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Write it. Publish it. Sell it.: Write it. Publish it. Sell It., #1
Write it. Publish it. Sell it.: Write it. Publish it. Sell It., #1
Write it. Publish it. Sell it.: Write it. Publish it. Sell It., #1
Ebook447 pages5 hours

Write it. Publish it. Sell it.: Write it. Publish it. Sell It., #1

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About this ebook

Unlock the secrets to your publishing success with "Write It. Publish It. Sell It." This comprehensive guide takes aspiring authors on a transformative journey from the initial spark of an idea to seeing their book in the hands of readers worldwide. Whether you are just beginning to write your first draft or are ready to navigate the complexities of the publishing world, this book offers invaluable insights and practical advice for every step of the way.


Discover the tools and strategies that will empower you to master the art of writing, choose the best publishing path for your goals, and effectively market your book to reach your ideal audience. Learn to invest wisely in your publishing journey, craft a query letter that stands out, and build a loyal readership. "Write It. Publish It. Sell It." is more than just a guide; it is your personal roadmap to achieving real, tangible success as an author.


Prepare to embark on a journey that will not only enhance your writing skills but also provide you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the ever-evolving publishing landscape. Your author dreams are within reach-let this book be your guide to making them a reality.

PublisherTrient Press
Release dateJul 8, 2024
Write it. Publish it. Sell it.: Write it. Publish it. Sell It., #1

Melisa Ruscsak

Born In 1982, a native to Lorain Ohio, Melisa grew up living with her grandparents Frances and James Lasure. She attended Clearview High School as well as Lorain County J.V.S. While in J.V.S she attended the Culinary Arts program graduating in 2001. In 2003, she welcomed the addition of her daughter Chyenne. Who inspired her to start to put her dreams to paper. A story she wrote after her daughter's birth, although not published, became the stepping stone to everything else she would eventually write. In 2011 near tragedy struck as Melisa's health began to decline. By the summer of 2011, she would need to use a cane to get around. Suffering a stroke she required a craniotomy where she suffered her second stroke. Leaving her with a partial impairment of her speech, and weakness on her right side. After surgery, she would need to learn not only to walk again but speak as well as recognize the alphabet. Two years later in the fall of 2012 after a divorce, she would meet the man who would push her not only to fight to regain her physical strength but to put her creative mind to work. No longer allowing her to dwell on what she could no longer do but what she could. In December of 2013, they would marry. With determination, Melisa would walk down the aisle without the need of a cane. In 2016, she would see her dream come true. With her daughter as her editor "Of Lite and Darke" was born.

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    Book preview

    Write it. Publish it. Sell it. - Melisa Ruscsak

    Introduction to Write It. Publish It. Sell It.

    Welcome to Write It. Publish It. Sell It.: The Ultimate Publishing Power Move, brought to you by Trient Press as part of our commitment to empowering authors through education. This book is an essential component of our free course for authors, designed to guide you through every stage of the publishing journey. Whether you are an aspiring writer or a seasoned author, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to master the art of writing, publishing, and promoting your book.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Master the Writing Process Dive into the fundamentals of the writing process. Learn techniques to enhance your creativity, develop compelling characters, and structure your narrative effectively.

    Chapter 2: Explore Self-Publishing vs. Traditional or Hybrid Publishing Understand the different publishing paths available to you. Weigh the pros and cons of self-publishing, traditional publishing, and hybrid publishing to make an informed decision about the best route for your book.

    Chapter 3: Understanding Marketing vs. Promoting Your Book Discover the nuances between marketing and promoting your book. Learn how to develop a robust marketing strategy and leverage promotional activities to boost your book’s visibility and sales.

    Chapter 4: Learn What You Should Spend Money On Identify the critical areas where investing money can significantly enhance your book’s quality and reach. Learn how to allocate your budget wisely to maximize your return on investment.

    Chapter 5: Craft a Compelling Query Letter Master the art of writing a compelling query letter that captures the attention of literary agents and publishers. Learn the key components and techniques to make your query stand out.

    Chapter 6: Build and Engage Your Audience Explore effective strategies to build and engage a loyal readership. Learn how to use social media, email newsletters, and community-building activities to connect with your audience.

