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His Last Letter From War
His Last Letter From War
His Last Letter From War
Ebook335 pages4 hours

His Last Letter From War

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About this ebook

Sergeant Brian Preston's life is marked by love, loss, and duty.


"His Last Letter From War" tells the heart-wrenching story of a husband's love, a son's courage, a mother's unwavering love, and the unbreakable bond that endures even in the darkest of times.


From Utica, a small city in Upstate New York, to the battlefields of Vietnam, Brian's only solace is the letters he writes to his mother, Rita. These letters become a lifeline, connecting them across the miles and offering a glimmer of hope in the darkest times.


As the war rages on, Rita receives her last letter, which holds the final words of a son, soldier, and hopefully a survivor.


"His Last Letter From War" is a powerful tale of love, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between a mother and her son. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unbreakable ties that keep us going, even in the face of unimaginable sorrow.

Release dateJun 21, 2024
His Last Letter From War

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    Book preview

    His Last Letter From War - W.G. Davis

    Part 1 The Fairytale Begins


    Don Preston and Rita Summers had met in the 6th grade at Milton Middle School in Milton, Florida, where Don was the class clown and Rita was the quiet one.

    It was a science class project that put the two together.

    They were given the task of creating a volcano using baking soda and vinegar.

    They worked on their volcano design after school for a few days. They would go to Rita’s house as she had a full garage that her father let them use.

    They managed to create a pretty good-looking volcano out of paper Mache.

    They meticulously painted small details into the side of the volcano and Don glued small twigs to the base to represent small trees along the bottom of the volcano.

    When the day finally came to present their project to the class, don added a few squirts of red food coloring to add just a small bit of color to make the lava look realistic.

    Unfortunately, nobody told them the exact measurements of baking soda and vinegar that they would need to make a small eruption.

    Don added three full boxes of baking soda and when the time came, he poured a whole quart of vinegar into the top of the paper Mache project and smiled as he waited for the eruption to appear.

    Within seconds the mixture created the red lava that flowed from the top of the volcano that the two had created.

    As Rita and Don stood there watching their creation come to life, their classmates just watched in amazement at the eruption that was unfolding before them.

    At first the sight of the bright red lava flowing out of the top of their creation was a joyful sight to watch. But then it seemed as though the flow wasn’t going to end, and the red mixture started to flow over the sides of the base taking the small trees with it.

    It wasn’t long before half the classroom floor was covered in red lava. The children just sat there in amazement and laughed as the flowing lava coated the classroom floor.

    Their teacher Mrs. Walker told the class to move to the library as she contacted the janitor to come and clean the volcanic mess that now covered three quarters of the classroom floor.

    The class spent the rest of the afternoon in the library as the janitors worked to clean the mess.

    The following morning when Don entered the classroom, he was shocked to see the red stain from the food coloring that now covered the classroom floor.

    When Mrs. Walker entered the classroom, you could see the look of disappointment on her face when she seen the condition of the floor.

    After the morning announcements and the saying of the pledge of Allegiance, she asked Don and Rita to stand, come up and stand in front of the class.

    Rita was nervous that she would be in trouble for what had happened, and she already had devised a plan to tell the teacher that she wasn’t responsible for the lava mixture and that Don was the one to take the blame for that.

    But to her surprise the teacher just asked them to tell the class what they had learned from their experience.

    Rita was lost for words. What could she possibly say?

    She was just getting ready to answer when Don spoke up and to her surprise gave an answer that even amazed her.

    Don stood tall and with the confidence of a politician standing on a platform. Don simply said, I learned from this project that the people of Pompeii never stood a chance.

    The class just laughed at his answer and the teacher told them that they each would get an A for the project but did advise them to be careful going forward when working on science projects together.

    It was after this experience that the two became good friends and their bond had grown stronger with each passing year.

    It was on their summer break from high school when Don finally got up the nerve to ask Rita to be his girlfriend.

