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Predicting Through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology
Predicting Through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology
Predicting Through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology
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Predicting Through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology

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The Nadi Jyotisha is a unique system of astrology. The Nadi Granthas (books) on this system contain ready made horoscopes giving out the-whole life-reading with important events in life of the native, as well as his parents, wife etc. and also information about the previous and future births and other matters. Some such books con-tain certain techniques; usable in predictive astrology which can be rarely found from other sources.

Release dateJul 7, 2024
Predicting Through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology

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    Predicting Through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology - Chandulal S. Patel

    ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥

    अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्ञनशलाकया ।

    चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ 1 ॥

    यथा शिखा मयूराणां नागानां मणयो यथा ।

    तद्वद्वेदाङ्गशास्त्राणां ज्योतिषं मूर्धनि स्थितम्‌ ॥ 2 ॥

    वेदस्य चक्षुः किल शास्त्रमेतत्प्रधानताऽङ्गेषु ततोऽर्थजाता ।

    अङ्गैर्युतोऽन्यैः परिपूर्णमूर्तिश्चक्षुर्विहीनः पुरुषो न किञ्चित्‌ ॥ 3 ॥

    आरोग्यं सविता तनोतु भवतामिन्दुर्यशोनिर्मलं

    भूतिं भूमिसुतस्सुधांशुतनयः प्रज्ञां गुरुर्गौरवम्‌ ।

    काव्यः कोमलवाग्विलासमतुलं मन्दो मुदं सर्वदा

    राहुर्बाहुबलं विरोधशमनं केतुः कुलस्योन्नतिम्‌ ॥ 4 ॥

    अरुणकिरणजालैः रंजिताशावकाशा

    विधृतजपवटीका पुस्तिकाभीतिहस्ता ।

    इतरकरवराढ्या फुल्लकह्लारसंस्था

    निवसतु हृदि बाला नित्यकल्याणरूपा ॥ 5 ॥



    Use of the 64th Navamsa in Prognostication

    Gochara or transit is a topic which has been viewed from various standpoints in astrological classics. The most commonly followed technique of delineating Gochara results is based on transit of slow-moving planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu in relation to the natal Moon.

    Astrological classics, such as Devakeralam, Brihat Parasara Horasastra, Jataka Parijata, Hora Ratnam, Prasna Marga, Jatakadesa marga and others speak of certain sensitive areas in a birth chart and transit over these areas by Saturn is said to cause much distress and even death. One such sensitive area is the 64th Navamsa (3° 20' or 200 minutes of arc) from the Navamsa occupied by the Moon or the Ascendant. This article is the result of the writer’s research in this virgin area which has remained largely unexplored. The author wishes to discuss in this article certain aspects of the mysterious 64th Navamsa. The 64th Navamsa is nothing but the 210th degree, i.e., the 8th house aspect (dexter quincunx aspect according to Western Astrology).

    The 64th Navamsa from that occupied by a planet will be the same Navamsa in the 8th sign, in order of sequence. For instance, a planet is in Aries 8° 30' in the 3rd Navamsa from the beginning of sign Aries, the 64th Navamsa will be the 3rd navamsa in Scorpio, the 8th sign. The 64th Navamsa will have the same degreecal Navamsa arc, i.e., in the above example the Navamsa of the planet ranges from Aries 6°40' to 10°00'; and the 64th Navamsa will range in Scorpio from 6°40' to 10°00'. 64, divided by 12. will have balance 4; so the 64th Navamsa sign will be the 4th sign from the planet’s Navamsa sign; i.e., in the above example the said planet is in the Gemini Navamsa of Aries sign, so the 64th Navamsa sign will be Virgo in Scorpio sign.

    The concept of the 64th Navamsa has been developed by different authors from various standpoints. For instance, Jataka Parijata reckons it from the Moon; while Brihat Parasara Horasastra reckons it from the Moon and from the Ascendant; while Prasna Marga reckons it from the Moon, the Ascendant and the Sun also.

    I. (a). Jataka Parijata, Chap. V, verse 56 :

    विलग्नजन्मद्रेक्काणाद्यस्तु द्वाविंशति:(क:?) खरः ।

    सुधाकरोपगांशर्क्षत्‌ चतुःषष्ठयंशको भवेत्‌ ॥

    — meaning that the 22nd Drekkana from that of the Drekkana occupied by the Ascendant is called Khara. The 64th Navamsa from that of the Navamsa occupied by the Moon is called a Khara Navamsa. Some authors like Vaidyanatha and Ganapati Muni reckon Khara Drekkana from the Ascendant and the 64th Navamsa from the Moon only.

