scott directs his rimless glasses at me; his eyes warn me to do as he says.

I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut, praying we don’t crash as I yank the steering wheel to the right and cut off three cars. My rear end slides across the Yellow Pages directory that helps me see over the steering wheel of my mom’s midnight-blue Mercedes—the car I had to borrow because it’s been one of those eighty-hour workweeks that left me with no time to fill my own gas tank. Ah, the glamorous life of being one of Scott’s executives.

"What the hell? shouts an angry taxi driver as I pull up alongside the red-painted curb. While the man hurls a handful of bad Chinese driver" insults my way, Scott zips up his black raincoat over his mock turtleneck T-shirt and exits the car. He seems to just glide through the pouring rain untouched by the pelting drops. Maybe he secretly invented an invisible force field. Entirely possible.

No, that’s superhero stuff.

Well, he could have.

Focus, Sophia, focus!

I jump out of the car and step directly into a puddle that has formed from the pouring January rain. My feet are soaking now and there’s no doubt my new black Prada pumps—the ones that get me two inches over the five-foot mark—are ruined. Dammit! I’m making the company pay for these.

A young Ferry Building valet runs over from his umbrella stand to tell me I’m parked illegally, but I cut him off with a twenty-dollar bill and ask him to watch the car. "I’ll be right back," I say. My plan is to wrangle my CEO back inside before the convention center erupts, so the Mercedes needs to be close. Do I still hear chanting from a mile and a half away, or am I going insane? Scott. Scott. Scott.

It’s only seconds before I catch sight of his black raincoat making its way through the sea of camera-toting tourists and foodies who have been standing in line for two hours to get a baguette that, to me, tastes the same as the grocery-store brand. As the black coat weaves through the Ferry Building’s gorgeous central nave, I realize where my target is headed, so I beeline toward him. Not a small feat for a short shopaholic in heels who noticed a pair of cute rain boots for sale a few stores back; I should be rewarded for not stopping to take a closer look.

Scott— I huff, slightly out of breath.

Chocolate chip cookies, he says, pointing to the glass case in front of us.

I look in the case and all I see are crumbs on the plate with the sign vegan, gluten-free, organic chocolate chip. He knows there are no more cookies, but he demands one in a way that reminds me of my completely irrational mother.

Uh, hi, I say to the blissed-out brunette behind the counter wearing a name tag that says dharma. Listen, Dharma, that’s my boss’s boss over there, and we need one of your vegan chocolate chip cookies.

Sure. She smiles. Those are my favorite. When do you need it?

"Well, um . . . now." Her eyebrows shoot up. She glances over at Scott, who is pacing back and forth barefoot. When did that happen? Mental note: Find his shoes.

I’m sorry, we can’t make them that fast.

When will the next batch be ready?

The girl bites her lip and shakes her head. Not today.

I hear my mother’s voice in my head: "There’s no such thing as no."

Are you holding any for another customer? I cajole. I open my Prada wallet to let her know I have money. I’ll pay five, ten, or even twenty times the retail price. Just give me the cookie.

Vegan Chick looks up again at my CEO and I see the recognition light go off in her head. She realizes the barefoot man in her store is him. The tech genius whose technology changed the entire landscape of personal computing. She retreats into the back and returns with a pink box with the name Brennan scrawled on it. Then, like a moth to the light, Dharma walks slowly toward my CEO. There are some benefits to being Scott.

Thank you. I smile, stepping into her path and exchanging the pink box for a hundred-dollar bill. Oh, can I have a receipt, please? I ask. I’ll need it in order to expense the cookies (along with my shoes).

My passenger is now standing in the corner of the bakery with his eyes closed, hopefully focusing on getting ready for his big speech. I take a terrified peek at his feet. Yes! Shoes on. Okay, I whisper while ushering him back toward the car.

Soon, I’m sitting on the thick telephone book again, but there’s a knock—a police officer motions for me to roll down my window.

You know you’re not supposed to park here, he says, tapping his plastic water bottle on the car hood. Ouch!

