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Alpha Kane's Witch: Tears Under The Moon
Alpha Kane's Witch: Tears Under The Moon
Alpha Kane's Witch: Tears Under The Moon
Ebook176 pages2 hours

Alpha Kane's Witch: Tears Under The Moon

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In the great battle among the witches, Vampires and the Werewolves, one group came out triumphant, but it came with a price. Clara fell in love with Kane without both of them knowing the real identities of each other. Kane was the son of Conri, the sworn enemy of her mother and her kind and the individual responsible for her father’s death. Little they did when they finally discovered who they were by then, both of them were deeply in love with each other. They swore not to let the enmity between their kinds interfere in their love. Their love and trust for each other will be put to test when it was thought that, Ferahon disguised as her own daughter with the power of her magic and killed the almighty Alpha Conri. The witches have always blamed the wolves for the death of Clara’s father, and her mother vowed to take revenge. The heated wars with the Werewolves saw Clara's secret relationship with Alpha Kane (the Alpha Supreme of the Nazan Wolf clan), in jeopardy. In this quintessential example of forbidden love, follow our main characters as they navigate through their identities and their past. Will they let history dictate their future, or will they find the happiness they eventually deserve?

Release dateJul 10, 2024
Alpha Kane's Witch: Tears Under The Moon

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    Alpha Kane's Witch - Wolfpack G

    Chapter 66 Fear Of The Unknown

    My name is Diana. I am the supposed Luna of pack whom you have stepped on their territory, Diana introduced herself. If you don't mind, you can start by telling me yours first, she briefly pointed her finger at the youngest one.

    The young vampire smiled, my name is Yuli.

    Next, Diana looked at another vampire, this time a male one. He smiled slightly, my name is Abel."

    The next she looked seemed to be the eldest amongst them. I am Priscilla.

    The vampire sitting by the left extreme was the next to introduce herself. My name is. Yonna, she said.

    The last amongst them gave his name as Carl.

    Alright, I have heard all your names. I must say they sound good. Only time will tell if you are as good as your name sounded, Diana teased.

    While they struggled to contain their smiles from degenerating, Yuli began without wasting time. Okay dear, would you mind telling us what you had you troubled?

    Diana gazed at the moon for a minute before talking. We were destined to be mates right from our childhood. Everyone knows about that but, it never stopped some female wolves from doing all they can to steal him away from me. Despite all that, I was still able to have his heart tied to mine. I never stopped chasing any female wolf who tries to take him away from me. However, things changed when Clara, the daughter of the witch mistress stole him away from me, Diana narrated with a calm voice. Her story not only drew pity for her from the Vampires but, raised some eyebrows among them.

    Yona made her suspicion more obvious than the others. For her, it was almost impossible that a Witch would fall in love with a male wolf; not just an ordinary male wolf but an Alpha wolf. How was that possible, Diana? I mean, it seemed almost unbelievable! How did that happen?

    Diana hesitated for a moment before finally opening up. If you ask me then, who will I ask? I have no idea how it happened. All I can say is, that he came back to the wolf clan a different man. Word spread he was frequently visiting the human towns. There he met her on one of his adventures. That was what I heard. As time went by, he began distancing himself from me until I burst him out at last.

    How did you do that? Asked Carl.

    Foolishly enough, Kane brought Clara to the settlement and we all saw her. The greatest taboo in our Werewolf heritage!

    Wait a minute! Yuli interrupted. Did you just call Alpha Kane? That's who we are looking for! She showed a puzzling face. But, wait a minute again, he did this to you? He was the one responsible for what you are passing through emotionally? How could do that?

    Is that why you showed no interest in our cause when we first told you about it? Abel asked.

    Come on Abel! Let's be fair here. She has been hurt by the same person we seek his presence. How do you expect her to react?

    Sensing a heating argument could emerge among her temporary allied Vampires, Diana stepped in to calm the situation. Silence please, I don't want this to have any effect on the quest you have embarked on. And neither will I change my position in helping you.

