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The Peculiarities of Ice and Water
The Peculiarities of Ice and Water
The Peculiarities of Ice and Water
Ebook209 pages3 hours

The Peculiarities of Ice and Water

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Pixar's Trolls meets Jeanne DuPrau’s City of Ember meets Tolkein's Lord of the Rings

Bbor, a clumsy dwarf of thirteen, isn’t smart or destined for anything great. In fact, all he seems to be good for is working in the mines. The world he lives in is ruled by intelligent and magically-proficient gnomes while dwarves, a minority race, are forced into unpleasant, labor-intensive positions.
Bbor envisions another future for himself, however, and he is determined to make himself smart and enter the famous Lyceum, a magical institute almost exclusively for gnomes. He steals books and reads in secret to train his mind but must also deal with the stress of the mines and bullies within, the loss of his best friend, and eventually becoming a social outcast.
When dreaded wraiths, immune to magic and arrows, threaten the entire realm and all hope seems lost, the seemingly-unusual things that Bbor picked up from reading his stolen books may be the only way to save everyone… but will anyone listen to a teenage dwarf in time for him to make a difference?

Release dateJul 16, 2024
The Peculiarities of Ice and Water

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    Book preview

    The Peculiarities of Ice and Water - Brandon Hatten







    a novel



    By Brandon Hatten

    Copyright © 2024 Brandon Hatten

    All rights reserved.

    Published by TouchPoint Press

    Ebook Edition

    Softcover ISBN: 978-1-956851-90-8

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. If any of these terms are used, no endorsement is implied. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book, in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

    Permissions and review inquiries: [email protected].

    Rights: [email protected]

    Editor: Liam Lassiter, Sheri Williams

    Cover Design: Sheri Williams

    Cover images: Adobe Stock

    Connect with Brandon Hatten online:

    First Edition

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024940721

    Dedicated to young people everywhere who have dreams that they want to achieve. Don’t give up!

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 1

    Hissing roars shattered the sky like a blizzard of glass and were followed seconds later by both masculine and feminine screams and warning shouts. Dwarves and elves in the streets ran into whatever open door was nearest to them to prevent anymore injuries or from being devoured entirely like one slow dwarf had been the previous week. Three wraiths slithered through the air-their transparent, serpentine bodies made unpredictable movements every which way and nobody could guess who would be the next victim of their razor-sharp fangs. Just as one bluish-white-colored wraith chose its target, a bolt of purple magic flew through the air and burst against its midsection, breaking the magical beast in half with pieces of it falling like bark from a snapped twig and then dissipating in the wind.

    Three gnomes in robes appeared on the cobblestone street, their hawk-like eyes examined the remaining wraiths that seemed to be angry at the destruction of their comrade. The wraiths slithered through the air in different directions to avoid more blue and purple darts of magic that had been launched in straight, precise lines. One wraith came close to biting down on a gnome’s head but the tiny mage rolled out of the way while his partner unleashed a fireball to blow the wraith into a cascade of sparkling, glass-like pieces.

    The final wraith attempted revenge on the female gnome that had killed the first wraith but she repelled it with a chilling vortex of freezing wind from her palm. Once the wraith was temporarily distracted, the gnome that had rolled out of the way from the earlier attack fired off two magic darts which both struck their target. Within a minute of the gnomes' arrival into the center of town, the threats had been destroyed.

    Once the announcement of victory had been made, townsfolk emerged without hesitation to cheer and sing praises for the gnomes.

    Wasn’t that awesome?! Bbor, a dwarf with a short black beard, shaggy hair, and ragged clothes asked after popping out from behind a pair of empty barrels along the side of the road.

    Yeah, Noj, a gnome with smooth features and fine clothes, agreed whenever he emerged from a wooden shed only a few feet away.

    I love watching them fight, but I hate that they always have to, Bbor said.

    I hope nobody got hurt this time. Last week, there was one . . .

    The Academics were here real quick, so I’m sure nobody had time to get hurt.

    How do you even know that they are Academics? Noj asked.

    You can tell by their robes; the Academics wear dark purple robes with blue . . . um . . .


    Yeah! Trimmings, Bbor grinned.

    I did not know that was a thing; so many of the robes look the same to me.

    It used to confuse me, too, but I want to learn everything I can so I can enroll into the Lyceum and be a magic-user, too!

