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Invisible City: A Novel
Invisible City: A Novel
Invisible City: A Novel
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Invisible City: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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A finalist for the Edgar and Mary Higgins Clark Awards, in her riveting debut Invisible City, journalist Julia Dahl introduces a compelling new character in search of the truth about a murder and an understanding of her own heritage.

Just months after Rebekah Roberts was born, her mother, an Hasidic Jew from Brooklyn, abandoned her Christian boyfriend and newborn baby to return to her religion. Neither Rebekah nor her father have heard from her since. Now a recent college graduate, Rebekah has moved to New York City to follow her dream of becoming a big-city reporter. But she's also drawn to the idea of being closer to her mother, who might still be living in the Hasidic community in Brooklyn.

Then Rebekah is called to cover the story of a murdered Hasidic woman. Rebekah's shocked to learn that, because of the NYPD's habit of kowtowing to the powerful ultra-Orthodox community, not only will the woman be buried without an autopsy, her killer may get away with murder. Rebekah can't let the story end there. But getting to the truth won't be easy—even as she immerses herself in the cloistered world where her mother grew up, it's clear that she's not welcome, and everyone she meets has a secret to keep from an outsider.

Release dateMay 6, 2014

Julia Dahl

Julia Dahl is the author of Conviction, Run You Down, and Invisible City, which was a finalist for the Edgar Award for Best First Novel, one of the Boston Globe’s Best Books of 2014, and has been translated into eight languages. A former reporter for CBS News and the New York Post, she now teaches journalism at NYU.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    As a mystery, it wasn’t particularly mysterious. Villain became obvious before the half-way point. The heroine is an annoying, incompetent, thoughtless girl starting a job as a free-lance journalist in NYC. In spite of her best efforts, she can’t seem to manage simple interview questions or gather basic information. She goes to the city in hopes of meeting her Orthodox Jewish mother who abandoned the family when she was an infant. Her obsessive near-hatred for a woman she never met and who never played any role in her life borders on the psychopathic. At times, the writing began to smack of anti-semiticism. The author spent a bizarre amount of time exploring how anxiety disrupted the girl-reporter’s digestive system. I don’t find reading about every intestinal gurgle or twitch particularly entertaining. The frequency with which this twenty-something turned to popping a pill to deal with stress is alarming, to say the least. There were a couple of gratuitous sex scenes that did zero for the plot or any development. As with the description of physical reactions to anxiety, the author seems to struggle with handling a sex scene. Their appearances were abrupt, as were their endings. They were pointless and poorly done. They should not have been included. Overall, a disappointing story not very well told.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The first in a new series, this introduces Rebekah, a journalist who is assigned a murder story in a very cloistered Hassidic community in Brooklyn, where local rules bear more weight than city police and laws.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Two and a half stars. I quite enjoyed this book, all the way up until the end. It was a good mystery and an interesting read--I feel like I learned a good bit about journalism basics and ultra-orthodox Jewish culture.