    We will help you, Diana, all you need to do is to take us to him. Make him trust us and believe that we are on his side, said Yonna.

    How can I make him trust you or listen to you in the first place when I'm not even close to him anymore? I will not lie to any one of you, I may succeed but, it's extremely difficult, said Diana. They all understood her point.

    When are we leaving for your settlement? Yuli asked.

    As soon as you are ready to meet him, she paused for a minute and had some thoughts over her decision to take them to Alpha Kane as soon as possible. She realized she needed to plan very well to avoid disaster striking her buddies. Wait, you will have to stay here in the meantime, while I arrange your meeting with him. While the Vampires watched, she began walking towards the river bank. There, she had her sandy body washed and squeezed her hair from most of the waters in them. She packed her hair carefully with help of the light provided by the moon. After that, she walked out of the water this time, she kept her eyes on the Vampires. I will have to leave you guys here. Till we meet again, stay safe and keep your paths off the Wolves path, she told them before, she began walking towards the forested area from which she will take off. Just then, she began walking backwards. It was obvious Diana might have spotted something strange, or powerful which might account for her sudden withdrawal from the.

    Yuli was the first to reach out to her. What was that Diana? You look terrified! The remaining vampires moved closer to her side. They reinforce her and looked towards the source of her fear to see what was coming for them.

    I can sense them. They are here but, don't know why. They smell danger to me, replied Diana.

    Who are they? Whatever you are talking about, we want to know? Yonna pressed her to open.

    There is no need for that. It's only a matter of time before they unveil their faces. I urge all of us to get ready for the worst for our land smell death and horror tonight. Diana had hardly finished speaking when several dark faces appeared from the woods close to shore. The Vampires with her recognize them at once.

    It's them! They are here! Abel raised an alarm.

    This is impossible! How did they track us? Yonna turned to Yuli as she asked.

    Yuli however, was surprised to see witnessed the arrival of the strangers. She never saw them coming or tracking their movement. She was sure that when they left, no one was on their trail therefore, their arrival remained a mystery to be solved. I swear to you that I was sure no one followed us when we left. How they found us is still a puzzle to me just like it was to everyone else here.

    Indeed you were perfect with your assessment and now, look at what we have gotten ourselves into because, of your silly mistake, Carl didn't hesitate from showing his anger over Yuli's incompetence to carry out her task effectively.

    One of the strange men in the dark clothes began speaking. At last, our path crossed again! Is this where it will all end for you? I told you, didn't I that, there is no escape. I'm sure by now, all of you must have been in deep regrets about choosing Yonna over me. What a terrible leader she must have been! He scorned. Look at yourselves. Look at the trees, look at the water, look at everything you wanted to see. Look at them much to your satisfaction, do you know why? Because this will be the last time you will ever set your eyes on them again! His voice was not romantic. He sounded horrible. Only God knows the terror he was about to unleash on everything in his path at that moment.

    We got nothing in common anymore, began Yonna. One could easily notice her voice was not as bold as it was supposed to be, especially in the middle of danger. We seek no trouble with you. All we ask from you was to allow us to determine our destiny. There is no hope of endless wars if we keep staying under your leadership, Yonna managed to add a little force to the tone of her speech in a bid to make her look bold before one present.

    However, it seemed like the strange man had managed to fish out the truth from her body language and her tone. He was able to discover Yonna was faking it. This made him more aggressive. I want to rest of you, I mean, Yuli, Carl, you and you, he pointed his fingers at them as he called their names out. You all know the price to pay. You are all going to die. And do you know who to blame? I guess you already knew that. Yonna is the one who murdered you all, in a cold blood and not me. I'm not responsible in any way for what is about to happen to you in a matter of minutes from now. I will also let you know that there is no second chance whatever. You can't eat your cake and take it back, never! prepare to meet your death," he threatened.

    Diana has been looking at the strange figure for quite some time now without saying anything. But, just as the strange man gave others to what appeared to be his army of Vampires to encircle Diana and her new friends, she spoke out. Wait, who are you?

