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Kicking Sick: Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions
Kicking Sick: Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions
Kicking Sick: Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions
Ebook347 pages3 hours

Kicking Sick: Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Has a chronic health issue taken over your life? More than half of us in the US are struggling with at least one.
Amy Kurtz gets it. Starting in her mid-teens, she endured two perfect storms of illness that progressed into her twenties. It earned her the label “the sick chick”—and the shame, fear, isolation, and frustration that comes with it.
She’s radically improved her health, and today she’s helping men and women of all ages live well regardless of their health situation.
With honesty, humor, and empathy, Kicking Sick shows you how to jettison despair, tune in to your body and inner wisdom, take charge, and build an effective support circle of medical experts, friends, and family.
Kicking Sick also brings you essential advice from Amy’s own A-team of experts—the ones crucial to her own turnaround: her personal physician Mark Hyman, gastroenterologist Gerard Mullin, endocrinologist Philip Felig, Crazy Sexy Cancer author Kris Carr, new thought leader Gabby Bernstein, and renowned yogi Elena Brower, plus many real life “glow warriors.”

Release dateDec 31, 2016
Kicking Sick: Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions

Amy Kurtz

AMY KURTZ is a wellness expert, an AADP-certified Holistic Health Coach, speaker, and a regular contributor on popular wellness websites such as mindbodygreen and Yoganonymous. She lives in New York City. For more information, visit

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    Kicking Sick - Amy Kurtz

    Dear Beautiful You,

    I’m so glad and grateful you decided to pick up this book. Thank you. I know what it’s like to feel sick, fearful, and isolated because of a chronic health condition. Since 2010 I have been hustling to figure out my health situation, take control of it, have a better quality of life, and not be stuck and desperate for answers. This was not easy, and it took an extraordinary amount of time, but eventually the pieces came together, which allowed me to start feeling better and thrive again. Today, I consider myself lucky to have felt thirty going on eighty. I wrote Kicking Sick because I know you can thrive again, too.

    Dealing with over a decade of debilitating pain and conditions ranging from celiac disease to a thyroid disorder to a major parasite infection, I embarked on an intense journey through doctors’ offices, medical clinics, IV labs, and specialists. The journey was a wake-up call. Did every doctor, healer, specialist, and guru have my best interest in mind? Some did, some didn’t. One thing is certain: I made a bucket load of choices that didn’t serve me and wasted a good amount of time because of it.

    I’ve now dedicated my life to helping you heal yours and to getting the word out about Kicking Sick loud and clear. As a health coach and wellness expert, I am able to relate and deeply connect with clients because I have gone through the struggle myself. I’ve been where you are. I get it. I know how to simplify the chaotic part of being sick — and figure out how to put human, physical, spiritual, and emotional energies where they belong.

    Whether you are currently learning how to navigate a chronic health condition, have recently been diagnosed with a health condition, feel hopeless, or just need some new tips and tricks managing one, Kicking Sick is for you.

    The turning point in my journey of healing was when I realized how crucial it was to focus on my individual needs and to surround myself with a team of professionals best suited for me. I became an active participant in my own health and got more involved, educated, and invested in the healing process. I started to show up for my own life in a way that I had never done before. I had to learn to love every part of myself again. Everything shifted when I started to see myself as more than my physical condition. Through my shift in energy, focus, and responsibility, I was able to help myself, and I am confident I can help you.

    I’m going to give it to you straight. This book was extremely difficult to write because it forced me to relive some of the most painful (physically and emotionally) times of my life. In the depths of dealing with disease in my body, I felt so utterly and completely alone. I felt terrified that my conditions would never improve and that I was destined to be a person who would always struggle with chronic health conditions, feel like an outcast, and suffer from total discomfort in my body. Sick leaked out over all of my relationships and onto everything and everyone I touched. I made myself into a helpless victim who stayed a child in many ways — until I decided to choose love over fear, strength over weakness, and independence over dependency.