    I. (b). Mr. Divakaruni Venkata Subba Rao, the learned scholar of Hyderabad, observes on page No. 31 of the souvenir of All India Astrological Conference—Madras 1982, as follows :

    "Ganapati Muni gave interesting details dealing with Khara-grahas, i.e., Khara Drekanadhipati—the lord of the 22nd Drekkana from the Lagna and Khara Navamsadhipati—the lord of the 64th Navamsa from the Moon.

    "Whenever the lord of the 22nd Drekkana and the 64th Navamsa lord to the natal Moon happen to be the same planet or when those two Kharas happen to transit a point deprived of an auspicious bindu in Ashtakavarga after two sodhanas (reductions) are carried out and if that Kakshya happens to be owned by the transiting Khara, death is unavoidable. This has been observed by me for over a long time and is found to give accurate results."

    II. Jataka Parijata, Chap. V, verses 52-53 :

    रन्ध्रेश्वरो रन्ध्रयुक्तो रन्ध्रद्रष्या खरेश्वरः ।

    रन्ध्राधिपयुतश्चैव चतुःषष्टयंशनायकः ॥

    रन्ध्रेश्वरातिशेत्रुश्च सप्तछिद्रग्रहाः स्मृताः ।

    तेषां मध्ये बली यस्तु तस्य दाये मृतिं वदेत्‌ ॥

    — meaning that the following seven planets are termed as chhidra grahas :

    (1) the lord of the 8th house;

    (2) the planet occupying the 8th house;

    (3) the planet aspecting the 8th house;

    (4) the lord of the Khara, i.e., 22nd Drekkana from that of the Ascendant;

    (5) the planet in conjunction with the lord of the 8th house;

    (6) the lord of the 64th Navamsa from that occupied by the Moon; and

    (7) the Atisatru (bitter enemy) of the lord of the 8th house.

    The death of a native may be indicated in the Dasa of the strongest planet of the above seven.

    III Jatakadesamarga, Chap. VII, verse 19 :

    जन्मनि लग्नोपगताच्चन्द्रोपगतान्नवांशकाद्वाऽपि ।

    चतुरुत्तरषष्टयंशकभे लग्ने वा समादिशेन्मरणम्‌ ॥

    "meaning that death may happen when the Moon in his transit enters the 64th Navamsa reckoned from the Navamsa occupied by the Ascendant at birth or the Moon at birth.or when such Navamsa sign is rising at that time. The author of Jatakadesamarga reckons the 64th Navamsa both from the Ascendant as well as from the Moon. According to this verse death can happen more specifically within a period of 6 to 7 hours, i.e., the time taken by the Moon to transit one Navamsa sign to rise in the East.

    IV. Brihat Parasara Hora, Chap. XX, verse 99 :

    जन्मलग्नेन्दुगा नंदभागाः क्रमाद्वेदषष्ठयंशराशौ प्रयाते तनौ ।

    मृत्युजन्मांगनीचोदये शून्यगे दुष्टपाकोदये देहमुक्तिर्भवेत्‌ ॥

    meaning that (1) when the sign representing the 64th Navamsa reckoned from the Ascendant or the Moon, is rising; or (2) the 7th house sign from the 8th house (i.e., the 2nd house sign) is rising; or (3) the 7th house sign from the Ascendant is rising : one departs from this world if any one of these rising signs is devoid of bindus (has the least number of bindus) in the Ashtakavarga of the lord of the Ascendant, and the Dasa during that time is that of an adverse planet.

    V. Prasna Marga, Chap. IX, verse 61:

    चन्द्रांशेशस्य तद्भूषा नवांशेशोऽथवा रवेः ।

    लग्नेशो वापि यद्येवं स्वल्पमध्यचिरायुषः ॥

    —meaning that if the lord of Navamsa occupied by the Moon is inimical, neutral or friendly to the lord of the 64th Navamsa therefrom, the longevity of the native will be short, medium or full.

