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Resurrection: A Channeled Text: (Book One of the Manifestation Trilogy)
Resurrection: A Channeled Text: (Book One of the Manifestation Trilogy)
Resurrection: A Channeled Text: (Book One of the Manifestation Trilogy)
Ebook319 pages6 hours

Resurrection: A Channeled Text: (Book One of the Manifestation Trilogy)

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Knowledge and Insight from a World Apart from Our Own

Resurrection is the first book in the groundbreaking new Manifestation Trilogy from renowned channel Paul Selig. Selig’s unique gift is to channel the voice of the Guides, otherworldly beings of great wisdom and tremendous spiritual insight. Resurrection is composed of their raw, unedited words, as spoken by Paul. In it, he shares the new manifestation of humanity, a vision of alteration and elevation that will shift how we think and move through the world.

Building on the success of his Beyond the Known series, this new trilogy will give readers a glimpse into the spiritual underpinnings that govern the world we live in. Resurrection is an astonishing invitation to rethink, reconstruct, and rebirth our world view in a transcendent way.

Release dateSep 20, 2022

Paul Selig

Paul Selig attended New York University and received his master's degree from Yale. A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. Selig is one of the foremost contributors to the field of channeled literature working today. He is the author of Beyond the Known: Realization and the Mastery Trilogy. He offers channeled workshops internationally and serves on the faculty of the Esalen Institute. He lives in Hawaii where he maintains a private practice as an intuitive and conducts frequent livestream seminars. Find out more on his website.

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    Resurrection - Paul Selig



    We stand before you today in preparation for your work, for your capability and great capacity to be re-known, to be rendered anew. Each of you here has chosen, at one level or another, that the lives you have lived may be altered, re-known, sung in a higher tone, a higher key. Each of you who has said yes stands before us today in willingness—and readiness, we would suggest—for what this offering is. Some of you say, Yes, I may. I may know myself anew. Some of you say, Perhaps. But, in fact, all of you are here in readiness at a point in history where what may be known, what may be rendered new, has capacity to be made new.

    Now, when we speak of being made new, we are speaking of re-articulation. Everything in form is in articulation. There is one note sung in this universe that you know that is in articulation as all manifestation. All things are of one Source at varying degrees of tone or vibration. The manifestation of humanity, the idea of who and what you are and the name you have given yourselves, is being made new, is in fact being altered, and lifted, we would suggest, to a higher octave, a higher intonation. The vibration you hold is always in coherence with the reality you will find yourselves in, and the co-resonant reality you have chosen, with its highs, lows, and in-betweens, is being altered by your presence. Underline those words, friends: altered by your presence. Humanity itself has chosen this. You cannot agree to what you are or who you have been, but the collective has agreed to make a new choice—we would suggest a high choice—to release an idea of self that has been known through fear, known through contention, known through aggression, to be re-known in what we will call the Upper Room, which is a higher octave of resonance, a collective field where indeed all things are made new.

    To be re-articulated, or made new, is an act of being. It is less a thing done than an agreement made as the field you hold is lifted and altered by agreement and energetic accord. The resonant field you hold today, wherever you may sit, is in coherence with the resonant field of all things that you see and experience. When one is made new, one is re-known or reclaimed at a level of vibration where what you claim into being, the world you see before you, is also changed. How is it changed? you may ask. We have said this many times, but the denial of the Divine, the great problem humanity has faced, can only be rectified from a higher level of alignment. What you deny God in, you align to in fear.

    Now, to deny God in something is simply to decide that the idea of God, or the presence of God, or the tone, which is indeed God, cannot exist somewhere. And by your decree, or your coherence with that claim, you shut yourself from the Divine in the way that we say you do. What you put in darkness calls you to the darkness. What you deny the Divine in claims you in that darkness, or at least the shadow of it. The template of reality that you have chosen to learn through, claimed in fear, enjoined by each of you through collective agreement, has chosen to shift, with your presence as the activator.

    Now, as you begin to know who you are, what you are, and how you serve, the field you hold is indeed altered. It is lifted. The transmission of your field, or the coherence the field holds, claims into being that which is of like accord, a-c-c-o-r-d, or a c-h-o-r-d as on a piano. The coherence of the True Self, which we will explain later, is that which is of God, because the True Self as you cannot deny the Divine. When you stop denying the Divine, you claim a new level of alignment, energetic coherence, wherein all things indeed are made new.

