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Energy Healing for Animals: A Hands-On Guide for Enhancing the Health, Longevity, and Happiness of Your Pets
Energy Healing for Animals: A Hands-On Guide for Enhancing the Health, Longevity, and Happiness of Your Pets
Energy Healing for Animals: A Hands-On Guide for Enhancing the Health, Longevity, and Happiness of Your Pets
Ebook463 pages4 hours

Energy Healing for Animals: A Hands-On Guide for Enhancing the Health, Longevity, and Happiness of Your Pets

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About this ebook

Natural healing for pets has emerged into the mainstream—veterinarians across the nation are now providing acupuncture, chiropractic, and other alternative methods.  With Energy Healing for Animals, acclaimed animal communicator Joan Ranquet offers an essential guide for anyone seeking to enhance their pet’s health, longevity, and quality of life—and deepen their bond with a beloved companion.
“Animals are so receptive to healing energy,” explains Joan, “that they’re often easier to work with than our fellow humans. In this engaging do-it-yourself pet therapy resource, this gifted healer offers a broad spectrum of guidance and tools to help our animal companions with behavior issues, pain relief, anxiety, and overall well-being. Here she presents practical instruction in pet Reiki, massage, feng shui, chakra systems, acupressure, Healing Touch, and much more—including breed-specific guidance for cats and dogs.

Release dateNov 1, 2015

Joan Ranquet

Joan Ranquet is an animal communicator, energy healer, TEDx speaker, author, and founder of Communication with All Life University, a certification program for animal communication and energy healing. She lives with her 3 horses, 3 dogs, and 4 cats in Santa Clarita, California.

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    Book preview

    Energy Healing for Animals - Joan Ranquet

    This book is dedicated to all the animals that have dared to incarnate in time to live with me! It’s also dedicated to all the animals I have been lucky enough to communicate with and facilitate healing for. And it is dedicated to all the people who trusted me enough to pick up the phone or to go to my website and give this work a chance.


    INTRODUCTIONConnecting With Animals

    An Animal Communicator’s Life

    Why I Wrote This Book

    What Energy Healing Can Do for Your Animals

    A Quick Tour through the Book

    PART IFundamentals

    1Ground Work in Energetics

    Energy Is

    Animals Sense Energy

    Understanding Vibration and Frequency

    Energy Transforms

    And Now a Word about Energy Healing and Frequencies

    Spiritual Energy Healing

    Transformative Energies

    Before We Get to Your Dog, Cat, Horse, or Hamster . . . A Little Physics

    Morphic Resonance and Your Multispecies Household

    You Set the Morphic Thermostat

    The Invisible Intelligence of Energy

    Invisible Energy Systems of the Physical Body

    How Does Energy Healing Work?

    And Now for a Little History

    Rule Number One: Start with Yourself

    2Energetic Life in the Animal World

    Watching Energy in Nature

    Survival through the Senses

    Animal Superpowers

    The Energy Signature

    Animals Make Contracts

    One Mind, Swarm Behavior

    Observing Energy in Domestic Animals

    3Animal E-Motion: Energy in Motion

    What Emotions Do You Share with Your Animals?

