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Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King: Bound to the Lycan
Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King: Bound to the Lycan
Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King: Bound to the Lycan
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Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King: Bound to the Lycan

By Naya

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Nolan almost kills Layla and finds out about the pregnancy in the worst way ever.
He begins to feel guilty about it all and tries to make it up to Layla.

( Book 3 of the Series)
Layla's life spirals out of control after catching her boyfriend with her stepsister Scarlet. She is broken and finds herself in a bar, drunk and has a one-night stand with Nolan, a complete stranger. Betrayal and an unplanned pregnancy, Layla flees to a new city for a fresh start. She secures a job with the help of her friend, but destiny has a twist in store—her new boss is none other than Nolan, the father of her baby. As Layla navigates this unexpected reality, she must decide whether to confront her past and embrace her new future or let the shadows of her secrets determine her fate.

Join Layla on a journey of heartbreak, discovery, and the search for growth.

Release dateJun 12, 2024
Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King: Bound to the Lycan

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    Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King - Naya


    Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King

    Bound to the Lycan

    Chapter 100:

    A few days passed and Layla found the pack comfortable. Everyone was good and nice to her.

    Keisha mostly as she told her a lot of things she needed to know about the pack.

    She promised to take her on a tour soon and Layla was happy to do that.

    What do you want to have for breakfast? Keisha asked as they alighted the stairs.

    I think I'll have grilled chicken today. I'm seriously craving that. She stated.

    Noted! I'll ask the maids to ask you that.. Keisha informed as Layla gave her a warm smile.

    Look, it's Nolan.. Keisha pointed out as Nolan looked up to see Nolan talking to Carla.

    She looked quite shocked to see Carla as she has not seen her since they came to the pack.

    She saw Carla holding a luggage and she looked angry.

    Come on.. Keisha motioned as they walked to where Carla and Nolan were.

    Hi Carla.. Keisha waved at Carla who only spared a glance at her.

    I see you just arrived but why did you look angry? Keisha asked.

    Because I'm pissed! Carla muttered as she gritted her teeth in anger. Seeing Layla angered her the more.

    I'm so f*cking pissed right now.. she says as she fumed in anger. She just arrived in the pack after finding out from Xander that Layla and Nolan were long gone.

    She was prepared for victory and couldn't wait for when Nolan would throw Layla out. But none of that happened, instead she was the one utterly embarrassed.

    Not only did Nolan refrain from picking her calls, he also didn't tell her that he was returning to the pack. She had high hopes when she visited the company only to hear from Xander that Nolan had left. Not only did he leave, he took Layla Along. 

    Which only meant that he accepted the pregnancy, she had no idea how Layla did it, but she was completely surprised that Nolan didn't throw her out 

    And why's that? Keisha asked and her face slowly moved to Layla.

    It was all because of Layla, her presence ruined her life, her showing up in Nolan's life, ruined everything for her.

    Because Nolan left me in New York and didn't bother to tell me that he was coming back… she uttered, forcing her anger to be at bay, she would make sure to get back to Layla.

    But why are you getting worried over that? Nolan's not your guardian. Layla was the one who spoke this time, she just couldn't get why Carla was always around Nolan.

    At first she thought that they were dating but it seemed Nolan held no romantic feelings towards her. But she was always around him.

    Carla glanced sideways at Layla as she felt the urge to walk up to her and strangle her but she decided to stick to her plan which was to play nice and bite from the back.

    Then no one would ever point a finger at her if anything ever happened to Layla, because she was sure she would do something nasty soon. Nolan was hers.

    I.. she began but Nolan interrupted them.

    Go to your room Carla. I'm busy.. he says out curtly before leaving all of them there.

    Come on Layla, let's go to the kitchen.. Kiesha said and they both left, also leaving Carla there.

    Carla's fist curled as she watched them leave. She heaved in anger and then suddenly an idea hit her at the mention of the world kitchen. She knew exactly what to do.


    Yes ma, you called for me… A maid said as she walked into Carla's room.

    Lock the door behind you.. Layla instructed and she did just that.

    You're Sarah right? She asked with a sinister smile on her lips.

    Yes I am.. Sarah stammered in fear as she wondered why Carla called her. Everyone in the palace knew her to be very cruel. She always went around parading herself as a peacock, feeling like she was going to be Luna someday.

    Being summoned by her only meant bad luck.

    Move closer.. Carla motioned for Sarah to move closer to her and she did just that.

    Have this.. Carla threw a wad of dollars notes to her and Sarah's face squeezed in confusion.

    I learnt that your mother is sick and you need money for medicine.. Carla informed and Sarah shook her head in agreement.

    Use that to treat your sick mother.. she said and Sarah froze. Why was the cruel miss being suddenly nice to her?

    "Thank you ma. I'm so grateful..'' She appreciated it. Her mother had been battling with a disease and she found it difficult to raise money for her.

    Not so fast. You have to do something for me in return.. Carla said as she laughed.

    As you know. Nothing goes for nothing, she started laughing frantically.

