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Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens: How to Bring God into the Equation
Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens: How to Bring God into the Equation
Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens: How to Bring God into the Equation
Ebook205 pages1 hour

Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens: How to Bring God into the Equation

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Bringing up children in their teens in today's world is harder than it's ever been. As parents, we have good intentions but may miss the mark on some important challenges. Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens has one-

Release dateAug 13, 2024
Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens: How to Bring God into the Equation

Karin Klancnik

Karin and her husband of thirty-two years, Steve, have navigated the joys and challenges of raising three boys. Their harrowing journey of a near-death experience with one of their sons and the saving grace of God ignited Karin with the passion to help parents of teens not only parent well, but have thriving relationship with the presence of God in the center.

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    Peace and Purpose for Parents with Teens - Karin Klancnik


    Before I begin to share my journey of how I found God and my life’s purpose, I want to assure you that I understand that it’s my journey and that your spiritual journey may be totally different. I recognize and rejoice in the basic truth that all people were created by a loving God; all people are God’s special creation, and thus all people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their beliefs.

    It is my true desire that my view of Jesus may not offend you, but enlighten you. However, if you have a hard time believing in Jesus, or you’re not even sure He exists, that is your journey so far, and I completely respect that, but do me a favor and just hang on for the ride!

    I assure you, this book is about a relationship, not a religion. I am not a perfect Christian. I do stupid things, I mess up, and I’ve gone through quite the crap, but God is still there for me! Do you know that you can talk to God and He will listen and respond?

    If you and your teen are not living your best life, get ready to hear God’s voice loud and clear! God’s knowledge and blessings are waiting for you! It is not by chance that you are reading this. There is going to be a lot for you to think about for yourself in this book because when we can be our best selves, we can have a better influence on our children.

    We all want to know: do prayers really work? Can we really pray it away or pray it so? Especially when it comes to our children. As parents, we have a beautiful universal language that we all just want our kids to be happy. When our kids become teens, there can be some really painful lessons and explosions. This is a workbook that will help you put your pain to purpose. Start aligning yourself with God’s will and it will lead you into the most important relationship you will ever have. This is a book of hope and challenge that takes you through life’s lessons and provides victory for living your best life!

    We all long for peace and purpose, but for many of us, we don’t know where to start. There is so much power in prayer, but in many cases, we don’t realize this when we first start to pray. This book will help you discover how to build that relationship and start living that amazing life you were built for. So much of our teen’s life depends on how we live our life, whether we want to face that or not. Our influences can take root even when we are not aware of them.

    I started journaling as a desperate attempt to keep my sanity through the darkest, literally, winter I have ever had...almost fifteen years ago! I also was battling cancer and depression, and wondering why me? Haven’t I been a faithful, good girl? Guess what, it’s not about that!

    When I discovered the secret of how to pray, how to talk to God, a vision was birthed. I actually started to believe that what I wanted could be true. When I started writing this book, I didn’t know how it would end or where it would take me. I only knew I had a story to tell and hoped it would help others as the principles have helped me.

    Fast forward ten years from that time, and my husband and I found ourselves unemployed and with a rebellious teen. We decided to seek professional help with Teen Challenge, and it’s one of the best decisions we have ever made. It turned our family around and gave us a second chance. For those of you parents going through this also, get ready to turn things around—there is hope!

    This workbook will take you on a journey of many discoveries, including: God’s will, surrender, and dealing with pain. This is especially for parents of teens. If you are depressed, or know (or feel) like you are not living your best life, best marriage, or are not working in the job of your dreams; if you are in a situation where you feel there is no way out for you and your teen, that only God can fix, then get ready to see it happen. This workbook will leave you with a heart filled with thanksgiving and praise!

    Chapter 1:

    How Did It All Start?

    I am going to do the best I can to take you back to the very beginning because people often ask me, how did it get to a place where you had to send your son away? There are a few links when I think back as to how we got to where we were, and the first one was back in grade school.

    My husband and I had a teacher’s conference and saw our son’s desk way in the back of the room, separated from the rest of the class. We were shocked because we never received an email or phone call about that. When I asked her why our son’s desk was separated from the rest of the class, she said it was because he’s disruptive.

    Our son also did not tell us, probably because he thought he was in trouble. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing because at that age, kids are just trying to fit in and I’m sure he felt ostracized. This carried through middle school and my son continued to feel alone. He had a few friends but not strong enough connections to make him feel safe or loved.

    When he reached high school, he started to get into trouble. He would sneak out and we would get phone calls from the police in the middle of the night. He was so desperate for friends and to fit in that I believe he would have done just about anything. His grades were failing, despite being extremely intelligent. About this time, we found out our son was bullied and made fun of in front of his math class by his teacher. The school officials actually suggested we pull him from school, so we did. He tried some online classes, but his loneliness only intensified.

    We decided to move and have him start fresh in a new school. It was very hard to get our son involved in healthy activities because he was very good at sports that were not part of school, such as water and snow skiing. Things got ugly very quickly. He made friends with a few other troublemakers and things escalated.

    We were monitoring his phone and as soon as we saw the word "gun," we knew we had to get professional help. I felt God pressing on my heart to enroll him at Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch. I thought maybe they

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