    4Animals and the Unseen Force of Energy: A Few True Stories

    Morphic Resonance at a Distance

    Emotional Leadership

    The Energy of the Professional Animal

    Bypassing Logic, Leaping into Faith: True Stories of Animal Healing

    5Energetic Systems in You and Your Animals: An Overview

    Much Ado About Chakras

    The First Chakra: Survival

    The Second Chakra: Power

    The Third Chakra: Self-Esteem and Self-Worth

    The Fourth Chakra: The Heart and Unconditional Love

    The Fifth Chakra: Creative Expression

    The Sixth Chakra: Intuition

    The Seventh Chakra: Connection to God/Spirit/Source/Universe

    What Chakras Teach Us about Our Animals

    The Energetic Systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

    An Integrated Approach

    Elements and Their Constitutions

    The Eight Principles of Energy Flow

    A TCM Approach to Foods

    The Meridians

    PART IIEnergy-Healing Modalities

    6Energy Healing through Bodywork

    Bodywork Overview

    Animal Chiropractic

    Bowen Technique

    Water Therapy


    Animal Massage

    Myofascial Release

    7More Hands-On Energy-Healing Techniques

    Hands-On Energy-Work Overview


    Cranial Sacral Therapy

    Healing Touch for Animals


    8Shifting Energy with Nutrition and Homeopathy



    9Vibrational Medicine: Energy Technologies

    Essential Oils

    Flower Essences


    Crystals and Gemstones


    Healing Machines




    10A Few More Important Energy-Healing Techniques

    The Scalar Wave


    Theta Healing

    EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique

    Reconnective Therapy

    Other Techniques to Explore

    11Using Your Human Superpowers: Creative Tools That You Can Use

    Beliefs, Thoughts, Emotions, and Words

    Creative Tools

    Top Ten


    Change the Animal’s Name







    Vision Boards

    Guided Imagery

    Goals and Intentions

    The Law of Expectation

    Structured Play

    Toy Parade







    12Energy-Healing Tools for the Emotional Leader

    Animal Communication



    Bilateral Tapping


    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    Feng Shui

    The Alexander Technique

    Tai Chi

    Chi Gong




    Spiritual Mind Treatment

    13Prep Work: Setting Yourself Up for Success

    Getting Oriented: Where Am I?

    Sacred Space


    Animal Baseline




    Tools for Your Toolbox

    The Pendulum

    Muscle Testing


    What to Look for When You Get Started: Signs of Relaxation

    Checklist for Your First Session

    When It’s Time to Cross Over

    14The Energy Healing for Animals Toolbox

    Managing vs. Fixing

    Common Situations Where Energy Healing Can Work Wonders

    Welcoming a New Animal



    Stress and Transitions

    Behavioral Issues




    Saying Good-Bye

    Lost Animals

    IN CLOSINGTail’s End





    About the Author

    About Sounds True


    Introduction: Connecting With Animals

    As a young child, I had something like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Whenever an animal got close to me, I just had to look into its eyes. It was as if I were registering every creature’s existence in a giant record book somewhere. This was especially true for the meekest of beings. As I looked into their eyes, I fell into a sea of compassion. You could say that I’ve never climbed out of the water.

    Three things hold true for me with animals: I can’t not look at them, I can’t avoid truly seeing them, and I can’t avoid acknowledging them.

    This is who I am. They are a part of me. Connecting with animals is my gift, and early on it became clear that I would spend my life helping animals. The question was, How could I do that and get the best results?

    I was introduced to the concept of energy healing in 1986, when my little sister was diagnosed with brain cancer. At that time, I was twenty-four and she was twenty-one. I just knew that the core energy work I had been learning could help her in her illness, but other people didn’t share my belief system. In fact, I was met with a wall of doubt and disbelief. My sister followed traditional medical modalities until the end of her life.

    Just seven years later, I employed the few techniques I knew at the time to try to save my beloved soul-mate horse, Pet One, from the colic she experienced upon giving birth to Pony Boy. I lost her, and eventually I lost Pony Boy as well. I made many mistakes with nutrition and training between the two of them.

    Taken together, those three losses were an epic PhD in loss, health, illness, behavior, stewardship, and nutrition. It was also the late 1980s and early 1990s, and during that time many of my friends died of AIDS. All of those losses were difficult, but they ultimately led me to become a kind of midwife of energy—whether the energy was coming into or going out of this world. I made the discovery that whether a being is animal or human, love and intention can shift energy.

    So my introduction to the world of energy healing was pretty harsh and often disheartening. In fact, I could have lost all faith. But while I had no evidence to confirm it, I believed in energy healing with as much faith as I had in a Source energy. And now, many, many healing sessions later, I believe that energy healing and God/Source/Unconditional Love are interchangeable. Energy healing can be a technique, a modality, a technology, a perceptual shift, a prescription, a bizarre hope, a seemingly endless cry, an idea, or even a moment of joy. It can also be done right on the very thread between life and death, and land you squarely back on the side of life.

    Once I became an animal communicator, I set about to learn a million techniques and modalities, and my energy-healing toolbox has become wide and deep. But the biggest thing I’ve discovered from more than twenty years of animal communication, energy healing for animals with health challenges, and shifting animal behavior is that when I’m working I become a standing wave of energy, a balanced blend of vibrating frequencies. This enables me to be in a state of absolute calm and emotional leadership. As a standing wave of energy, I can hold a vision for the outcome that trumps any technique, technology, or modality anytime.

    Now I grant you, that idea is not an easy sell, and it’s hard for people to grasp. But I’ve seen it work again and again.