    Only gnomes are allowed into the Lyceum, though, Bbor . . . You know that.

    Nu uh! Elves are sometimes admitted and I know a dwarf who got in a long time ago!

    That is not true, Noj said. No dwarf has ever been admitted.

    Well, I can be the first, Bbor huffed with a smile.

    Your Coming-of-Age will be here in two months; do you think you have enough time to prove yourself capable of magic and higher education before you turn thirteen?

    It’ll be easy! I just gotta finish strong in school, Bbor flashed a smirk. We still have a month left!

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    Bbor and Noj arrived at the schoolhouse and found their classroom as energized as the market plaza on the weekend. The gnome instructor at the front was fielding questions about the recent attack and doing her best to calm the handful of students that were afraid of a second assault. She assured everyone that, whenever the town is attacked, the Lyceum always leaves Academics nearby for a little while longer to ward off any other wraiths that may emerge from hiding. Between questions, she noticed Noj enter the room and take his seat so she grabbed an envelope from her desk and took it to him. Just one moment, she said while putting a hand in front of one dwarf’s face.

    The moment that Noj sat down—still conversing with Bbor who sat next to him—the instructor handed him the blank envelope.

    Congratulations, the instructor said with a smile before returning to the students at her desk.

    Whoa! Bbor said whenever he noticed that the blank envelope was sealed with the seal of the Lyceum: the outline of a five-pointed star that has rounded edges and, inside, a four-leaf clover that appears like four hearts pointed inward. Bbor pointed it out to Noj whose heart began to race. It can only be good news! Open it! Open it!

    Noj smiled and then tore through the seal to reveal a simple letter inside. Other students crowded around the two boys’ desks with unblinking eyes.

    What’s it say? Bbor leaned across the aisle. Are you in?! Are you gonna be an Academic?!

    A handful of their classmates also murmured questions and made various comments. It’s been a while since someone got a letter from the Lyceum, one dwarf with a little chin stubble mumbled.

    It happens more often than you realize, dwarf! the shorter and lither gnome next to him scoffed.

    Do not be like that, another gnome with a round face and long brown hair turned around and said. The Lyceum only selects a handful of candidates every year despite the four enrollment times!

    Enrollment times? a dwarf asked.


    Noj sat the letter down on his desk whenever he finished reading it and looked at Bbor before glancing around the room. He gulped and then said, I have been accepted.

    Many in the class cheered but Bbor was the first to give his best friend a hug, which could have broken the little guy’s ribs given the difference in their sizes and muscle masses. Noj grunted and then laughed under the pressure.

    I can’t wait to join ya! Bbor said.

    A black and white image of a flower Description automatically generated

    More than twelve hours after Noj had learned that he would be admitted into the Lyceum, Bbor climbed out of his bedroom window. Suddenly he found himself flat on the cobblestone alleyway, staring up at the sparkling stars and glistening blue aurora lights that waved like curtains before a crescent moon.

    Ow, Bbor groaned as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head and then his lower back. I’ve gotta remember how slippery that window sill gets, he thought.

    The young dwarf tip-toed down the alleyway and around the corner of the next house to enter another. He continued weaving in and out of alleyways between houses and business establishments until he, at last, arrived in front of the archway that led to the great walkway before the Lyceum. In his hand, the young dwarf clutched his own letter that much-resembled the one that Noj had received earlier that very day.

    Looking beyond the pillars of the archway, Bbor’s eyes followed the grand stone pathway that led across a small chasm to the fortress-like institute. Perched on the side of a lone mountain spire that jutted out from the plateau where that medium-sized town of Akotap rested, the Lyceum was a mostly-stone building that housed an unknown number of students, teachers, and fighters as well as everything they could ever need for support in their continuing education and far-off missions. It was said that the tower with the largest windows contained the greatest library in the northern region of the realm, filled with thousands upon thousands of books.

    I sent in my first bid last month, so they’ll see this one and know how dedicated I am to joining, Bbor thought as he dropped his letter into the stone mailbox built into the archway. Since they should know by now that me and Noj are best friends, they’ll probably let us train together!

