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The Making of Me
The Making of Me
The Making of Me
Ebook45 pages30 minutes

The Making of Me

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Thank you for reading and please do reach out for help if times are particularly bad! Life is for living and if we reach out to family, friends, our doctor or counselling - these can help us all. We are not alone (even if it feels like we are).

Release dateJul 16, 2024
The Making of Me

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    The Making of Me - Rebecca Tupu


    Copyright © 2024 Rebecca Tupu

    Paperback: 979-8-9897479-9-3

    eBook: 979-8-9897479-8-6

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024902739

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    Welcome, this is me!

    MS diagnosis

    Post Marriage 2020

    My Life Is Falling Apart!

    The Show Must Go On…

    My ex-husband


    New Man and a Miscarriage

    Disability and 2022

    Thank you to everybody for keeping me sane, grounded and who have listened to me! To my mum who never fails to be there, my brother Simon and my wonderful sister in law Te Aroha and little niece Kahuirere and my nephew Elijah! Thank you very much for chatting to me, reassuring me, helping me out and for always being there! I am so thankful xxxxx

    Also want to thank my friend Andy who helped me out with my car and with tidying up my yard and my house – thanks so much!

    Also thank you to my partner Brent, definitely unlike anyone I have met before, we have good times and I want to thank you for always being there and having my back, I appreciate you very much!!!!!

    Thank you to Sky Fitness Moray Place owner Phil, Iron Warriors Nick, Dave and Rob (also to the polytechnic students/fellow gym warriors at Sky Fitness 24 gym.)

    Thank you to the nurses who give me my six-weekly Tysabri infusion you ladies are wonderful, super helpful and very kind.

    I also want to thank my family and friends that I do not see that often, this adult life gets busy and chaotic at times so I hope to see you all again sometime xxx

    To Jamie the work broker at Ministry of Social Development – thank you for being so helpful when I was looking for work! It took me over a year to find work but you were so supportive. Thanks again!!!

    I also have enjoyed working with all of the charities over the years because I love working with all sorts of people and

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