I know, Officer. I’m really sorry. I just had to run in really fast, I explain, flashing my perfectly straight white teeth, which usually get me out of speeding tickets.

You people in your Mercedes think the rules don’t apply to you, he replies, knocking the water bottle against the hood again. The hairs on my arms stand up and I resist yelling at the cop for banging on the car. Okay, no flirty smiles? Let’s try demure instead, and if that doesn’t work, I’ve got plenty of other tactics, Mr. Policeman! Bring it on! I soften my voice, pout slightly, and tilt my chin down toward my left shoulder so my almond-shaped eyes look sad and apologetic. I know. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have parked here. I’m leaving, though, and I promise I won’t do it again.

Mr. Cop raises his voice and taps the water bottle against Mom’s car to punctuate each of his words: Read the sign! It says ‘No Parking!’ He is bent over, peering into my window, and I wait for him to recognize the man in my passenger seat. But when there’s nothing but uncomfortable silence, I turn to see Scott looking in the opposite direction, absorbing the serenity of the water, meditating, or doing whatever he does to get Zen.

With his head still turned away, Scott mumbles through his mouthful of chocolate chip cookie, Let’s go. I’m going to be late.

Then the policeman barks in my ear, Are you listening or what? just as my cell phone rings. I close my eyes, trying to hold it together, but it’s too late now.


I stop screaming when I see the surprised look on the silent cop’s face. Then, with a disgusted wave of his hand, he says, Lady, you need help. Just get out of here.

Scott turns to me and says, You owe that man a dollar.

As we screech back toward the convention center, the Scott, Scott, Scott gets louder. I narrowly miss a few soggy pedestrians before pulling up at the side entrance, where a security team is waiting; one of them opens my door and smiles. The chariot carrying the world’s first cool geek has arrived. He is a tech genius whom people all over the world—even Vegan Chick—worship. I know by the look on his face that it’s happening. Scott is ready. That inner god or genius or whatever the hell it is has emerged. When he gets this look, it doesn’t matter what Scott Kraft says. He will mesmerize you.

Scott. Scott. Scott. They’re still chanting. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I’ve become necessary to this man. Me! The girl who prided herself more on her college nickname (Party Ball) than on any academic achievement is now Scott’s investor relations guru (i.e., the evangelizer of his company to Wall Street). And I’m only twenty-six years old. I’m not sure how it happened. Actually, I know exactly how it happened. Unreasonable immigrant parents, a life is short attitude, and a mouth I can’t seem to fully control. I’ve been trained since birth to get what I want; now I use this skill to get my bosses whatever they want. I’ve made it into the inner circle.

Here we go, I say, grabbing a bottle of Smartwater from my purse and offering it to Scott. He waves it off. I fill my lungs with enough air to get through this last obstacle course, then move directly behind him so I can steer him through the backstage door. His stride slows as we approach the greenroom, which is filled with congratulatory flowers and colorful balloon bouquets. I place my hand lightly on his back to make sure he doesn’t stop to examine a rose and become distracted by its intricate design of petals perfectly layered to . . . Oh blah blah blah, just keep moving. The last hurdle is the hallway leading to the stage, which is filled with frantic stagehands and next-up presenters. A gaggle of women rush over to tell Scott how much they love him or to simply wish him good luck, but I stiff-arm each of them until, at last, we reach the wings. I whisper to myself, Touchdown. Here’s where I can relax and hang back. These people don’t want me. They want Scott. Scott! Scott! Scott! And that is okay, because this is where I’m most comfortable—behind the scenes. He’s the chief, I’m the warrior.

Scott walks out on the stage and holds up his hands. I can’t see past the footlights at first, but I know there’s a big crowd out there. The cheering is so loud I can feel it pounding in me and pushing adrenaline through my veins. The floor shakes beneath my pumps, and the audience’s energy reverberates off the huge auditorium’s walls.