    Energy healing for animals happens as a result of three things: love, intention, and managing your own energy. I have discovered that healing is an ongoing journey, one that includes the journey of healing the wounds of the soul. It is about leaving no stone unturned in the attempt to heal, to cure, to preserve life and vibrant health, and to understand the emotions that set certain unhelpful patterns in motion within a being’s system.

    At the end of life, when staying alive is not to be, healing is about the journey to the other side, which for the one who is leaving includes closure, peace, and acceptance. For the being who remains on planet Earth and has been the steward for the departed, the journey could mean anger, release, grief, and many other stages of experience.

    An Animal Communicator’s Life

    In my first book, Communication with All Life: Revelations of an Animal Communicator (Hay House, 2007), I went into great detail about the loss of both Pet One and Pony Boy and how those deaths plunged me into the world of energy healing and animal communication. I never thought that world would open up before me in so many amazing ways, but open up it did!

    A lot of people are curious about what my life as an animal communicator is like. For me, no two days are the same, and no two weeks are the same. My life seems to flow in cycles, but here’s how it often goes.

    Wake up. Meditate. Feed ten animals. You think I’m kidding? Nope: four cats, three dogs, and three horses. Work out—either hike with the dogs or jump rope, which always involves dancing with dogs and cats. Wild fun. I try to get a horseback ride in, and then I keep going for about ten hours straight.

    I’ve been working on this book, of course, and in any given month I’ll write articles, blog posts, and newsletters. So there is a lot of sitting, writing, and dogs wandering up and wondering when we’re going to ditch all that stuff and go outside to play.

    When I’m home, I’ll probably spend a couple of days talking to animals on the phone (via telepathy) and a couple of days at other people’s homes or barns, talking to one or several animals there. Both the phone and the in-person sessions can include energy healing.

    I might do some teaching for a program I started called Communication with All Life University. I teach animal communication, energy healing for animals, and more, through teleseminars, webinars, and local classes. Then there’s the quarterly three-day intensive animal communication workshop I do at my farm, in addition to other intensives.

    I take my show on the road too, doing weekend workshops and speaking engagements, and for four years I’ve led dolphin trips and other wild animal trips around the world, combining animal communication and eco-travel.

    All in all, it’s a very full life, packed with animals, people, and . . . energy every which way!

    Why I Wrote This Book

    Let’s imagine for a moment that you live in a beautiful apartment in a very hip part of an exciting city. You have a great job that you feel grateful for and a wonderful Jack Russell that you live to come home to.

    And then the complaints from the neighbors start to roll in. Guess what? While you are at work, your beloved dog is barking all day long and driving people nuts. Now here come the inevitable threats about bringing this up in front of the condo board. All that racket is against the building’s covenants, and you may get kicked out of your apartment unless you get rid of your baby.

    At first, you may feel defensive about your dog and get mad at your neighbors. Then you might wonder if this really isn’t a great life for a working dog (they are bred to be ratters, for crying out loud). But what if you picked up this book and read through the modalities and boned up (!) on ideas about other things you could do? Rather than deciding to try to find your animal friend a new home, you might commit even more deeply to the dog you love and create a far happier life for both of you. That’s why I wrote this book: I want you to know about every available option to keep your animal in your life.

    I also wrote this book for someone who, say, has a beloved cat in kidney failure and lives in a rural area where the nearest holistic vet is a three-hour drive away. Whether healing is simply about making her as comfortable as possible or there is still a spark left for you both to fight the good fight, I want you to have every available option too.

    And I wrote this book for the person whose animals are healthy and happy—and could be healthier and happier! Even animals that are doing well can use a boost now and then, a little more support and a little more contact. And many of the healing modalities in this book are a lot of fun too. Why not look for opportunities for you and your animal companion to have more fun together?

    What Energy Healing Can Do for Your Animals

    I have seen energy healing work wonders in almost any situation you can think of. Energy healing can help or even reverse the symptoms of allergies, diabetes, cancer, aging, nerve challenges, insulin resistance, infections, and much, much more. I can’t stress enough how valuable it is in achieving true healing. Energy healing can support the nervous, cardiovascular, immune, endocrine, and digestive systems, and of course the chakra and meridian systems. It’s also wonderful for challenges including hip dysplasia, arthritis, and overcoming major injuries. Energy healing is excellent for enhancing post-surgical healing and especially when your animal is fighting for his or her life.

