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Jealous Ghost
Jealous Ghost
Jealous Ghost
Ebook648 pages9 hours

Jealous Ghost

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Princess Ugo amassed millions of dollars through illicit business ventures, enlisting the help of her best friend, Rose, a white-collar criminal skilled in navigating bureaucratic obstacles. Over time, Rose developed ideas and began blackmailing Ugo. Despite paying over six million dollars, Ugo eventually uncovered the scam. In desperation, she sought the services of her uncle, Baldini, the head of the Sicilian mob, to eliminate Rose. Inspector Martinez, a corrupt police officer, was assigned to carry out the plot. However, an unknown biker intervened, disrupting the plan to save Rose. In a surprising twist, the mysterious biker chose to let Rose die at the last minute, raising the intriguing question of why. The answer lay with the jealous Ghost.

Release dateJun 29, 2024
Jealous Ghost


Dear Orji Agwu Onuoha is a Spanish novelist and lecturer. He studied at UNED and Madrid Language School. Since childhood, he had nursed the idea of creative writing. The dreams were put on hold to focus on his family. Later, he plucked up the courage to exercise his God-gifted talent. His first book was published in 2021.

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    Jealous Ghost - DEAR ORJI AGWU ONUOHA


    Midway through his morning jog, Lucas’s strides halted abruptly as his iPhone sounded. Retrieving the device, he answered, his heart quickening at the timbre of his fiancée’s voice. A palpable hysteria underscored her words, her anguish evident.

    Lucas, there’s been a terrible incident. Rose, Yolanda, and three others were brutally murdered hours ago. We were caught off-guard and ambushed by hired assailants. I managed to escape unscathed. Currently, we are hiding. The killers are still in pursuit. Please, come to us as soon as you can, she implored.

    Remain composed; I’ll board the next flight to Madrid. Secure lodging away from your residence and take refuge with Liz; I’ll be with you shortly. The somber revelation shadowed his mood, abruptly halting his morning routine. His mind sprung into action without delay.

    Monica’s distress was palpable as she recounted the assault and its profound aftermath. The unfamiliarity of Madrid posed a challenge for Lucas. The conversation was a struggle, marred by the cacophony, feeble audio, and a beleaguered network. A heaviness settled within him.

    In his mid-thirties, Lucas emerged from a union of mixed-race origins— a mother of diverse heritage and a black father. Standing six feet tall with a robust build, his penetrating brown eyes were compelling. Lucas was always neatly dressed, clad perennially in a suit and tie; his attire mirrored his resolute demeanor.

    Educated in law within the confines of Britain, he ventured to Romania to acquire military proficiency under the tutelage of Shakuma, a former KGB operative. Subsequently, the path of a mercenary unfolded, leading him to turbulent battlefields across the Middle East and Africa. The ebb of time saw him redirected, joining his father’s enterprise in Nigeria. Fate orchestrated his encounter with Monica within the bounds of this vibrant nation.

    Lucas embodied discipline and progressive ideals, advocating for dialogue over violence, reserving the latter as a final recourse. As perspiration glistened upon his skin, he found respite upon a weathered boulder, the contours of his thoughts mirroring his uncertain introspection.

    Amidst the fragments of recollection, Lucas revisited the genesis of the unraveling narrative. The minutiae surged forth, a torrent of remembrance. He pondered the trajectory from an inconsiderate disagreement to an unrestrained clash: Rosa’s allure had kindled the party’s atmosphere, her flirtatious demeanor captivating attention.

    Amid this allure, Aurelius succumbed to a primal impulse, his audacious act an unwelcome touch. Rose recoiling from his advance, her reaction was alarm and indignation—a visceral response to insolence. Rosa’s demeanor conveyed her discontent, perhaps veering toward rudeness. The second attempt to seize her, resolutely rebuffed, stoked Aurelius’s sense of affront.

    Liz regarded this grotesque intention with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. Unyielding against Aurelius’s unwelcome persistence, Lizzy sprang into action. A series of decisive strikes—kicks and uppercuts—rendered Aurelius unconscious, necessitating his removal on a stretcher. Eugenio, Aurelius’s kin, rushed to avenge his fallen cousin, only to encounter Liz’s swift and lethal response. A keen-edged dagger found its mark on his neck, leaving him prone and incapacitated.

    Lucas conjured the memories in a reflective reverie, a secondary voice recounting the episode: The spark ignited the turmoil was an impassioned quarrel revolving around inappropriate touching. Rosa and Lizzy became embroiled in a fierce and physical altercation with Aurelius, a member of the Baldini mafia clan. The confrontation escalated as Eugenio, Aurelius’s cousin, entered the fray to support him. Lizzy, a staunch ally of Rosa, stood resolute in their path, leading to a tumultuous clash. Lizzy’s response became overwhelming in her zealous attempt to quell the despicable behavior. Her strikes were precise and potent, striking at the core of Eugenio’s aggression. Blows that targeted his groin were executed with stunning precision, preceding the forceful thrust of a dagger into his neck, the blade emerging from its rear.

    The unfamiliar voice persisted in its enigmatic narrative. Lizzy emerged as a preeminent continental kickboxing champion, her strikes endowed with formidable and lethal prowess. Amid the spectators, an ominous figure loomed—the Mafia’s mastermind himself. However, the Mafia kingpin Lorenzo Baldini held unwavering conviction in Eugenio’s imminent victory. Driven by this belief, he abstained from controlling his underlings, opting to observe alongside Princess Ugo, somber anticipation enveloping them.

    A profound disillusionment seized Lorenzo as Eugenio’s lifeless body plummeted, extinguishing all aspirations of triumph.


    Another misfortune unfurled when Rosa chanced upon an exhibit within a crime scene. Seemingly casual, she retrieved a vividly hued Pendrive, harboring a disconcerting array of videos. Among its contents were images of violence, conceivably the key to unraveling the enigma surrounding murders and assassinations.