Hello, San Francisco, I’m back, he croons into the microphone with a voice as calm and smooth as an Alpine lake. The crowd hushes instantly, as if he’s flipped a switch. I peer out at the dignitaries in the front row and the blinding flashes coming from photographers’ cameras. Everyone is leaning forward, holding their breath. Some people are smiling so wide that it looks like it hurts. Others dab at their wet eyes, overwhelmed by their hero, their savior.

Well, Scott says. Are we ready to make history today?

Chapter 1

Scott always says that there are no mistakes. Our screwups, he’d lecture me, are intentional moves directed by our inner selves in order to find our true paths. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you should be doing. It would have been nice to have this perspective three years ago, when my inner self was having a nightmare of a time navigating life. My outer self wasn’t doing much better.

When my patent-leather loafers first stepped inside the plush offices of Global Partners, my nerves gave way to excitement. The investment bank’s lobby was furnished with intricately detailed dark-wood tables; low cushioned couches covered in luxurious, rich-hued fabrics; leather chairs; and large arrangements of white orchids tended to by a man in a short-sleeved green polo shirt. The view overlooking San Francisco Bay added to the top of the world feeling rushing through me. I’d graduated from Santa Clara University a few weeks earlier, and working here was my silver bullet, the answer to my prayers: a path to the white picket fence, two kids (preferably twins), and the Mrs. Homemaker lifestyle that I’d wanted ever since I could remember. Until I found Prince Charming, I’d spend my time living it up Sex and the City style while working at Global Partners—the place that would lead me to parties, cute banker and stock trader boys, and off-site boondoggles. That was what I couldn’t wait for.

But those things never came. Instead, three months passed, filled with long (not happy) hours, mind-numbing spreadsheets, and backstabbing Ivy League coworkers who seemed more interested in either mansplaining to or one-upping me than actually dating me.

Worst of all was my boss, Jack Wynn—a man often wrong but never in doubt. The forty-year-old, Harvard-educated East Coaster had devilishly alluring green eyes and a physique that showed how seriously he took his hobby (training for triathlons). He was strikingly attractive in a powerful, rich, Brooks Brothers kind of way. Although Jack was smart, it was his boys’ club politics and cunning ability to schmooze that catapulted him into the role of head of technology and media investment banking. In fact, I wouldn’t have gotten the job at Global Partners if Jack hadn’t pulled one of his classic brown-nose moves: hire the kids of Silicon Valley CEOs to ensure Global Partners would win any of their dads’ banking business. The confidence Mr. Wynn exuded made him the perfect investment banker. It also made him a frustrating boss.

My second Tuesday of September had already started out rough after Jack’s assistant approached me with the news that his royal highness doesn’t approve of white slacks in the office. But according to Elle, Only an idiot would give up her white clothes because of some outdated rule.

The kind assistant then explained, while trying to hide a smile, that our boss found that few women could wear white slacks without their crotches smiling and allayed my horror by assuring me that that didn’t apply to me in this case.

Nonetheless, she continued, Jack has an unwritten rule that he wants followed.

Later that day, the camel-toe expert himself appeared at my desk for what I feared to be further white-pants discussion.

Instead, he said, This needs to lead with the fact that they’re a dating site, while handing me a marked-up printout of a PowerPoint slideshow. I wanted to scream because this was the same project that had kept me at the office until the late hours the night before, the one that made me miss drinks with my friends, and the one I’d thought I’d finished weeks ago but that each day came back to me with more changes. It was part of the window dressing that needed to be done for our client (an online dating service) before we began our search for a potential buyer.

I looked at Jack’s edit and took it upon myself to voice my opinion. "But Jack, most of the target buyers already have their own dating properties. The only thing they’re going to care about is our client’s huge member base—they want more eyeballs on their properties."

Wow. You certainly go against the stereotype of meek Asian girls, don’t you? Jack said, laughing and nudging me as though I should have found humor in his joke.

Anyway, you’re wrong, I said. We should lead with our fifty million members, because that’s the only reason they’d want to buy us.

