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The Burden of Guilt
The Burden of Guilt
The Burden of Guilt
Ebook157 pages1 hour

The Burden of Guilt

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In the heart of a brutal plantation, Aminata and Bayo's lives are entwined in a tale of unimaginable hardship and unwavering hope. When the bonds of oppression ignite a fire within, their journey becomes a relentless pursuit of freedom. Through shadows of despair and flames of rebellion, their story rises from darkness to dawn, illuminating the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream of freedom. Will they succeed? Delve into this gripping novel to find out if they manage to be together. Be ready for surprises!


Here are some exciting snippets from the novel:

Aminata's Capture: The heart-wrenching moment when Aminata is torn from her village and family, the confusion, fear, and desperate struggle as slave traders capture her.

Bayo's Regret: A powerful scene where Bayo, the stern overseer, battles with his guilt and regret over the harsh treatment of Aminata, showing a glimmer of humanity within him.

Escape Plans: The tension-filled nights where whispers of rebellion and escape plans circulate among the slaves, each plan fraught with danger and hope.

Sir Thompson's Cruelty: The chilling encounter with Sir Thompson Junior, whose brutal actions lead to Aminata's pregnancy, and the subsequent torment she endures at the hands of Mrs. Thompson and their children.



Release dateJul 4, 2024
The Burden of Guilt


Eddie Inyangala is a captivating storyteller whose writing delves deep into the rich tapestry of African folklore and history. With a unique ability to blend cultural heritage with compelling narratives, Eddie has quickly become a voice to reckon with in the world of literature. His books a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of life through the lens of fiction. Eddie Inyangala's works not only entertain but also provoke thought, leaving a lasting impression on his readers. His dedication to preserving and sharing African stories ensures that every book he writes is a journey into the heart of a culture that is both ancient and ever-evolving.

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    Book preview

    The Burden of Guilt - EDDIE INYANGALA


    To those who dared to defy the darkness, whose courage lit the path to freedom. This tale is a tribute to your unwavering spirit and untold sacrifices. Your legacy lives on in every heartbeat of this story.


    To the historians and scholars who have dedicated their lives to uncovering and preserving the truths of the past, your work is the foundation upon which this story stands.

    To the brave souls who lived through the horrors and triumphs depicted in these pages, though your names may be forgotten, your spirits are remembered. This story is for you.


    1 Lindi Asua

    It was a hot, lazy afternoon in Luga village. Lindi Asua, then a lively girl of fifteen, was fetching water from the river with her best friend, Adama.

    Adama, if you don’t hurry up, I’m leaving you behind! The sun’s about to kiss the horizon and I’m not spending the night with your snoring, Lindi teased, splashing water playfully at her friend.

    Aah, Lindi! You’re all talk. I could outrun you with a bucket on my head and a goat on my back, Adama shot back, laughter in her voice.

    But their laughter was cut short by a rustling in the bushes. The sound, so out of place in the warm embrace of their shared joy, sent a jolt of unease through them. Before they could react, a group of men leaped out, their faces painted in menacing patterns. Lindi’s heart pounded like a drum, each beat reverberating in her ears with a deafening roar. Panic surged through her veins. She screamed and turned to flee, but strong, calloused hands grabbed her, binding her arms with a rough, unyielding grip.

    She struggled against her captors, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The forest around her seemed to close in, the once familiar trees now bearing witness to the unfolding terror. Lindi could also hear Adama’s screams. Each cry tore at her soul, echoing in her ears and mingling with her own desperate pleas. She fought with all her might, but the men were relentless, dragging her through the underbrush with brutal force.

    As she was pulled away, Lindi's eyes frantically scanned the surroundings, hoping against hope that somebody could hear their screams and come to their rescue. Her village kept growing smaller and smaller with each forced step. The warm glow of the huts, the comforting sounds of her community—everything she had ever known and loved—faded into the distance until it disappeared altogether. The realization hit her like a wave, a suffocating sense of loss and helplessness. She was being torn from her home and from her village!

    Lindi struggled against her captors with every ounce of strength she had, kicking and writhing in desperate defiance. Her cries grew louder and more frantic as she fought to break free. One of the captors, irritated by her resistance, slapped her so hard that her head snapped to the side, her cheek stinging with the impact.

    Shut up, or you'll get worse, he growled, his eyes cold and menacing.

    Terrified and in shock, Lindi's stopped fighting. The sting of the slap and the threat of further violence silenced her cries. Her body trembled with fear.