    However: I absolutely hated the ending because it fell into tired cliches. Due to that alone, I would not recommend this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Read 9/16. Found as 2015 Shamus Award Finalist. Book 1 of a series. Rebekah, not strictly a private investigator but a reporter chases a story and solves a murder in the NYC Hasidic community. Excellent story and writing. Well worth following.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The world of mysteries have a lot of awards and in most years, the lists do not match - most of them have their own rules and inclinations and different books fit the different ones better. So when a debut novel seems to be on almost every best first novel list in a year, I take notice. And this time it is well deserved. Meet Rebekah Roberts. She grew up in Florida with her father after her Hasidic mother, Aviva, left her when she was 6 months old and went back to New York. Rebekah never heard anything from her mother again, became a journalist and moved to New York. And never looked for her mother. Unfortunately, there are not too many opportunities for a young inexperienced journalist so she ends up as a stringer for the tabloid New York Tribune aka Trib. And one day, in the middle of a pretty cold winter, she get the call to go to where a body is found - a usual assignment for her but that one is different. Because this body is connected to the Hasidic Jews of New York, her mother's people. And she meets someone that knows Aviva - Saul Katz - an old friend of both her parents who is a policeman and is called to help becayse of his Orthodox connections and faith.And it all starts - the police does not seem to be interested because they tend to stay away from the problems inside of the insular community, they even allow the dead woman to be buried without autopsy. And Rebekah and Saul decide not to stand for that and launch their own investigation. Except as expected, not everything is what it seems ad everyone is trying to further their own agenda. The novel is set deep into the Orthodox Jewish community and the details of it are used as a background - very detailed but without overwhelming the story. And Rebekah is a fascinating character - complex, young in spirit (after all she is just 22) and a complete human being - with her acute anxiety, circle of friends, her sometimes overbearing boyfriend and her almost perfect father. If I have an issue with the novel, it is the appearance of Saul just when he did - it was too coincidental. But without it, the novel won't be as complete so I am willing to accept it. The solution proves to be tied to the community of course - both to the parts that accept their lives into it and the parts that rebel. Because we do not just see the community at its best - we also see the people that question their faith and their choices (and lack of choices). And even if it is a mystery, it is also a novel about the Hasidim. And that makes it stronger - a lot stronger. It is well built and it is using the background to build more of the story - actions that would look alogical work here because of the norm of the society. Add to that the world of the stringers of the tabloids and the winter (because the cold and winter are almost characters here) and it is a wonderful story. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I listened to this book because a Library Patron suggested this author. I was really in the mood for a great mystery so I really enjoyed this author. The research this author did to have an accurate story really amazed me. I will be seeking out this author again in the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First novel nominated for the Edgar, Anthony and Agatha Award and winner of the Macavity, Barry and Shamus awards, INVISIBLE CITY was most deserving of its accolades. A young stringer for a NY paper who was raised in Florida, half hoping to find her mother who left her when she was a few weeks old. She know her mother was an Hasidic Jew who ran away with a young man who raised Rebekah. Rebekah, now 23, feels betrayed by her mother and knows little about the ultra-Orthodox life of her mother. She finds out soon enough as she is staking out a junkyard where a woman's body is found among the rubble. It's not the police who take the body, but a group of men in black with black hats. Instead of calling the police, this Jewish community call a special group of men to get the bodies of any Jews so that they can be buried a prescribed by their law within 24 hours. Rebekah then meets a man, who tells her he is a policeman, but that the police will block any investigation if it threatens any member of the community. The man also knew and still knows her mother. An exciting story, well written and suspenseful which makes on think of the beliefs by which we were raised and the fear of the goyim by these people who learned the hard way how quickly their non-Jewish neighbors could turn against them as they did in the 30s and 40s in Europe. A sensitivetopic handled with great care and compassion by the author who was raised in a family with a Lutheran father and a Jewish mother.As soon as I finished this I went to the second book RUN YOU DOWN and am so glad I purchased both books at Bouchercon. And more about the quest to meet her mother.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very unique and interesting mystery about the murder of an Hasidic Jewish woman whose body is found embedded in a scrap heap. It seems like the police don't want to investigate the crime because of the political influence of the Jewish community. A young stringer for a small New York newspaper is troubled about the murder seemingly being swept under the rug. She is tenacious in keeping the story in the newspaper and digging into the secretive world of the Hasidic community. I loved it, learned a lot and see why the book received all the acclaim that it did.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am fascinated by tales of people living within extremist religious communities. As is Rebekah Roberts, abandoned daughter of an Orthodox Jewish woman, and stringer for a NYC newspaper. Rebekah has been raised by her Christian father and stepmother, but has always felt the loss of her mother Aviva, who returned to her Orthodox family after giving birth to her. When a woman is found nude and dead, with her head shaven, in a scrapyard belonging to a prominent Brooklyn Hasidic family, Rebekah gets the call and is approached by an NYPD police officer who himself is a renegade Hasid. Saul recognizes Rebekah as Aviva's daughter. The murdered woman is Rivka Medelsohn, the pregnant wife of a wealthy community leader whose young daughter had died the year before. There are enough red herrings (kosher?) for Rebekah to take on the investigation for the newspaper and to put herself into danger.There's a great feel for New York in a bitter cold winter here, the characters are vivid, and the tale is compelling. The reader will learn much about the closed Hasidic community and will eagerly await Rebekah's next assignment.