    A weighty responsibility beckoned Rosa and Monica as they embarked on a journey to the courtroom, their mission intertwined with the wellbeing of their grandparents. Chief Ikoro Kalu and his wife, Cecilia, had embarked on the same route just moments before their granddaughters. Fate, however, ensnared the elders in a perilous trap before they arrived at the courthouse.

    Their arrival came a mere five minutes after the incident. Drawing near the crash site, Rosa and Monica bore witness to a conflagration—a roaring inferno that consumed all in its path. They sprang from the vehicle, propelled by the urgency to aid those in peril. Amidst the chaos, Monica’s gaze landed on a distant silhouette—the smoldering remnants of Chief Ikoro’s Jeep. A thorough examination unveiled a grim reality: their grandparents had fallen prey to a ruthless ambush. Princess Ugo’s henchmen had ruthlessly claimed their grandmother’s life, Cecilia.

    Chief Ikoro, however, was ensnared within the canopy of a towering tree. Amid the ongoing struggle to liberate him, Rosa’s sharp eyes caught sight of an elusive hard drive, swiftly securing it before the imminent arrival of law enforcement.

    In hindsight, Ugo’s grievances against Rosa’s grandparents were rooted in their intent to expose her illicit activities. Chief Ikoro and Cecilia, seeking justice, had filed a petition challenging Princess Ugo’s business operations. Allegations encompassed the unsettling transformation of her once-sweet confectionery factory into a hub of drug production and human exploitation.

    Beneath the façade of a candy and lollipop enterprise, sinister rumors whispered of a more sinister reality—of an establishment birthing infants for sale. The depths of Ugo’s transgressions became vivid when Cecilia unearthed her involvement in a nefarious child adoption façade, where innocent lives were bought and sold.

    Torn between her friendship with Ugo and the pursuit of truth, Rosa endeavored to dissuade her grandparents from escalating the conflict. However, the tenacity of these retired British spies proved unyielding. Cecilia delved even more profoundly in her pursuit of justice, exposing Ugo’s shadowy past business dealings.

    Cecilia’s relentless pursuit of truth yielded a damning revelation—an incriminating video capturing Ugo callously ending a man’s life. Amid this revelation, Cecilia adroitly extracted sensitive data from the princess’s office laptop, gathering potent evidence to sway the tides of justice at the impending trial.

    As attempts to sway the resolute former British spies proved futile, the desperate princess resorted to deploying assassins, seeking their complete eradication.


    Lucas delved deeper into Rosa’s intricate narrative, a life teetering on the precipice for years before its eventual conclusion. Rosa had acquired her fortunes through dubious avenues, amassing wealth that fueled a life of opulence. Those glamorous epochs witnessed her behind the wheel of top-tier automobiles and enveloped her in an aura of grandeur. A keen instinct for seizing opportunities and her unscrupulous forays into the world of crime became conduits to her colossal affluence. The rulebook held no dominion over her conduct; she maneuvered with audacity. Just as cunning schemers often did, she orchestrated her ascension by capitalizing on the vulnerabilities of the unsuspecting victims.

    Fortuitously, Princess Ugo found herself in possession of an enigmatic Pendrive, a delivery facilitated by DHL. Eagerly, she engaged with its contents on her computer, only to be confronted by a disconcerting revelation. The specter of incarceration loomed menacingly, kindling profound fear within the princess. Desperate for a solution, she turned to Rose for guidance. In Rose’s counsel, she discovered a path to potential salvation.

    Empowered by Rose’s urging, Princess Ugo acquiesced to meet the blackmailer’s demands. Swiftly and resolutely, an exorbitant sum of one million dollars was transferred to an offshore account, the ransom for safeguarding a clandestine secret. The resolve was unswerving, the transfer executed to forestall the unveiling of that which was concealed. Thus, Ugo succumbed to the calculated scheme, surrendering a million dollars annually to appease the phantom blackmailer.

    Six years of unrelenting annual tributes gave way to a decisive turn of events—Princess Ugo enlisted the services of a distinguished British firm. Serendipitously, the firm had delved into the labyrinthine recesses of Rosa’s fictitious Guatemalan orphanage. The undertaking, however, was a formidable journey fraught with complexities. Nonetheless, the investigators adeptly navigated the intricacies, slipping through unnoticed gaps. The anticipated resistance from Guatemalan authorities materialized, characterized by an iron-handed approach that regularly impeded progress. Yet, the investigators refused to relent, navigating the labyrinth with strategic finesse.

    Under-the-table payments were orchestrated to circumvent obstructions in the face of a tainted justice system. The British investigators skillfully sidestepped bureaucratic hurdles, employing ingenuity to outmaneuver obstacles. Astonishingly, their efforts bore fruit—hidden within the recesses of classified records, a seismic revelation emerged. Among the labyrinthine threads of deceit, a damning revelation crystallized: Rosa stood as the architect of the blackmail scheme.

    The astute investigators surmised that Rosa had established contact with a former schoolmate-Ortega, an intelligent and idiosyncratic individual from Guatemala. Aged thirty-five, Ortega exuded an air of mystery, his history entwined with a stint in incarceration due to white-collar transgressions. Within his labyrinthine mind, Ortega conceived a cunning plan—a ruse that entailed the creation of a fictitious orphanage orchestrated to procure the annual million-dollar sum.

    Acting swiftly, Rose and Ortega orchestrated the establishment of a nonprofit foundation for the homeless, swiftly enlisting it as a charitable entity. Ugo’s initial million-dollar deposit marked the inception of their stratagem. Under Ortega’s deft orchestration, palms were discreetly greased, local officials coaxed into silence, and lips securely sealed.

    The remaining funds underwent meticulous laundering into Spanish territory in the ensuing days. The operation unfolded seamlessly, a harmonious symphony. As long as the duo’s coffers overflowed, everything was fine. With ample financial resources, they traversed the globe, embracing a life of opulence and extravagance. This idyllic existence persisted until an ominous gust swept through, disrupting their equilibrium. Ugo uncovered the ruse.