Jack turned his back to me. Just make the change, Sophia. Why do you have to make everything so hard?

Why do you always have to insist you’re right? I replied, defiant. It irritated me to no end that Jack never made the slightest attempt to consider my perspective, that I might actually be adding some value.

Jack said sternly before walking away, Do it now.

Defeated and angry, I turned around and hissed Asshole louder than I’d meant. My heart dropped for a moment, but when Jack didn’t react, I returned to my frustrated state. I made the edit he asked for and emailed the new slide to Jack, fully expecting other changes to come back to me within minutes.

It was five thirty the next morning and I was barely awake, having just finished work four hours earlier. While standing at the earth-toned granite counter of my parents’ kitchen, I robotically spread butter on a piece of toast and stared out the window that overlooked the landscaped garden. To my chagrin, at age twenty-two, I was living with my parents in the upscale hills of Woodside, California. It was what my traditional Taiwanese parents expected me to do until I married, just as my older sister, Audrey, had done. The difference was that Audrey had actually wanted to move home—she was a penny-pincher and did anything to save money. When I argued this and asked my parents to help fund a new apartment in San Francisco—the city—they bombarded me with the names of their friends’ daughters who obeyed their parents and lived at home after college.

We all knew that the biggest reason I was forced to stay home wasn’t anything we’d discussed. My parents wanted me home so they could watch over their baby—the one they always worried about. Lucky me. I couldn’t fault them, though. They still blamed themselves for not noticing my drastic weight loss, frequent visits to the bathroom, and constant thirst when I was about to turn eight. It wasn’t until a month or so after my birthday, when Mom saw me in the bathtub—my ribs sticking through my skin—that she recognized the telltale signs of diabetes. My situation was made worse by the fact that I was diagnosed as a brittle diabetic—someone whose blood glucose level swings drastically without warning, despite insulin shots and carefully planned meals. My episodes often landed me in the hospital, and each time it happened, my parents felt they had failed me. Their lifelong goal was to take care of me, and to never let anything happen to me again. But even moms and dads can’t control everything, can they?

My parents’ ten-thousand-square-foot, two-story, oval-shaped white stucco home sat nestled among huge oak trees and four acres of natural landscaping. Architectural Digest had dubbed it a modern masterpiece—a place my engineer father built as a gift to Mom after his medical-device company went public (thanks to Jack Wynn). To them, the house embodied the American dream, but to me, it was my childhood home. I couldn’t wait to find out what life had in store for me next, outside of the house where I grew up.

Mom’s voice snapped me out of my daze. She was seated on one of the kitchen island stools behind me. Sophia, not so much butter. No one is going to want to marry you if you keep rounding out. Besides, it’s not good for your diabetes, you know. She may have missed my weight loss when I was a child, but she certainly noticed every pound I had added to my four-foot, ten-inch frame as an adult. She didn’t hesitate to share her opinion about it, either. Sure, my face had rounded out a bit, but my ballet-dancer legs and tight rear end still looked great in a short skirt, so the extra pounds didn’t bother me.

Okay, I answered while wrapping my butter-loaded toast in a paper towel and turning to leave.

You going to work? Mom asked, looking at me with a frown. As I leaned in to give her a kiss, she placed her right index finger and thumb on the bridge of my nose and pinched rapidly.

Mom! Stop it! I exclaimed, pulling my head back and swatting her away with both hands.

Mei-Mei, you’ve got to pinch the bridge of your nose so it becomes taller.

Nice parting words of wisdom, Mom.

I brought my toast to my mouth and had almost escaped the kitchen when Dad called over from the adjoining great room. We’re proud of you, you know, our little Silicon Valley girl. The toast stilled at my lips and I looked over my shoulder to get a view of my beaming father.

Thank you, Daddy, I said warmly before using my free hand to blow him a kiss.

Mom followed me out of the kitchen all the way to the front door so she could fuss with my hair. You need to be taller to wear those wide-legged pants! They make you look like a squatty little creature, she jabbed one last time before I practically ran outside. Her constructive criticisms rolled easily off my back. Duck feathers, duck feathers, I repeated to myself.