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm always a bit worried when encountering a fictional representation of a journalist -- it can be infuriating to see the liberties taken with a role you know in reality (that's why I could only watch two hours of The Newsroom on HBO). So it was an extra pleasure to read Invisible City, a book whose protagonist is a young newspaper reporter working for a New York tabloid. Rebekah Roberts is a stringer, sent to crime scenes and celebrity stakeouts. Roberts' combination of adrenaline, cynicism and anxiety felt entirely familiar -- a little too familiar for comfort at times -- to me. Getting journalism right aside, this is a tightly crafted thriller that starts with the murder of a Hasidic woman in Brooklyn. Rebekah's personal story -- her mother was a Hasidic woman who had a brief affair with Rebekah's father but returned to the community shortly after Rebekah's birth -- is intertwined, but the story never loses focus. I feel like a newbie in my contemporary crime fiction reading; this is a writer I'll be following.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The varied elements of this novel combine to make this both a compelling personal story and a suspenseful mystery. These include a homicide in an insular religious community that to some extent operates under its own laws and a complexly drawn main character with a troubled family history and a job that has her running all over the city inserting herself in other people’s lives. Invisible City by Julia Dahl had me from its premise and did not disappoint as I read. I was so drawn to it I found myself picking it up even when I only had a few minutes to spare.After graduating with a journalism degree, Rebekah Roberts moved from Florida to New York City to look for a job in her field and possibly be near her mother, who she hasn’t seen since she was a baby. Rebekah suspects her mother may be living in the Brooklyn Hasidic community where her mother grew up, but she doesn’t actually know. As a young woman Rebekah’s mother had a stormy period of questioning, during which she fled the Hasidic community and married, but she left her Christian husband and their baby not long after Rebekah was born and neither husband nor daughter has heard from her since. Unsurprisingly, Rebekah has abandonment issues that surface as acute anxiety. Rebekah did find work with a newspaper, but so far she’s scarcely written a word of copy. Instead she’s on call, chasing after newsworthy events to gather information and quotes that other writers turn into articles, and that’s how she’s on the scene when the body of a murdered Hasidic woman is found in a junkyard. At the request of the woman’s husband, a powerful man in the Hasidic community, police have scaled down the investigation and the woman's body is buried without an autopsy, raising all kinds of questions in Rebekah’s mind that, because of her mother’s background, feel personal to her as well as professional. Following the threads of the story takes Rebekah into the heart of the Hasidic community, where she is both an outsider and to some degree an insider, and may lead to a career advancing breakthrough article or bring her closer, in understanding if not in person, to her as yet undiscovered mother. Coincidence might be a little overused in the plot, but the story had me in its grips enough that I hardly cared. I don’t know a lot about Hasidic life so I can’t say how accurate the portrayal in this book is, but the community is presented in an intimate but sympathetic light, with people of various levels of belief treated by the author with respect. This is the first of a series and I will certainly seek out the next book, though it’s hard to imagine a more powerful story for Rebekah than this one. I look forward with some confidence to seeing what Julia Dahl comes up with to match it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Invisible City by Julia Dahl is a top-notch murder mystery set in the always-fascinating world of Hasidic Judaism. The main character is reporter Rebekah Roberts, daughter of a Hasidic mother and Christian father. Rebekah investigates the murder of a young mother and uncovers secret after secret, while at the same time she begins to learn about her own past. I highly recommend Invisible City and look forward to Dahl’s next featuring Rebekah Roberts.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Rebekah moved to NYC to pursue journalism, and she works at a New York tabloid newspaper as a stringer. She's sent out all sorts of places chasing stories that may but mostly do not yield much of anything. But on this assignment the dead body found in the Gowanus scrapyard sends her deep into the world of the Brooklyn Hasidim... the same community her long-estranged mother happened to come from and, abandoning Rebekah as an infant, returned to, never to be heard from again. So clearly the plot is a bit (LOT) contrived. The heroine, fresh out of journalism school in FLORIDA of all places, sometimes seems way too jaded and tired for her age (22.) She chalks it up to her mother leaving her as a baby- she's so anxious she frequently pops lorazepam to keep herself together. I'm not usually much of a mystery or crime fiction reader, but to me Rebekah seemed too stereotypically "hard nosed" and didn't live up to her interesting backstory.What kept me going was the glimpse into the lives of people (especially women and children) within the ultra-orthodox Jewish community. The crime and Rebekah's reporting of it is interesting, but I was more intrigued by the members of the community who were "questioning" their faith. That crime within the Hasidic community is hushed up is not news to me (in fact, Rebekah is eventually told the same thing by her editor, although much too deep into the book as far as I was concerned.)The author left the door wide open for a sequel. I liked this book enough that I would certainly be interested in seeing what could be next for Rebekah.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Reads like the first novel it is. Interesting information on Orthodox Jewish life in Brooklyn but little effective characterization.A good beginning, but only that....