    Now, the idea of being made new is confusing for most of you. You think it means you pretend you weren’t who you were yesterday, or that your problems are gone, or you are lifting all things to your idea of heaven. In fact, to be made new, or re-articulated, is the presence of the Divine, operating as and through you, that calls into being that which is of like accord. The body you have is the body you hold, but the body you hold is in a new coherence. The energetic field you hold is still present, but aligned in a higher template.

    Now, the idea of a template must be understood. If you understand that there is an organizational system operating here, and that the True Self as you, that knows who and what it is, is an organizing aspect of the being you are, you can also understand that the being that you are, in this higher way, is in coherence to a reality that has its own laws and rules. We have taught the Kingdom in prior classes. We will reference it here quite often. But the Kingdom is the realization of the omnipresence of the Divine manifest as all things—exclusive of nothing, inclusive of all, the Divine as all things. When all things are re-seen or re-known as of God, the manifest world that you have experienced yourself through is indeed altered. Its intonation is changed, and what was known in fear can indeed be made new, or seen anew as it truly is—as of Source. Some of you ask us, What does it look like? What it looks like is yourself in a new way of being. And the world you perceive, the world before you, is the world you see without the emblazoning of fear claiming you in like coherence. In the Upper Room, which is the doorway to the Kingdom, all things are of God, and the fear you have known cannot express, because the vibration of the Upper Room cannot hold the Kingdom in fear. In other words, fear is a creation of the lower strata. When you move beyond it, or are lifted beyond it, you begin to claim a world in coherence with it. And the coherence of the Divine cannot hold fear, because fear is the denial of the Divine, and that is what it has always been.

    Some of you say, Yes, maybe. I believe this may be so. But my experience hasn’t shown me yet. This is an instruction in experience, the idea of being, beyond the old, beyond the known, beyond the agreement to fear. And as you encounter yourself anew, you begin to engage in a reality that surpasses what you believed could be, because any idea of what could be is still so informed by the logic that the small self has accrued, or the idea of a reality that the small self can manage. To understand where you go in these teachings is to begin to experience the self beyond the idea of self that you have utilized to navigate a reality. It is to become the self who knows who she is, what he is, and how she serves. One’s true purpose, one’s true expression, at this level is the being of the Divine.

    Now, already you are this, but you don’t know it. You deny it, or you would refute it, because it demands something that you cannot hold. The idea that you are holy must mean that all things are holy. And, indeed, all things are, when re-known as of God.

    Each of you here who hears these words is about to embark on a journey of resurrection. And the mandate of resurrection is the reclamation of all things that have denied the Divine—within the self, yes, but also within the world. This is how a world is made new. And your agreement to this journey, to this strange passage that we intend to undertake, will indeed be a text, and the journey of the text of Resurrection is the text of embodiment in manifestation. The texts that we will bring forth in the coming years will hold the key to deliverance, not only for the singular, but for the collective, because as the doors begin to open, as the Upper Room is full with the life and vitality of God as incarnated as each of you, the world will find itself in agreement to itself in a new way of being.

    This is a teaching of love. This is a gift for each of you. You may not get what you think you will or you expected you might, because any expectation, indeed, we would say, is born of the small self. And the small self’s idea of what can be is limited by all things it has known prior. When the known, when the old, is released and the new is born, the Kingdom unfolds before you. And this is the claim of the Kingdom:

    Each one who hears these words, each one who reads these words, will be known anew in agreement to a belief in the Creator that will surpass any ideology that has been tainted by fear or cruelly superimposed upon others through force of will. All who hear these words, all who read these words, will be in re-articulation at the perfect tone, level of agreement, that he or she can hold. And as this journey progresses, the song that is sung, the sound that will emit, the claim that will be made, will be the claim of the Divine come as one, come as all, in resurrection.

    This is the end of this lecture. We will take a pause for Paul. We will tell him when we return what we will do next. Period. Period. Period.