    Chapter 7: Set Real Expectations for Your Author Journey Set realistic and achievable goals for your writing career. Learn how to balance ambition with practicality, and understand the industry challenges and rewards.

    Conclusion Reflect on your journey through this book and the course. Summarize the key takeaways and prepare for the next steps in your publishing journey.

    Appendices Additional resources, templates, and checklists to support you throughout your writing and publishing process.

    About Trient Press and Lexicon Academy

    This book and the accompanying course are part of the Lexicon Academy, which offers a variety of free and paid courses designed to support authors in their careers. Among our offerings is the Wealth Builder class, which provides valuable insights into financial planning and wealth management for writers. At Trient Press, we are dedicated to providing high-quality educational resources to help you achieve your publishing goals.

    Join us on this journey to transform your writing aspirations into reality. Let's write it, publish it, and sell it together.

    Since publishing my first book in 2016, I have been on a journey filled with both triumphs and challenges, one that has constantly enriched my understanding of the publishing world. As an author and publisher, I have had the privilege of belonging to several author groups, where I have observed a recurring theme: new authors and those contemplating publishing their work often grapple with the same questions and uncertainties. It is this collective curiosity and quest for knowledge that inspired me to write Write It. Publish It. Sell It.

    In these circles, the questions range from mastering the intricacies of the writing process to navigating the complex paths of publishing, marketing, and promotion. Each of these questions is a testament to the universal desire to create, share, and succeed. However, many new authors fall into the same traps and face similar setbacks that could have been avoided with the right guidance and information.

    My journey has been a continuous learning experience, and through this book, I hope to share the lessons I've gathered along the way. My aim is not just to provide answers, but to offer a roadmap that will help the next generation of authors avoid the pitfalls that many of us have encountered. By doing so, I aspire to foster a community where we rise together—not as competitors, but as colleagues, friends, and most importantly, as a team.

    Write It. Publish It. Sell It. is designed to be more than just a book; it is a companion that mirrors the comprehensive course I have developed. Each chapter is crafted to equip you with practical knowledge and actionable steps, ensuring that you are well-prepared for every stage of your author journey. From mastering your writing craft to making informed decisions about publishing, from understanding the nuances of marketing versus promotion to crafting a compelling query letter, this book covers it all.

    Moreover, it is crucial to understand that the path to becoming a successful author does not end with the publication of your book. Building and engaging an audience, setting realistic expectations, and maintaining your motivation are equally vital components of your journey. This book will guide you through these aspects, providing you with the tools you need to achieve your goals.

    Let us embark on this journey together. Let us educate and uplift one another, fostering a supportive and collaborative community. Remember, our strength lies not in our individual successes, but in our collective growth and resilience. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can create a legacy that empowers future authors to pursue their dreams with confidence and clarity.

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. Let's make the publishing world a better place, one author at a time.

    With gratitude and excitement,

    Black White Minimalist Calligraphy Signature Logo


    The Power of Publishing: Understanding the impact of becoming a published author.

    Imagine this: a cozy café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the air, and a group of friends huddled together, animatedly discussing their latest projects. Among them, one friend excitedly shares news of their newly published book. The atmosphere is electric, charged with the thrill of achievement and the anticipation of what comes next.

    Becoming a published author is more than just seeing your name on the cover of a book. It is a transformative experience, a milestone that signifies the culmination of countless hours of dedication, creativity, and perseverance. But what exactly does it mean to be a published author, and why is it so powerful?

    Publishing a book allows you to share your ideas, stories, and expertise with the world. It’s an opportunity to influence, inspire, and connect with readers on a deeply personal level. Think of the books that have shaped your own life—the ones that have made you laugh, cry, think, and grow. Your book has the potential to do the same for others, creating a lasting impact that transcends the pages.

    On a practical level, becoming a published author can open doors to new opportunities. It can establish you as an authority in your field, enhance your professional reputation, and even lead to speaking engagements, media appearances, and other avenues to expand your reach. In the digital age, where content is abundant but meaningful connections are rare, a published book stands out as a testament to your commitment and expertise.