    I'll do anything to pay back.. Sarah said as she was anxious to save her sick mother.

    Over there.. Carla pointed at a small bottle that was sitting on top of her dressing table and Sarah slowly walked there as she picked up the strange bottle.

    What's this for? She asked curiously as she stared at the bottle which had no label on it.

    You are amongst the people that serve the Luna right? Carla asked and Sarah shook her head slowly.

    Good. Your job is simple. Mix that in Layla's food.. Carla instructed. She had decided to end Layla for good. Not just Layla but the baby in her womb.

    What!! Sarag exclaimed in shock as she froze. What was Carla seriously asking her to do?

    Mix it in Layla's food, then she'd be gone from my life for once.. Carla snapped in a cold tone.

    I can't do that ma.. she stuttered. She was asking her to take a life.

    You don't have a choice Sarah. Do it and save your mother. I know how much you love her, so this is the only way to save her. You have to do it!

    Besides you don't have a choice, you've already touched my money. If you don't do it, I'll kill you, your son and your daughter,then I'll go for your parents.. Carla threatened and that seemed to have worked the trick.

    Sarah loved her family a lot and couldn't afford to see them die, Carla definitely knew the right person to use for this job.

    I'll do it.. she uttered as she gripped the bottle tight.

    Chapter 101:

    Layla and Nolan sat down in the large dining room as they waited for their breakfast to be served. 

    Present at the table were Carla, Keisha and Darren. The palace was a very big place and everyone lived comfortably.

    How are you doing? Nolan asked Layla. He had been so busy for the past few days as he had to lay some things in order in the pack, so he's not really been around but he was sure Keisha was keeping Layla's company.

    I'm good as you can see.. Layla replied as Sarah served her portion of food, the other maids serving the others.

    Thanks.. Layla smiled at her as Sarah stepped back.

    Was that really necessary? Nolan asked as Layla turned to look at him, they were both sitting near each other.

    What? She asked with narrowed brows.

    You're the Luna. There was no need to say thanks. She's meant to serve you.. he stated. He noticed that Layla was humbling herself too much before maids.

    Thanks Mr adviser. But I like being that way. It's good to be nice.. she flashed a smile as she returned her attention to get food.

    I'm organizing a coronation party for you.. Nolan informed and Layla turned to face him again.

    Why? She asked. She didn't want any party.

    You're going to be crowned as the queen he informed.

    It's going to be held during the end of the month but if you're not comfortable with that, you can choose a date yourself.. he added.

    No need. Choose the date yourself. I'm okay with anything you choose.. she stated. The month end was just a week away.

    By the beginning of next month also. I'll be taking you to the hospital.. he said again.


    You have an appointment with Karen. It will be the first Friday of every month.. she uttered and Layla smiled brightly. If she had an appointment with Karen, that means she would be allowed to leave here, that was a perfect chance to visit Aurora and Regan.

    Really? She asked, feeling excited.

    Yes.. he confirmed.

    That's great, I'm looking forward to that.. she announced happily.

    But you're not looking forward to your coronation.. Nolan reasoned out, she didn't look this excited when he told her about that.

    I'm happy for both.. she said.

    Do you guys have any hospitals here? She asked as she saw no reason why he was going through the stress of allowing her to go to New York.

    We do. And it's full of experienced doctors. I'm just using this as one of the means to make it up to you.. he confessed. He knew that she would be very happy by this news.

    That's a good try.. she smiled, shaking her head.

    Nolan and Layla. Aren't you guys going to eat? Your food is getting cold.. Carla interrupted from where she sat as she smiled at them.

    Layla has been speaking too much, she should just go ahead and eat the food, so she Could go join her ancestors.

    Eat your food… Nolan said as Layla focused her attention on her food. She picked up the spoon and was about to have a bite when someone suddenly brushed her plates off the table.

    Shattering sounds of breaking plates were heard as everyone suddenly stood up in surprise.

    Layla did the same as she looked shocked.

    What's the meaning of this bullshit? Nolan focused his attention on Sarah who stood, shaking like a chicken who had been drenched in the rain.

    Carla also stood as she fumed in anger, that fool just ruined her plans.

    I'm sorry your highness I just can't do this.. Sarah cried as she fell on her knees. She couldn't stand to kill an innocent woman along with her child.

    Her conscience wouldn't allow her to do so, she loved her family no doubt, but she would only be bringing a curse upon them if she spilled innocent blood.

    Do what? Nolan asked as he went ahead to hold Layla close, as she looked visibly shaken.

    Please forgive me your highness.. she knelt in front of Layla's leg ignoring the cuts she received from the broken plates.

    You're very kind and I just can't bring myself to kill you.. she confessed and realization dawned on everyone, she had been paid to poison Layla.

    Carla on the other hand found herself seated pretty profusely, no doubt she was going to get caught. The fool had ratted her out.

    You're still too young to lose your life, I'm sorry… she wept. Everyone liked the Luna. She was kind to everyone.

    She didn't boss around, she was humble to a fault and she just can't see someone as good as her dying.