    Similarly, reckon the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the Ascendant, with that of the lord of the 64th Navamsa therefrom; and in the same way reckon the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the Sun, with that of the lord of the 64th Navamsa therefrom. It will be noticed that the author of Prasna Marga has improved upon the earlier authors by taking into account the relationship—inimical, neutral or friendly— between the lords of the Navamsa occupied by the Moon and the lord of the 64th Navamsa from him; similarly he has taken into account the Ascendant and also the Sun.

    VI. Hora Ratnam, Chap. VIII, verse 27 :

    जन्मलग्नांशकाच्चन्द्रनवांशादथ वापि वा ।

    राहौ चतुः षष्टिमिते निघनंच विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ॥

    meaning that death (of a near relative) should be indicated when Rahu transits the 64th Navamsa either from the Navamsa occupied by the Ascendant or the Moon. Hora Ratnam’s author goes a step further and states that the death can happen when Rahu transits the 64th Navamsa either from the Ascendant or the Moon (covering a period of about two months).

    This pointer made me to investigate the matier further and led me to the conclusion that the transit of Ketu or Saturn also, through the 64th Navamsa from the Moon or the Ascendant, produces similar untoward results and this is the main thrust of this write-up, which you will notice from the examples given, herewith.

    The horoscope of our Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi :

    Birth details : November 19th, 1917; at 11-11 p.m. (IST) at Allahabad, Latitude 25° 27' N, Longitude 81° 51' E (From August 1966 A.M., p. 761).

    Planetary Longitudes : The Sun 214° 08'; the Moon 275° 37’ ; Mars 136° 23'; Mercury 223° ‘15°; Jupiter 45° 1°; Venus 261° 00; Saturn 114° 47'; Rahu 250° 33'; Ketu 70° 33'; Herschel 297° 21'; Neptune 104° 18'; Ascendant 117° 3'; M.C. 00° 25’. Balance of the Sun’s Dasa: 1 yr. 11 m. 20 d.


    (1)Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s Ascendant is Cancer 27° 3' in Pisces Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Gemini Navamsa in Aquarius, the 8th sign. Saturn was 10-29°-32' when she lost her mother (28-6-1936).

    (2)Her Saturn is in Cancer 21°47' in Capricorn Navamsa-The 64th Navamsa from it is Aries Navamsa in Aquarius, the 8th sign. On 8-9-1960, Ketu was 10-22°-08', when Firoz Gandhi breathed his last.

    (3)Her Mercury is in Scorpio 13° 15' in Libra Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Capricorn Navamsa in Gemini, the 8th sign. On 27-5-1964, Rahu was 2-10°-13', when Jawaharlal Nehru breathed his last.

    (4)Her Ketu is in Gemini 10° 33' in Capricorn Navamsa —the 64th Navamsa from it is Aries Navamsa in Capricorn, the 8th sign. On 26-1-1972, she was awarded the country’s highest honour of Bharata Ratna when Rahu was 9-11°-50'. Rahu sometimes gives high honours.

    (5)Her Herschel is in Capricorn 27° 21' in Virgo Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Sagittarious Navamsa in Leo, the 8th sign. Her Ascendant is in Cancer 27° 3' in Pisces Navamsa—the 64th. "Navamsa from it is Gemini Navamsa in Aquarius, the 8th sign.

    Rahu transited Sagittarius Navamsa in Leo and Ketu transited Gemini Navamsa in Aquarius, simultaneously from 18-11-1978 to 20-1-1979. Most unfortunate events, such as expulsion from the Lok Sabha, warrant for her arrest was served; she was driven to Tihar Jail (round about 19-12-1978), took place during this period of about two months,

    (6)Her Herschel is in Capricorn 27° 21' in Virgo Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Sagittarius Navamsa in Leo, the 8th sign. On 23-6-1980, Saturn was 4-27°-27' when Sanjay Gandhi met with an air accident.

    The horoscope of our revered Editor Dr. B.V. Raman (December 1957 A.M., p. 983) :

    Birth details : August 8. 1912 at 7-35 p.m. (IST). Latitude 13° N, Longitude 5 hrs. 10 ms. 20s.

    Planetary Longitudes : The Sun 113° 00°; the Moon 53° 38'; Mars 141° 23'; Mercury 133° 59; Jupiter 222° 59'; Venus 122° 16' ; Saturn 40° 11'; Rahu 352° 49'; Ketu 172° 49'; Ascendant 308° 16'; M.C. 222° 49'. Balance of Mars Dasa : 6 yrs. 10 m. 3 d.