    Yet, the journey to publishing is often fraught with challenges. Many aspiring authors find themselves overwhelmed by the myriad steps involved in turning a manuscript into a published book. The process can feel like navigating a labyrinth, filled with unexpected twists and daunting obstacles. But remember, every great author once stood where you are now, facing the same uncertainties and fears.

    Publishing your work is not just about achieving personal success; it’s about contributing to a larger literary and cultural landscape. Your unique voice and perspective add to the rich tapestry of human experience, offering readers new insights and understanding. In this sense, publishing is a powerful act of sharing and connection, one that bridges gaps and builds communities.

    As you embark on this journey, know that you are not alone. This book is here to guide you, offering clear, actionable advice and practical examples to help you navigate the publishing process. Together, we’ll explore each step, from mastering the writing process to marketing your finished book. Along the way, we’ll draw on stories and lessons from successful authors, providing you with the tools and inspiration you need to succeed.

    The power of publishing lies not just in the act of sharing your work, but in the transformative journey that brings you there. It’s about growing as a writer, overcoming challenges, and ultimately, realizing your dream of becoming a published author. So, let’s embark on this journey together, with the understanding that the path to publishing is not just a means to an end, but a rewarding adventure in its own right.

    Welcome to Write It. Publish It. Sell It.: The Ultimate Publishing Power Move. Let’s make your publishing dreams a reality.

    Book Overview: An introduction to what will be covered in both the course and the book.

    Writing a book is a journey—one that begins with a spark of inspiration and culminates in the thrill of seeing your work published. This journey, however, is filled with numerous steps and decisions, each of which plays a crucial role in your success as an author. In Write It. Publish It. Sell It.: The Ultimate Publishing Power Move, we will walk through this journey together, chapter by chapter, ensuring you are equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate each stage effectively.

    Imagine our sessions as a series of conversations in that cozy café, where we break down complex topics into digestible, enjoyable discussions. We will laugh, learn, and share stories, making this educational experience as entertaining as it is informative.

    Master the Writing Process

    In our first section, we’ll delve into the heart of what it means to be a writer. We’ll explore how to find your unique voice, establish a productive writing routine, and overcome common obstacles like writer’s block. Editing and revising your manuscript will also be covered, ensuring your work is polished and ready for the next steps. We’ll introduce you to essential tools and resources that can support you throughout the writing process.

    Explore Self-Publishing vs. Traditional or Hybrid Publishing

    Choosing the right publishing path is one of the most critical decisions you will make. We will dissect the differences between self-publishing, traditional publishing, and hybrid models, weighing their pros and cons. Through real-life case studies, you’ll gain insights into how successful authors made their decisions and what you can learn from their experiences. By the end of this section, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed choice about your publishing journey.

    Understanding Marketing vs. Promoting Your Book

    Once your book is written and published, the work doesn’t stop there. Marketing and promoting your book are essential for reaching your audience and achieving your goals. We’ll cover the fundamentals of marketing, including building your author brand, leveraging social media, and utilizing public relations. You’ll learn practical promotion strategies that are both effective and manageable.

    Learn What You Should Spend Money On

    Budgeting wisely is crucial in the publishing process. This section will help you understand where your money is best spent and where you can save. We’ll identify key investments that can enhance the quality and reach of your book and highlight common financial pitfalls to avoid.

    Craft a Compelling Query Letter

    If you choose the traditional publishing route, a compelling query letter is your ticket to getting noticed. We’ll break down the components of a successful query letter, provide examples of what works (and what doesn’t), and offer tips on how to personalize your approach for different agents and publishers. Follow-up strategies will also be discussed, ensuring you know what steps to take after sending your queries.

    Build and Engage Your Audience

    Building a loyal readership is essential for long-term success as an author. This section will guide you through identifying your target audience, engaging with them effectively, and fostering a community around your book. We’ll discuss content marketing, community building, and managing reader feedback to continually improve your work and strengthen your connection with your audience.

    Set Real Expectations for Your Author Journey

    Finally, we will set the stage for your ongoing journey as an author. We’ll discuss the realities of the publishing world, the challenges you may face, and the rewards you can expect. Goal setting, measuring success, and maintaining motivation are key topics that will help you navigate your path with confidence and clarity.