    They enjoyed swimming in the water of the Gulf of Mexico and watching the naval planes fly in the distance.

    That’s going to be me one day, he told Rita as they watched a plane from the end of the Pensacola Beach pier slowly make its descent over the horizon to land on the Naval Air Station in Pensacola.

    Rita just looked at Don. smiled and said, You can do anything that you truly set your heart to.

    Don knew that this was the sign that he was so patiently waiting for that would let him know that it was the right time to ask Rita to be his girlfriend.

    Don looked at Rita and smiled and said, Well, I got my heart set on you.

    At first, Rita didn’t understand what he was trying to say.

    So, she asked him, What are you saying?

    Don was now nervous because he wasn’t sure if her response was a question of refusal or a question seeking clarification.

    Rita, my heart is set on two things, he said with a slight tinge of fear and doubt in his voice.

    Two things, what are those two things? Rita asked with a huge smile on her face.

    Don was lost for words for a brief moment trying to figure out the best way to answer her without sounding foolish.

    Before he could even put together his thoughts to respond he blurted out, Flying and you.

    Oh my gosh, did I really just say that? He thought to himself.

    Me? Rita asked.

    Don knew that he was at the point of no return, so he just replied, Yes you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?

    It seemed like an eternity as he sat there in the sand waiting for her response. He was hoping that her answer was yes but nervous that she might shoot him down like a fighter jet that just lost its battle.

    Hmm that’s a tough one, Rita said jokingly.

    Don couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It wasn’t yes but at the same time, it wasn’t no.

    Rita could see by the look on Don’s face that he was very nervous about what her reply would be.

    She reached over and took his hand in hers and said, I know that we’re only thirteen, but I am truly in love with you. I have been trying to figure out a way to ask you out too.

    Don was hearing what she was saying, but he still didn’t hear the words yes or no, so he asked her, So, are you saying yes, or no?

    Rita just laughed and said, Of course, I’m saying yes silly.

    Don was overcome with a feeling of joy and relief.

    Just then, Rita leaned over and softly kissed Don.

    That first kiss on the Pensacola Beach pier was a magical moment for both of them.

    It was the start of a fairytale and an adventure all wrapped up in one.

    The two teens just spent the remainder of the evening cuddled together on the beach and watching the fireworks as they lit up the sky above them.

    Rita was happy that the one boy that she wanted to be able to call hers was now her official boyfriend. And Don was excited that the one thing that he wanted more than being a naval pilot was now a part of his life.

    The next four years of high school had been an emotional journey for both of them.

    Together they had conquered the trials of high school.

    They had their bad days, and they had their great days, but they both knew that the other was that one person that they wanted to spend forever with.

    So, after every argument or disagreement, they would find their common ground and work on whatever differences came between them.

    When the two entered their senior year of high school they knew that after graduation their lives may take them in separate directions.

    Don still had his heart on being a Naval pilot and Rita wasn’t sure what she truly wanted to do after she left high school.

    All she knew was that whatever this chapter in her life was, it was going to be with Don.


    Their high school graduation day was on June 4th, 1937; they stood together, ready to embark on the next chapter of their lives together.

    Still driven by his dreams of becoming a Naval Officer and a fighter pilot, Don had enlisted in the Navy the previous November with an agreement that he would finish high school and ship out to basic training as soon as the next class was starting.

    Don was happy to be graduating, but he was sad at the same time because he knew that his departure to basic training was looming just one month after graduation.

    And since eighth grade, he and Rita have been together every day. He didn’t know if this time and distance apart would destroy what they had built together.

    Don was still determined to become a pilot and make his mark in the world, but before he left, he had one important question to ask Rita.

    After the graduation ceremony, Don took Rita by the hand and led her to a quiet spot away from the crowd.

    With nervous excitement that he hadn’t felt since that summer day when he asked Rita to be his girlfriend, he got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife.

    Rita's eyes sparkled with joy as she exclaimed, Yes!