    We have lots to talk about, but take a moment, Paul. The text that we are writing will be written through you with very little effort. The idea of the text is what frightens you. What will this book be? What is it named? What is its action or presence in the world? The text that we write on resurrection, which is manifestation of the Divine in form, in field, in a way that manifests or claims a new world into being, will be the beginning of a series that addresses the ideas of manifestation and the challenges one faces as one claims this path.

    Now, this is a path that has been walked prior—the mystic path, the path of the sage. But re-articulation, as we will teach it, is not an intellectual endeavor. It is completely experiential. Now, religiosity has informed these teachings for some, and we must say now: This is not a religious teaching, nor can it ever be. The teaching of the Christ, or the Monad, or the True Self, finally, is a universal teaching. And while the language we use may be informed by historical meaning, our usage of the language is intended to claim you on a distinct path, and a higher path than you may have known you were even on. The path of re-articulation, being made new, as we have often said, comes at the cost of the old. And the identity you have used to negotiate your reality is the first thing that you encounter when you are being made new. The idea of self as separate from the Divine is so entrenched in the belief systems of yours that you claim it unknowingly, and the release of the old appears to you to be a death. Who am I if I am not who I think I am? The agreement we make to you tonight is that the death that you experience is a rebirth. It is the resurrection. It is the resurrection foretold, as the Christ, or the Monad, is re-known in form.

    Now, to know the self as of God is to understand both your sovereignty and your agreement to the self as of the whole. The Monad, or the Christ, the seed of God which seeks to express as and through you, knows itself as of the whole. And the agreement we make with you is that the transit you are undertaking will benefit not only you, but all that you encounter. We cannot make you holy. You already are. But you have forgotten your divinity, and while we remind you in words, we are amply aware that the only way to reach you is to know you, realize you, as who and what you truly are beyond the small self’s idea of what is possible.

    The texts we have offered thus far have indeed been a system of alignment, through energetic attunement, to re-know the self beyond the old template. But to come into the new template, manifest in the Upper Room in adherence to the agreements that align here, must in some ways be its own teaching. The world before you, you see, is in fragmentation, and the fragments themselves all hold ideas of ideas that are known through history. The release of these ideas and the history that claim them is a challenging passage, because what it means is that even the fabric of reality, as you have comprehended it, can and will be re-known, because what stands before you all in such a time of change is the gift of change, the new, and the release of the old, the passing of the old, that which cannot be held in the higher octave of alignment that you have now come to.

    The splintering of reality, the factioning you see, is actually the product of fear. Fear would always tell you to fear your brother, fear God, fear yourselves. The action of fear is to claim more fear. And a world in fear is a world at war with itself. But you cannot lift to the light without this passage. You cannot deny your creations, those things that have been hewn in fear, re-created, made so, from a template of fear. Now, what is fear but the denial of the Divine, and the claim we offer you, Behold, I make all things new, will claim fear and lift it to the high octave of the Upper Room, where it may no longer be enacted upon. The attunements we will be giving you, some old, some new, are all ways of renegotiating the self that you have known as it embarks on this journey, and reclaiming the world that you are in an encounter to and with through the alignment you now hold. Understand, we said now hold. The gift of these teachings has and always will be a reclamation of the energetic field, through attunement, in the high octave where you may begin to know the self anew. They transition you, one after the next, to an alignment that you have not held prior.

    Where you stand today, before us, yes, is in an awareness of your potential, even the supposition of it. But where we will take you, as we are allowed to teach as we wish, is to the mandate of the Divine: It will be so. God Is. God Is. God Is. The re-creation of the body to be sung in a higher tone, the reclamation of the energetic field to receive you in your true sovereignty, and the awareness of what you do, how you be, how you enact this being in agreement to your fellows, which we will call service, will be present here, but from the perspective of the Upper Room.

    For the new student, we will say this to you: We teach in a one-room schoolhouse. Every student is met where he or she sits. And the agreement we make to you tonight is not only will you be met, you will be known. And to be known is to be realized. As we sing you into presence, which is what we will now do, we will call you forth before us. And as we witness you each, the fields that you hold, inclusive of the masks you have taken to know yourselves in these lifetimes, we will release you from the idea of self that has stood in the way of the Divine as you receiving itself in an agreement to its mastery. The Divine as you knows who he is, knows what she is, knows how she serves. And its liberation, its full expression, its resurrection, is the song we sing to you now. You may say this after us, if you wish:

    I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free. I am free. I am free. I am in the Upper Room. I Have Come. I Have Come. I Have Come. It will be so. Behold, I make all things new. God Is. God Is. God Is.