    (1)Dr. B.V. Raman’s Venus is in Leo 2° 16' in Aries Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Cancer Navamsa in Pisces. Saturn was 11-2° 16' in March 1937, when his grandfather expired.

    (2)His Ascendant is Aquarius 8° 16' in Sagittarius Navamsa— the 64th Navamsa from it is Pisces Navamsa in Virgo, the 8th sign. Rahu was 5-10° 00' to 5-6° 40', when he toured America, England, etc., i.e., from 4-10-1959 to 15-12-1959. Rahu sometimes gives high honours.

    (3)(a)His natal Moon is in Taurus 23° 58' in Leo Navamsa— the 64th Navamsa from it is Scorpio Navamsa in Sagittarius, the 8th sign. Ketu was 8-24° 3' on 9-9-1963, when his beloved son Surya Prakash breathed his last.

    (b)In Surya Prakash’s horoscope—his natal Ketu is in Gemini 24° 40' in Taurus Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Leo Navamsa in Capricorn, the 8th sign. Saturn was 9-24° 00' on 9-9-1963.

    The horoscope of Mr. Chandulal Sakaralal Patel(myself):

    Birth details : December 31st, 1915 at 7-44 p.m. (IST). Lattitude 23° 02' N, Longitude 72° 39' E.

    Planetary Longitudes : The Sun 256° 10'; The Moon 192° 13': Mars 127° 9'; Mercury 265° 13'; Jupiter 329° 29'; Venus 283° 14'; Saturn 80° 42' (R); Rahu 287° 06'; Ketu 107° 06' ; Herchel 291° 00'; Neptune 99° 13' (R); Ascendant 98° 53'; M.C. 04° 08'. Balance of Rahu’s Dasa : 10yrs 6m. 3d.


    (1)My Herschel is in Capricorn 21° 00' in Cancer Navamsa— the 64th Navamsa from it is Libra Navamsa in Leo, the 8th sign. My marriage took place on 28-5-1933 when Jupiter (a benefic planet) was 4-20° 49'.

    (2)M.C. falls in Aries 4° 8' in Taurus Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Leo Navamsa in Scorpio, the 8th sign. On 9-9-1956 I had a major traffic accident resulting in injuries when Saturn was 7-4° 14'.

    (3)My Ascendant is Cancer 8° 53' in Virgo Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Sagittarius Navamsa in Aquarius, the 8th sign. His Holiness Sri Sankaracharya of Dwaraka Sarada Peetam conferreed on me an honorary degree of Jyotishalankara on 10-11-1962 at public function, when Jupiter was 10-9° 43'.

    (4)My natal Ketu is in Cancer 17° 6' in Sagittarius Navamsa— the 64th Navamsa from it is Pisces Navamsa in Aquarius, the 8th sign. n 22-3-1965, I had a major throat operation for cancer, when Saturn was 10-17°-20'

    (5)(a)My natal Moon is in Libra 12° 12' in Capricorn Navamsa—the 64th Navamsa from it is Aries navamsa in Taurus, the 8th sign. On 30-11-1965, Rahu was 1-10° 58', when I lost my mother.

    (b)My natal Ketu is in Cancer 17° 06' in Sagittarius Navamsa— the 64th Navamsa from it is Pisces Navamsa in Aquarius, the 8th sign. On 30-11-1965, Saturn was 10-17° 20' when I lost my mother. Simultaneous transits of Rahu and Saturn may be noted (30-11-1965).

    (6)My natal Moon is in Libra 12° 12' in Capricorn Navamsa— the 64th Navamsa from it is Aries Navamsa in Taurus, the 8th sign. On 24-1-1975, I lost my wife when Ketu was 1-13° 10' .

    Is is also found in practice that the transits of slow-moving planets through the 64th Navamsa from the remaining five planets, Rahu Ketu, M.C. (Dasamsa Madhyama) and trans-saturnine planets, are also productive of results of a significant nature—favourable or unfavourable. Similarly, transits through the 64th Navamsa of fast-moving planets, such as the Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus, also give. results, which are of small magnitude.

    This principle of the 64th Navamsa, i.e., the transit of any planet on the 210th degree (dexter quincunx aspect) from a natal position can be applied to the Sayana positions also and the effects of transit of the planets can be studied from the Sayana horoscope. The above principle can be extended to even political predictions by referring to the horoscopes of the nations.