    Who sent you? Nolan asked as his eyes suddenly turned red. Someone was trying to kill Layla.

    It was… she stammered as her eyes slowly traveled to Carla.

    If you talk I'll kill everyone you love Carla mouthed to her and she suddenly burst out crying. Carla was cruel and would definitely keep to her promise, there was only one thing left for her to do.

    Please Luna. Don't drag my family into this. Please, my family is innocent. Please promise that you'll let them be. My son is just five years old, he still has a long life ahead of him. Please let him live.. she begged Layla in tears.

    I'm sorry…

    Who sent you? Speak and I will consider lessening your punishment Nolan stated but she had other plans in mind.

    Before anyone could even say anything, she brought out a knife from under her uniform.

    No, don't!! Layla yelled but it was too late as Sarah drove the heart right through her heart and she instantly fell dead.

    No. Jesus! Nolan you can't let her die.. Layla stammered her face brimming with tears.

    Let's get out of here.. Nolan said, holding Layla's hand. There was nothing he could do for Sarah now, she laced the knife with silver, that was the reason she died so quickly.

    But he'd definitely find the real culprit behind this and make sure he punished them.

    Come on… 

    Darren take care of this mess. Meet me in my study room in an hour's time.. Nolan ordered as he took a shaken Layla away.

    What do you think about Sarah's actions?

    Drop your answers in the comment section.


    Chapter 102:

    Are you okay? Nolan asked Layla after they got into the room.

    Layla shook her head slowly as she wasn't able to utter any word, she still found it hard to believe that someone tried to Poison her.

    She wondered who the person might be that they so badly wanted her dead, even to the point of hiring someone to kill her.

    No I'm not okay.. she kept shaking as she sat on the bed, there was no way she would be fine, when there was someone out there that wanted her dead.

    I've not even spent up to a month here and someone is already trying to kill me.. Layla uttered in disbelief.

    What must she have done to anger the person up to the extent of them wanting her dead.

    Calm down.. Nolan said as he moved closer to her. He was shocked as well, the person had the effrontery to try and harm Layla.

    He'd definitely get to the bottom of this and make sure the person paid for their sins.

    I can't calm down Nolan.. she said as she began to breathe very fast. She felt really scared. Very scared.

    Look at me Layla.. Nolan began as she squatted in front of her.

    Calm down. Alright. I won't let anything happen to you.. he assured, lifting her chin up but she still had this worried look on her face.

    I'm scared, Nolan. I'm really scared. What if they try to harm my child.. she gasped. There was no way she was going to let that happen.

    Layla look at me.. he said softly and she slowly looked into his eyes.

    I promise that I'm not going to allow any harm to come to you. Something like this would never repeat itself.. he swore and that seemed to have calmed her down as she saw the reassurance in his eyes. She felt safe.

    Just calm down.. he tried coaxing her and Layla began to take in deep breaths in a bid to calm herself down.

    Good.. Nolan stated as he stood up slowly.

    That maid was innocent!! Layla began referring to Sarah.

    I could see it in her eyes, she had no choice. She was innocent. Why would she kill herself? Layla asked. she could have just told the truth and everything would be sorted out, but she looked really scared, even to the extent of taking her own life.

    I think she was being blackmailed with something and had no choice. Don't you worry. I have the upper hand here. I'll bring out everything to light.. he promised. The culprit probably didn't know whom he or she was messing with.

    They just got themselves into a deep black hole and there was no way he was going to let them out.

    He'd made sure to punish them, that they'd even begin to beg for death.

    Right now, all I want you to do is to get very careful around here. Mind the things you eat or touch.. Nolan instructed.

    While they were still trying to fish out the culprit, whoever it is must still be trying to hurt Layla. So they still had to be very careful.

    Be careful Layla. Don't accept or eat anything from anyone. When I say anyone, I mean anyone.. he carefully instructed and she slowly nodded her head in agreement.

    The person behind it can be closer than we think. So don't accept anything from anyone.. he warned this time in a serious tone.

    He trusted only a few people. The only people he trusted were Xander and Darren.

    The rest were hanging in a thin line.

    He was sure those two could lay out their lives for him. He had studied them well enough in the past to know that.

    I won't.. Layla said she wasn't even sure she would be able to eat anything.

    Now you should get something to eat. You can starve yourself because of this… he said , he had not forgotten the fact that she had not eaten anything.

    I don't think I can eat anything now.. Layla confessed. She felt so scared to put food in her mouth, not to talk of swallowing it.

    Don't worry. I'll take you outside to eat. I know a place.. he informed. He knew how traumatic things could be for someone.

    Okay. I'll wear something better… Layla said in agreement as she couldn't starve herself forever.

    Nolan was with her, so she knew she would be safe.

    I'll be back. Layla informed and she headed for the closet.

    I'm done.. Layla announced after wearing something better.

    Come on, let's go… Nolan said and they both left the room.

    On their way out, they met Darren who was coming to see Nolan. It seemed as if he had news.

    Maddox! Layla exclaimed as she saw

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