    The men moved swiftly, their painted faces inscrutable masks of aggression. Lindi could feel the roughness of the ropes biting into her skin with each step. Her heart ached for Adama, for the life they had shared, now so cruelly disrupted. Tears streamed down her face. She had heard stories of people being abducted by slave traders. Little did she know it would also happen to her.

    That is how Lindi, a fierce and proud woman, was snatched from her village in West Africa by slave traders when she was just a young girl. She was rudely ripped away from her family and everything she knew.



    2 The Middle Passage

    The journey across the Atlantic was a nightmare painted in darkness and despair. The slave ship was a coffin, stifling and foul, filled with the cries of the captured and the stench of death. Lindi clung to her sanity by imagining her mother’s stories of brave ancestors and powerful spirits.

    Memories of simpler times flashed through her mind—playing by the river, the comforting embrace of her mother, the laughter of the village children. And her family! She missed her family; her father. These memories now felt like fragile relics, shattered by the brutal reality of her capture. The world around her had transformed into a nightmare, where every shadow seemed to harbor unseen dangers.

    Hold on, Lindi, she whispered to herself, her voice lost amidst the dissonance. You are the daughter of warriors. This will not break your spirit.

    LINDI AND ADAMA HAD been inseparable since childhood. Their bond was forged through laughter and shared dreams beneath the African sun. But the day they were captured by slave traders, their fates twisted cruelly apart.

    They found themselves packed into the belly of a slave ship, chained together like cattle bound for slaughter. Lindi clung to Adama's hand, their whispered promises of escape drowned out by the wails of despair around them. They were booked into the same cramped cabin, their bodies pressed close for warmth amidst the stench of sweat, filth and fear.


    BUT FATE, IT SEEMED, had other plans. On the third night of their journey across the dark, unforgiving ocean, the traders separated Adama from Lindi without warning.

    Adama fought against the hands that tore her away, screaming Lindi's name until her throat was raw. But the traders were deaf to her anguish, their faces hardened by indifference or perhaps by guilt they dare not acknowledge.

    They thrust Adama into the suffocating heat of the ship's kitchen, where the air was thick with the scent of rotting food and the cries of hungry souls. There, amidst the clatter of pots and the hiss of steam, Adama was ordered to assist the cook—a haggard woman with tired eyes that held stories of their own.


    DAYS BLURRED INTO NIGHTS as Adama toiled over the fire, her body aching with exhaustion but her spirit defiantly unbroken.

    One night, when the moon hid its face and the ship groaned like a wounded beast, the traders, fueled by rum and malice, descended upon Adama like vultures upon a carcass as she went about her business in the kitchen. They tore at her clothes with greedy hands, their laughter echoing like a haunting song. Adama's screams pierced the night, unheard or ignored by those who might have intervened. She fought them off with all her strength, scratching, kicking, and biting, but her resistance only seemed to fuel their cruelty.

    Her struggles were in vain as the men overpowered her, each brutal assault stripping away not just her innocence but the last fragile threads of her hope. Exhausted and broken, Adama eventually gave up, letting them have their way as tears streamed down her face, her spirit shattered under the weight of their merciless acts. They raped her mercilessly, their brutality stripping away not just her innocence but the last fragile threads of her hope.

    When they were done, Adama lay broken and bleeding on the cold, damp floor. Shame and agony gnawed at her spirit like hungry wolves. She couldn't endure the torment of their eyes, the whispers of pity or mockery that would surely follow. In a moment of desperate clarity, she saw only one escape from the relentless grip of her suffering.


    THE NEXT MORNING, THE world around still dark, Adama slipped silently over the ship's railing and gazed into the icy sea, her eyes sore and clouded with tears. In the solemn moments before she yielded to the ocean's embrace, Adama murmured a prayer to the spirits of her ancestors, seeking forgiveness for the painful choice she was about to make. With resolve firm in her heart, she plunged into the sea, feeling its cold embrace envelop her, dragging her down into its mysterious depths.

    For a brief, terrifying moment, as the water choked her, she regretted her decision to commit suicide. Her mind flashed with images of life and hope, now slipping away. She battled fiercely against the relentless currents. Yet, amidst the struggle, a pack of sharks darted toward her, tearing her fragile form apart in a chaotic frenzy, each shark trying to escape with the largest chunk of meat. Fate itself had turned against her. And that was the last Adama was seen, her laughter lost to the wind and the waves.

    Lindi's reaction was one of profound anguish

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