    Mundane events, such as cyclones, earth-quakes, excessive heat, very heavy rains, devastating floods, excessive cold, droughts, big fires can be predicted by the 64th Navamsa position (dexter quincunx) formed by the fast-moving planets, such as the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus with the slow-moving planets such as Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu, etc., in transit.


    Searchlight on Navamsa

    There are quite a few verses in Sanskrit astrological classics whose correct impact has eluded the grasp of even seasoned astrological scholars in the past. An in depth study of some of these verses throws a flood of light on a unique technique of prediction based on the concept of Navamsa. Navamsa, as we all know, is one of the 16 vargas (षोडषवर्गाः); whose utility is often limited to weighting the potential of planets and more specifically to study the matrimonial aspect of a native. That, Navamsas have wider application for prognostication on a variety of facets of a person’s life has become evident from a critical study of some of the verses from classics, such as Horasara, Jataka Parijata, Jatakadesamarga etc., and Nadi Granthas like Dhruva Nadi, Devakeralam, etc. It is the purpose of this article to elucidate this unique technique of prediction with illustrative examples.


    Dhruva Nadi, a rare astrological work, is in the possession of the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras. This work, comprising of 43 volumes, contains about 2,75,000 verses. In this work 12 planetary positions for the horoscopes discussed are given in a unique manner.

    ध्रुवनाड़ी-कन्या लग्नम्‌

    (p. 187 of Volume No. R 14, 721):

    रविहोरासमुत्पन्नो द्रेक्काणं मकरं भवेत्‌ ।

    नवांशं वृषभञ्चैव गुरुत्रिंशांशजातके ॥

    मीने दिनेशे भृगुसंयुतश्च चापांशसूर्ये सुखांशयुक्तः ।

    कुंभांशशुक्रे षष्टांशयुक्तः ।

    मेषे च सौम्ये वृषभांशयुक्तः भाग्यांशयुक्तः ।

    वृषभे च मन्दे शिखिसंयुतश्च सिंहांशमन्दे व्ययांशयुक्तः ।

    वृषभांशकेतु वर्गोत्तमांशयुक्तः भाग्यांशयुक्तः ।

    सिंहे गुरौ च वर्गोत्तमांशयुक्तः व्ययांशयुक्तः ।

    चापे च चन्द्रे वर्गोत्तमांशयुक्तः सुखांशयुक्तः ।

    वृश्चिके च कुजे नीचांशयुक्तः लाभांशयुक्तः ।

    कीटे च राहौ वर्गोत्तभांशयुक्तः विक्रमांशयुक्तः ॥


    In the Navamsa chart, note the Navamsa Rasis occupied by all the planets. Also note in which houses (Bhavas) in the Rasi chart, these Navamsa Rasis fall. Each planet is given a special nomenclature, according to its Bhava occupation, of Navamsa Rasi, in the Rasi Chart.

    Meaning : The native is born in Virgo, Ascendant, in the Sun’s Hora, in Capricorn Drekkana, in Taurus Navamsa and in Jupiter’s Trimsamsa.

    The Sun is in sign Pisces in conjunction with Venus. He is in Sagittarius Navamsa, which falls in the 4th house in Rasi chart, hence sukhamsayuktah (सुखांशयुक्तः).

    Venus is in Aquarious Navamsa which falls in the 6th house in the Rasi chart, hence shashthamsayuktah (षष्ठांशयुक्तः).

    Mercury is in sign Aries in Taurus Navamsa, which falls in the 9th house in the Rasi chart, hence Bhagyamsayuktah (भाग्यांशयुक्तः).

    Saturn is in sign Taurus, in conjunction with Ketu. He is in Leo Navamsa which falls in the 12th house in the Rasi chart, hence vyayamsayuktah (व्ययांशयुक्तः).

    Ketu is in Taurus Navamsa (Vargottamsmsa) which falls in the 9th house in the Rasi chart, hence Bhagyamsayuktah (भाग्यांशयुक्तः).

    Jupiter is in sign Leo, in Leo Navamsa (Vargottamsa), which falls in the 12th house in the Rasi Chart, hence vyayamsayuktah (व्ययांशयुक्तः).

    The Moon is in sign Sagittarius, in Sagittarius Navamsa (Vargottama) which falls in the 4th house in the Rasi chart, hence sukhamsayuktah (सुखांशयुक्त:).

    Mars is in sign Scorpio in Cancer Navamsa, in debilitation which falls in the 11th house in the Rasi chart, hence Labhamsuyuktah (लाभांशयुक्तः).