I climbed into my black BMW convertible—the one I’d overindulgently bought using my first Global Partners paycheck and a little help from my parents—then cruised down their steep driveway. Before speeding onto the freeway, though, I stopped for a treat that was usually reserved for Sundays: a soy café au lait. Calorie counting be damned. At five minutes before six in the morning, the coffee shop was filled with young entrepreneurs who already had adrenaline (and caffeine) seeping from their pores. They passionately pointed to their laptops, each appearing to have a world-changing idea. If that failed, it wasn’t a problem because they had three or four others waiting. I didn’t understand how these dreamers could lose millions in venture capital money without blinking an eye, and why the men in button-down shirts lining Silicon Valley’s VC row—Sand Hill Road—continued to fund them. What did seem clear, though, was that the dreamers all wanted the same things: fame, power, and fortune. This exact scene was unfolding everywhere in Silicon Valley: people inspired by the unicorns of their era—the companies founded by daring twenty-year-olds who became billionaires overnight. They were all fighting for their share of the modern-day gold rush, and their hushed voices using trendy phrases like game-changing, pioneering, viral, or best of breed made my eyes roll.

Best of breed? What is this, a dog show?

I was better than they were. I was off to a real job. An investment banking job.

When I arrived at the office on that hot early-fall morning, I marched straight to my desk, hardly noticing the orchids or the bay view anymore. I sat at one of eight particle-board desks lined up along a long, wide yellow-fluorescent-lit hallway, hidden from the clients and anything else glamorous. This is where the analysts sat staring at our computer screens until our legs became numb. When I’d started, the more senior analysts had warned me about falling prey to the dreaded investment banker gut and ass spread: a gradual widening of one’s body parts thanks to too much sitting. Well, there’s something to look forward to.

Perhaps it was because my numb ass was distracting me, or because my back was turned, but I didn’t notice when Jack appeared behind me and called me into his office. This had been a regular occurrence for various reasons, some of which were disciplinary (and in my opinion, unjustified), some of which were purely business. Regardless of the reason, I hated going in there—it smelled of antiques, and the mounted deer head on the wall was always staring at me. Yikes.

Sophia. Please, sit down. I planted myself in one of the nickel-studded leather chairs, then scooted forward slightly so my feet could touch the expensive Turkish rug. Jack paused, folded his hands on the desk, and leaned forward. Suddenly I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this wasn’t going to be good; Jack hadn’t called me here to talk about the slideshow, my white pants, or my software industry summary. I attempted to look serious.

This isn’t working, Sophia, Jack began.

I know, I’m sorry. I looked down at my hands. What was the professional version of detention? Whiteboards to erase? I will not argue with my boss typed ten thousand times into my company-issued BlackBerry? I told myself I’d do what he asked, if only to get him (and that poor deer) to stop staring at me.

We’re going to have to let you go, he continued.

My jaw dropped. No fucking way.

What? I argued. But . . . don’t you have to give me two weeks’ notice or something?

No. You’re an at-will employee. Jack clapped his hands together once, as though to say Done deal. We’re going to have to ask you to clear out your desk right now. Security is already there to take your computer.

"Right now? I protested. This is a mistake."

I sat there stunned. I couldn’t lose my job. This was going to be the answer to my prayers, the sum total Girl Scout badge of Moving Forward with My Life. And whether I liked working at Global Partners or not, I knew I was lucky to have such a good job. Panic rushed through me as I imagined being stuck at home with Mom. She’d spend the next year grooming me into the perfect marriageable specimen, making me feel like I wasn’t good enough. This couldn’t be happening. No. I wouldn’t let it.

I felt my cheeks redden as I slowly got to my feet, my reasonable heels digging into Jack’s stupid rug. I looked straight at him. You can’t do this. I wanted to threaten him with a call from my father, but I knew that was the wrong thing to do.