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I’ve been reading mysteries for decades and I’ve yet to come across a body found 50 feet upInvisibleCity in a crane in the midst of a salvage yard…that is until Invisible City, a debut novel by Julia Dahl. Rebekkah Roberts, a stringer for the New York Tribune is sent to the scene.Nobody is talking but she gets the crane operator to describe seeing a leg dangling out of the scrap in the crane. The salvage yard is owned by a Hasidic Jew, Aron Mendelssohn. The police converge as does the M.E., an ambulance and an ambulance with Hebrew lettering on it…which is the one that carries away the body.According to Jewish law, the dead are buried very quickly. With the help of a rogue cop, Rebekkah is allowed to see the badly bruised body in the funeral home prior to burial. It is murder. There are no two ways about it. And it turns out to be Aron’s wife, Rivka.There are two stories going on in Invisible City. The first is Rivka’s exploration outside of her Hasidic roots. The second is Rebekkah’s mother, Aviva’s similar exploration, which resulted in a liaison with her father, the product of which is Rebekkah. However, Aviva abandoned her child and returned to her family, something that Rebekkah has yet to come to terms with.There are many (well, maybe several) series about newspaper reporters solving crimes. This is a new spin with the fact that Rebekkah is a rookie and she’s dealing with the very insular Hasidic community. Dahl has created a great set of characters in Rebekkah, her friend Iris, her boyfriend Tony and rogue cop Saul Katz. The Brooklyn locale always interests me. This is not as gritty as Visitation Street by Iva Pochoda, which takes place in Red Hook, very close to the Gowanus locale of Invisible City.I’m assuming this is going to be a series and I look forward to the next installment. I highly recommend both of the books mentioned: Invisible City by Julia Dahl and Visitation Street by Iva Pochoda.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book - had a hard time putting it down. The pacing is pitch perfect, the characters interesting, and the story takes into unfamiliar worlds - top it off with topicality and voila! Entertainment!Our intrepid heroine is Rebekah, a young reporter trying to live her dream in New York City, faced with all the challenges you might imagine. Added to this soup is her own personal mystery - what happened to her mother, a Hasidic Jew who abandoned her faith to marry and then abandoned her marriage and her daughter. Rebekah gets her first Big Break as a reporter in the Big City when the body of a murdered Hasidic woman is found in Brooklyn. Her background gives her entree into the community and its story and we're off to the races. Touching on many issues, including the ways that the Hasidic community deal (or don't deal) with sexual abuse, Invisible City is a great start to what should be a really interesting series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An excellent mystery that delves into the culture of the Hasidic community in New York
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Invisible City by Julia Dahl tugged at my curiosity about Hasidic Jews. They are indeed an invisible city, unless we read a book about their life by a former Hasidic we really don’t know that much about their lives. The author is a journalist who writes about crime and if the main character could have a wish, I believe that she would like the same career.Rebekah Roberts was raised by her father after her mother left her when she was just a few weeks old. Her father met her mother in the religion section of a bookstore. Her mother left them to return to a Hasidic community in Brooklyn. Rebekah felt discarded by her mother and even though she was now a “stringer” for a newspaper in New York, she felt that she could never forgive her.Rebekah gets called off her assignment because a woman’s naked body was found in a scrap yard. When Rebekah got there the lifeless woman was dangling from a machine in the air. She could make out the poor woman’s leg. Rebekah finds out that scrap yard is owned by rich Hasidic Jew. She is shocked that there will be no autopsy. A group of Hasidic men come for the woman’s body and put it in a black body bag. She talks to a little boy who says he knows that his mother was not sick when she died. That and many other clues that pile up and the idea that the police will probably not investigate this crime spur her fact finding on. She is also haunted by the knowledge that her mother was Hasidic. Julia Dahl writes a well-researched and intriguing mystery. As the story continued, I wanted to learn more about Rebeca’s mother. This story keeps you reading and makes me want to read the next one in the series. I was already with many of the customs and traditions of the Hasidic Jews but the book increased my vocabulary and I understand more about them with that added information.I highly recommend this book to people who are intrigued by Hasidic Jews and by mystery lovers. I received the ARC of Invisible City from Amazon Vine for unbiased review. The thoughts and feelings in this review are entirely my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book starts with a bang and ends with a bang. In between it lags just a bit, but not to the point of being off-putting. Rebekkah is a young stringer reporter for a tabloid paper in NYC. She is assigned the story of a naked, dead woman found by a crane operator as he was loading scrap metal onto a barge. While waiting for information, she runs into several Hassidic Jews, including a young boy who she is able to talk to for a few minutes. This connection extends throughout the book as she finds out the the boy is the son of the scrap yard owner as well as the dead woman. To make the story more interesting, Rebekkah herself is the daughter of a Hassidic Jewish mother who deserted her father and her when Rebekkah was only 6 months old. She has dealt with her feelings about her mother's desertion, as well as her curiosity about what happened to her mother throughout her life. The story thread is quite interesting with the slight exception of the back story of tabloid journalism. The ending is dynamite and a shocker.I recommend this book for most readers. Although it seems to be styled as a mystery, it would hold the interest of many people who enjoy reading about other walks of life. The information about communities of Hassidic Jews is interesting, as well as compassionate, thanks to the author's background. The world of tabloid reporting is a bit seamy, however I would highly encourage anyone trying the book to keep reading through some of the slower spots, since the ending is spectacular and so worth it. I thank the publisher, author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this story.