    She had always dreamed of marrying Don, and her heart swelled with happiness knowing that her dream was coming true.

    Rita’s eyes welled with tears as she gazed at the ring that Don had just slipped onto her finger.

    I only have one request, she said with a smile.

    Anything for you, Don replied.

    Let’s get married on Valentine’s Day.

    I will marry you on whatever day you want. It could be Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, or Mother’s Day. Heck, it can even be April Fool’s Day. All that matters is that whatever day we choose it will forever be known as our wedding day, Don said as he held Rita in his embrace.

    And not just Valentine's Day, but Valentine's Day on Panama Beach, the very place where you had first got up the courage to ask me out in 8th grade, she said with a smile.

    Don knew that the beach held a special significance for both of them, and he couldn't think of a more fitting location to start their journey as husband and wife.

    Well, that’s where our fairytale began. So, it’s only fitting that’s where the next chapter of our fairytale continues, Don replied.

    For the next month, Don and Rita spent every moment together, cherishing their last little bit of time together before Don left for the Navy talking about and planning their future.

    Don assured her that he would do everything in his power to make her dreams come true, promising to be there for her through thick and thin.

    And Rita did the same. And she said that no matter where he was in this world, she would always be here waiting for her husband to fly home to her.


    Monday, July 12th, 1937, arrived way too quickly.

    The warm Florida rain fell lightly as Don, accompanied by Rita and his parents, stood at the bus station in Ft. Walton Beach Florida.

    His mother held him tightly, her eyes filled with both pride and sadness knowing that her son was on his way to the U.S. Navy boot camp.

    No matter how old you get, you'll always be my little boy, she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

    His father, a man of few words, shook Don's hand firmly. He told Don that he was proud of him and wished him the best of luck in his training.

    Don’s father suggested that they give the young couple some privacy to say their goodbyes. Don and Rita found themselves alone on the curb, raindrops mingling with their freshly fallen tears.

    With a tenderness that only true love would know; Don wrapped his arms around Rita and gently wiped away a tear that was streaming down her cheek. I'll be home before you know it, he assured her, his voice filled with love.

    Rita, holding back her emotions, gazed into Don's eyes, and replied, I know. I'm just going to miss you so much.

    Don tried to lighten the mood by saying, Well, while I'm gone, you can work on planning our perfect beach wedding.

    A smile came across Rita's face as she replied, Our perfect beach wedding to start our fairytale life.

    She suddenly felt a surge of hope and excitement, envisioning the life they would build together once Don returned from his training.

    Drawing her closer, Don whispered, I love you so much, and their lips met in a passionate kiss. The world around them faded into the rain that fell around them, leaving only the two of them and their love for each other.

    The moment was ended as the bus driver called, Last call to board!

    With one final, lingering kiss, they said their final goodbyes just as Don stepped onto the bus.

    As soon as he found a seat, he quickly opened the window of the bus and called out to Rita, I love you!

    Rita's heart swelled with emotions, and she replied with all her heart, I love you too!

    She stood there in the rain and watched as the bus pulled away from the curb, gradually disappearing from sight.

    Rita held her hand to her chest, placing her other hand over the engagement ring on her finger. With a gentle touch, she whispered to herself, I'll love you forever.

    Little did they know that their love story was just beginning, destined to endure the ultimate tests of time and distance.

    Don would go off to face the challenges of Navy Basic training, while Rita would patiently await his return home to Florida and plan their dream beach wedding.

    Rita carried their love in her heart, eagerly awaiting the day when Don would come back to her, and they would begin their fairytale on the sun-kissed shores of Panama Beach.


    Three days after leaving Ft. Walton Beach Florida, Don Preston stood on the grounds of the United States Navy Training Station in Great Lakes, Illinois.

    Don was excited to be following his dream to become a fighter pilot, soaring through the skies with the United States Navy. However, he knew that before he could chase that dream, he had to first conquer the challenges of basic training.