    Within the heart of this tempest, Princess Ugo’s once-unwavering composure faltered. The princess clenched her hands into fists, and a tempestuous fury consumed her. The resplendent princess invited Rose, seeking an explanation. Reluctantly, Rose acquiesced, her expression offering a subtle yet mischievous hint. As Ugo’s torrent of emotions surged beyond restraint, Rose retained an unwavering serenity. Akin to the tranquil shimmer of Lake Tahoe’s waters, she exuded an aura of undisturbed calm.

    Concealed within her handbag lay Rosa’s insurance—a pistol, a tangible embodiment of caution. Amidst Ugo’s fervent diatribe, Rose stood unmoved. Fire and brimstone colored Ugo’s threats, each word laced with venomous intent. Yet, Rose embraced the onslaught, allowing Ugo’s tirade to cascade over her like a cleansing rain.

    You should never have crossed that line with me. It was beyond bounds! We’re supposed to be friends, damn it! Fuming with indignation, Princess Ugo unleashed a barrage of punches in her long royal robe, but Rose deftly evaded like a seasoned criminal, leaving the strikes dissipating into thin air.

    Rose delivered a calculated poke in response, the impact grazing Ugo’s jaw. The princess staggered, her movements akin to an inebriated nun. The blow, while attempted with force, bore feeble execution. Rose refrained from exerting full strength; a swift, decisive strike could have ended it abruptly. Ugo, a frail figure whose dietary habits veered towards meagerness, displayed limited resilience. Rose administered a cautious nudge, preventing Ugo from advancing any further. Though not incapacitating, the strikes left Ugo in mild disorientation.

    Ugo leaned against the wall, her gaze fixed on Rose—a mix of bewilderment and indignation. The calculated blow had caught the princess off-guard, a tactical maneuver that took her by surprise. As the shock settled in, Ugo slumped, her senses momentarily scrambled. A subtle shake of her head dislodged a constellation of twinkling stars that had clouded her vision.

    Rose’s smile took on a frigid edge, her triumph scarcely veiled. Every coin has two sides: Ugo deemed it betrayal, while Rose perceived it through a different lens. Blackmail became Rose’s refuge, a survival tactic in a realm where currency’s value eclipsed life itself.

    Refrain from naivety. No veneer of virtue shrouds your criminal endeavors. Our existence is entrenched in a realm where coveted treasures are within reach, Rose retorted, her words slicing through the tension. Your ostentatious parading of ill-gotten riches resonates far and wide. Do you truly expect me to be a passive spectator to your pirouettes? The retort held a bite, a tangible force that underscored Rose’s resolve. You slew my grandmother, leaving my grandfather imprisoned in his own frailty, Rose declared, her tone unflinching. Yet, I chose to withhold retribution.

    This transpired because Cecilia ventured where she shouldn’t have, meddling in my affairs. Our quarrel shouldn’t resemble a brawl among brutes, truly, Ugo’s words, seemingly an effort at mollification, fell flat against the backdrop of lingering rage. Beneath the surface, Ugo’s simmering fury persisted in a tempest that foreshadowed an impending storm.

    Cecilia’s curiosity led her down misguided paths, her meddlesome inclinations akin to an itchy pussy, Ugo’s retort dripped with condescension, an almost pitying tone. Yet, her intrusive actions got on my nerves, she added with disdain.

    The ostentation of Rose’s superior combat prowess exacerbated Ugo’s discontent. Realizing that she fell short in matching Rose’s fighting techniques further compounded Princess Ugo’s disappointment. In Lucas’s perspective, Rose should have embraced a hint of contrition, perhaps returning the ill-gotten six million dollars to Ugo.

    Flushed and breathless, a scarlet hue painted Ugo’s visage as she hissed through gritted teeth, I’ll end you. You goddamn bitch. Blood mingled with her words as Ugo spat, her defiance marred by the crimson stain. Yet, as Rosa leisurely walked away, her swaying hips reminiscent of a nymph’s graceful dance, the audacious display of impunity only served to stoke the fires of Ugo’s fury.

    Ugo sat upon her couch; her vacant gaze seemed to pierce through the fabric of reality, her countenance as if ensnared by the clutches of madness. A slight push, a casual overturning of glass cups, attempted to salve her wounded pride-a gesture as futile as impassioned, for Rose had already vanished.

    In an unprecedented twist, the realm of consequence had eluded Rosa’s anticipations. The notion of exposure had remained a distant consideration, eclipsed by Ortega’s meticulous efforts to eradicate loose ends. Yet, the realm of drug production harbored its own form of resourcefulness, perhaps a facet that Rosa had underestimated. Princess Ugo’s intellect shone brilliantly amid the echoes of her own miscalculations. Far from being outsmarted by the duo of amateurs, Ugo wielded a keen acumen, impervious to their deceptive veils.

    Amidst the tempest of her fury, Ugo turned to a formidable ally. With the resolve born of vengeance, she formally beseeched her uncle, Don Lorenzo Baldini, patriarch of the Baldini clan-a request that carried a weighty and sinister implication: the call for Rosa’s demise.

    Let it be noted: Rose had partaken in a handful of karate lessons within the underbelly of existence. While her proficiency may not have reached staggering heights, she gleaned sufficient self-defense techniques to extricate herself from precarious situations. Clarifying Rose’s resilience paled compared to her confidante, Liz, is imperative.

    Princess Ugo and Rose undoubtedly shared the bond of best friendship, a connection ostensibly unbreakable. However, the allure of avarice, coupled with the shadow of murder, thrust their names into the glaring spotlight of infamy. The intrigue that enveloped this scenario captured the public’s imagination, engendering an insatiable hunger for revelations regarding the enigmatic puppeteer and the motives that spurred such drastic actions. Despite Ugo’s attempts to employ a tapestry of deception to exonerate herself, the tendrils of rumor proved inexorable, entwining her name in their enigmatic dance.