Book preview

Invisible City - Julia Dahl



I was in Chinatown when they called me about the body in Brooklyn.

They just pulled a woman out of a scrap pile in Gowanus, says Mike, my editor.

Lovely, I say. So I’m off the school? I’ve spent the past two days pacing in front of a middle school, trying to get publishable quotes from preteens or their parents about the brothel the cops busted in the back of an Internet café around the corner.

You’re off, says Mike.

The rest of the press is on the scene when I arrive at the gas station across from the scrap yard. Pete Calloway from the Ledger is baring his crooked teeth at the NYPD’s Deputy Commissioner of Public Information, or as reporters call him, DCPI. DCPI is six inches taller and seventy pounds heavier than Pete. It’s barely twenty degrees out and Pete’s got his hoodie up, his shoulders hunched against the cold, but DCPI is hatless, scarfless, gloveless, coatless. His uniform jacket collar is pulled up, two inches of starched wool-blend against the icy wind.

We’re hearing she was found without clothes, says Pete. Can you confirm that?

DCPI looks over Pete’s head and rubs his hands together. Behind him, in the scrap yard along the canal, two excavators stand frozen against the sky; the grapples attached to their long arms sway slowly, thin scraps of metal hanging from their teeth.

Pete stares up at the cop, who is ignoring him. Both of them are ignoring me. I’ve seen Pete at multiple crime scenes, but we’ve never introduced ourselves. Mike and the rest of the editors think Calloway is some kind of crime-reporting savant. But it seems to me, after just a few months at scenes with him, that all he is is single, dogged, and nosy. I catch his eye and smile a smile I mean to indicate camaraderie, but he doesn’t respond. Drew Meyers from Channel 2 slides up, cashmere coat to his shins, leather gloves, wine-colored scarf. DCPI loves him.

Drew, he says, grasping his hand like an old friend.

Cold enough for you? says Drew. DCPI’s ears are absurdly red. His nose and cheeks and neck glow pink. So what’s going on?

DCPI lowers his voice. Female.

Is she still in there? asks Drew. Pete and I step in to listen.

Don’t have that, says DCPI.

The M.E. van hasn’t been here, says Pete.

Drew looks at DCPI, who confirms Pete’s statement with silence.

Was there a 911 call? asks Pete.

Yes, says DCPI.

What time? I ask.

DCPI looks down at me. Can you let me finish, please?

I nod.

A call came in to emergency services this morning, reporting that workers loading a barge on the canal had found what they thought was a female body. We are in the process of determining identity.

It’s definitely female? asks Pete.

DCPI nods.

Drew furrows his brow, doing a good impression of someone empathizing. He folds his notebook shut, though he didn’t write down a word of what DCPI said, shakes the cop’s hand, then turns and walks to the Channel 2 van, his coattails flapping behind him.

DCPI stays put, and so do I. There are several DCPI cops that work crime scenes. I know two or three by sight, and have one’s name, but I’ve never seen this man before. Can I get your name? I ask.

He looks down at me. Can I see your press card?

I dig my stiff fingers—exposed by the fingerless gloves that note-taking necessitates—into my coat and manipulate the laminated New York Tribune badge from beneath several layers of clothing. My skin scrapes against the metal zipper as I pull it out and present it.

You don’t have a press card.

He’s talking about the official credentials that the NYPD gives to reporters. If you want the press card, you have to submit six articles with your byline on them that prove you cover spot news in the city and routinely need to get past police lines. The card doesn’t actually get you past police lines, but it gives you a small measure of legitimacy in the eyes of whichever DCPI you’re dealing with. I applied for the card right before Thanksgiving, but I haven’t heard anything. I called after the New Year and the officer who answered the phone at the public information office told me to wait.

I applied in November, I tell DCPI. I’m still waiting to hear.

He nods.

Is she still … in there? I ask.

You’ll get information when I get information, he says, sounding bored.

I turn away. Police tape stretches across the wide gravel entrance to the scrap yard, fastened to a tall iron fence on one end and the bow of a long canal boat on the other. There is a trailer that seems to serve as the site’s office. Officers stand at ease, protecting the perimeter. Men in hard hats, whom I take to be employees of the yard, stand pointing for men in suits, whom I take to be detectives. The workers seem to be motioning between the grapple cage above their heads and the mountain of scrap rising fifty feet beside them. I follow to where their fingers are pointing, and see a leg.

I call in to the city desk and ask for Mike. I give him the information DCPI gave me.

She’s still up there, I tell him. You can see her leg.

Her leg? I can hear him typing. What else? Hold on … Bruce! He’s shouting to the photo editor. Bruce, who’s out there for you? Rebekah … who’s there for photo?

I haven’t seen anybody.

Hold on. He clicks off. I try to communicate with Mike in these conversations. Every shift it’s the same: he tells me where to go and why; I tell him what I find. I’ve seen him in person twice in six months. He’s fifty pounds overweight, like most of the men in the newsroom, but unlike most of them he is polite and soft-spoken. When I walked into the office after three weeks of speaking several times a day, he said hello and avoided eye contact, then turned back to his computer.