    The first couple of days were filled with learning the basics of being in the military like marching, standing at attention, reciting general orders, and learning proper military dress.

    Don was taught how to march and to make his bunk. At first, he thought that this was a lot easier than he expected it to be.

    But that all changed when the initial reception period was over, and the real military training started.

    The first week was the most intensive for physical and mental conditioning. Pushups, sit-ups, and running became a way of life for Don.

    Luckily, he started exercising on a regular basis as soon as he enlisted the previous year.

    With the demands of physical fitness not weighing on him, he was able to focus on his book studies.

    The days were incredibly long, and at times sleep was minimal. But Don knew that this had to be normal for him if he ever planned on being a real fighter pilot on call to fly out at a moment’s notice.

    In the evenings, when the day's training had come to an end, Don would find a quiet corner away from the other recruits, pen, and paper in hand, to write his letters to Rita, back in Florida.

    Despite the distance that separated them, their love was strong.

    Their bond grew with every letter, each filled with words of love, longing, and dreams for their future together.

    In the second week of Don’s basic training he received his first letter from Rita.

    Dear Don,

    I hope this letter finds you well amidst the hustle and bustle of Navy boot camp. It feels like forever since we last saw each other, even though it's only been a few weeks. How are you holding up there in Great Lakes, Illinois? I can only imagine how hard the training must be, but I know you're tough and determined.

    Here in Florida, things are pretty much the same. The days seem to drag on without you around. I miss your laughter, your smile, and your presence. It's strange not having you by my side, but I know this is something you've wanted for a long time, and I couldn't be prouder of you for chasing your dreams.

    I've been keeping busy to distract myself from missing you too much. Mama has been teaching me how to bake her famous apple pie, and I must say, I'm getting quite good at it! Maybe when you come back, I'll bake you one as a welcome home treat.

    I've been thinking a lot about our future together lately. I know we've talked about it before, but it feels more real now that you're away at boot camp.

    While you've been away, I've been dreaming about our wedding day. I know it might seem silly to plan ahead like this, but I can't help but get excited about the thought of marrying you. And Don, I've always imagined our wedding taking place on the beach, with the salty breeze in our hair and the sound of the waves crashing in the background.

    Just picture it: a warm summer day, the sun setting over the horizon, and us standing hand in hand, surrounded by our loved ones. I can already feel the soft sand beneath our feet as we exchange vows. And afterward, we'll dance under the stars, celebrating our love.

    I know we have a long journey ahead of us before we can make this dream a reality, but thinking about it brings me so much joy and hope for our future together. I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives, building a home and a family with you.

    But for now, I'll continue to wait patiently for your return, cherishing every letter and every memory.

    Stay strong and focused. I'll be counting down the days until I can see you again. Write back when you can and tell me all about your adventures at boot camp. I'll be here, eagerly waiting to hear from you.

    With all my love,


    And on the back of the envelope she wrote, Be safe and come home!

    Don cherished every word from Rita. He loved how she would go into very fine details about her idea of their perfect beach wedding.

    Whenever he was having a hard day or started to have any doubts about whether he could complete the training, he would reread her letters. And in her words, he found the strength to keep going.

    For the next five months, as Don endured the trials and tribulations of basic training, the two continued to exchange their heartfelt letters. Don shared stories of his experiences, the training, and the friendships he formed with his fellow trainees. Rita, on the other hand, filled her letters with encouragement, unwavering support, and plans for their upcoming wedding.

    After the initial seven weeks of basic training, Don's journey continued at Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Newport, Rhode Island.

    The thirteen weeks he would spend there were dedicated to providing him with the knowledge and skills required for a commission in the Navy.

    Don tackled each lesson with enthusiasm, understanding the significance of the path he had chosen and the sacrifices he had to make.

    Don always made sure to take time to write letters back home to Rita, ensuring their connection remained strong. He poured his heart into every word that he wrote to her, expressing his love in ways that only a love letter could.

    At the end of each letter, he added a P.S., with a number that represented

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