    Rahu is in sign Scorpio, in Scorpio Navamsa (Vargottama) which falls in the 3rd house in the Rasi chart, hence Vikramamsayuktah (विक्रमांशयुक्तः).

    In this unique way all the twelve Navamsas are given separate, additional nomenclature according to their Navamsa signs falling in the Rasi chart as given below :

    (1) लग्नांश (Lagnamsa); (2) वित्तांश, धनांश (Vittamsa, Dhanamsa), (3) विक्रमांश (Vikramsa); (4) सुखांश (Sukhamsa); (5) पुत्रांश (Putramsa); (6) षष्ठांश (Shashthamsa); (7) भार्यांश (Bharyamsa); (8) निधनांश रन्ध्रांश (Nidhanamsa; Randhramsa);, (9) भाग्यांश (Bhagyamsa), (10) कर्मांश (Karmamsa); (11) लाभांश (Labhamsa); and (12) व्ययांश (Vyanamsa).

    This nomenclature is freely used in Dhruva Nadi, sparingly used in Chandrakala Nadi, and rarely used in standard works on astrology, where the commentators have mostly not interpreted the terms correctly.

    Most of the text books on astrology which are available to astrological readers, say the interpretation of Navamsas with respect to Lagna Navamsa itself, where as in this article, readers may recognise that the interpretations are mainly based on the Lagna of Rasi chart only. Hence the various nomenclatures, viz., Lagnamsa, Vittamsa, Vikramamsa, etc.


    Here is a verse from Horosara, Chapter VI—verse 24 and the same verse from Jatakadesamarga, Chapter VI, verse 19, where the authors have used the terms Nidhanamsa (निधनांश) and Lagnamsa (लग्नांश).

    लग्नेशे निधनांशस्थे लग्नांशे निर्धनेश्वरे ।

    पापयुक्ते तदाजातः पञ्चाद्वर्षजीवितः ॥

    Meaning : If the lord of the Lagna be posited in the Navamsa Rasi owned by the 8th house, and the lord of the 8th house occupy the Navamsa Rasi owned by the Lagna and if they (both) be conjoined with malefic the person concerned will live for 50 years.

    Of the above two texts Horasara being the earlier one, Jatakadesamarga must have adopted the verse from the earlier text.

    Other references from standard astrological works:—

    सप्तमेशे धनांशस्थे पुंश्चली कामिनी भवेत्‌ ।

    शनिशुक्रौ स्मरे यस्य पुनर्भूरङ्गना मता ॥

    भावप्रकाश, V Chapter verse 75,

    The wife is of loose character because lord of the 7th is in Navamsa Rasi which falls in the 2nd house, i.e., 8th from its 7th.

    भौमांशे भौमसंयुक्ते पुत्रांश सोमनन्दने ।

    राहुमन्दयुते लग्ने सर्पशापात्सुतक्षयः ॥

    सन्तानदीपिका (Verse 12)

    In Devakeralam—C handrakala Nadi—Vol. IL, Part 11. (वृषभलग्ने वित्तांष) pages 53 to 61 (Verses 3109 to 3186) the terms वित्तांशे, लग्नांशे, षष्ठांशे, व्ययांरे are used more than fifteen times e.g.

    वित्तांशे वृषभे लग्ने पूर्वभागे प्रजायते ।

    विप्रजन्मा सुखी नित्यं रुपवान्‌ मतिमान्‌ भवेत्‌ ॥ (3108)

    लग्ने वर्गोत्तमे चन्द्रे रन्ध्रे लग्नांशगे गुरौ ।

    ग्रामाणीर्धनधान्यादि कीर्तिमान्‌ पशुमान्‌ भवेत्‌ ॥ (3113)

    मारकं लभते तत्र भ्रातृसौख्यं विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ।

    विपत्ताराधिपे केतौ व्ययांशे निर्धने स्थिते ॥ (3167)

    Jatakaparijata, Chapter V, Verse No. 82.

    लग्नेशे निधनांशस्थे मूढे षष्ठगतेऽथवा ।

    क्षुद्वाधया च मरणं बन्धुहीने महीतले ॥

    The first quarter of this verse 'लग्नेशे निधनांशस्थे' is interpreted incorrectly as-When the lord of the Lagna occupies the 64th Navamsa from the Lagna... by Mr. V. Subrahmanya Sastri in his edition (1932). Similarly

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