I rock back and forth in my boots. I’m standing in the sun, and I’ve got fleece inserts over socks over tights, but I still can’t feel my toes. Mike comes back on the phone.

Johnny’s coming.

Johnny from Staten Island?

Yeah. Larry is working sources at 1PP. Larry Dunn is the Trib’s longtime police bureau chief. Talk to somebody from the scrap yard. We’re hearing a worker called it in. Is Calloway there?


Don’t lose sight of him.

Got it.

I’m going to the meeting with a woman in a scrap heap. We need an ID.

I’m on it, I say.

The rest of the TV newspeople start rolling up in their vans. The on-air reporters always ride shotgun, camera techs squat with the equipment in the back. Gretchen Fiorello from the local Fox station steps out carrying her battery-powered microphone. She’s in full makeup, eyes lined and shadowed, lipstick just applied, and her strawberry blond hair is coiffed so that it lifts as one entity against the wind. She’s wearing panty hose and slip-on heels and a matching scarf and mittens set.

DCPI has nothing new, and the men at the scrap heap are still staring up at the steel fist with the body in it, so I push into the gas station convenience store to warm up. Working stakeouts or active scenes in the cold requires a tedious amount of energy. Hot coffee or tea warms you best from the inside out, but if you’ve got your hands wrapped around a cup, you can’t take notes. Plus, the more you drink, the more likely it is you have to find a bathroom—which usually isn’t easy. I shake powdered creamer into a white cardboard cup and pour myself some coffee from a mostly empty pot sitting on a warmer. I pay, then stand beside the front window and sip. From where I’m standing I can see most of the scrap yard.

My phone rings. It’s my roommate, Iris.

Where are you? she asks. Iris and I both majored in journalism at the University of Central Florida, but she works in a cubicle on Fifty-seventh Street and I’m never in the same place for more than a couple hours.

Right by home, I say. We share an apartment just a few blocks away. This is the first time I’ve ever been on a story in Gowanus. The canal.

Jesus, says Iris. Hypothermic yet?


Can you still come? We have plans for drinks with an amorphous group of alums from Florida tonight.

I think so. My shift is over around five.

Will Tony be there?

Tony is a guy I’ve been hooking up with. He’s very much not Iris’s type, but I like him. Iris likes metrosexuals. The guy she’s sort of seeing now has highlights and the jawline of a Roman statue. Tony is very not metrosexual. He just turned thirty and he’s balding, but he shaves his head. I wouldn’t call him fat, but he’s definitely a big guy. We met on New Year’s Eve at the bar he manages, which also happens to be the bar where UCF alums meet for drinks and where Iris and I ended up after a weird party at someone’s loft in Chelsea. He kissed me across the bar when the clock struck midnight and then we spent the next two hours kissing. He’s an amazing kisser. And despite his decidedly less than polished appearance, Iris seems to like him. Iris is the beauty assistant at a women’s magazine. We haven’t had to purchase shampoo, nail polish, lipstick, soap, or any other grooming toiletry since she started last summer.

I think so, I say.

You don’t know?

I don’t want to get into it, but I didn’t return his last text—and Tony isn’t the kind of guy who’s gonna blow up a girl’s phone.

I’ll be there by six, Iris says.

Me, too, I say.

I tuck my phone back into my coat pocket and put my face to the steam rising from my coffee. Bodega coffee almost always smells better than it tastes.

The glass door rings open and two Jewish men walk inside, carrying the cold on their coats. I know they’re Jewish because they’re wearing the outfit: big black hat, long black coat, beard, sidecurls. It’s not subtle.

The men walk to the back corner of the convenience store, and the tall one whispers fiercely at the other, who looks at the floor in a kind of long nod. Behind them by a few steps is a boy, a four-foot clone of the men, in a straight black wool coat, sidecurls, a wide-brimmed hat. His nose and the tips of his fingers shine like raw meat. He is shivering. The two men ignore him, and he seems to know not to get too close to their conversation. He stamps his feet, laced tight in neat black leather oxfords, and shoves his little hands into his pockets.

