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Slave to the Wolf King: Breeder
Slave to the Wolf King: Breeder
Slave to the Wolf King: Breeder
Ebook237 pages4 hours

Slave to the Wolf King: Breeder

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Jesse is a normal girl from a fucked-up family. The only thing she wants is freedom.

Casimir, the dark and ruthless Wolf King, reigns in the underground dens of the wolf world with the power to compel anyone to do anything he commands. But he needs a new mate because the last two killed themselves.

After watching Casimir steal the minds and wills of the other women kidnapped as potential mates, Jesse knows he is even more powerful than the urban legends she's heard. Fearing that she might lose herself forever, Jesse offers to submit to Casimir's dominance, make herself his slave, and bear his heir. But in return, he must vow never to use that compulsion on her.

Fascinated by her boldness and the surge in his power when she offers herself, Casimir accepts her as his mate.

But Casimir isn't the only wolf who wants Jesse.

While Jesse cannot deny the sizzling chemistry between herself and Casimir, the King is emotionless and sometimes cruel. She's often drawn to the tender safety offered by a much less powerful wolf. A male Casimir would kill if he knew how deeply they connected.

Will Casimir break Jesse just as he broke two mates before her? Will he discover her potentially deadly connection with another male? Or, will the smart and resourceful Jesse betray him and flee with the other wolf?

Has the Wolf King finally met his match?


"The position of Queen requires three things," I snapped impatiently. "First, the ability to bear heirs. Second, submission to me as King and Mate. And third, acceptance that I will not offer love."

I stopped for a moment, "My Queen will receive anything material she wishes. But she will submit to me, and I will not bow. She will share my bed, my power, and my wealth... She will not share my heart."

I waited, but none of them spoke. Good. I turned back to my servant to order them moved to the next challenge when a quiet but strong voice rose behind me.

"Are you violent?"

I turned back to the fire-haired woman with a flat smile. "Show me a wolf who isn't. And I am the King of the others. What do you think?"

Her throat bobbed. The tear in the neckline of her cotton shirt offered a fleeting glimpse of plump cleavage. My cock twitched.

"I meant with your Queen… um, Sire," she said uncertainly. "You said you have to dominate, that she has to submit. What is she submitting to?"

I smirked. "I don't make a habit of leaving bruises," I said, letting a dark promise seep into my tone. "But they've been known to happen."

It was quite thrilling when she paled. I once again turned away, gesturing to my man to start moving them when her voice rose one more time.

"I'll volunteer," she said. When I whirled, she licked her lips then stepped forward. "I will be your mate… if you'll have me."

Hiding my shock, I offered my most predatory grin to the poor, naive idiot. "My mate, like everyone else in this kingdom, is my slave. Now... are you certain?"

Release dateJul 21, 2024
Slave to the Wolf King: Breeder

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    Book preview

    Slave to the Wolf King - Aimee Lynn Lane

    CHAPTER 124 A Message from the King

    ~ JESSE ~

    Maya burst into cackling laughter when I delivered Cazz's message-which made me giggle too, but would disappoint him, I suspected. He had wanted to piss her off.

    I watched her face and tried to fix the memory in my mind to share with Cazz later, because I couldn't reach him from here in her cave-a fact that made my chest a little cold.

    This morning I had almost turned around and fled back to my quarters when I was halfway to Maya's cave, because I could feel Cazz fading. But I had made myself keep going. He needed space, he was going to get it. And I would survive.

    He'd said the link would come back when we were closer. I just prayed he was right. And that he didn't take the opportunity to cut me off, then pretend it was-

    Stop, Jesse! I had told myself, shaking my head.

    And now I was glad that I'd stuck it out. It was a good excuse to ask Maya questions about the bond, and linking, and she was a wealth of information.

    You tell my nephew he has a tongue as sharp as his fangs, and that's not a compliment, Maya snipped, pretending she was offended, but her eyes were sparkling.

    I'll do that, I said with a chuckle. I was still stunned to know that Maya and Cazz were related-he called her his great aunt, but I gathered the connection might be a little more distant than that.