    I am still on my own healing journey, but I have kicked being sick and taught myself how to pick myself up, put one foot in front of the other, and glow in the face of adversity. In doing so, I have become a better patient and a happier person. And I want to show you, my dear friend, how to do the same. I understand how you feel and what you are going through. I did everything wrong so you don’t have to.

    My prayer is that this book will teach you to become a better friend to your body — to the miraculously intelligent and beautiful vessel that carries your soul through this life. I wrote this book to let you know that you are not alone and to give you the tools you need to thrive through this experience, rather than let it define who you are.

    Place your hand on your heart and say, Even though I’m not perfect, I deeply and profoundly love myself. I’m sending you love too.

    From my heart to yours,


    What’s Amy Got to Do With It?



    Amy, honey! Get up, sweetheart. Everything will be okay.

    My parents were talking to me, but all I heard were their muffled voices as I lay crumpled on the floor of a prominent specialist’s office, tears gushing, my body wracking and shuddering in despair and sadness. The doctor’s words echoed in my ears: Your colon doesn’t work; it’s totally shot. I have no idea why. You’re most likely never going to be able to have a bowel movement on your own ever again. One of the very few options you have is to remove it. Living with a nonfunctioning colon was not part of my life plan. Nor was struggling for five years looking for answers. At first it felt as though my heart had plummeted down a deep, dark, long hole. And then I was numb.

    That moment was my rock bottom.

    Let me tell you how I got there. I grew up the youngest of three girls in a suburb just outside Philadelphia. My dad is a doctor, my mom is an artist, and there was a lot of love, laughter, and happy times in our family. I was always on the go, constantly trying to keep up with my older sisters. I was active, playing outside, taking dance classes, singing, swimming, hula hooping, riding my bike, doing arts and crafts, playing pranks on my sister, chasing fireflies in the summertime, and just feeling free. I loved life. I never wanted to miss out on anything.

    One night after dance class, I ran upstairs straight to my room. I wanted to do my homework as quickly as possible so I could go back to practicing my dance moves. As I bent down to get my math textbook off the floor, I felt a shooting pain go from the base of my spine all the way up to the top—clang, like the disk hitting the bell on a strongman carnival game. I had never felt pain of that caliber before. I couldn’t move. Bent over at the waist and frozen that way, I waddled down the hall into my dad’s study and cried out, Daddy, I can’t move. He knelt down and held me.

    I rested my back for a few days in an attempt to get over the profound spasm. Afterward, I tried to resume my life, but I was never that active, free-spirited, spritely little girl again. I couldn’t be. My lower back hurt constantly, and that ran the show from that textbook moment on, for the next eleven years of my life. I tried to dance again, and it hurt too much. I tried to go to field hockey camp with a friend as I had planned, and I couldn’t move from the pain I was in. The doctors said, Don’t do it if it hurts, so I stopped doing most of the things I was used to doing freely because of a physical condition that was on the rise, whether I wanted it to be or not.

    There was a nerve component to the problem with my back. Basically, it felt as if the nerves in my low back were jumping out of my skin. If I took a walk, I would feel pain. If I played Nintendo with my friends, I would feel pain. If I just sat on the couch, I would feel pain. When I lay in bed at night, I would feel pain. My body was saying, Something isn’t right here. Pay attention. But I didn’t know that. How could I? I was just a child.

    As a fourteen-year-old girl with debilitating back pain, I was thrust into a scary adult world of dealing with a chronic illness. I had an illness before I had time to truly have a full childhood. While my friends were going to dance class and playing sports after school, I was going from doctor to doctor, trying to find a solution for the nearly unbearable pain I was in and to understand why I wasn’t at home in my body anymore. I was constantly unsettled in my skin. With time, my free spirit and I disconnected.

    From the moment I crawled into my dad’s home office on all fours, he, my mom, and I were together on a journey. My parents tried the best they could with what they knew. They were with me all the way. This was new for all of us. My dad used all of his resources to get me in to see the best specialists in town. I saw the best of the best. My mother was the schlepper and the nurturer; she was by my side everywhere, holding my hand, kissing me, stroking my hair, keeping me giggling, and supporting me.