I scoot back to my perch between the coffeepot and the chip rack, where I can see the press vans in the parking lot of the gas station and the cop cars clustered at the scrap yard’s entrance across Smith Street. I’m monitoring motion. As long as the players—the rest of the reporters and photogs, the cops in uniform, the cops in suits—are just standing around, I can assume I’m not missing anything. If any group begins to move, I have to, too. If I had to choose, I’d rather be on a story like this than the one I just got off in Chinatown. In Chinatown, a reporter—especially a white reporter—is in hostile territory. Certain kinds of people love to talk to reporters—I can get an old Italian man in Bay Ridge or a young black mother in Flushing to gab and speculate about their neighbors, the mayor, their taxes, just about anything I come up with as long as I’m writing down what they say. This gonna be in the paper? they ask me. Immigrants are tougher. The Trib doesn’t have a reporter who speaks Chinese, and when you’re asking people already predisposed not to trust you if they know about the Internet café across the street selling ten-dollar blow jobs to middle school boys, without any of their language, you give them nothing but reasons not to say a word.

Active crime scenes are different. At an active crime scene, I have a role. I’m not staff at the Trib—I’m a stringer. I work a shift every day but have no job security or benefits. Every morning I call in, get an assignment, and run. I work alone, unless a photographer is assigned to the same story, and answer to a rotating assortment of editors and rewrite people whom I’ve usually never met. I have a laminated Tribune badge that identifies me as a player on the stage. I get shit about the Trib from cops sometimes—they complain about how we played some story, or the editorial page bias—and I can’t always get the same access as reporters with the official press card. But I’m in a much better position at a crime scene or official event than someone from one of the news Web sites that most of the cops have never heard of, or even worse the bloggers—who get nothing but shit.

At a crime scene, the cops secure the area. The reporters arrive. The cops inspect the body and the scene, then occasionally relay some of what they’ve found to another cop, the spokesman cop: DCPI. DCPI, when he feels like it, saunters across the street to the reporters busying themselves getting neighbor quotes ("I never heard them fighting or This building is usually so safe") and checking their e-mail on their phones. Crime scenes are a relief for a new reporter. You just follow the herd.

The Indian-looking man at the counter leans on his forearms, watching the scene outside the windows. I approach him.

Do you know what’s going on? I ask.

He doesn’t answer, but I think he understands what I’ve said.

"I’m from the Tribune, I say. They found a body in the scrap yard."

He nods.

A woman they say.

This is a surprise. A woman? No.

I nod.

Terrible, he says. He is probably in his thirties, but the ashy brown skin beneath his eyes could belong to a man twice his age. He hasn’t shaved in a few days.

The men in the back of the store stop whispering and march toward the boy in the black coat. The tall one says something and they rush out, leaving the boy behind. They walk swiftly toward the scrap yard. I assume they won’t talk to me, so I don’t bother trying to ask a question. I should follow, but I just can’t brave that wind again quite yet. If it were warm, I’d tag along a little behind, nose toward the scrap yard, try to get some detail to give the desk. Before I got anywhere near anything good, of course, I’d be told to get back. Get back with press, they’d say. I guess I’m a better reporter in the summertime. It was never once this cold in Florida, and even under all these layers I feel painfully exposed by the temperature. My bones feel like brittle aluminum rods, barely holding me up, scraping together, sucking up the cold and keeping it. One poke and I’ll crumble to the ground.

The boy takes his hands out of his pockets and carefully places them around the glass of the decaf pot. After a moment he brings his hands to his face, cupping his cheeks with his hot little palms.

That’s smart, I say.

He looks up at me, surprised.

I use my cup, I say, and lift my coffee. And it keeps me warm on the inside.

He nods.

You work for the newspaper? he asks.

I look at the man behind the counter. Kids hear everything.

I do, I say. I point to the wire newspaper basket by the door. "The Trib."

My mommy reads the newspaper.

Oh? I say. Do you?

The boy shakes his head. His mouth is a thin line. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so serious a child. But, of course, I’ve never seen a Hasid—man, woman, or child—not look serious. My mother was Hasidic. She fell in love with my dad—a goy—during a period of teenage rebellion. They had me, named me after my mom’s dead sister, and then she split—back to the black-coated cult in Brooklyn. There aren’t really any ultra-Orthodox Jews where I grew up in Florida, but now that I’ve moved to New York, I see them every day. They live and work and shop and commute inside the biggest melting pot in the world, but they don’t seem to interact with it at all. But for the costume they wear, they might as well be invisible. The men look hostile, wrapped like undertakers in their hats and coats all year long, their untended beards and dandruff-dusted shoulders like a middle finger to anyone forced against them on the subway at rush hour. The women look simultaneously sexless and fecund in aggressively flat shoes, thick flesh-colored stockings, and shapeless clothing, but always surrounded by children. I picture their homes dark and stale, with thick carpet and yellowing linoleum and low foam ceilings and thin towels. Are the little boys allowed action figures and race cars? Does somebody make a knockoff Hasidic Barbie for little girls? Barbie pushing a baby carriage and walking behind Ken. Barbie who leaves her kid.

What’s your name? I ask.

The boy hesitates. He lifts his face toward mine and our eyes meet for the first time.