    Chapter 67 Threats From Salman, The Vampire Lord

    Kane arrived at the scene of the impending conflict. At once, the Vampires irrespective of their difference were at high alert.

    Yonna, you never told me your reinforcement was on the way? What a coward you are! The stranger lashed out.

    This is over, Salman. It's over for all of us. Look at what you have done to us and yourself. No one is going to survive the onslaught that is about to be unleashed, all thanks to your foolishness, Yonna replied to him. Be on your guard for our enemy is not just one. We have more than one on each of our flank. Her words were about the arrival of Kane and his wolf warriors. Yonna and the other four Vampires in her group were still unsure of which side Kane will pick. His words therefore to her fellow Vampires were to serve as a reminder that Kane was still their enemy until he makes his official position.

    Kane gazed at every one of them and surprisingly, Diana was the last individual he spotted. He stared at her for some seconds before, speaking up at last. What are we doing here, Diana? Aren't you supposed to be in the settlement, given the dangerous times that we lived in?

    Do you care that much about me? Aren't you supposed to care for your abominable luna queen to be? Stop the hypocrisy, Kane! Diana's body language made him understand she was far from being calm and not getting over what had transpired back in the day.

    Almost speechless, he turned his attention to the intruders instead of wasting his time on Diana. However, he could not explain why Diana was so comfortable standing in the midst of one of the vampire groups. He wondered if she was working for them against him. He wouldn't be surprised if she does because, he knew Diana was vulnerable at the moment and would do anything to get back at him, as long as the hurt will be hurt. Would you mind explaining to me what in the hell are you doing on my territory? I hope you know this could be your last time here? You may not live to tell the tale of what might happen if something stupid happens? Kane threatened.

    We are not here to get you pissed off sir, began Yuli, the youngest vampire among Diana's friends. You can trust us that we are only here with a proposition that might interest you. We are not here to make any war with you and your people. We all respect the wolves. Please, don't treat us as enemies.

    Why shouldn't I treat you like my enemies when you have one of my subjects with you? Kane retorted.

    The five Vampires looked at one another in confusion as they couldn't understand why the Alpha has accused them of having one of his own. 'What could it be?' they reasoned. Only Yuli was quick enough to come up with a brilliant answer. No sir, we did not take her from you and neither do we have any plans to do so. Please don't miss understand us. We understand your kind gesture towards us, until this moment. We plead with you that such a trend should continue among us, her voice was soft and appealing to anyone who heard her speak. No wonder, Diana was quick to like and trust her from the first time the two of the ladies spoke.

    Kane was satisfied with the words Yuli had said to him. He had not a tangible reason to believe all that she had said but, the manner with which she said them made him believe Yuli was being genuine, and at that moment, Diana's life was not in danger even though she stood among the five Vampires. It was after the soothing words from Yuli did Alpha Kane turn his attention to the other group of Wolves, who appeared to be battle-ready. Kane knew they were all Vampires but, he also believed that these vampires he had turned his attention, to were different in attitude. They look ferocious and have no remorse whatsoever for trespassing the wolf territory. Their leader was the one he met speaking earlier, on his arrival. Kane glanced directly at their leaders to see if he could help anybody or physical reaction. He did get something but, not as he expected. They showed no fear when their leader began speaking.

    If I am right, you are Kane, the killer? Asked the leader. He was defiant and was bent on creating a rather more intense situation they all had found themselves in. Answer me, Kane, are you the killer everyone talks about? I know you are but you will never admit that to be true. All the Vampires with him laughed shortly, as their leader ridiculed Kane.

    Although the Vampire had more men with him, he was still sure he may stand no chance of defeating Kane. Therefore, talking though, as if more reinforcement was on their way to join him, was the only he could deter the smaller but might Alpha Kane's pack. Kane had not said any word. He was thinking of how to handle the situation right in of him. He wondered if, he could go after them at the moment or wait on them to make the first move that lead them into disaster.

    You are not saying anything Alpha Kane, are you scared of us? The vampire leader continued. "No,

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