    Throughout this book, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of the publishing process, blending practical advice with motivational insights and engaging stories. By the end of our journey together, you will have a comprehensive roadmap to guide you from the initial spark of an idea to the successful publication and promotion of your book. Let’s embark on this adventure with enthusiasm and determination, ready to make your publishing dreams a reality.

    Why This Book?: Explaining the purpose of the book and how it complements the course.

    Embarking on the journey of writing and publishing a book can feel like stepping into uncharted territory. The path is filled with challenges and decisions that can often seem overwhelming. This book, Write It. Publish It. Sell It.: The Ultimate Publishing Power Move, is designed to be your compass, guiding you through every stage of the process with clarity and confidence.

    In many ways, this book is an extension of the course, providing a detailed and structured roadmap that you can refer to time and again. Think of it as your trusty guide, packed with practical advice, insightful anecdotes, and actionable steps that will empower you to take control of your publishing journey.

    By starting each chapter with engaging anecdotes and case studies, we aim to make complex concepts relatable and easier to understand. Storytelling is a powerful tool, and through real-life examples, we can demystify the intricacies of writing, publishing, and marketing your book. This approach ensures that you are not just learning theoretically but seeing how others have navigated similar challenges.

    Maintaining a conversational tone throughout the book, we break down complex information into bite-sized, digestible pieces. This makes the learning process enjoyable and keeps you engaged. The goal is to create an atmosphere where you feel like you’re having a friendly chat, making the educational journey as entertaining as it is informative.

    Personal stories and reflections are woven into the narrative to provide a relatable and motivational backdrop. We all have moments of doubt and uncertainty, and sharing these experiences fosters a sense of camaraderie and support. You’ll see that you are not alone in your struggles and that every successful author has faced similar obstacles.

    Clear and practical insights form the backbone of this book. We present structured arguments and practical examples that you can directly apply to your writing and publishing endeavors. This ensures that the advice you receive is not just theoretical but grounded in real-world application, helping you make informed decisions at every turn.

    Finally, we weave together the different elements of the publishing process into a cohesive narrative, providing a holistic understanding of what it takes to succeed as an author. By integrating historical and contemporary examples, we add depth and context, enriching your learning experience and broadening your perspective.

    Write It. Publish It. Sell It. is not just a book but a companion on your publishing journey. It complements the course by providing a comprehensive guide that you can revisit at any time, reinforcing what you’ve learned and offering additional insights to help you succeed. Together, the course and the book form a powerful duo, equipping you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to achieve your publishing goals.

    This book is a testament to the belief that we can rise together—not as competitors, but as colleagues, friends, and a supportive team. By sharing our collective wisdom and experiences, we create a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Let's embark on this journey with a shared vision of success, learning, and growth.

    Chapter 1: Master the Writing Process

    Writing a book begins with a single word, but the journey from that first word to a finished manuscript is a multifaceted and often daunting process. The foundation of this journey lies in mastering the writing process itself. This chapter is designed to equip you with the essential techniques and strategies that will transform your ideas into polished prose, ready to captivate readers and withstand the scrutiny of the publishing world.

    Finding Your Voice: Techniques for Discovering and Honing Your Unique Writing Style

    Every writer has a unique voice—a distinct style that sets their work apart. But finding and honing this voice can be a challenge. Imagine walking into a crowded room where everyone is talking; your goal is to make your voice heard, not by shouting the loudest, but by saying something so compelling that everyone stops to listen. In this section, we’ll explore techniques to discover your authentic voice, experimenting with different styles and tones until you find the one that resonates most powerfully with you and your audience.

    Developing a Writing Routine: Tips for Creating a Consistent Writing Habit

    Consistency is key to progress in any endeavor, and writing is no exception. Establishing a writing routine is like planting a garden: with regular care and attention, your ideas will flourish. We’ll discuss practical tips for developing a writing habit that fits into your lifestyle, from setting realistic goals to creating a conducive writing environment. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, finding a routine that works for you is essential to maintaining momentum and productivity.