    While energy healing addresses the physical demands of illnesses, injuries, or conditions, it also helps release any emotional baggage that comes with them. If the challenge is simply emotional, energy healing will help fast. After all, animals can’t go to talk therapy to process their emotions. Okay, they can do talk therapy with a good animal communicator—but you still have to move that emotion up and out! Energy healing can do that and so much more.

    Psychological barriers, such as being afraid to do something again after an injury—a horse that was injured during a jump or a dog that was in the car when you had an accident—can be addressed through energy healing. Grief can be supported through energy healing too.

    While animals aren’t spiritual in the same ways we are, they do sometimes lose faith in humans and act out in ways I consider to be symptomatic of a spiritual breakdown. It’s as though they no longer trust in people, and then they don’t even trust themselves. Energy healing can definitely assist in rebuilding lasting trust and love.

    A Quick Tour through the Book

    I’ve divided this book into two main sections: fundamentals and energy-healing modalities. In Part I you’ll learn the basics. Chapter 1 covers what energy is, how it works, and how the energy of each member of your multispecies household creates a combined morphic resonance. You’ll also take a brief look at the invisible energy systems of the physical body. Chapter 2 offers some examples of animals’ natural energetic state in the wild and how this shows up in domesticated animals as well.

    Chapter 3 is all about emotion—energy in motion—your animal friends’ and your own. In chapter 4 I offer a few stories to illustrate animals’ energetic lives, as well as a few stories from my practice of amazing healing.

    Chapter 5 rounds out Part I and gives you an important foundation in the energetic systems you’ll be working with when you do energy-healing work with your animals. We’ll talk about chakras and some of the systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    Part II is all about the abundance of options you have to work energetically with your animals. While people sometimes think of energy healing as solely a very subtle process that works on a vibrational level, you will find that you can shift energy in almost unlimited ways, including what you feed your animals, how you touch them, and even how you talk about them. Chapter 6 explores bodywork techniques. Chapter 7 expands on this with more hands-on work. And in chapter 8 you’ll learn some principles of nutrition and the basics of homeopathy.

    Chapter 9 offers an array of vibrational medicine techniques, from essential oils to crystals to magnets. Chapter 10 adds to the list with one of my go-to treatments, the Scalar Wave, and several other techniques to explore.

    In chapters 11 and 12, the emphasis is on you. You’ll learn to shift your own thinking in ways that will affect your animals, you’ll put systems in place that promote healing, and you’ll learn energy-healing tools for yourself—the emotional leader of your pack.

    Then it’s time to get started with energy healing! Chapter 13 covers the prep work you need to do to set yourself up for a successful healing session. And finally, chapter 14 offers a giant toolbox, containing a series of comprehensive tool kits for all of the most common issues I see in my practice. For each health issue you might face with your animal companion, you’ll find a variety of healing methods that run the gamut from what to communicate to your animal to nutritional support to appropriate herbs and flower essences to use. This is practical advice I’ve seen work time and time again, and I want you to have it!

    Now I’ll close with a couple of things to note: First, you’ll notice that the animals I concentrate on most in the book are dogs, cats, and horses. That’s because these are the animals I’ve had the most experience with—and that I have at home! Also, when you use the suggestions I offer in this book, please make sure you also have a great trainer and holistic veterinarian on hand for support.

    There is no end to the ways you can contribute to the health, happiness, and well-being of your animal companions by using energy healing. Are you ready to turn the page and begin? I can’t wait for you to get started!

    Part I


    I have packed this book with tons of information on a huge range of modalities and techniques that you can use to help your animals live healthy, happy lives. You’ll find all of these in Part II of this book. Before we get there, though, you’ll need to have some grounding in energy work. So here in Part I we’ll look at the nature of energy itself, the energetic lives of animals, and the energetic systems you’ll be working with when you do your healing sessions—everything you need to know to get you primed and ready to learn about specific energy-healing techniques.


    Ground Work in Energetics

    Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.


    Energy Is

    It’s time to begin your adventure in energy healing for animals. Let’s start with first things first: energy is. It doesn’t begin, and it doesn’t end. You can learn how to transform it and how to use it. It can gain velocity and momentum or drain and fizzle out. But it never goes away.

    And everything is made of energy, including us and the animals we love.

    If everything is energy, then we are all connected by and to that force. Our own energy system either adds to or depletes another’s, and likewise, theirs affects ours. We are using, giving, emitting, submitting to, and creating even more energy all the time.