    Simultaneously, Lucas maintained a continuous nod, almost as if in tacit concurrence with his internal musings. After thoroughly assessing the unfolding events, Lucas’s contemplations coalesced into a resolute verdict: Ugo, the once trusted confidante, had devolved into a malevolent and malicious figure akin to a loathsome rat. In retrospect, the pivotal act of snuffing out Rose’s existence bore the taint of a grievous misjudgment.

    Before her untimely demise, Rose’s valuation stood at an impressive fifty million euros-a testament to her substantial worth within the intricate tapestry of this narrative. In hindsight, repaying the six million dollars became an uncomplicated endeavor, an action readily available. In this complex dance of motivations, the insidious specter of ego loomed large, weaving its thread into the fabric of bad decisions and consequences.


    The scent of deception hung heavy in the air as Rosa met her demise in a macabre onslaught orchestrated by the shadows of the mob. The resounding impact of this event propelled the Madrid Police Department into swift action, unfurling an extensive investigation into the labyrinthine web of Rosa’s business ventures. A summons echoed through the legal corridors as Monica beckoned Rosa’s legal representatives to rally, constructing an unassailable bastion of defense to safeguard assets and reputation. An intricate dance unfolded as Spanish prosecutors strained to shackle Rosa’s financial holdings through a barrage of injunctions—a gambit met with staunch resistance from the judiciary’s hallowed halls.

    The legal landscape, already strewn with complexities, took on an additional convolution layer as revelations unfurled: Rosa’s financial empire and tangible estates bore Monica’s imprint. The trajectory of legal wrangling persisted, surging further into the maelstrom with Lucas’s return to Madrid—a valiant endeavor to assist Monica in grappling with the multifaceted debacle.

    In a disconcerting twist, a recent report unfurled a sinister machination: Baldini, harboring a seething vendetta for Eugenio’s demise, sought retribution by targeting Liz. The entanglement of circumstance took on a new dimension as Baldini’s demands escalated to a chilling decree—an order for Liz’s severed head, metaphorically served on a platter.


    The clock struck 7 a.m. as Lucas’s flight touched the tarmac of Madrid’s Adolfo Suarez International Airport. The sun, emerging on the eastern horizon, cast its golden rays upon the runway, coaxing moisture from lingering puddles. Restless anticipation guided Lucas to the restroom, a bitter tang on his tongue and lips parched. A cursory glance in the mirror, a brief, halfhearted pass of a toothbrush, and his reflection met his gaze once more. A subtle smile graced his features as he appraised himself—the fabric of his classic dark suit, a Salvatore Ferragamo tie in a hue reminiscent of the sky’s expanse, and polished black shoes. With robust stature, he exuded a presence akin to the renowned actor Michael J. White.

    A reminiscent smile kindled within Lucas, recollecting Daniel and the spirited escapade they’d shared. It was a night of lively babysitting, with a child nestled between them, and his mother was a steadfast companion. Paula, the beguiling Spanish beauty, radiated glamour with her sun-kissed blonde tresses cascading like liquid gold. At merely 27 years old, she embodied elegance and grace, having embarked on a voyage from Nigeria to uncover the elusive father of her offspring.

    Lucas’s scrutiny lingered, noting the symmetry of her teeth—impeccably even, a testimony to meticulous dental care. Enchanted azure orbs framed by fleshy, alluring contours, a silhouette that boasted curves as tantalizing as they were taut. Paula’s alabaster skin, smooth and luminous, possessed an allure capable of ensnaring even the most disciplined souls. Adorned with opulent jewels and graced by a resplendent Corum Golden Bridge watch, her ensemble radiated an air of affluence that effortlessly elevated her status.

    In Lucas’s discerning appraisal, many possibilities flitted through his mind—an elegant mistress to a billionaire or perhaps the progeny of a wealthy magnate. The three-year-old cherub accompanying her exhibited a charming idiosyncrasy: an adamant aversion to cookies, a preference that dissolved when Lucas enfolded the child within his embrace. Unfathomably, young Daniel adamantly declared Lucas his father, staunchly resisting any attempt at separation. An intimate slumber enveloped Daniel, cradled against Lucas’s form, as the flight bore them toward Madrid. Paula, a tapestry of contrition and embarrassment, sought solace in Lucas’s reassurance, which he readily extended.

    Paula softly introduced herself. Her gaze, an almost palpable caress, traversed Lucas’s form with an intention that hinted at uncovering every layer. The immaculate tailoring of his George Armani suit drew her scrutiny, a visual journey tracing the contours of his frame. The meticulous craftsmanship of his handmade leather Finsbury lace-up shoes didn’t escape her perusal, her gaze lingering upon them before alighting upon the commanding presence of his IWC Portofino Automatic watch. A sudden exclamation, delivered with an undertone of marvel, escaped her lips: This man exudes opulence!

    Lucas is my name. Hello Daniel! Lucas extended a firm, succinct handshake as their introduction transpired.

    Amidst the ceaseless tide of travelers streaming into the bustling arrivals hall, Lucas’s gaze alighted upon Paula, her visage imbued with youthful vitality—a sight that elicited a genuine smile. One’s twenties are an era of life brimming with drama and boundless adventure, he mused, a reflective undertone weaving through his mind.

    Yet, the conversation yielded to a sudden hush as a collective gaze converged upon a figure traversing the crowd—Julio Iglesias, the embodiment of Spanish romanticism, surrounded by an entourage of eight vigilant bodyguards. A palpable reverence swept through the air as if an ethereal being had graced the congregation of mortals. A stillness descended, each traveler eager for a fleeting glimpse of the music icon. The mere prospect of brushing against his aura ignited a collective yearning, leaving some on the brink of tears—particularly among the women who had journeyed beyond the threshold of forty.

    I’m an avid admirer of Julio Iglesias, Paula proclaimed, her smile an expansive canvas of enthusiasm.