Jack didn’t answer. He had already gone back to his emails. He wasn’t just waiting me out; he wasn’t even seeing me anymore. I was already gone. Invisible.

Damn you, you arrogant bastard.

Furious, I stormed out of the room with tears streaming down my face. Don’t cry, I scolded myself. Don’t cry.

I parked my car in my parents’ driveway, wondering what the hell I would do with my finance degree and telling myself it was okay that I was fired because I didn’t belong with those Ivy League summa cum laudes anyway. The banking job was never what I really wanted to do. I’d wanted to turn my twelve years of ballet training into a Golden State Warriors cheerleading career. Dancing was always my greatest joy; I loved how it made me forget—how impossible it was to think about anything and how I’d lose myself in the music and the choreography that went along with it. But one night over dinner I tried discussing my post–high school plan with my parents. Mom had just stood up to retrieve a set of chopsticks from the kitchen drawer, which she would use to serve the chow-fun she’d prepared, and before the word cheerleader had even left my mouth, both chopsticks came flying across the kitchen and nailed me in the back of the head. I turned around to see Mom’s glare—her warning that I’d better stop this nonsense once and for all. So as always, I did what my parents expected of me, and now I was a diploma-holding, unemployed loser.

My sister, Audrey, was the smart, independent, and reasonable one—the one who would have fit into the investment bank scene just as well as she did the hedge fund world in which she worked. Older by three years, she was blessed with street smarts; perfect physical health; a five-foot-five frame; a strong, high-bridged nose; and large, almost Caucasian-like eyes that I envied. She excelled at every sport and academic subject she attempted; she was motivated and aggressive and her beauty was undeniable. She was the perfect Chinese daughter, and it would be too simple to say that I was jealous of her. I was, but I loved her and looked up to her, too. She had it all, the life I thought I wanted: a caring, loving husband; a beautiful home in Palo Alto; and a baby girl named Ava I adored. The first time I’d held my niece, I was certain that if love could be measured, I was the one who loved her the most. Gone was any disappointment that my sister had beaten me yet again. In its place were visions of how I’d be the best aunt in the world.

I was the opposite of Audrey. To start, we looked nothing alike. I was the petite, cute one with a small heart-shaped mouth and apple-red cheeks that no amount of foundation could temper. I was also the sick one, the one cursed with diabetes and every side effect that came with it: a lousy immune system, compromised kidneys, high blood pressure, and probably more to come. My poor health history was why my parents coddled me, and why they raised me to be taken care of, to shop and look pretty. They didn’t care if I did poorly in school; they just hoped I would live a stress-free, happy life with a husband who loved me. I didn’t mind one bit going along with their plan, since their expectations seemed low. But my parents often sent conflicting messages, like telling their daughters to lose weight in the same breath that they insisted we eat more. That they raised us to be barefoot and pregnant while constantly reinforcing the importance of being employed and independent was confusing, but there was no doubt they’d find my termination at the investment bank disappointing. Worse, it would be considered losing face—besmirching our family’s good name. I was not looking forward to telling them what had happened.

I entered my parents’ home and immediately heard the familiar, calming sound of trickling water coming from our koi pond in the center of the foyer. The cool marble floors felt nice compared to the Indian-summer air outside. I dropped my purse, threw off my shoes, and procrastinated by walking to the left side of the pond, where, behind a rock, we hid the fish food. I tossed a few pellets into the water and made a wish, the same way I’d done since I was a kid. I want to be married. The bright-colored fish waved themselves toward the surface with open mouths and fought for the food. I said good morning to them before crossing the foyer, walking up three steps, and passing the curved staircase that led to the second floor. I gently pushed on the swinging door and entered my parents’ contemporary kitchen.

Bright sun streamed in through the windows, blinding the view of the large landscaped garden outside. It was nearly nine a.m. and the delicious aroma of just-steamed Chinese barbecue pork buns filled my nose. I considered whether I should sit down and enjoy one before saying anything to Mom and Dad about work.

Like a paper clip to a magnet, the voice of Bugs Bunny and

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