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Rise of the Impossibilists: Tales of the Decoverse, #3
Rise of the Impossibilists: Tales of the Decoverse, #3
Rise of the Impossibilists: Tales of the Decoverse, #3
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Rise of the Impossibilists: Tales of the Decoverse, #3

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"Big Daddy Cool" Johnny Dellarocca faces an impossible choice: fight his friends and mentors or allow Rasputin to assassinate world leaders at the 5 Power Treaty conference and alter history in an irreparable way.

But is Rasputin really the villain or is another bad actor pulling the strings? Rise of the Impossiblists brings readers back to the alt -history Decoverse in a mystical time travel rollercoaster of adventure!

Best of all, you won't even see it coming!

Release dateJul 1, 2024
Rise of the Impossibilists: Tales of the Decoverse, #3

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    Rise of the Impossibilists - John B. Pyka


    Table of Contents


    Copyright Information


    Rise of the Impossibillists

    About the Author


    Tales of the Decoverse Vol. 3

    John B. Pyka

    Copyright © 2024 by John B. Pyka

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be copied or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without express written consent of the publisher or author.

    Cover design:Olivia Pro Design

    Cover art in this book copyright © 2024 Seventh Star Press, LLC.

    Editor: Stephen Zimmer

    ISBN: 9798329813371

    Published by Seventh Star Press, LLC.

    Seventh Star Press

    [email protected]

    Publisher’s Note:

    RISE OF THE IMPOSSIBILISTS is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are the product of the author’s imagination, used in fictitious manner. Any resemblances to actual persons, places, locales, events, etc. are purely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Edition


    For the real life Impossibilists. Greg and Crystal Jones, Blake Wilson. Thank you for the inspiration.



    The sky turned black. Women were screaming, and strong-sounding men barked out commands. A familiar voice shouted Do it now, Marvel, and there was a rushing sound of unseen power and a monstrous roar that shook the world!

    I sat up in bed, sharply. Sweat soaked, and still half-dressed in my undershirt and trousers, braces still attached and my two-tone wingtips still on. I felt my rosary dangling against my chest in rhythm to my racing heartbeat. My eyes were wide open like a deer caught in the headlights of my Cadillac sky car. My head hurt. No, it throbbed. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt pain.

    My eyes darted across the room: pea green walls with cracked paint, broken plaster and exposed bricks, a thin burnt-orange burlap drape that barely kept the blinking neon of the hotel sign from bursting into the room, a shirt and vest hung over the back of a vinyl-covered diner chair that was torn and more than a little rusty. And there was an open closet directly across from the foot of the bed.

    My eyes narrowed and focused, and I saw the red fedora and the red zoot-suit jacket with black pinstripes hanging on the closet clothes hooks and the Tommy gun propped against the closet door.

    Beside the rusted steel-frame single bed was a single mission table that had seen better days. A near-empty glass of scotch and a half-smoked cigar in a clear glass ashtray were perched perilously close to the edge. A few rings, some loose cash, a deck of playing cards, and an ivory handled straight razor were also tossed indiscriminately onto the tabletop.

    I turned to sit on the edge of the bed, hunched with my elbows on my knees. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and rubbed my eyes, and then reached for the half-empty scotch on the bedside table. I finished it off and looked at the water-stained ceiling, exhaled again, and swore.

    I had fallen asleep and dreamt. It was a dream basted by memories of recent events that happened decades ago. It had been hours since I first awoke in this room. I had been disoriented at first, but it all came back to me: Club Roxy, Maxwell Marvel, Dr. Impossible, The Bombshell Kittens, Cthulhu… All of it.

    Now, it was time to get some answers, and they weren’t going to be found here.


    The water was ice cold. My hot shower had turned cold and I hadn’t even noticed. It was 9:45 PM. At least, that is what the clock (I assumed it was a clock) in my room read. It had been midday when I first woke, and I had been sitting there, on the edge of the bed for what seemed like an eternity sorting through my memories and trying to remember what and where I was.

    I decided to get some answers. I had spent enough time in this rundown hotel room. I toweled off, got fully dressed, tucked my straight razor neatly inside my breast pocket, and headed out. I hoped to God this flea-bag joint had a bar. To my delight, they did. It was called The Office.

    It was a dark and smoky bar with an odd odor of rust and mildew. The décor was a mix of wood paneling, neon signs, burnt-orange shag carpet, and a collection of mismatched tables; some square, some round. None of the chairs around the tables were a complete matching set, ranging from leather-covered diner chairs to wooden cane-back café chairs.

    Unrecognizable, unremarkable music poured from a machine that read Wurlitzer but was drab, square and clunky, and lacked any of the familiar curves and colors of the Wurlitzer juke boxes I was familiar with.

    There were a small handful of people scattered throughout; no one stood out as exceptional or out of the ordinary. An elderly man with dark glasses sat stoic, nursing a brandy. The bottle sat on the table in front of him.

    A couple at one end sat close, whispering in each other’s ears, and laughing. The lady took a drag of her cigarette as the guy took a drink from his glass and dropped his hand between her thighs. She exhaled a puff of smoke as her eyes narrowed and a devilish grin appeared on her face. She leaned over and whispered again to her companion and they both laughed, jumped

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