    With a flourish reminiscent of a full moon’s luminance, the Spanish music luminary reciprocated the adulation of his fans, gracing them with a grin that rivaled the celestial orb’s brilliance. An undeniable aura of charisma existed in his stride—a Beelzebubian swagger, an embodiment of princely allure transcending earthly realms. A rhythmic sway, akin to a hypnotic dance, imbued his movements as he basked in the fervent adoration bestowed upon him, a contemporary Aphrodite, an entity consecrated in the annals of Greek mythology.

    A transient pause in his trajectory allowed his gaze to linger upon Paula’s visage, a fleeting appreciation of her allure preceding his ascent—jealousy and indifference tangibly intertwined—unfazed by Lucas’s presence.

    I, too, am fond of his melodies, particularly the resonant strains of ‘Mona Lisa.’ His compositions often serve as sonnets to a love lost—his ex-wife, Isabel Preysler. And within the realm of bolero, he navigates with exceptional dexterity, traversing the musical spectrum with fluidity, Lucas remarked, his countenance graced by an appreciative smile.

    A pensive pause ensued, Paula’s gaze fixed upon Lucas, her inquiry poised to bridge their shared understanding.

    There’s a poignant sentimentality woven into his verses, a subtext that harkens back to a bygone love. This notion became unmistakable when I encountered his composition, ‘ A Love Like Ours Could Never Die.’ It’s intriguing how the echoes of a former passion persist, even as affection metamorphoses for another, Paula ventured, seeking affirmation within Lucas’s gaze.

    In certain relationships, a silent symphony of concealed emotions persists, defying definition or nomenclature; even as couples part ways, the echoes of their shared sentiments endure. To truly grasp the essence of this notion, one must listen to tracks like ‘Angels Cry’ and ‘We Belong Together’ by Mariah Carey feat. Ne-Yo. Even within the aftermath of separation, tender recollections resurface, a cascade of sweet memories intermingling—engraving their presence upon the canvas of new unions. A love of such depth remains indelible, Lucas articulated.

    Paula experienced a pang, an acute twinge that seemed to emanate from the very core of her being. Swiftly, she navigated the conversation’s course, an attempt to deflect the burgeoning tempest within her chest.

    Has Madrid’s embrace enveloped you recently? Her voice, reminiscent of Love Island’s harmonious cadence, reverberated through the air. A romantic smile graced her lips, casting an aura of ethereal charm. Her gaze, a cascade of curiosity, danced upon Lucas’s countenance, momentarily grazing over his pectoral contours—a transient reverie before her head shook gently, dispelling fanciful reveries. The vivid impressions that had etched themselves into her consciousness—the paternal tenderness, meticulousness, patience, and gait—coalesced into a dazzling mosaic that fueled her fervent imagination.

    Not particularly! And how about you? Lucas responded.

    Paula’s voice resonated with a deep-rooted affection as she continued, Madrid is my birthplace, my home, the tapestry upon which my entire life unfolds. This city holds an irreplaceable allure, a symphony of resonance that envelops my very being. I’ve traversed the expanse of countless Western metropolises, yet an ineffable essence exists to Madrid—an intangible magnetism that calls my soul to repose.

    Her gaze, an enchanting interplay of desire and warmth, converged into a smile that beckoned for acceptance, an invitation laced with sincerity and charm. The duality of black and white, an emblem of harmonious coexistence, seemed to encapsulate Paula’s essence. Throughout her life journey, she had garnered admiration for her audacious foray across racial boundaries, seamlessly mingling with individuals of diverse backgrounds—a testament to her courage and inclusivity.

    Born into the embrace of a resolute and self-reliant lineage in Madrid, Paula’s formative years took the gifts of unshakeable self-assurance and unwavering confidence. However, as the sands of time trickled down the hourglass, Paula’s disposition evolved, embracing the contours of liberality and a shade of audacious rebellion. Amidst this metamorphosis, a potent blend of conviction and audacity took root—a belief that the trajectory of a winsome maiden’s journey was intricately interwoven with the tapestry of the influential elite, colloquially known as the Big Boys. Paula, a resolute feminist, was cognizant of a stark reality: Within the folds of masculinity lay the elusive currency of substantial wealth and dominion.

    Venturing beyond the sanctuary of her familial hearth, Paula radiated exuberance and vitality—an embodiment of youthful dynamism. Swiftly, her name etched itself onto the canvas of recognition, a testament to her indomitable spirit and relentless ambition. Yet, much like the calculated moves on a chessboard, Paula executed a sequence of strategic maneuvers, each imbued with an element of criminal prowess, culminating in a crescendo of financial prosperity.

    Opulence beckoned in her house, and the sleek contours of a white Range Rover Sport—a symphony of affluence and splendor. However, the cadence of her ascension was marred by an unforeseen discord; a pivotal fourth maneuver unraveled, plunging Paula into the abyss of misfortune. As fate would have it, Paula would soon grapple with the unyielding repercussions of her high-stakes endeavors.

    A fateful day unfurled when a resounding trio of knocks echoed on Paula’s door, accompanied by the imposing presence of Policia Nacional. Her journey led her to the solemn chambers of a judge, where a deliberative judicial drama unfolded. The outcome bore the weight of inevitability—a penance of four years, a sentence etched in the annals of white-collar transgressions.

    Yet, as the sands of time trickled through the hourglass, Paula’s sojourn behind bars spanned eighteen months, her slate cleansed by the brush of good conduct. A chapter had concluded, and life carried forth its unrelenting cadence.

    Since her release, Paula charted a course ensconced in prudence and circumspection. Amidst the confines of incarceration, a poignant question lingered—posed by a pastor, an existential query: What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?

    This question Reverberated within her being; the inquiry persisted as a haunting echo, a persistent reminder of the labyrinthine depths of existence. As the resonance of Lucas’s query stirred her consciousness, Paula’s reverie of days past was abruptly shattered, snapping her back to the palpable tapestry of reality.

    I’ve been regaled with tales of Madrid’s exquisite beauty, its rich cultural tapestry, pulsating music scene, and vibrant nightlife, Lucas articulated, his words punctuated by the playful scuttle of Daniel, who sought his attention with youthful zeal.