    We say your names now, one and all, and the sound we make is inclusive of each of your names. You are all being sung to, called forward, and seen. You may join the sound we make, if it is your wish, so we sing together in agreement to your being.

    On the count of three, Paul.

    One. Now two. Now three.

    [The Guides Tone Through Paul.]

    We know who you are in truth. We know what you are in truth. We know how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free.

    We will say this now. Indeed, this is in the text. We thank you each for your presence. Stop now, please. Period. Period. Period.


    You ask questions about what will be. You seek reassurance for a future that is uncharted, cannot be known, and cannot be predicted at this juncture because the manifestation of change is so pronounced that what falls from the sky may land where it may. Now, we use this as metaphor, but it is indeed your experience—what falls from the sky, what lands unexpectedly, what changes a landscape or a lifestyle or a way of being. In times of great change, when change is present and all are called to witness the opportunity for growth, and spiritualization is heightened, and heightened by the cost of what is releasing, when all you have counted on, expected to be, is no longer present, you will claim what you can. You will agree to the unknown, to the potentiality of Spirit that you have hidden from prior. At this crossroads, humanity has chosen change, and the outcome we predict, and have predicted prior, is that humanity will triumph. But change is present, and some will not withstand change through their own refusal to acquiesce to the new. It is as if you are pretending that the boat hasn’t capsized, that the world is different and you seek to have your tea when the teacup cannot be filled because it is upside down. Each of you says yes to the potential here—reclamation, re-creation, resurrection. Each of you says yes to what may be seen beyond the known, what may be claimed beyond the simplistic ideas of what reality should be that you have been so stuck in that you can no longer see the potential that is unfolding before you. In this time, we suggest, humanity will face itself, face its creations, and the reckoning that is upon you, a reckoning of truth and agreement to truth, will claim for you the next steps that humanity may take as a whole.

    Now, your idea here is that everybody must be in agreement. Yes, there is a problem with this and that, and we all agree that it must be attended to as we say. That will not happen on this plane. What will happen, and is happening, is an agreement claimed in the ethers, in the higher accord, in the collective soul of the species, not only to withstand change, but to utilize it for high purpose. Now, when we say high, we do not mean noble. We do not mean what you would like it to mean. High purpose is true purpose, and your true purpose, all humanity’s true purpose, finally, we say, is resurrection, or a reconciliation with its true divinity.

    Now, your true divinity is always present, cannot not be there, but it can be denied, has been denied, and denied not only at the individual level, but by the collective as well. Imagine an ice that has covered humanity that begins to shear off in an escalating heat. Imagine that what is released from its icy encasing is the flame of the Divine that seeks to reconcile itself and all things with its true purpose and nature. This is the act of being that you are attending to here. It is the act of being as the True Self as manifest that humanity is entering. Now, we say entering intentionally. You are impatient. You want it done on Tuesday next. You want it done before your vacation starts, certainly before your children are grown, so that you can see them in a happy landscape. But what is happening now is re-creation at a mass level, and the scale of which you have not seen in a lifetime for thousands and thousands of years. The articulation of a species, when it is growing, outgrowing old forms, manifest anew, is an act of expression. And the expression of this happens in two ways, less so the individual, although the individual is present and participatory, but primarily at the level of species when the vibrational field that the species has held is up-leveled to a new tone. When the new tone is held, a lengthy note we would suggest, the field of the body, or how the body expresses in the energetic field, is also attended to. And what the body has known through limitation is actually reclaimed in what we will call the Upper Room because that is the high strata that the Divine Self expresses in. Humanity expressing in a new tonality does not mean you have fine behavior, better manners, perhaps less difficulty. It does mean that mankind, humankind, has outgrown a way of being, and the challenges it faces now are that the creations of the old self are so paramount that they can no longer be ignored. The choice is here, and you have said yes, the species has said yes, has agreed to be altered, claimed new, and resurrected.