    Overcoming Writer’s Block: Strategies for Staying Productive Even When Inspiration Wanes

    Writer’s block—the dreaded obstacle that every writer faces at some point. It’s like hitting an invisible wall that stops you in your tracks. But fear not; writer’s block is not insurmountable. In this section, we’ll uncover strategies to overcome these creative roadblocks. From freewriting exercises to changing your writing environment, you’ll learn practical methods to keep the words flowing, even when inspiration seems elusive.

    Editing and Revising: The Importance of Refining Your Manuscript

    Writing the first draft of your book is only the beginning. The real magic happens during the editing and revising stages. Think of your manuscript as a rough diamond; it requires careful cutting and polishing to reveal its true brilliance. We’ll delve into the editing process, from self-editing techniques to working with professional editors. You’ll discover the importance of multiple drafts, constructive feedback, and the meticulous attention to detail that transforms a good manuscript into a great one.

    Tools and Resources: Software and Other Resources to Aid in the Writing Process

    In today’s digital age, a plethora of tools and resources are available to aid writers. From writing software to organizational tools, these resources can streamline your writing process and enhance your productivity. We’ll introduce you to some of the best tools available, explaining how each can support different aspects of your writing journey. Whether you need help with grammar, plotting, or staying focused, there’s a tool out there that can make your writing life easier.

    Embarking on the writing process is an adventure filled with discovery, growth, and creativity. By mastering these foundational elements, you’ll be well-prepared to bring your ideas to life and craft a manuscript that stands out in the crowded literary landscape. Let’s dive in and start shaping your story, one word at a time.

    Finding Your Voice: Techniques for discovering and honing your unique writing style.

    Your voice as a writer is like a fingerprint—entirely unique to you. It encompasses your style, tone, and perspective, distinguishing your work from that of others. But how do you find this voice, and how do you hone it to perfection? In this section, we will explore techniques to help you discover and develop your unique writing style, ensuring that your voice resonates authentically with your readers.

    1. Embrace Your Authentic Self

    Embracing your authentic self is one of the most liberating and impactful steps you can take as a writer. Your writing voice is a unique reflection of who you are—it embodies your experiences, beliefs, personality, and perspective. By embracing your authenticity, you not only differentiate yourself from other writers but also establish a genuine connection with your readers.

    Start by focusing on subjects that ignite your passion. Writing about topics that you care deeply about brings a natural enthusiasm and depth to your work that readers can sense and appreciate. When you write with passion, your voice shines through more clearly and powerfully.

    Your natural voice is the way you express yourself when you’re not trying to conform to any particular style or expectation. It’s how you speak, think, and perceive the world. Embrace this natural voice in your writing. Engage in freewriting exercises where you write continuously without worrying about grammar, structure, or audience. This practice helps you tap into your natural voice without self-censorship.

    It’s natural to admire other writers and be influenced by their styles, but trying to imitate them can stifle your authenticity. Instead, focus on developing your own unique voice. Read a diverse range of authors to understand different styles and techniques, but when it comes to your writing, stay true to your own voice.

    Your life experiences are a rich source of material that can infuse your writing with authenticity. Reflect on your personal stories, challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned. Use your experiences as a foundation for your writing. Personal anecdotes and reflections can add depth and relatability to your work.

    Authenticity often requires a level of honesty and vulnerability that can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. Sharing your true thoughts and feelings, even the uncomfortable ones, creates a deeper connection with your readers. Don’t shy away from exploring difficult or personal topics. Readers appreciate honesty and the courage to tackle real issues.

    Your perspective is shaped by your background, culture, and individual experiences. Embrace what makes your viewpoint unique and use it to enrich your writing. Incorporate elements from your cultural background or personal history into your work. These details add authenticity and depth.

    Authenticity in writing fosters a genuine connection with readers. When readers sense that you are being true to yourself, they are more likely to connect with and trust your voice. Interact with your readers in a genuine way. Share your writing process, struggles, and successes with them. This openness builds a loyal and supportive readership.

    By embracing your authentic self, you unlock the full potential of your writing voice. Authenticity not only sets you apart from other writers but also creates a meaningful and lasting connection with your readers. It’s this genuine connection that turns casual readers into dedicated fans, eagerly awaiting your next piece of work. So, write with honesty, passion, and confidence—your authentic voice is your greatest asset.