    The allure of Madrid had been a frequent subject of discourse, a topic on which Monica could passionately expound for hours, extolling the benevolence of the city’s governor, sharing anecdotes of the mayor, and recounting the mosaic of communities that converged within Madrid’s embrace.

    The essence of Madrid exudes a sentiment that it could indeed stand as the nucleus of the world—a captivating notion. An embodiment of human rights and unfettered liberty. The words flowed from Paula’s lips, a testament to her admiration for the city that stood before him, a realm that resonated with the ideals he held dear.

    Amidst the dialogue, Daniel’s insistent pursuit of attention persisted, a whirlwind of energy that tugged at the fringes of Lucas’s focus. A swift maneuver unfolded as Paula deftly produced a box of chocolates from her handbag, extending a morsel to quell Daniel’s yearning for engagement. The stratagem achieved its intended reprieve, momentarily distracting the eager child.

    Yet, beneath the surface, Paula sensed an enigmatic aura enveloped Lucas, an enshrouded enigma hinting at concealed complexities. An inexplicable magnetism drew her towards him, a recognition of intrigue that stirred her curiosity. Paula’s face radiated with a beguiling smile, a quintessential embodiment of latent desire, a facet of her charm repertoire. Yet, her azure gaze, a striking contrast to her black attire, lent an alluring depth to her demeanor.

    May I preserve those words for posterity? Lucas inquired, a hint of skepticism coloring his tone, seemingly challenging the notion that Paula had intuited his complexity. As he observed Paula’s flirtatious demeanor and graceful traverse through the bustling arrivals corridor, his gaze held a discerning edge. Her alluring charisma was underscored by her lithe legs and the captivating sway of her stride, an embodiment of seductive allure. The silk skirt from Loewe’s spring/summer collection adorned her form, its grace terminating just below her waistline, an ensemble that accentuated her appeal without overt intrusion.

    An indelible impression was etched within Lucas’s consciousness, a realization that Paula, akin to a beguiling Barbie doll, had introduced a novel dynamic into his world. A determination unfurled within him, a decision to cultivate an amiable rapport with this enigmatic figure, as he ruminated on the uplifting impact that the companionship of a captivating woman could wield on a man’s spirits.

    Madrid truly stands out as a pinnacle of tourism, a city exuding tranquility, Paula mused, a flicker of introspection tugging at her thoughts. The yearning to delve deeper into her connection with Lucas, beyond the veneer of a chance encounter, crept into her consciousness. Her past experiences in criminal pursuits had etched a profound understanding within her – success hinged upon networks and associations. This bedrock principle underscored the essence of encountering misfortune or affluence based on one’s affiliations, encapsulating the essence of favor.

    Indeed? Lucas’s gaze veered toward her with subtle intrigue, his words direct and unadorned, a testament to the magnetism Paula exuded. His gaze traversed her form, encompassing the contours of her attire and the grace of her movement.

    A cascade of words cascaded from Lucas’s lips, unfiltered and candid: You possess a captivating beauty. His honest assessment hung in the air, his attention drawn to Paula’s inherent appeal.

    You look interesting and robust. Are you into bodybuilding? Paula’s lustrous eyes ignited like liquid diamonds as her gaze intersected with Lucas’s. An inexplicable sensation tingled down her core, akin to a spell being woven. Yet, as the moment lingered, a revelation unfurled – Lucas’s intentions diverged from the customary allure of seduction for physical pleasure.

    Lucas’s conversational finesse wavered, caught in the enthralling vortex of Paula’s captivating gaze. Hmmm, I’m just an amateur, he admitted with a modest chuckle. In truth, Lucas adhered to a more conventional outlook on life and relationships, a demeanor diverging from the allure of intrigue that Paula exuded.

    A fleeting hint of shyness danced across Lucas’s face as he fiddled with his mobile phone, a gesture almost endearing in its subtlety. A genuine smile graced his lips as he observed Paula’s deft navigation of their exchange, seamlessly transitioning between English and Spanish. A recognition of her intellect and multitasking prowess stirred within him, a silent acknowledgment that women possessed a unique mastery of simultaneous endeavors.

    Really? Paula’s retort was almost instinctive, a swift rejoinder laden with playful enthusiasm. Her smile radiated an infectious charm, mirroring the twinkle in her eyes. A glance, almost imperceptible, carried the weight of curiosity as her gaze settled upon Lucas. It was as if her gaze sought to unravel the layers beneath, delving into the intricacies of his being.

    Lucas did indeed find her glamorous and gorgeous. However, a lingering trace of caution remained from his mother’s warnings about blondes. Yet, Lucas sensed a distinction in Paula, a departure from the stereotypical discipline his mother had instilled. He entertained the possibility of cultivating a connection with Paula, perhaps as a friend devoid of entanglements.

    How long do you plan to stay in town? Paula inquired, her fingers gently sweeping through her frizzy hair. Beneath her sophisticated exterior lay a streak of liberality that could challenge conservative sensibilities. His presence ignited a thrilling response within her, and Lucas’s enigmatic aura stirred emotions. Openly and unabashedly, she found herself admiring him in an unprecedented way.

    I hold a visa for a few weeks, and if necessary, I’ll seek an extension, Lucas responded, subtly veiling his travel details. He sensed Paula’s inclination to cross paths again, attuned to the delicate nuances in her gaze and demeanor. A certain intensity underscored her breath, and fleeting signals in her eyes cautioned Lucas while her beauty tempted him. The magnetic pull of her appeal overshadowed any cautionary whispers. Even the most steadfast resolve might falter if left alone with Paula.

    Are you here as a tourist? Paula’s voice dipped into a murmur, her lashes fluttering as her gaze sought elusive hints in Lucas’s eyes. Her inquiry was genuine, a search for concealed narratives. Her innocent curiosity bore a persuasive authenticity. Each glance exchanged with Lucas seemed to surge with adrenaline, a thrill that coursed through her veins.