    Now, how this happens is a long process. We use the word long in an illustrative way, not to tell you what the time frame is, because you can move beyond time in an escalated field. But the act of manifestation, the causal field in its new tonality reclaiming a manifest world, is a process that is now begun and has different aspects to it. The primary aspect that you are witnessing now is the collapse of structure, and this will continue for some time because the new seeks to be born where the old has held sway. Now, because you seek to protect the old—it is what you have known, it is what you believe must be so—your attention is actually moved towards preservation when it must be moved to reconciliation. The focus, the prospect, of reconciliation is different than you might think. To reconcile anything, any system or structure, any human being, any escapade or incident, to the Divine is the act of re-knowing and re-seeing. We have taught these things prior. We will continue to teach them because they are imperative to understand. At this moment in time you are busy trying to hold the walls up, to keep the ceiling in place, but the ceiling may fall and open you to the sky, to the Infinite, that which has always been present but exists beyond those four walls. Your systems of governance, your systems of politics and religion and medicine, will all be re-seen in the coming years, and to high effect. And, again, high means vibrationally high, not your idea of morality or right or wrong.

    When something comes in at a new tone, in a new frequency, it will always disrupt the old. Many of you wonder why on your spiritual paths you face calamity or great change or a disturbance in the idea of self that you have perpetuated throughout a lifetime. This is the affect of the high tone, your own true nature, your inherent Divine Self, reclaiming what it encounters that has been hewn or claimed in a lower tone or energetic field. There has never once been a passage for humanity of this degree, and the ones you have faced prior have come through challenge as well. What you see before you today is in fact a beginning of great change, but required change, needed change, because you have been operating in fear for so very long that you mandate fear in everything you would create now. In some ways, what has happened is that the choice to claim in fear has been chosen to release, and it is not a pretty process. Understand, friends, that fifty percent of what you do in any given day is by rote, through inherent training. You know what to do because it’s what you were taught and what you have seen, and consequently what you expect. The moment has come for the release of unconscious behavior, enacted by fear, that contributes to the calamity that humanity has faced and is now facing fully. You may call it illness. You may call it greed. You may call it the destruction of a planet. But these are all out-picturings, one and all, of the vibration of fear.

    Now, when you understand that fear is an ignorant energy—it is not wise, it eats all things indiscriminately to feed itself, to grow as cancer, or pollute as an ocean might be—you will understand that the ignorance of fear becomes your greatest ally. You have empowered a foolish thing. You have agreed to a foolish thing. You have aligned to it, put it in your pockets, dined out with it, fed it to your children, voted for it or against it, prayed to or for it, and made choices because of it. You have done this unknowingly because it is the world you were claimed in. To understand what we teach is not to ignore fear. It is present, yes. But the choice to enact it, which is to contribute to its being, must be understood as the cause of your pain, individually and collectively. To lift to what we call the Upper Room, which is the entryway to the Kingdom—it is of the Kingdom, but because the tone of the vibrational field of the Upper Room is also in a scale of high and low, you may see it as the first note played that may be experienced at this place, from this place, in the Upper Room—you do not abide in fear because fear does not exist here. And what you lift, by nature of presence and being, to the Upper Room is made new or resurrected by nature of your presence and being.

    Now, when humanity does this at a collective level, the entire energetic field of the reality you have known yourself in is altered. It is escalated. We are showing Paul the image of a screen, and many channels that can play upon the screen. You can watch any station you wish. The primary station that you are all watching, because you are in coherence with it, is a low vibrational tone, with moments of beauty, times of glory, but the presence of pestilence and pain and poverty and hunger are so present that any moment of smelling the roses is pretending that you are not in coherence with what expresses in fear or in low tone. That would be turning your back upon your starving brother or sister to enjoy the lovely sunset. By all means, enjoy it. But what we are telling you now is that the level of change that you are choosing to be participatory to reclaims all things. You are no longer denying pain. You are no longer predicating your well-being on somebody else’s lack, fighting for the last piece of bread upon the table in a belief in scarcity. You are coming to a place where you recognize, finally, and we say finally, that all human beings are one. And underline the word all—not just those people you like, those you agree with, and those who would do as you wish. The majesty before you, when you witness God as all of its creations, its infinite wonder embodied as each individual, will show

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