    The young me: before my illness, I was an active child who loved life.

    We tried everything: physical therapy, back braces, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machines, chiropractic care, massage, and the application of ice and heat to the affected areas. None of it worked. It seemed to be a mysterious condition that no one understood. Despite all the treatments and tests, there were no clues as to the root cause of the pain.

    Finally, I was put on painkillers three times a day, plus a pill to calm my nerves once a day, and another pill to relax my muscles at night. When I was fourteen! These meds were part of my daily routine through middle and high school, and I continued taking them through college. They seemed to work. They numbed the condition — at least for a while. Wasn’t taking all those medications the right thing to do because they worked? After all, a medical doctor prescribed them. Pain was at the forefront of who I, Amy Kurtz, was. It defined me. I considered it to be my normal.

    But I was also aware that this part of me was different from my friends. I knew that my friends didn’t have pain issues. I just thought I was the unfortunate one.

    I went to college for a degree in the performing arts and had the dream of being an actor. My body made me feel caged, and acting was the one thing that let me escape my reality and express myself freely. I was still always in pain. On top of it, I got the mononucleosis virus my sophomore year. I was so sick I had to move home for the remainder of the semester. I crawled right back into my childhood bed and stayed there until the start of the next semester. Some friends also got mono, but never as severely as I did. I knew it presented itself less severely in them, but I didn’t understand why. I never fully recovered from the mono virus, and after that, my back pain kicked me with a new vengeance.

    I grew up looking healthy, and no one could tell I wasn’t well. From my senior year high school photo (2003) and two photos taken at my sister’s wedding (2009), you wouldn’t know how much pain I was in or how much medication I was taking to feel normal.

    The pain pills had started being less effective as the years went by. Sometime after I got sick with mono, they stopped working entirely. Unless I took even more medication, I would pretty much always have pain. This was devastating because it affected everything — my classwork, my social life, my relationships, my ability to do anything. I was always trying to act like a normal young person, but the reality was I was no such being. Taking heavy-duty pills all the time definitely inspires you to see yourself as sick — and they certainly don’t make you feel better.

    The older I got, the more I realized the problem wasn’t being fixed by the pills; they were masking a big problem, which was only getting worse. I longed to feel a different way. I longed to no longer feel helpless and physically debilitated. I so wanted to find a way to truly help myself — maybe a healthier lifestyle would make my pain more bearable. So I decided to show up for my life in a way I hadn’t and see if there were any lifestyle changes I could make that might help.

    I saw a nutritionist, incorporated whole foods into my diet, and discovered juicing. I ate a lot of veggies and very few processed foods. Essentially, I cut out the crap. Interestingly enough, the changes I made to my diet meant I was mostly eating gluten-free foods. My back pain almost disappeared, and I thought I had discovered the key to the kingdom. It felt great to feel in control and to be able to slowly taper off the medications and move more normally, without constantly being aware of the pain I felt at every moment. All in all, I was doing my version of well. I began planning a move to Los Angeles to pursue my acting goals.

    Before I made my big move, I went abroad to Israel. I had fond memories of a trip I had made with my family to my ancestral and spiritual homeland when I was seven. I was looking forward to going back as an adult. What began as an exciting adventure to a foreign country ended up as a physical and emotional horror story. I had a total body shutdown during my stay. I was on an organized trip that included a meal plan, and there weren’t a lot of healthy food options available. It was slim pickins’, and nothing matched the healthy diet I had been eating at home. The offerings included mostly pita bread and hummus. The back pain I had endured my whole life reemerged, times ten. It wasn’t just pain this time; my whole body started reacting in a way I had never experienced before — and quickly. When I was seven years old on my first trip to Israel, I climbed the Masada with adults, and I kept up, felt great, and impressed everyone around me with my youthful agility. Now, at twenty-five, I was struggling to keep up with the elderly people on the hike. I looked in front and in back of me and realized I was the slowest person in the group, lagging way behind everyone. I couldn’t catch my breath; I was literally gasping for air, feeling as though I were going to

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