    Maya's gaze narrowed and she lifted her chin, staring at me down her nose. You are very chipper this morning.

    Am I? I asked coyly, picking up the mug of coffee that had been waiting for me when I arrived.

    You are, she said bluntly. Did he only make your body sing, or your heart as well?

    I spluttered and almost spat coffee on myself, then started coughing because I swallowed wrong when I tried to stop myself from spitting it out.

    Maya just arched one eyebrow and waited for me to stop coughing.

    Well? she asked.

    That's not… it's-

    Jesse, you have moped around the tunnels for weeks. And trust me, we've all seen how hard Cazz is on his mates. You've held up well.

    I blinked, so unaccustomed to her compliments that I was asking myself if I'd really heard it.

    But that only makes the contrast starker. It is clear that you are… easier in yourself today than you have been before. And I assume my nephew is the catalyst for that? Frankly, you're drenched in his scent.

    I blew out a breath. Fucking wolves and their undignified lack of privacy.

    But the truth was, I did want to talk to her about the bond and stuff, so… I resigned myself to the fact that nothing was sacred in the pack and made myself hold her gaze, because she'd reprimand me if I dithered and looked away.

    Yesterday I broke through in the bond with Cazz and now… now we can talk to each other. He's… he's keeping the bond open for me. At least, I think he is.

    Maya's brows pinched over her nose. You think? You can't tell?

    I could when I was back at my chambers, but the further away I got, the more he faded, and now I won't know until I go back. I think… I know I can sense which direction he's in from here. But that's about it.

    Maya nodded, looking thoughtful. That's very good though, for how new you are to this. The bond is strong between you.

    My heart fluttered and I tamped it down. I… I'm glad. Yes, it is.

    Maya raised her eyebrows, waiting for me to share what was on my mind.

    I sighed, but there was no point trying to avoid it. I just… I wonder how much you know about a matebond and… and if you can give me some advice?

    I know a great deal as I do about most things, she said bluntly. And since when do you have to ask if you can ask for advice? Isn't that why we're here?

    I supposed it was. Okay then.

    Great, then… well, you know Cazz. And you said you've watched him with his other mates before. So I guess you know he can be… pretty shut off.

    Maya snorted, but took a sip from her cup of coffee and didn't interrupt, so I kept going.

    So, now that we're… finding ourselves a bit… how do I… encourage him to stay close, without threatening him?

    Maya swallowed her mouthful, her eyes never leaving mine. Then she waited for a moment like she wasn't sure I was done, before she set down the cup and shook her head.

    Really, Jesse? That's your most pressing question?

    Yes, really. He's scared. He's been wounded. I still don't really know why-except that it has at least something to do with his dad.

    Her brows shot high. He told you that?

    I shook my head. I saw a dream he had.

    Her lips thinned and her eyes drifted as if she was thinking. I plowed on.

    He knows how I feel about him, I… I told him. It just kind of came out. And he almost ran. But he didn't. For the first time, he stuck with me. And now, this morning… well, he's being kind. But I can tell he's tense. So, how do I keep him close without making all that tension worse? What's the best way to help him feel like I'm not a threat?

    Maya sighed and sat back in her chair, clasping her swollen hands together in her lap.

    Jesse, you're asking the wrong question, she said after a moment.

    I slumped. Seriously? But I'd learned not to argue with Maya, except when she wanted me to. And this wasn't one of those times. So I sighed.

    What would be the right question, then? I asked, trying not to let my irritation show, but Maya's eyes cut to me with a warning before she spoke again.

    If you truly want to capture your mate's heart-and the heart of any wolf-you shouldn't be asking. Wolves respect strength. Confidence. Clarity. And as for not threatening your mate… dear god, girl, you will only weaken yourself if you pretend to be smaller than you are.

    That's not what I meant-

    It's exactly what you meant. And you humans do it far too often-curbing yourselves, holding parts of yourself back so that others won't reject you. You are only deceiving them when you do. Is it any wonder that others reject you when they learn the truth? Be who you are. Let those who are drawn to that person be near. They will-

    Maya, I'm not asking about the whole pack. I'm asking about Cazz. Just him.