    He exudes an Ebony magazine aura, Paula mused inwardly. His slightly stretched suit, as though he had experienced an impromptu shrinking, added to her amusement. Her admiring smile mirrored that of a devoted fan, her eyes reflecting almost reverential regard. It was as if she had encountered a protagonist from the pages of a thriller novel, evoking echoes of Pierce Brosnan’s swag in Die Another Day.

    I’ve arrived to address some intricate issues. A string of six homicides has struck the streets of Madrid, each victim mercilessly hacked to death without apparent motive. My purpose is to investigate until the perpetrators are either apprehended or incapacitated, Lucas conveyed, his movements punctuated by the subtle adjustment of his suit’s lapels and the meticulous scrutiny of his footwear. Every facet of his attire gleamed akin to polished glass.

    Paula’s intrigue deepened, prompting her to respond, Such large-scale bloodshed is akin to a bombshell detonating in a tranquil city like Madrid. We can delve into the topic if you’re inclined to share. She offered a genteel shrug, her gestures a testament to her gracious composure as she smoothed her dress with practiced elegance.

    A shiver ran down Paula’s spine as she visualized the chaotic scene - hordes of gawking tourists amassing in clusters at the crime scene, their fervor perhaps driving them to breach police barriers, akin to paparazzi swarming a Hollywood murder tableau.

    Lucas’s reply emerged with a hint of gravity, delivered in a tone reminiscent of a composed Great Dane. The situation would have been somewhat cinematic had one of the victims not been my fiancée’s twin sister. His expression bore a vague smile tinged with a distant and profound sentiment.

    A surge of empathy welled within Paula as she responded, I’m genuinely sorry to hear that.

    After navigating immigration and customs, Paula trailed slightly behind, her high heels producing a clatter that resonated through the bustling airport hall. Daniel clung to Lucas, the young boy’s grip serving as an anchor as they moved amidst the throng of travelers toward the exit. Paula hailed a taxi at the terminal’s threshold, but Lucas kindly offered to give them a lift.

    Monica’s perceptive gaze caught sight of Lucas, prompting her to alert Lizzy, and the two swiftly approached him. Lucas paused in his tracks, commanding attention like a triumphant victor. Yet, his attention swiftly shifted to Monica’s attire, which left little to the imagination. Her pink spaghetti strap blouse teetered on the brink of revealing her ample bosom while her sun-kissed legs remained exposed beneath a skirt that modestly veiled her buttocks. The arresting sight paused Lucas, momentarily hesitating before he regained his composure.

    As Monica and Lizzy approached, their reception of Lucas was marked by a shared embrace, a hug of camaraderie that conveyed warmth and familiarity. Daniel, ever curious, spun around in his youthful exuberance. With due respect, Lucas introduced his new acquaintances, Paula and Daniel, to Monica and Lizzy. Paula’s demeanor radiated a sense of apology, to which Lucas offered assuring words, swiftly restoring the equilibrium.

    Despite the absence of a child seat, they embarked on the journey with Daniel, navigating the roads from the M40 to the Blue Island (Isla Azul) roundabout. At a designated juncture, they veered right, their path leading them toward Leganes. The journey culminated at Casa del Reloj, where they pulled up in front of an opulent six-bedroom bungalow. The house stood bathed in luminous illumination, a beacon in the night, surrounded by an enclave of lavish vehicles.

    Lucas took a moment to survey the neighboring houses, absorbing the surroundings. Paula alighted from the vehicle, and although Daniel hesitated, he eventually released his grip on Lucas once he stepped out. They wandered around, Lucas finding respite on a long wooden bench, Daniel settling beside him. Engaging in conversation with both Paula and her child, Lucas extended his affable presence. Yet, Daniel’s reluctance to part ways with Lucas was palpable, manifesting in tearful protests.

    Paula sought to console her distressed child, her comforting words mingling with his persistent sobs. With a compassionate gesture, Lucas knelt beside Daniel, offering soothing assurances. Through Lucas’s gentle words, Daniel found solace and gradually relinquished his hold.

    I must be on my way now, but I promise I’ll come to visit you, Lucas declared, rising to his feet. An exchange of knowing glances between Monica and Lizzy revealed their mutual surprise. Lucas’s inclination toward forming connections with women, especially in the presence of his fiancée, was rare. A new chapter had unfolded, marked by an unexpected and intriguing bond.

    Paula’s weary eyes blinked as she smiled tenderly at her tired toddler. Her presence exuded an air of sophistication, her every movement accompanied by the subtle elegance of her high heels. A shadow of intrigue seemed to envelop her, a hint of intentionality as she lingered in the company of Lucas.

    With gracious hospitality, Paula extended an invitation to the group, inviting them to partake in coffee at her house. Monica, however, declined the offer in a tone that brooked no negotiation.

    We really must be on our way. We have an important appointment to attend, Monica interjected urgently. Her voice held an uncharacteristic edge as if her thoughts were submerged in deep contemplation. Important appointments to attend to. The forcefulness of her words was juxtaposed against her usual demeanor. Thank you, though, for the kind offer. Monica’s gaze bore a piercing intensity as she directed it at Paula, her behavior suggesting an underlying tension.

    Enjoy yourself, Monica’s farewell was delivered with a neutral expression, her gaze fixed ahead as she toyed with her mobile phone.

    Liz’s unblinking gaze remained fixed, her thoughts swirling around Paula’s stunning beauty, opulent adornments, and ostentatious attire—an equation that spelled trouble in capital letters. Instinctively, Liz perceived Paula as a potential source of annoyance, a thorn in their side. The allure of Paula’s self-assured demeanor was undeniably enticing, a temptation that Liz knew could test Lucas’s resolve. Moreover, Monica’s possessive nature regarding her fiancé made her particularly averse to any flirtation from blueeyed, peachy-toned contenders.