    Before turning to leave, Bbor’s gaze passed through the archway and followed the pathway up to the front gates. He couldn’t resist smiling as he envisioned himself wearing the purple and blue robes of an Academic and casting fireball spells that blasted wraiths into the tiniest sparkling specks. His smile grew whenever he altered his image to himself wearing the gray and black robes of a Scholar and fighting mysterious, gigantic beasts on the frontiers of the realm to protect innocent villagers in places that he had never seen or heard of before.

    I can do it, Bbor thought to himself. I can be the best dwarf this town has seen and I can make all kinds of new spells and teach the gnomes and elves how to really kick butt!

    As Bbor navigated his way back home along the path dotted with his footprints, his latest daydream faded and the discussion that he’d had with his mom, Rebma, about two hours earlier replayed itself in his mind.

    I wouldn’t have let you place a bid if I’d known that’s what you were gonna do before! Rebma had shouted at dinner. Only gnomes can go in the academy!

    Bbor had tried to argue with her the same points that he’d made to Noj that morning but she wouldn’t hear any of it and cut him off at every turn of the conversation.

    Son, I don’t want you to be disappointed. The gnomes rule and govern here; dwarves only make up a very small portion of the population in Akotap so, we don’t get as many choices.

    But, mom, there are less than half as many elves as dwarves, and they can do more than dwarves can!

    Elves are smarter and more . . . what’s the word? Skilled? They’re more crafty and nimble and stuff; they can just do more things. Dwarf brains don’t develop like elves’ do and especially not like gnomes’ do, so we can’t do all the things that they get to do like teach school, own businesses, handle finances, and especially not be magicians. We dwarves have our strength and stamina which makes us more suited for working labor jobs. Your dad was one of the best miners that Akotap had ever seen and you can do that, too!

    But, mom! Ugh! I don’t wanna be stuck in a mine! I’m an adventurer at heart and I wanna do what Noj is gonna do!

    Did he really get invited? I’d heard that he didn’t even bid for it. Does he have good grades in school?

    I think so. I mean, I’ve never heard him talk bad about his grades and stuff.

    I don’t think either of his parents were ever in the academy. In any case, you won’t be able to join him . . . I’m sorry honey but your thirteenth birthday and Coming-of-Age will be here at the end of next month and we need to start thinking about your future contribution to the community.

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    I’ll show you, mom! Bbor thought before climbing back into his room. He slipped again and cracked his hip against the ground and had to swallow a scream. I can do this!

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    The next afternoon, Bbor and Noj took a longer walk home from school than normal.

    Are ya nervous yet? Bbor asked his best friend.

    Yeah, Noj chuckled. My parents are super excited but I . . . I do not know. I mean, it is a great opportunity, but . . .

    I put in a second bid last night.

    "What? A second bid?! You didn’t even tell me you put in a first one!" Noj spat.

    I thought it’d be cool to surprise you on the first day, Bbor chuckled.

    Bbor . . . I do not want you to get your hopes up and then . . .

    Bbor sighed, looked at Noj and slapped a hand on his shoulder, moving his whole body. Noj, do you think we’ll always be friends?

    Noj’s mouth hung open for a moment and then he smiled. Of course! We have been like brothers since our second year of school, so we are going on four years. I have heard it said that if friends make it past three years, then they will be friends forever.

    Bbor smiled. Good. I don’t even wanna think about what’d happen if I don’t get accepted but . . . ya know, just in case. He shrugged as he finished talking and Noj reached up to pat his shoulder and remind him that nothing is going to change.

    We’ve made it through a lot, buddy, and we will always stick together.

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    Two weeks before the students in tertiary school’s final class graduate and each prepare for their own cultural Coming-of-Age, they all receive their final progress reports before taking the final assignments and tests.

    Noj received his sheet of grades and percentages but didn’t even read it. Bbor noticed and smiled at his friend’s confidence and Noj smiled back and simply shrugged.

    I already have my assignment after school, Noj laughed.

    I can’t wait to see how bad I’m blowing you out of the water! Bbor flexed his bicep right before the instructor handed him his report.

    Bbor’s eyes did not blink as he scanned the page. Noj asked a couple of questions but a dull buzzing inside of Bbor’s head drowned out any and all noise for more than a long minute.

    Hey! Noj waved his hand in front of Bbor’s eyes which then finally blinked.

    Noj didn’t wait any longer for his friend to answer and instead grabbed the edge of the sheet and pulled it down to see percentages

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