    She glared at the interruption, but when she spoke, it was with forced patience.

    I'm telling you how Cazz thinks, Jesse. Because Cazz is a wolf. The strongest and most guarded of them all. And so… I'm telling you that whether it be with him, or anyone, your approach should be with the strength of your convictions. Do you believe you deserve the distance he's offered you?


    Then do not coddle him. Do not approach him like he's a nervous colt. Hold your ground when he charges, scream your defiance when he's wrong. Show him that he isn't the only strong heart in the bond.

    But… he's scared! He needs to be sure I won't hurt him.

    Maya sighed. Attemping to reassure uneasiness will not soften a wolf's heart, Jesse. It will only make them see you as weak. Never step softly with a wolf.

    I shook my head. So I should just… not care? He's terrified! And it makes him run-

    Maya gave me a stern look. Do you care for your mate, Jesse?

    Of course I do!

    Do you plan to undermine or betray him?


    Then continue as you are. Be yourself. Show yourself true. And when he acts poorly, require more from him.

    Require more? Maya-I'm submitted. I'm his slave. I don't get to require anything from him.

    She leaned forward, her eyes glinting. Submission is not the absence of care or intelligence, Jesse. It is the intentional offering of one's will in service to another. I have been trying to show you-has nothing I've said gotten through that thick human skull of yours?

    Yes! But-

    There are no buts. You ask how to deal with your mate in his darkness, and I tell you, deal with him as you should with any wolf. Do not step softly. Do not ignore your own need. Do not accept less than he is capable of. To try to soothe his fear is to feed it. Do not flinch.

    And when he snaps his teeth and storms away?

    Try again when he returns. Because he will always return.

    And even though I wanted to argue, as I thought back on the previous couple of months with Cazz I realized she was right. He did always come back.

    Usually raging. But he always came.

    I stared at her, chewing my lip. You might be right.

    She only raised an eyebrow. What would I know? I'm only the oldest she-wolf in the pack, she grumbled.

    CHAPTER 125 Tempting Times

    ~ CASIMIR ~

    When Jesse faded from the link it was a relief.

    And a niggling anxiety.

    I could still feel her, knew her to be drawing closer to Maya's cave. But there was a fog between us now that wouldn't let me reach her with words. Or rather she couldn't reach me. The cold side of me could finally breathe.

    The warm half of my heart wanted to storm out into the tunnels and go after her, making certain that she could hear me when I got close enough. But I knew that was stupid. Of course she'd hear me again when she returned. I'd told her as much. Bonded mates didn't lose their connections unless… unless one of them breached the bond.

    And neither of us was going to do that.

    I swallowed quickly and considered that thought and the curious feeling it spawned in my chest. Something tingly and-


    I startled, realizing I was standing on the opposite side of the room, staring at the wall, and had completely tuned out from the discussion of the Council. I turned quickly to face them again and started speaking as if I'd been considering their words, not the state of my own bond.

    I don't like waiting for the time it will take to hear from our informants, I said quietly, darkly.

    But last night you said-

    And I still believe my mate was right, that we do not want to draw Police attention to our location. But while we wait we're losing valuable time. I don't want to wait until we're sure before we move against him.

    We've already got the caves guarded-and with good males. They won't let anyone close.

    I nodded, the Gammas had been in place and fulfilling their roles for days now. That wasn't what concerned me.

    The niggling fear that wouldn't leave me alone was knowing that Jesse's brother was out there, working on some kind of scheme-whether with or without the Police. And every hour that slipped by, he moved closer to whatever his target was.

    It was wise not to take him out before we knew who he worked with. But that didn't mean we had to twiddle our thumbs.

    I'd never made Khush clarify whether he knew of other leaders against me. I had assumed he was the strongest of my opponents, but that was an oversight. It was a mistake to assume anything. And I couldn't raise that mistake with the council, who still believed that he was our ally. At least, not openly.

    I caught Rake's eyes across the room. Do you still have contacts within the human church?

    Rake's brows popped up. Yes, of course.

    How long has it been since you've moved in their world?