    For an extended moment, Paula’s gaze remained trained on Lucas, seemingly unaffected by Monica’s assertive responses. She waited, hoping for some indication—a word or gesture—from Lucas that would fan the flames of further interaction. Yet, as silence persisted, Paula’s expression shifted from anticipation to a blend of conspiratorial amusement and awkward embarrassment.

    Undeterred, Paula persevered in her attempts to engage Lucas; a determined endeavor spanned a few more minutes. Abruptly, Monica interjected with an uncharacteristic display of force, physically pulling Lucas away from Paula. As the trio prepared to part ways, contact information was exchanged, Lucas offering reassurances of future communication. Monica observed Paula’s lingering demeanor with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, noting the suggestive sway of Paula’s hips—a move that elicited a dismissive label from Monica.

    Shameless blonde, Monica uttered with a wry hint of laughter, a reaction to the blatant display of Paula’s interest in Lucas. Beneath her amused exterior, a surge of curiosity surged through Monica, leading to a momentary parting of her lips, symbolizing her perplexed contemplation. The engagement ring on her finger felt heavy, and while Monica attempted to suppress her unease, the image of Paula lingered in her mind like a fleeting dream that refused to be entirely dismissed.

    Monica’s mind buzzed with incredulity and frustration, her inner voice resonating with incredulous disbelief. What on earth does this girl want with Lucas? she mused, her thoughts swirling with curiosity and concern.

    A sense of relief surged through Monica, grateful for having decisively declined Paula’s invitation. The memory of Paula’s overt flirtation felt like an affront, a challenge to her position as Lucas’s fiancée. Paula’s striking beauty and audacity irked Monica even more.

    Lizzy was also grappling with her reservations about Paula and her child, her disposition oscillating between reticence and indifference. Seated between the two realms of contemplation, Lizzy remained quiet and contemplative.

    Paula’s demeanor had struck a discordant note with Monica from the start. The absence of genuine warmth or polite smiles in their interactions was like a persistent itch at the back of Monica’s mind. Paula’s intentions seemed clouded, veiled by a certain inscrutability that Monica couldn’t ignore. The mention of Paula’s trip to Nigeria in search of an ex-boyfriend raised further suspicion, a narrative that seemed curiously convenient. A nervous glance between Monica and Lizzy conveyed an unspoken understanding—a shared skepticism about Paula’s story’s incongruities. Despite Lizzy’s differing perspective, Monica couldn’t shake off the feeling that something about Paula didn’t quite add up.

    Lizzy’s admonishment resonated with a blend of reason and frustration, a counterpoint to Monica’s swirling suspicions. The reassurance that Lucas’s heart was firmly hers offered a measure of solace, yet Monica’s unease remained. Lizzy’s words carried an air of exasperation, urging Monica to see the situation from a different angle—one of passing acquaintance rather than a looming threat.

    Monica’s lingering doubts mingled with Lizzy’s contemptuous giggle, a momentary spark of amusement that danced in the air. It was a fleeting recognition, an acknowledgment that their perspectives were divergent, stemming from differing depths of insight. Lizzy’s quip about Paula’s supposed intentions highlighted the complexity of human interactions and the shades of interpretation that colored their perceptions.

    As Lizzy deftly maneuvered the Jaguar onto the road, the conversation shifted gears. The anticipation of potential drama, framed by a wry smile, painted an image of impending tension that seemed ominous and intriguing. A shared understanding passed between the two friends, a silent agreement that Paula’s presence could stir Monica’s emotions.

    Monica’s nudge and Lizzy’s knowing response encapsulated their unspoken connection. It was a reminder that, amidst the uncertainties, their friendship provided a solid foundation of support and understanding.

    With a final surge of conviction, Lizzy’s assertive tone urged Monica to recalibrate her perspective, quell the flames of paranoia, and embrace a more balanced outlook. Monica’s suppressed laughter, a subtle release of tension, signaled a willingness to heed Lizzy’s counsel and momentarily set aside her apprehensions.

    Together, they drove away from the estate, leaving behind the enigmatic air that Paula’s presence had cast upon them. As the road stretched ahead, the camaraderie between Monica and Lizzy stood firm, a resilient bond that could weather the storms of jealousy and intrigue, offering solace in the face of uncertainty.


    Lucas’s thoughts drifted, his gaze lost in the cityscape. The sudden shove from Monica snapped him back to reality, his momentary absence of mind replaced by her gentle touch. A flinch, almost like a return from a dreamy state, painted the image of a man deep in thought, only to be rudely awakened by the present moment.

    I miss you!

    Monica’s words cut through the air, a mix of affection and impatience that held the power to jolt Lucas from his reverie. His sullen response and declaration of missing her hinted at the complexities of their relationship. The juxtaposition of Paula’s fleeting allure against Monica’s firm presence seemed to define Lucas’s crossroads—a tug of emotions pulling him in different directions.

    As the Jaguar carried them away from Paula’s presence, their connections intertwined like the city streets they navigated, offering glimpses into the intricacies of human relationships, the dynamics of friendship, and the nuances of attraction and loyalty.

    I miss you too. Lucas’s voice held a touch of warmth, like a comforting embrace, as he tried to bridge the emotional gap that had momentarily formed between them. His smile, reminiscent of a trilingual customer service staff, conveyed familiarity and care.

    Lucas’s sulkiness didn’t escape Monica’s notice, but her interpretation of it seemed to wander off course. As she gazed at her fiancé, a blend of curiosity and concern danced in her eyes. She sensed that there was more to his mood than met the eye, a notion fueled by the lingering impact of Paula’s presence.

    Unbeknownst to Monica, Lucas’s silence wasn’t solely a result of Paula’s overwhelming allure. His thoughts were a maze of emotions, a labyrinth where his priorities and uncertainties tangled with the enigma of the task he had come to Madrid to accomplish. The enormity of the situation weighed heavily on him, casting a shadow over his usual behavior.

    Monica’s history with Madrid was intertwined with personal tragedy, an unexpected turn of fate that forever changed her life. The hired assassins and the loss of

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