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The Keepinnit Reels 2: Acoustic Boogaloo
The Keepinnit Reels 2: Acoustic Boogaloo
The Keepinnit Reels 2: Acoustic Boogaloo
Ebook89 pages38 minutes

The Keepinnit Reels 2: Acoustic Boogaloo

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If you remember Superballs, Evel Knievel, MAD magazine and Wacky Packages, this is the book for you. The Keepinnit Reels 2: Acoustic Boogaloo is a companion collection of the author's popular Keepinnit Reels Facebook reels, inspired by his memories of growing up in the 70s and 80s. 

Release dateJul 22, 2024
The Keepinnit Reels 2: Acoustic Boogaloo

Michael Pollick

I was born in Akron, Ohio in 1964, but now call the Deep South home. My interest in creative writing started at a very early age, after several teachers entered my class assignments into regional and national writing competitions. I had my first professional publication credit at age 16. I mostly write poetry and microshort fiction, but have also started writing humor essays. Some of these essays were scheduled to appear on the labels of gourmet coffee cans from Portland, Oregon. Others appear in my print titles "Growing Up Bulldog: The Stowbilly Chronicles" and "All That To Say This".My work has appeared in numerous literary magazines and journals over the years, including The Iconoclast, Miller's Pond, Midwest Poetry Review, Whatever Remembers Us and Will Work For Peace (new political poems). I have also created a series of visualized poems based on the collection available here at Smashwords. They can be viewed at or at my YouTube channel.Here's my first professional review:"By John Davis For The Decatur Daily | 0 commentsALL THAT TO SAY THIS.By Michael Pollick.CreateSpace, $5.75, paperback.I found this collection of essays, vignettes and poetry captivating. Indeed, the essays and poetry are each uniquely valuable, for they reveal entirely different aspects of this gifted writer. I found this collection worthwhile, and here’s why.Michael Pollick, born and raised in Ohio, and now a Decatur resident, offers a treasure trove of humor. Most intriguing, however, we learn that he is not only genuinely funny, as his essays on school life (and coffee!) reveal, but he is also a mature, intense, thoughtful poet.You can tell when someone is funny when he can make you laugh, when reading by yourself, about places and people you never met. Pollick is a humorist in the vein of Mark Twain.He takes relatively benign events, such as his home town’s Fourth of July parade, his grade school’s bizarre teachers and his high school’s social engineering and make them so funny you want to tell someone. I suppose what I found most appealing was his Jay Leno style of using exaggerated “psycho babble” to explain school days manipulations by psychological experimentation.Pollick does as well as Bill Cosby, whose spelling class, scary kid stories, and Fat Albert reminiscences remain among our funniest memories. You’ll have to read the book to enjoy the tales of the little Spock-throttled third grade prisoners marching to the demands of their Skinner box school days.What’s more, you’ll find the coffee essays equally entertaining. Not only coffee, though, but rambling thoughts on Saturday morning cartoons, mattresses and broken thermos bottles will keep you reading one short vignette after another. You’ll find you don’t want the list to end. And might I add his list of defined coffee terms is an absolute hoot!And then you get to the poetry. You find a different man writing here. Here we find a sensitive, indeed, poignant poet. We read of nostalgia and of the sense of loss. I find links to the earlier humor in an unusual way. A writer who can draw us back to common experiences which make us laugh, can also do as well to make us cry. I read “Bringing the Wendy’s” and knew this poem would live long after we are all gone.Pollick’s books are available on and"

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    The Keepinnit Reels 2 - Michael Pollick

    When The Wiener Winked: Cafeteria Food Sponsored By Big Pharma

    School cafeteria food has become the low-hanging fruit Jello of the humor essay community, but it got there honestly. My elementary school handed out a lunch menu every Monday morning, so customers could decide whether to pack a lunch or cough up the 35 cents. Hamburgers and pizza automatically got a free pass, while dubious choices like beans and weenies or grilled cheese and tomato soup usually got a hard no from me.

    There was one item on the menu, however, that put the fear of Pepto Bismol in me. It sounded innocent enough on paper. A slice of white bread, barely toasted, a government-grade hotdog, and a thin slice of American cheese. Ladies and gentlemen of the culinary jury, I give you: The Wiener Wink. To this day, I have no idea where the name came from, but I suspect the wink was an inside joke at headquarters.

    Wiener winks were served without a single condiment. No ketchup, mustard, onions, or relish. I believe they also ran it through the flavor remover. If I couldn’t convince my mom to pack a Dutch loaf sandwich that day, I’d dutifully produce my 35 cents at the end of the line. It was my introduction to food so nice, you pay for it twice.

    Pumpkin Pie Etiquette: Cool Whip it, Cool Whip It Good!

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    The lack of understanding about pumpkin pie begins with the cooking instructions. This is not a pie you can stick in an oven for a few minutes to reheat, or simply thaw and serve. A frozen pumpkin pie goes in the oven at 325 degrees and stays there for about three days. Judgment calls must be made about the crust and the filling’s jigginess. Spice levels are also a consideration, from waving a can of pumpkin pie spice over the puree to emptying the contents of the spice rack.

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    Battle Of The Network Stars: My Money Was Always On Mr. Kotter.

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