    What does this energy connection mean for the animals in our lives? Actually, it means everything. Let’s start with the animals in our homes because they are as susceptible as we are to changes in the surrounding energy systems. They are part of the universal exchange of energy, which means they contribute to our energy (and vice versa) by giving, taking, and transforming the energy around them and us.

    Take the case of my client Jack and his beloved eight-year-old tabby cat, Murphy. Jack was always the emotional leader of his house and a strong, rock-solid type of guy. The other day he called me, and his voice just didn’t sound the same. He decided to share some devastating personal information.

    Joan, my wife, moved out three weeks ago. It was a sudden thing, and I’m so depressed. But that’s not really why I’m calling you. I’m calling because Murphy isn’t eating. What’s wrong with him? I just can’t take another problem in my life right now.

    This was a pretty easy one for me to figure out. When Jack’s wife left, there was a major energy shift in the house, and it was affecting both man and cat. Murphy had obviously felt the shift, the sadness all around him, and now it was profoundly affecting his feline system, to the point where his appetite had dulled. (Stick with me here, and later in the book I’ll explain how to shift the energy back to a good place for your pet, especially during times of trauma or upheaval, like a death, a divorce, or a grown child leaving for school.)

    Animals Sense Energy

    Human critical thinking has lessened our need to survive solely through instinct, and that’s a huge advantage. But it has also eroded our ability to perceive subtle shifts in the energetic fields around us—we’ve gotten more used to thinking than sensing. An animal’s survival, on the other hand, is based almost entirely on perceiving energetic shifts. Even the animals in our homes, pets though they may be, retain the primal fight-or-flight instinct. You might meet their every need, yet their instinct remains, even though it has been watered down to some degree through taming and breeding. By the way, that instinct comes on even stronger when you leave your animals to their own devices.

    Animals in the wild—whether in a flock, a herd, a pride, or a pack—have a leader at the forefront of the group. The leader can be benevolent, and it doesn’t have to be a titan of great strength. Sometimes it’s simply the cleverest individual in the group. No matter who it is, though, all eyes and ears are on this leader. All sensibilities are feeling what the leader is feeling and thinking. And everyone has a tentacle into the entire group to get a sense of what happens next.

    Since our animals are part of our group now, it’s not surprising that they are easily affected by our thoughts and emotions and any energetic changes or trends in our homes. This includes the energy we bring back from work or of what might be happening in our personal relationships. It’s true: you’re not the only one who is anxious because that potential suitor didn’t call. Your dog is also experiencing a level of anxiety because he’s in tune with your shifting energy. He senses that something is not right with you and with the energy inside the home/world you share.

    Understanding Vibration and Frequency

    The easiest way to understand the energetic landscape you and your animals share is to remember that energy can be described as a frequency, a vibration, an electromagnetic energy, and even a current (like the flow of electricity). In this book I’ll use all of these terms to describe energy.

    Just as everything is energy, everything has a frequency, and all frequencies are broadcast into the world as wavelengths. A frequency can attract or repel, and the wavelength itself can also contain information.

    Everything has a vibration—in fact, we live in a fully vibratory world. A vibration has this oscillation pattern of frequency or rhythm to it. Whether you consciously register it or not, you can feel the vibration of beauty and joy radiating from a field of tulips. Each individual tulip—its color, its stem, and the soil it’s planted in—carries a different frequency, and when they’re added together, they vibrate into beauty. A space, a stone, a piece of dirt, and a chair all have vibrations. Manufactured objects maintain a more sedentary vibration than live, dimensional forms of life, yet as you have probably felt yourself, a room can have a vibe.

    Here’s a case in point: it’s easy to feel a good vibe when you walk into a close friend’s house and to feel a not-so-good one when you walk into that new grooming facility you thought you’d try—and walk right out with your dog. Was anything wrong in that facility? Yes and no. There might not have been anything obviously wrong that you could see, but if you felt a bad vibe, your flight instinct kicked in. (I bet your furry friend was way ahead of you in the let’s-get-the-hell-out-of-here department!)

    It follows that the walls of a room where a trauma was experienced will hold that trauma in their cells and membranes until someone purposefully, intentionally, and energetically changes the vibration. A church will hold the vibration of the prior service, even when it is empty. Even a decomposing body is vibrating. You can’t stop the natural flow of the universe.

    The fascinating part of this is that

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