Yakov, he says. Yakov Mendelssohn.

My phone rings. It’s an unknown number, which means it’s probably the city desk. I smile at the boy, then turn and walk toward the beer cooler to take the call.

It’s Rebekah, I say.

Hold for Mike, says the receptionist.

I hold.

Hey, says Mike. Is photo there yet?

Nobody’s called me.

Fuck. Is the M.E. there?

No, I say.

Any ID?

Not yet.

Is anybody at the scrap yard talking? Any workers?

I haven’t asked. But I can’t say that. I haven’t found anybody so far. They’ve got it mostly taped off.

Well, keep trying. See if you can talk to whoever found the body.

Okay, I say. I know—and Mike knows—that whoever found the body has likely been whisked off to the neighborhood precinct for questioning. But editors in the office often suggest you do things that are essentially impossible on the off chance you get something usable. Once, after the FBI had raided a pharmacy that was selling illegal steroids to cops, I spent an entire day in Bay Ridge looking for people who would admit they’d bought steroids there.

Look for beefy guys, advised Mike. Maybe hang out outside the gym.

I took the assignment seriously for about two hours. I actually approached several men—one in a tank top with shaved calves, one exiting a tanning salon, one carrying a gym bag—and asked if they’d heard about the raid and if they knew anybody who uses steroids. Not surprisingly, no one did. I finally gave up and just started walking the streets. I struck up a conversation with some men smoking cigarettes outside a bar and told them about my assignment. They laughed and said good luck.

When I called in to report that I’d found nothing, Mike was gone and Lars, a younger editor, laughed when I told him what I’d been asked to do. Don’t you love assignments like that? he asked.

I tell Mike I’ll do my best and hang up. When I turn back from the cooler I see that Yakov is gone.

I approach the man behind the counter again. Cute kid, I say.

He is son of owner, says the man.

Of the gas station?

No, says the man. The scrap yard. I watch him grow up, but he never speak to me. None of them do.


The Jews, he says. You must be special.

I shrug.

You say there is … a woman? He points his chin toward the yard across the street.

Someone found her this morning. I can’t believe they haven’t gotten her inside yet. Have the police been in?

Here? Yes.

Did they say anything? Did they ask you anything?

The man shakes his head.

I drop my coffee in the trash can by the door and step outside. The cold air stings my face. I look down and aim the top of my head into the wind.

There are half a dozen police cars at the entrance to the scrap yard. I linger a few moments at the corner of the administrative trailer, watching as small groups of men—they are all men—rock on their heels, rubbing their hands together and gazing up at the long arm of the steel excavator, still motionless, with torn metal and a frozen limb hanging from its clenched fist. From this close, I can tell the victim is white. Good, I think. That’s one piece of info to give the desk. The Trib loves dead white women.

I wait beside the door to the office trailer, studying the men’s interactions to whittle down the number of people I’ll have to approach to get the information I need. A man in a hooded sweatshirt and work boots comes around the corner and I stop him.

Excuse me, I say, flashing a smile for a moment, then cringing as the cold sinks into my teeth as if I’d just bitten down on a Popsicle. Sorry to bug you, but do you work here?

The man doesn’t look me in the eye, but says, Uh-huh.

Were you here when they found the body?

I was in the cab.

The cab, I say, pulling my notebook and pen from my coat pocket. What happened?

The man shrugs and looks over my head. I was just pulling up loads. That barge was supposed to be out hours ago. He lifts his chin in the direction of the flat boat sitting on the canal, a pile of scrap in a low mound on its belly. I was just pulling, and Markie started screaming over the radio. Shouting. I looked out the window and saw a couple guys running.

I’m scribbling as fast as I can, trying to maintain eye contact with the man and write something legible enough to dictate back to the desk. In my notebook, his quote becomes: pull loads, mark scream radio, look wind saw guys run. I nod, inviting him to tell me more. Could you see her from the cab?

I thought it was a guy, because of the hair.

The hair?

Well, not the hair. There’s no hair. She’s bald.

I stop writing. Bald?

The man nods and lifts his eyes to the crane. Her head was … I could see it.

What could you see, exactly?

I saw her foot first, then, well, once I saw the foot and I knew, I could tell. Her color, she didn’t match the scrap.

What were you thinking?

I fucking picked this lady up. I didn’t fucking see her in the pile and I closed her in the hook and … I was thinking, I don’t know. I was thinking how cold she was. He shivers and wipes his hand across his face.

I need more. I need him to say something like, I couldn’t believe it—I’ve never seen anything like that before.

Wow, I say. I mean, could you even believe it?

He shrugs and shakes his head. That’ll do.

How long have you worked here? I ask.

Almost a year.

Have you ever seen anything like this before?

A dead body in the pile? No.

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