    2. Experiment with Different Styles and Genres

    To find your voice, it’s helpful to experiment with various writing styles and genres. Trying your hand at different forms of writing can uncover hidden facets of your voice that you might not have discovered otherwise. Dive into fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and even more niche forms like essays, blogs, or short stories. Each style and genre brings out different aspects of your creativity and expression.

    When you explore fiction, you might discover a knack for creating compelling characters and intricate plots. Writing non-fiction could reveal your ability to convey facts and ideas clearly and engagingly. Poetry might help you tap into a more lyrical and emotional side of your writing, while essays can refine your skills in presenting arguments and personal reflections.

    Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Write a thriller if you usually stick to romance, or try your hand at science fiction if your comfort zone is historical fiction. You might be surprised by how different genres influence your voice and expand your versatility as a writer. Pay attention to which styles feel most comfortable and which ones allow you to express yourself most effectively.

    Experimentation is also a way to keep your writing fresh and exciting. It prevents you from becoming too rigid or formulaic in your approach. The more you explore, the more tools you add to your writer’s toolkit, enriching your overall craft.

    Through this process, you’ll likely find that certain styles and genres resonate more with your natural voice. This doesn’t mean you have to stick to one type of writing forever, but it does give you a foundation to build upon. The key is to remain open and flexible, allowing your voice to evolve and grow with each new writing experience.

    In summary, experimenting with different styles and genres is a journey of discovery. It’s about finding out what works best for you and where your strengths lie. This journey not only helps you find your authentic voice but also makes you a more adaptable and skilled writer. So, embrace the adventure, try new things, and watch as your unique voice emerges and flourishes.

    3. Read Widely and Analytically

    Reading widely exposes you to different voices and styles, helping you understand what resonates with you as a reader and why. As you immerse yourself in a variety of books, take the time to analyze the works of authors you admire. Notice their sentence structures, tone, pacing, and how they convey emotion. Reflect on what you like and dislike, and think about how you can incorporate those elements into your own writing.

    When you read a beautifully crafted sentence or a particularly moving passage, take a moment to dissect it. Ask yourself what makes it effective. Is it the choice of words, the rhythm of the prose, or the vivid imagery? By breaking down these elements, you gain insights into the techniques that resonate with you and can start to integrate them into your own style.

    Pay attention to different genres and forms as well. How does a mystery novel build suspense compared to a literary fiction novel? What makes a poem’s language so evocative? This analytical reading not only broadens your understanding of various writing styles but also helps you identify the techniques that best express your voice.

    Reflect on your findings and experiment with incorporating them into your writing. If you admire an author’s ability to create tension, try to emulate that in your own work, but with your unique twist. If a particular narrative style captures your interest, explore how it might fit into your storytelling. The goal is not to copy but to learn and adapt, making those elements your own.

    This process of reading and analyzing is continuous. As your writing evolves, so will your preferences and influences. Keep challenging yourself with new authors and genres, and let your voice develop naturally through this ongoing exploration. By staying curious and open to learning, you’ll continue to refine and strengthen your authentic writing voice.

    4. Write Regularly and Reflect

    Consistency is crucial in discovering your voice. Writing regularly, even if it’s just a few hundred words a day, helps you develop a rhythm and flow that are uniquely yours. The act of writing frequently allows your natural voice to emerge more effortlessly over time.

    As you write, take time to reflect on your work. Consider what aspects of your writing you enjoy and what parts feel forced or unnatural. This reflection can be incredibly insightful. Keeping a writing journal can be particularly beneficial for this purpose. Document your thoughts on your writing process, your progress, and the evolution of your style. Note the days when the words flow easily and those when they don’t, and try to understand why.

    Reflecting on your writing helps you become more aware of your voice and how it develops over time. You might start to notice patterns in your writing—certain themes or styles that consistently appear. This awareness allows you to consciously nurture the elements that resonate with you and refine those that don’t.

    In your journal, consider also writing about your goals and aspirations as a writer. What do you hope to achieve with your writing? What messages or stories are you passionate about sharing? This self-reflection keeps you grounded in your purpose and continually guides your development as a writer.

    Over time, these consistent writing and reflection practices will help you hone a voice that is unmistakably yours. You’ll find that your writing becomes more fluid

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