    Rake shrugged, frowning. I visit every few months. But I'm not involved with their law enforcement-

    I want you to make a trip for me. Use your contacts. Call it a backup plan.

    The council murmured to each other, discussing the wisdom of the move, but Rake just stared at me.

    I'm supposed to be here to call the Selection in a few days, he said quietly.

    I flapped a hand, dismissing that notion. We'll postpone it. Half our males are rostered on patrol now with the humans so close. Nothing is more important for the safety of the pack than clearing this up. I'll tell them we're putting it off until we're sure of where we stand.

    The others nodded, agreeing, but Rake's frown deepened, and he reached for my mind.

    'Who will watch over Jesse while I'm gone?'

    A low, warning growl wanted to putter in my throat, but I swallowed it back and only glared at him.

    'I will," I sent sharply.

    'Cazz, it's been a very rough few weeks for her. I know she's talking with Maya now, but that's only a couple of hours a day. She won't do well if she's just left alone. She needs companionship more than just food and-'

    'I said, I will watch over her, Rake. She is my mate, I assure you that no one is better equipped to do it.'

    'And yet, I find myself picking up your pieces every few days,' he replied dryly.

    When I bared my teeth, he rolled his eyes.

    'Just make sure you actually spend time with her, Cazz. And if the humans move on like she said they would, take her aboveground. She needs to see the sun. She's not a creature of the night like us.'

    'I said, I'll care for her,' I snapped, my hands twitching to wring his neck and my hackles up at the idea of taking advice from another male about my mate, even if he was her appointed Watcher. That annoying little voice in the back of my head pointed out that he'd helped me draw her back from the edge more than once, but I huffed and pushed it away. It was the accusation in Rake's eyes that was niggling at me.

    He thought I wouldn't care for her? That I'd leave her too alone in his absence?

    I would show him.

    'In case our normal contacts have no way of getting us information about her brother, I need someone to take another angle at him-to tempt him with something he hasn't been offered before. Something that will make him more likely to reveal his own motives.'

    'And what is that?' Rake asked, surprised.

    'Me. Or rather, my riches. My resources. Find her brother-what did she say his name was? Ryan? Find him and tell him exactly who you are, your position with me. Your proximity to Jesse. Everything. Tell him the truth-that should be easy for you. But imply that you are there to offer it all up. To give him access to Jesse, or to me, or to our wealth-whatever he might need. You were the smart wolf who realized who he is. You're smart enough to have kept it quiet, but you're also the one who has the contacts to get him where he wants to be… for a small fee, or favor.'

    'You want me to pretend to set you up?'

    'I want you finding out exactly what that asshole is after. And offer it to him. So we know exactly when and how-and why-he's coming at us.'

    'You think he's going to listen to me just because I show up?'

    'You are a wolf-prove it if you have to. And you know Jesse. You can prove that to him as well. Find out what he wants, then position him to wait until you're able to deliver it. Bring me back the information, and then we know. We can remove him, or whoever he's working for.'

    'And if he refuses to even entertain the conversation with me?'

    'No one understands temptation better than you, Rake,' I said, needling him. 'Make him an offer he can't refuse.'

    You are the unsuspected mole, Rake. You're in the best position to do this. It's only an information gathering exercise. I trust you, I said out loud.

    Rake sighed, but the council around him were supporting the idea, and I felt calmer knowing that we weren't just sitting here on the defensive until we heard back from our human contacts.

    Are we agreed? I asked the room quietly.

    We were. Ghere noted it, I nodded at Rake, and Rake sighed again, but bowed, then stalked out of the room to go prepare for his trip.

    And I made a mental list of the things I had to do before I could go looking for Jesse…

    CHAPTER 126 Mysterious Girl

    ~ JESSE ~

    Maya and I finished earlier than usual, which just made me jittery because I knew Cazz wasn't going to be done with his meetings yet, and I was nervous about whether he'd retreat from me again. So I took the coward's way out and distracted myself.

    I called the younger three of the females Maya had introduced to me to, and this time I wasn't going to be distracted. I needed to choose one of them to present at the Selection.

    I reached for them through the mindlink, but struggled at first. I was

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